Abbaye de Planselve – Wikipedia


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Panel to Gimont indicating the missing abbey wall.

L’ Planselve Abbey is a former Cistercian monastery, in activity from 1143 to 1789, now located in the town of Gimont, in Gers (France). The Abbey Foundation is at the origin of the creation and development of Gimont which is a country house.

The abbey of Notre-Dame de Gimont, of the order of Cîteaux is a daughter of the Abbey of Berdoues. It was founded the year 1142 by Géraud du Brouilh, his wife Garents and their children who gave a hundred concates of land in a plain called “Planassylva”, on the banks of the Gimone, about two kilometers in the southwest of the city of Gimont. In the years following the Foundation, donations or sales have multiplied and the abbey created new exploitation centers that the monks called “barns” and which were like branches of the parent company, for the temporal uniquely.

As early as 1151, the monks of Gimont built the Franqueville barn which extends over the land of Solomiac, Estramiac, Tournecoupe, Pessoulens, Marignac, Faubaas and Sarrant. In 1155, they founded the barn of Saint-Soulan on the side of Saramon extending its territory to Samatan, Lombez, Montadet and Sauveterre. In 1158, they built two barns, that of Laus south-east of Gimont and that of the Hour whose land spread between Gimont and Mauvezin to the long of the Arratz. Finally donations in 1160 and 1162 then 1164 made it possible to constitute the barn of Aiguebelle on the side of Fonsorbes, Saint-Lys, Bonrepaus and Seysses. The monks did not have all the land but they had numerous possessions which allowed them to receive the tithe on the churches, the hunting, fishing and wood exploitation rights. Over the centuries, the monks have further enlarged their possessions.

Ruined in the Revolution, there is only one brick surrounding wall of a kilometer and a half long, with a monumental front door ( XIV It is century [ 3 ] ), the Convers building ( XII It is century) and two dovecaries. It was located on the Toulouse route ( Via Tolosana ) from the Chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostela, and welcomed pilgrims.


The rare buildings that have survived today belong to the private domain and cannot be visited.

Currently, the cartulary of the Abbey of Gimont which takes over all the charters of 1142 (whose foundation act) until 1233 is deposited in the Departmental Archives of Gers in Auch.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Father Adrien Clergeac, Cartulary of Gimont Abbey , Also, coll. “Historical Archives of Gascogne”, 1905, xvi It is year, 502 p.
  • Jacques Dubourg, Midi-Pyrénées Abbeys , Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, Alan Sutton editions, (ISBN  978-2-8138-0020-6 ) , p. 85-88
  • Martine Lacaze, ” The barns of the Cistercian Abbey of Gimont (Middle XII It is -environment XIII It is century) », Annales du Midi , t. 105, n O 202, , p. 165-182 ( read online )
  • A. Lamothe, The abbey of Planselve according to the archives of Gimont (1556-1790) , p. 62-73, 112-122, 212-221 , Revue de Gascogne, 1934, volume XXIX ( read online )
  • A. Lamothe, The abbey of Planselve according to the archives of Gimont , p. 21-30, 130-139, 170-175 , Revue de Gascogne, 1935, volume xxx ( read online )
  • A. Lamothe, The abbey of Planselve according to the archives of Gimont , p. 25-36, 83-87, 134-141 , Revue de Gascogne, 1936, volume XXXI ( read online )
  • A. Lamothe, The abbey of Planselve according to the archives of Gimont , p. 59-80, 179-185 , Revue de Gascogne, 1937, volume XXXII ( read online )
  • A. Lamothe, The abbey of Planselve according to the archives of Gimont , p. 32-43, 77-91, 125-139 , Revue de Gascogne, 1938, volume xxxiii ( read online )

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  1. (the) Leopold Janauschek , Origin Cistercians, in which the Congregations of the Congregation of the Chronologico-Genealogicis, Old Abbatiarum A monks Habitatarum Bounds to the most ancient sources described , t. I, Vienne, , 491 p. ( read online ) , p. 78 & 79 .
  2. Gimont » , on , Cistercian order (consulted the ) .
  3. Marcel Aubert and Geneviève Aliette de Rohan-Chabot, Marquise de Maillé, Cistercian architecture in France , Editions of art and history, 1943, vol. 2, p. 144
