560s BC. AD-Wikipedia


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THE 560s BC. J.-C. cover the years of 569 BC. AD at 560 BC. J.-C.

  • Verse 530-550 of. J.-C. : Strike of silver coins to Égine, which are widely spread, from Thessaly to Crete and Sicily [ first ] .
  • Verse 570-560 off. J.-C. : first Greek coins from Sicily to Sélinonte and Himer [ 2 ] .
  • 570 of. J.-C. :
    • Phalaris, who arrived in Agrigenta at the head of a troop of workers to build a temple in Zeus, overthrows the oligarchy and became a tyrant of the city until 554 BC. J.-C. [ 3 ] ; It expands the territory of the city at the expense of its Sicanes neighbors. Notoriously cruel, he would have enlisted his victims in a brass bull to roast them alive [ 4 ] .
    • The Libyans (Berbers) call on the pharaoh against the Greek settlers of Cyrene. Fearing to hire Greek mercenaries, APRIÈS sends an Egyptian army commanded by Amasis, which is beaten in Isara, east of the Djebel Akhdar by King Battos II (r. 583-565 BC) J.-C.) [ 5 ] . Upon his return, Amasis, general of the armies of April organizes an xenophobic uprising against the pharaoh accused of supporting the Greek mercenaries and usurpe his throne, helped by many Egyptian Libyans [ 6 ] .
  • 570-565 of. J.-C. : war between Athens and Megara. Athens takes Salamis to the Megarians [ 7 ] .

Head attributed to the Pharaoh Amasis.
  • 568-526 off. J.-C. : reign of amasis, pharaoh of the XXVI It is Dynasty of the Low Egyptian era [ 8 ] . Amasis concentrates all the Greek and Phoenician trade in Naucratis; Egypt exports cereals, papyrus, alum, earthenware, carved ivory and worked bronzes. She receives wine, silver, olive oil and leathers [ 9 ] .
  • 566 of. J.-C. : Reorganization of the Panathenaees, festivals celebrated in Athens in honor of the goddess Athena [ 11 ] . They take place every four years and athletic competitions are introduced.
  • 565 of. J.-C. :
  • Verse 565 of. J.-C. : The Pharaoh Amasis takes hold of Cyprus which remains under Egyptian domination until around 545 BC. J.-C. [ 14 ] .
  • Verse 565-655 of. J.-C. : reign of the Arcésilas II of Cyrene King; He lost 7,000 men during the battle of Leukôn against the rebellious Libyans (unknown exact date and site) [ 5 ] .
  • 564 of. J.-C. : Milet colonizes friends on the south coast of the Black Sea [ 15 ] .
  • 562 of. J.-C. :
  • 561 of. J.-C. : first tyranny of Pisistrate in Athens who takes the acropolis with the help of the Dèmos and proclaims Tyran of Athens. The leaders of the aristocratic party leave the city. Solon abandons political life. Pisistrate was hunted the following year by the Coalition of Lycurgue (of) , chief of the pediees, and of megaclès, chief of the alcméonides, who establish an oligarchy [ 19 ] .
  • Around 561/560 : Athens colonizes the dear Thrace. Miltiade the former, member of the aristocratic party of the pediens hostile to the tyranny of Pisistrate, is encouraged by him to go into exile with his friends in dear Thrace where he exercises tyranny until 556 BC. J.-C. [ 20 ] .
  • 561-547 off. J.-C. : reign of Croesus, king of Lydie to death Alyatte II [ 8 ] . He seizes Anatolia. It is fabulously rich thanks to the gold sands of the chest. He submits the Greek cities of Ionia (v. 560 BC).
  1. Jean-Claude Pursat, Preclassical Greece: origins at the end of the 6th century , Points, 225  p. (ISBN  978-2-7578-4500-4 , Online presentation )
  2. Jacques Heurgon, Rome and the Western Mediterranean to Punic Wars , PUF, ( Online presentation )
  3. G. Great, History of Greece from the most remote times until the end of the contemporary generation of Alexander the Great , vol.  6, A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et Cie., ( Online presentation )
  4. (in) David Sacks, Oswyn Murray et Lisa R. Brody, Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World , Infobase Publishing, , 433 p. (ISBN  978-1-4381-1020-2 , Online presentation )
  5. a et b Pierre paints, Libya , Karthala, , 352 p. (ISBN  978-2-8111-4024-3 , Online presentation )
  6. Charles-André Julien, History of white Africa: origins to 1945 , Presses Universitaires de France, 144 p. (ISBN  978-2-13-077618-5 , Online presentation )
  7. Gustave Glotz et Robert Cohen, Greek story , vol. 1, Presses Universitaires de France, (ISBN  978-2-13-079108-9 , Online presentation )
  8. A B and C Georges Roux, Mesopotamia: Essay on political, economic and cultural history , Threshold, , 473 p. (ISBN  978-2-02-008632-5 , Online presentation )
  9. Violaine SEBILLOTTE CUCHET, One hundred Greek history sheets: (8th century BC) , Rosny-sous-Bois, Bréal editions, , 318 p. (ISBN  978-2-7495-0634-0 , BNF  41085176, Online presentation )
  10. Practical school of high studies: Historical and philological sciences , Droz bookstore, (ISBN  978-2-600-05333-4 , Online presentation )
  11. Alain Fouchard, Aristocracy and democracy: ideologies and societies in ancient Greece , Univ presses. Franche-Comté, , 526 p. (ISBN  978-2-251-60656-9 , Online presentation )
  12. Véronique Krings, Carthage and the Greeks c. 580-480 BC. AD: Texts and History , BRILL, , 427 p. (ISBN  978-90-04-10881-3 , Online presentation )
  13. Odile the Bruyn, The competence of the areopage in matters of public trials: from the origins of the Athenian polis to the Roman conquest of Greece (around 700-146 BC)) , Franz Steiner Verlag, , 226 p. (ISBN  978-3-515-06654-9 , Online presentation )
  14. Jean Leclant and Gisèle Clerc, Bibliographic inventory of ISIACA: E-K , vol.  2, Brill Archive, , first p. (ISBN  978-90-04-03981-0 , Online presentation )
  15. Françoise Ruzé, The ancient Greek world , Hachette Technical Education, , 352 p. (ISBN  978-2-01-181834-8 , Online presentation )
  16. 2 Rois 25,27-30
  17. Jean-Pol Samain, From Sumerians to Jesus , Society of writers, , 430 p. (ISBN  978-2-7483-6089-9 , Online presentation )
  18. Pierre Drapeaud, China: simplified chronology. From origins to 1949 , Paris, L’Harmattan, (ISBN  978-2-343-11450-7 , BNF  45388086, Online presentation )
  19. Claude Mossé, History of a democracy: Athens: origins in the Macedonian conquest , Points, 160  p. (ISBN  978-2-7578-4562-2 , Online presentation )
  20. Jean-Claude Pursat, on. citi , p. 125 .
