stadtwerke München — Wikipedia


THE Stadtwerke München GmbH (SWM) are the municipal companies in the city of Munich. It is the biggest company of this type in Germany, it is also one of the largest companies in the energy supply sector in Germany. Since 2008, the development of renewable energies has been a central element of the corporate strategy [ 4 ] .

Electricity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Under the name of “M-Strom”, the SWMs offer different electricity rates and additional services for private and commercial customers, in Munich and in the region. Many offers are also available at the federal level. With more than 250,000 Ökostrom customers (ecological current), SWMs are part, according to their own indications, of the largest ecological electricity suppliers in Germany, in the market for private and commercial customers. Their park is made up of 12 hydroelectric power station, some renewable energy power plants, eight chaffing power plants and three cogeneration plants. In around 70% of cases, cogeneration systems make it possible to recover and reuse the heat produced during the electricity generation [ 2 ] . SWMs are also engaged in Andasol Central Solar Project [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] . They also have 25% of the ISAR 2 nuclear power plant.

Natural gas [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


SWMs provide gas to its customers, they are linked to the European gas supply network. There are different natural gas rates, some of which are available at the federal level. In Munich, the SWM operates ten natural gas service stations which deliver recovery biomethane.

Urban heating [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thanks to major investments, connection to the UNS Urban Heating Network has become possible in a growing number of neighborhoods in Munich. The heat produced by the power plants is recovered and transmitted through an 800 km network of hot water and steam pipes. By 2040, urban heating in Munich should be carried out 100 percent from renewable energies [ 7 ] .

Urban cooling [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Compared to conventional air conditioning facilities, urban cooling is environmentally friendly and energetically efficient – it saves approximately half of primary energy demand. Only the pumps operate on electricity. The water from the basement serves as a cold source which is then peddled in a network of cold water pipes to customers, after slightly heated soil water is then recycled in the network of water water [ 8 ] .

Water [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Munich drinking water comes from the plains of the Mangfall river, the River Loisach and the Schotterebene Münchner. The high quality of drinking water in Munich is due in particular to the supply area located in Bavarian pre -Alps as well as the sustainable forest management in this region [ 9 ] .

Pool [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The SWM operates 10 interior pools and 8 outside in Munich. Among the swimming pools, there are two mixed establishments (combination of indoor pool and discovery pool): the Westbad swimming pool, Weinbergerstraße in the west and the Michaelibad, Heinrich-Wieland-Straße swimming pool in the east. The Michaelibad swimming pool is the largest Munich the largest relaxation and leisure establishment.

Energy Consulting [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Another axis of the SWM energy strategy is energy efficiency. For this reason, SWMs provide in -depth advice on energy savings. In order to better use the energy saving potential, SWM have expanded their offer in consultation. In this offer is also the draft advice on low -income household energy savings, carried out jointly by SWMs and charity associations in Munich [ ten ] .

In 2008, SWMs launched a renewable energy development campaign [ 4 ] . By 2025, SWMs want to produce in their own installations an amount of green electricity corresponding to the consumption of the Munich set. That is to say about 7.5 billion kilowatt hours a year. The renewable energies concerned by the development campaign benefit from a budget of around nine billion euros. Currently, SWMs are associated in particular with Offshore Global Tech I offshore wind farms, Gwynt y Môr and Dantysk [ 11 ] . Other projects such as the Sandbank offshore wind farm [ twelfth ] are provided.

The Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft MBH (MVG), a subsidiary of SWMs, offers, with the metro, buses, trams and various other mobility services, ecological means of transport for travel in Munich.


With its subsidiary M-Netkommunikations GmbH, SWMs set up a network of optical fibers. In addition, M-Net invests in other regions of Bavaria in order to extend the wide strip optical network. Communication solutions are already accessible to more than 50 percent of Bavarian households as well as in the agglomeration of ULM, for private and commercial customers [ 13 ] .

The Stadtwerke München has been a limited liability company (GmbH) since 1998, that is to say that they have been organized in the form of a private law company, owned 100 percent by Munich, capital of Land. As a municipal company, SWMs ensure a mission of general interest. The SWM seat is located north of Munich, Emmy-Noether-Straße 2.

SWMs have expanded their field of basic activity thanks to participations.

Business management [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The president is the D r Florian Bieberbach. The other managers are Werner Albrecht (Staff and Social Affairs), Ingo Wortmann (Transports) and Helge-Andé Braun (technique). The chairman of the supervisory board is Dieter Reiter, mayor of Munich, capital of Land.

Production units in Munich and in the region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Munich and around the city, SWMs produce energy on 50 sites.

