Aboubakr Belkaid — Wikipedia


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Aboubakr Belkaid , sometimes spelled Abou Bekr Belkaid , (in Arabic : Abu Bakr Belkaid ), is an Algerian politician born the in Tlemcen in Algeria. He held several ministerial posts between 1965 and 1992, he was assassinated the Square Port Said in Algiers.

On his grave, in the cemetery of El Alia in Algiers, these words are inscribed: “The battles we lose are those that we do not engage” .

Algerian war [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He campaigned at the age of 15 and joined the MTLD in 1949 [ first ] . He joined the FLN when it was created in 1954 where he exercised various responsibilities. He is notably a member of the secretariat of the General Association of Algerian Workers (AGTA) [ 2 ] and member of the FLN Federation of France [ 3 ] . He is a worker at the Régie Renault where he will be delegated to the works council. He became coordinator of the lawyer for lawyers responsible for defending prisoners and internees. Arrested in France in 1961, he was detained in Fresnes prison until , date on which he is released in application of the Evian agreements of the .

Post-independence [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Not agreeing with the conditions under which he took power, he took part in the first opposition to the emerging regime. It is one of the founding members [ 4 ] From the first opposition party created in May 1962 and held a position in the secretariat of this party under the leadership of Mohamed Boudiaf, the Party of the Socialist Revolution (PRS). Posting the arrest of the leaders of the PRS decided by the power of the time, he plunges again into hiding and continues the action of opposition, in the name of the PRS, until the creation of the Hocine FFS Aït Ahmed. Arrested at the end of 1963, he was released after the agreement between part of the FFS management and power.


Political journey [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After being released from prison in 1963, decided to devote himself to “state” activism. This orientation led him to successively occupy several positions of responsibility in various ministries and government departments.

In 1963, Aboubakr Belkaid became head of the rural administration, presidency of the Council, before being appointed project manager at the Ministry of Social Affairs in 1964.

Between 1965 and 1967, he held the position of director of technical and educational services for vocational training at the Ministry of Labor, then was director of the National Institute of Vocational Training at the same ministry from 1967 to 1971.

In 1971, Aboubakr Belkaid was appointed head of the psychotechnical department of the Expansial Society, Ministry of Industry, before becoming director responsible for teaching and culture to the Presidency of the Republic from 1973 to 1977.

He then held the post of secretary general of the Ministry of Housing, Town Planning and Construction from 1977 to 1984, then that of Vice-Minister responsible for construction from 1984 to 1986.

In 1986, Aboubakr Belkaid became Minister of Labor and Vocational Training, before taking the reins of the Ministry of Higher Education in 1987, then of the Ministry of the Interior and the Environment in 1988.

He also held the posts of Minister responsible for relations with Parliament and associations from 1991 to 1992, and Minister of Communication and Culture from 1992 to 1993 [ 5 ] .

Assassinat [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Aboubakr Belkaid is murdered in the dark decade, the [ 6 ] At Square Port Saïd [ 7 ] , the terrorist attack is committed by elements activating at the level of the Basse-Casbah under the orders of Hocine Flicha [ 8 ] , his real name Khelifi Athmane.

Assassination reasons [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Creation , History: Tlemcen: The qualities of the Moudjahid Aboubekr Belkaid underlined » , on http://www.dknews-dz.com/ (consulted the )
  2. Amar Mohand-Amer the Belkacem Benzenine , The Maghreb and the independence of Algeria , Karthala Editions, (ISBN  978-2-8111-0756-7 , read online )
  3. Laure Pitti , “Belkaïd Aboubeker” , In The maitron , Maitron/Editions de l’Atelier, ( read online )
  4. Amar Benbelaïd , It was Boudiaf: historical test , Society of Writers, (ISBN  978-2-7480-3634-3 , read online )
  5. Ministers of communication » , on Ministry of Communication
  6. (in) In July Will turn , Silence Is Death: The Life and Work of Tahar Djaout , U of Nebraska Press, (ISBN  978-0-8032-0595-6 , read online )
  7. Aboubakr Belkaïd murdered in Algiers | Humanity » , on www.humanite.fr , (consulted the )
  8. Eighteen years after his disappearance » , on Djazairess (consulted the )

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External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
