Achille de Rochambeau – Wikipedia


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Eugène Achille Lacroix de Vimeur de Rochambeau , born in Beaucaire (Gard) the and died in Thoré-la-Rochette (Loir-et-Cher) the , is a French historian and archaeologist.

Son of Alexandre Lacroix, lawyer, primary education inspector, and grandson of Élie Lacroix, merchant in Montpellier [ first ] . It is adopted the , adoption confirmed and regularized And of the same year, by the last Marquis de Rochambeau, the last descendant of the family of Vimeur de Rochambeau [ first ] . He married Marie Isabelle Dutey-Harispe.

Mayor of Thoré-la-Rochette and general councilor of the canton of Vendôme, he received in 1895 a prize from the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres.

He is a member of the upper committee of the Universal Exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia, president of class and admission, installation and jury of the awards at the 1878 Universal Exhibition in Paris and member of the jury of the Historical exhibition of ancient art of 1878, as well as delegate of the National Lottery Commission, correspondent of the Ministry of Public Instruction for Historical Works and Delegate of Primary Instruction.

President of the Archaeological Society of Vendômois (1874, 1876-1878, 1885-1887, 1891-1893), he was president of the National Vendômois Committee and member of the Antiquaires de France.


Her son, Guy Lacroix de Vimeur de Rochambeau, lieutenant-colonel of infantry, marries Marie-Thérèse Cottin, the daughter of Paul Cottin.

He is buried in Thoré-la-Rochette.

  • Topographic, historical and statistical monograph of Thoré (Loir-et-Cher) … (1856)
  • Memory on well -shaped burials, from the most remote times to the present day (1864)
  • Study on the origins of Gaul applied to the Loir Valley in the Vendômois. Celtic dwellings (1864)
  • New information on the house of Ronsard in Paris (1866)
  • Report on the discovery of a Gallo-Roman construction in the hamlet of La Troluille, commune of Thoré (Loir-&-Cher) (1866)
  • Topographic, historical and artistic monograph of Thoré (1866)
  • Archaeological excursions in the Vendômois. The Château de la Poissonnière (1867)
  • Some unpublished verses by P. de Ronsard (1867)
  • Second memory on well -shaped burials (1867)
  • Fragment of Girbert de Metz’s gesture song (1867)
  • The Ronsard family: genealogical, historical and literary research on Pierre de Ronsard and his family (1868)
  • The dolmen of Vaugouffard, or Pierre Brau … (1869)
  • Two unpublished seals of XVI It is century (1870)
  • Archaeological excursions in De Vendomois: Lavardin – Montoire – La Poissonnére (1873)
  • The Archaeological Congress of 1872. XXXIX It is Session, held in Vendôme (1873)
  • Travel to the Holy Larme of Vendôme. Historical and critical study on this ancient pilgrimage (1874)
  • Priory of Courtozé & its murals of the XII It is century (1874)
  • Charles IX in Vendôme (1875)
  • International Exhibition of Philadelphia in 1876. French section. Report on furniture and objects of general use in constructions and apartments (1877)
  • Letters from Antoine de Bourbon, and Jehanne d’Albret (1877, 2010)
  • Antoine de Bourbon, II It is Duke of Vendôme & King of Navarre, & Jehanne d’Albret (1879)
  • Renée de Vandomois, La Recluse (1881)
  • Biography Vendomoise: History in alphabetical order of public & private life of all the remarkable characters born in the Vendomois & of all those who have reported themselves by their services & their work, decorated with portraits and facsimile (1884)
  • Yorktown. Centenary of independence from the United States of America. … (1886, 2012)
  • The Vendômois printers & their works (1514 – 1881) (1888)
  • Montoire and its surroundings (1889)
  • Historical mixtures on the Vendômois. Adonis Levasseur and Ravaillac (1891)
  • A Franc-Merovingian cemetery at La Colombe (Loir-et-Cher) (1891)
  • The Vendôme regiment (1891)
  • Excavations of Place Saint-Martin in Vendôme (1891)
  • Report on excavations in Artins in 1891 (1892)
  • Ancient regulations on the culture of the vine (1893)
  • Le Vendômois: epigraphy and iconography (1899-1894)
  • Bibliography of the works of La Fontaine (1911, 1970)
  • Morée and its surroundings (1988)
  • Savigny-sur-Braye and its surroundings (1989)
  • Galerie des Men Illustrious du Vendomois (2010)
  • Historical sketches of the end of XVIII It is century: extracted from unpublished documents (2012)
  • Notes and documents to serve in the history of Vendôme & Valveomois
  • Alfred Mézières, Letters, Sciences, Arts: Universal Encyclopedia of XX It is century , volume 10 (1908)
  • Daniel Switzerland, The traditional identity of the Vendômois. From local learning work to recognize a country in old France (end XVIII It is XX It is century) , preface by Daniel Roche, Vendôme, Éditions du Cherche-Lune, 2008, 263 p.
  • Jean-Jacques Boucher, History of Loir-et-Cher through its general council, from 1790 to the present day (1984)
  • Robert B. Slocum, Biographical Dictionaries and Related Works: Universal biography ; National or area biography (1986)