Thermal power plants and cogeneration power plants [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Westbad cogeneration center, in service since 1997
  • Freimann thermal power plant, in service since 1974
  • North thermal power plant, in service since 1964
  • Süd thermal power plant, in service since 1899 for electricity production, and since 1969 for urban heating
  • Gaisbergstraße thermal power plant, in service since 1974
  • Kathi-Kobus-Straße thermal power plant, in service since 1965
  • Koppstraße thermal power plant, in service since 1967
  • Perlach thermal power plant, in service since 1980
  • Theresienstraße thermal power plant, in service since 1963

Hydro-electric power plants [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Isarwerk 1 – This power plant along the water, located on the Isar canal, has been in service since 1908. Since 1993, the site has been classified.
  • Isarwerk 2 – This power plant on the water, located on the Isar canal, has been in service since 1923.
  • Isarwerk 3 – This power plant along the water, located on the Isar canal, has been in service since 1923.
  • Leitzachwerk 1 – This power station, located in the Mangfall valley, arrondissement of Rosenheim, has been in service since 1983.
  • Leitzachwerk 2 – This power station, located in the Mangfall valley, arrondissement of Rosenheim, has been in service since 1965.
  • Leitzachwerk 3 – This power station, located in the Mangfall valley, a district of Rosenheim, has been in service since 1983.
  • Maxwerk – This power plant along the water, located on the Auer Mühlbach is the oldest of this type managed by the SWM. It was built in 1895.
  • Praterkraftwerk – This invisible power plant is located on the bottom of the Isar in Munich, at the height of Praterinsel Island. The unit has been in service since 2010. It is one of the most modern small hydroelectric power plants in Europe.
  • Stadtbachstufe – This small hydroelectric power station has been in service since 2006.
  • Uppenbornwerk 1 – This unit, located near Moosburg, on the Isar average channel, has been in service since 1930.
  • Uppenbornwerk 2 – This unit, located near Moosburg, on the Isar average channel, has been in service since 1951.
  • Small hydroelectric power station in the SEMPT – The unit located in Wang has been in service since 2011.
  • Small Hammer hydroelectric power station – Unit, located south of Fischbachau has been in service since 1976.

Photovoltaic systems [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the city and in Moosburg, the SWM currently operates 19 photovoltaic installations. 16 of them were financed from recipes from the SWM M-Kostrom price. For Active M-Kostrom electricity, customers pay an additional cost compared to the normal M-Kostrom price. SWMs use the recipes for this supplement to make installations using renewable energies in the Munich region.

Miscellaneous: geothermal energy, wind, biogas [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • COGGENERATION CENTERIBLE IN BIOGAZ Michaelibad, in service since 2013
  • Riem geothermal system – This unit has been in service since 2004 and has heat the “Massstadt Riem” district.
  • Geothermal central from Sauerlach – This unit, in service since 2014, has produced heat and electricity.
  • Wind turbine from Fröttmaning, in service since 1999

In addition to these missions of general interest, the Stadtwerke München engage in favor of the quality of life in the capital of the Land of Bavaria.

SWM Foundation for Education [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , the SWMs created the Foundation for Education. This promotes measures and projects in preschool and school fields, as well as in the vocational training sector. On the occasion of its fifth anniversary, in 2013, the Foundation for Education SWM formulated two new priorities: its own scholarship program as well as the award of a prize. The scholarship program is intended for engineering, natural sciences, economics and computer science students from Munich and its region. This encouragement prize, with 10,000 euros, has been awarded since 2013 each year to reward a particular commitment to the training sector of children, adolescents and young adults disadvantaged [ 14 ] .

Project Stadtwerke [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Socially disadvantaged and / or difficulty young people are supported as part of the “Stadtwerke project” initiative, devoted to training. For more than 25 years, the Stadtwerke project, associated with the Municipal Youth Office, has offered five young people per year a commercial and technical training within SWM – in conjunction with support related to employment and social support and educational. Young people not only receive complete training, but also benefit from help in order to lead their lives independently [ 15 ] .

Promotion you sports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

SWMs encourage the Schwimmstartgemeinschaft Stadtwerke München (SG SWM) swimming club as well as the Leichtathletikgemeinschaft Stadtwerke München (LG SWM) athletathletikgemeinscha. The SG SWM brings together the Isarnixen Damen-Schwimm-Verein München (female swimming club), the Männer-Schwimm-Verein München (Male Club), the Free Wassersportverein München and the Schwimmverein München 1899. The Training- und Startgemeinscha Success in the fields of swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo and diving. The objective is to promote competition sport in these four disciplines as well as participation in national and international competitions.

  1. Information de press de Stadtwerke Munich » (consulted the )
  2. A B and C Company report 2021 » (consulted the )
  3. » , Sous Le NOM Stadtwerke München GmbH (consulted the )
  4. a et b Towards solar urban planning in Europe: The project “Polis” » (consulted the )
  5. Angèle Laporte, New solar power plant with concentration in Spain » , (consulted the )
  6. A solar thermal power station already sold in Spain » , on Greenunivers , (consulted the )
  7. Sophie Vorthe, Will Munich be world’s first ‘megacity’ to reach 100% renewables? » , (consulted the )
  8. Michael Tibudd, River -cooled office space » , (consulted the )
  9. Megane Bellée, Hélène Huteau, Protect water catchments with organic farming: FNAB testifies to its experience » , (consulted the )
  10. Christian Pfaffinger, This is how you save electricity in Munich: the tips and tricks » , (consulted the )
  11. Europe: a mega offshore wind farm by 2013 » , on Enerzine – Daily energy , (consulted the )
  12. Anne-Claire Poirier, Offshore wind: do French parks inspire investors? » , (consulted the )
  13. Ernst Lauterbach, Stadtwerke rely on the fiber optic network – cooperation between the municipal utilities with M -Net » , (consulted the )
  14. The Munich, SWM donates 50,000 euros for educational project “Keks” » , (consulted the )
  15. Spectrum – work profession social e. V., Stadtwerke project » (consulted the )

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