Church of the Sacred Heart of Cholet-Wikipedia


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L’ Church of the Sacred Heart of Cholet is a church located in Cholet in Maine-et-Loire.

The church is located in the French department of Maine-et-Loire, on the territory of the town of Cholet [ first ] , boulevard guy chasheau [ 2 ] .

This Romano-Byzantine style church [ 3 ] , strongly inspired by Christian symbolism [ 4 ] , was built between 1937 and 1941 according to the plans of the architect Maurice Laurentin [ 5 ] (1885-1959) [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] . The first stone is laid the . Louis Cesbron, then vicar of the Notre-Dame parish, invested in the “land-yellow” district. Among the great benefactors are called Doctor Sourice [ 3 ] . The abbot appeals to additional funding in an article in the Public interest of . His own commitment as a client [ 8 ] And the quests do the rest [ 9 ] . Parishioners also engage in construction of construction such as Julie Boidron, a modest house employee who has raised money from houses and cafes. The huge funds raised made it possible to finance the canopy, called “stained glass of good” [ ten ] .
The to the completion of the works M gr Jean Camille Coste, bishop of Angers blesses the church.

The first parish priest is Father Louis Cesbron [ 11 ] , parish priest of At .

The building was classified as historic monuments in 1991 [ twelfth ] .


In 2012, the arrow of the weakened building was the subject of a renovation which restores its luster of yesteryear. Other catering works, undertaken in 2016, restore their brightness to the stained glass windows of the monument [ 13 ] .

The Church of the Sacred Heart of Cholet has the distinction of being built with reinforced concrete dressed with local materials (mounted and assembled before pouring, having allowed the saving of provisional wooden formwork): brick, shale Orange called Pineau Pierre, pink granite from Saint-Macaire-en-Mauges and Blue Granite from Vezins. Part of the cement used is said to have been mysteriously diverted from the stocks provided for the construction of the Atlantic Wall [ 8 ] .

Through her basilical plan and her dome, she recalls the Romano-byzantine buildings. She was able to see the light of day thanks to the donations of many Choletaise families.

Several artists participated in the exterior and interior decoration of the building: Charles Maillard Parisian artist, for the modeling of sculptures, Fernand Dupré as a Choletian practitioner [ 14 ] , Charles Mauméjean for mosaics and stained glass windows [ 15 ] and Henri Genévrier – Known under the pseudonym of Great [ 16 ] – Artist folded in Cholet during the occupation. He performs the decorations and murals of the baptistery of the central door as well as the panels near the confessional [ 17 ] . Regarding the masterful work of the large interior fresco, Élie Chamard specifies that the theme had been fixed by Father Cesbron, future parish priest of this new parish: “When I have been raised from the ground, I will attract everything to me!” »» [ 18 ] .

We can notice a particular sculpture: the altar of Saint-Joseph, all in wood and in the form of a workbench, in reference to the profession of carpenter of the Father of Jesus. On this same altar, the candles are also made of wood, just like candlesticks, in the form of plans [ 19 ] .

Charles Maillard, Parisian sculptor born in Cholet.

Originally, the church had a chime of 39 bells made by the Paccard d’Annecy house: symbolically 3 on the fly over 3 times 12. It is installed in 1940 under the dome whose openwork windows allow ringtures ‘Be heard from afar. He is blessed the about M gr Coste, in the presence of the 39 sponsors and 39 godmothers and put into office for the first time the , on the occasion of Pentecost.
Father Cesbron offers Jacques Vilain to become the first carillonneur in post but after a certain time, the parishioners of the Jaaune district come to complain to the abbot Cesbron of the noise generated by the music of the chime in Full Sunday afternoon nap [ 20 ] . The chime remains silent and deteriorates until 2011, the date of its renovation [ 15 ] .

Since , the Sacred Heart church has a restored chime which has 10 additional bells melted by the Dutch Campanist Royal Eijsbouts. He now ranks at 16 It is Row on 113 French Carillons , with 49 bells . This chime has been classified as a historic monument since September 2003 [ 21 ] Like the church.

In summer, Cholet’s Sacred Heart can be visited. Volunteers take turns to make you discover the secrets of the building and its chime [ 22 ] .

  • Louis Cesbron, from 1942 to 1955;
  • Léon Quinton, from 1955 to 1971;
  • Étienne Pantais from 1971 to 1977.
  1. Culture churches – » , on (consulted the )
  2. Classic IGN card »On Geoportail.
  3. a et b Henri Boré 1991, p. 93.
  4. Christian Méas, These deceased who made the story of Cholet » , on , West France , (consulted the )
  5. Augustin Jeanneau 1974, p. 167.
  6. Maurice Laurentin (1885-1959) » , on Data.BNF.FR (consulted the )
  7. Maurice Laurentin » , on (consulted the )
  8. a et b Cholet: The cement of the Atlantic Wall diverted to the church » , on , (consulted the )
  9. Glass of good » , on (consulted the )
  10. Sophie Delafontaine, ” The stained glass window of “good” to the Sacred Heart is renovated in Cholet », West France , ( read online , consulted the )
  11. Louis Marie Auguste Cesbron » , on (consulted the )
  12. Sacred Heart Church » , notice n O PA00109417, Mérimée Base, French Ministry of Culture
  13. Vincent Danet, Cholet. The stained glass windows of the Sacred Heart Church find all their brilliance » , on , West France , (consulted the )
  14. Fernand Jules Dupré » , on (consulted the )
  15. a et b Adrien de voluntat, Cholet: the amazing church of the Sacred Heart » , West France , (consulted the )
  16. Gévigrereror, Henri, Henri (Hirch (1885) » , on (consulted the )
  17. Mickael Leclerc, Cholet. When the Parisian artist Grand’Aigle took refuge in Cholet » , on , Western mail , (consulted the )
  18. Élie Chamard 1970, p. 309.
  19. Charles Dubré-Béduneau, Cholet. » , on , Western mail , (consulted the )
  20. Jacques Marie Edmond Vilain » , on (consulted the )
  21. Vendée and Chouans: The Carillon of the Sacred Heart of Cholet soon restored » , on , (consulted the )
  22. Vigil stone, Cholet. They show you the Sacred Heart » , on , West France , (consulted the )

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Henri Boré, The Mauges bell towers tell a long past of faith, courage and loyalty , Maulévrier, André-Hubert Hérault, , 214 p. (BNF  35502694 , Salt B06X6HS9HC ) . Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • Élie Chamard, 20 centuries of Cholet History , Cholet, Farré et fils, 1970, 1981 reissue, 347 p. (BNF  34666319 ) . Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • André Hubert Hérault, Maulévrier in wars: Choletaise anecdote , Maulévrier, Hérault editions, , 238 p. (ISBN  978-2-7407-0332-8 , BNF  45171434 ) , p. 214-215 . Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • Augustin Jeanneau, Cholet and the Choletais after the heyday , Cholet, Les Éditions du Choletais, , 250 p. , Legal deposit: IV-1974 . Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • Maurice Laurentin, ” Society of Sciences Letters and Fine Arts of Cholet: the Church of the Sacred Heart of Cholet », SLA , Cholet, Imprimerie R.Freulon, 1938-1939-1941, p. 28-11-10 . Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article

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