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Cai hesen (Chinese: Cai Hesen  ; pinyin : install hésēn , 1895 – 1931), signing Bluff Universal ) or Zé Yīng Zezheng ), nicknamed Héxiān ( Harmony ), is a Chinese politician, friend and companion in arms of Mao Zedong with whom he founded in 1917 the “Association of Studies for the Renewal of the People” [ first ] . He died in 1931, shot by Kuomintang after his arrest.

Cai Hesen and Mao Zedong found themselves in 1914 in the same class of a normal school in Changsha in Hunan. In June 1918, Cai Hesen left Changsha to join Beijing. Mao joins him in . The , Cai Hesen is part of a group of 100 young Chinese people who go to study in France with the help of the work-study movement [ 2 ] . Mao prefers to stay in China [ 3 ] . Other Chinese leaders such as Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yi, Li Lisan, Li Fuchun, Zhao Shiyan, Li Weihan took advantage of these studies abroad. Until 1927, 4,000 young Chinese people came to study and work in France [ 4 ] . As with several hundred Chinese on the whole of the period from 1913 to 1925, he housed in a dormitory of the Gambetta college in Montargis (which became the town hall in 1988).

Cai Hesen frequently corresponds with his friend Mao and sends him enthusiastic letters describing their daily lives. Cai notably notes that ” Life in France is not so different from life in China And is relatively inexpensive. The Franco-Chinese company was able to buy a “splendid” building in central Paris. He also describes the working conditions “generally quite good”. Citing the example of certain friends, he shows that one can easily settle in France by opening a restaurant or a craft shop, and enjoined those who remained to find them.

But it is above all politics that Cai Hesen, brilliant theorist, and Mao Zedong, who admires their wisdom. From 6 to , in the Durzy hotel garden in Montargis, he publicly presents his political theories on the future of China and his relationship outside marriage with his friend Xiang Jingyu. A month later, the , or four months before the Congress of Tours which divides the French left, Cai writes from Montargis a new letter to Mao. He offers him the creation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCC) [ 5 ] , which he sees as a democratic party, in order to constitute what he thinks is “the avant-garde and the command of the revolution”. THE first is December, Mao sends him his agreement.


Back in China in 1921, he was one of the 3 It is , 4 It is , 5 It is and 6 It is Political offices of the Chinese Communist Party (first leader of the Communist Government). He became editor -in -chief of the party weekly, Xiangdao Zhoubao.

His wife Xiang Jingyu who, in the Communist Party, militated for an education of women in order to transform society, was executed in 1928 by the Kuomintang. He himself was arrested in 1931 by English police in Hong Kong, then delivered to the Kuomintang authorities who shoot him [ 6 ] .

  1. Gipoulon Catherine. Document I : From Montargis to Beijing, in search of a plan for the Revolution: a letter from Cai Hesen to Mao Zedong (August 13, 1920) . In: Far East, Far West . 1983, n ° 2, the revolutionary idea and China: the question of the model. pp. 139-142. DOI: 10.3406/OROC.1983.890. Accessed March 13, 2010
  2. Letter from Cai Hesen to Mao Zedong (August 13, 1920) . In: Far East, Far West. 1983, n ° 2, the revolutionary idea and China: the question of the model. pp. 143-149. Accessed March 13, 2010
  3. Mao Zedong and France .
    Article of the People’s Daily, © Beijing, 2001.
  4. “Chinese” weekend in Montargis . The world you May 26, 2005
  5. Register guyotat, ” “Chinese” weekend in Montargis », The world , , p. 27 ( read online ) .
  6. Richard Physician , A century of communism in China (and what the population has the right to remember) » , on ,
