Adelite — Wikipedia


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Adelit [ first ]
Category VIII  : phosphates, arséniates, vanadates [ 2 ]
Classe de Strunz
Chemical formula Hascamgo 5 Ca Mg (AsO 4 ) (OH)
Mass form [ 3 ] 220.31 ± 0.006 One
H 0,46 %, As 34,01 %, Ca 18,19 %, Mg 11,03 %, O 36,31 %,
Color Colorless, gray, bluish gray, yellow, yellowish gray, pale green, pink
Crystalline class and space group devhenoidic;
P 2 first 2 first 2 first
Crystalline system orthorhombique
Bravais network Primitive p
Break conchoidal, irregular
Habitus elongated, massive, tabular
Mohs scale 5.00
Trait blanc
Glow coniferous
Optical properties
Refractive index a=1.712,
Briefing biaxial (+) ; 0,0190
Dispersion 2 in With ~ 68 ° to 90 °
Fluorescence ultraviolet none
Transparency Transparent
Density 3.73
Solubility In diluted acids
Physical properties
Magnetism none
Radioactivity none

SI & CNTP units, unless otherwise indicated.

Adelite is a mineral species made up of calcium and magnesium arsenate of formula CA MG (ASO 4 ) (OH) . Les cristaux sont de petite taille et n’excèdent pas 5 mm[4].

History of the description and names [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inventor and etymology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Described by the Swedish mineralogist Sjogren in 1891 [ 5 ] . Of the Greek “adnaldz” = obscure, in allusion to its lack of transparency [ 6 ] .

Topotype [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Synonymy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Varieties and mixtures [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Vanadian Adelite: Adelite rich in Vanadium of ideal formula: Camg ([AS, V] o 4 ) (Oh), found in Germany.

Cristallochimie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • She forms a series with GOTTLOBITE (it) .
  • Adelite serves as a leader for a group of isostructural minerals formed of Arsenate or Vanadate [ 9 ] .
Groupe de l’Aldélite – Decloizite
  • Conventional mesh parameters: a = 7,525 To , b = 8.85 To , c = 5.85 To , Z = 4; V = 389.59 To 3
  • Calculated density = 3.76

Associated gitology and minerals [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the metamorphism of the Fer-Manganese veins (Sweden)
In the Willite-Franklinite veins in the metamorphism of the zinc veins (Franklin, New Jersey, United States)
Associated minerals
Sarkinite, Arsenoclasite, Braunite, Hedyphane, Fredrikssonite (Langban, Sude)
Hausmannite, magnetite, copper (Kittel mine, Sweden)
Hodgkinsonite, barite, allactite, rhodochrosite, franklinite, willmite; Chlorophoenicite (Franklin, New Jersey, United States)
Alleghanyite, kraisslite, sphalerite, rhodochrosite, willmite, franklinite; Johnbaumite-Svabite, Zincite, Barytine, Calcite (Sterling Hill, New Jersey, United States).

Producer deposits of remarkable specimens [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Happiness, Gottlob-Hügel, Friedrichroda, Thuringian Forest, Thuringia Pour La Vanadian Adelite [ ten ] .
Franklin Mine, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, county of Sussex, New Jersey [ 11 ]
My de Nordmark a Langban, Filipstad, Hotland Suède [ twelfth ] .

On other Wikimedia projects:

  1. JCPDS International Center for Diffraction Data,24-208
  2. The classification of the minerals chosen is that of Strunz, with the exception of the polymorphs of the silica, which are classified among the silicates.
  3. Molar mass calculated after Atomic weights of the elements 2007 » , on .
  4. The Handbook of Mineralogy Volume V, 2003 Mineralogical Society of America by Kenneth W. Bladh, Richard A. Bideaux, Elizabeth Anthony-Morton and Barbara G. Nichols
  5. Sjögren (1891) The Geological Society in Stockholm, Negotiations, 13, 781.
  6. Miner Database von Jacques Lapaire – Minerals and etymology
  7. Mineralogy manual, volume 2 by Alfred des Cloizeaux p 5291893
  8. Dictionary of mineralogy, geology, and metallurgy by Henri Landrin p.5 1852
  9. Strunz, H. (1939): Minerals of the Descloicit Group. Konichalcit, Staszizit, Austinit, Duftit, Aräoxen, Volborthit, Pyrobelonite. Journal of crystallography, mineralogy and petrography , Leipzig (A) 101, 496-506.
  10. The minerals of the found area on the Gottlob. Find pit 1/1990, 7 -11.
  11. Dunn, P.J.: Contributions to the mineralogy of Franklin and Sterling Hill, NJ: Min. Rec.:10:160-165 (1979); Dunn(1995):Pt5:655.
  12. (in) Charles Palaache , Harry Berman et Clifford Frondel , The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana, Yale University 1837–1892 , vol.  II : Halides, Nitrates, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates, Phosphates, Arsenates, Tungstates, Molybdates,  etc. , New York (NY), John Wiley & Sons, , 7 It is ed. , 1124 p. , p. 806 ; Mineralogical Magazine (1998) 62 (3), 395-407
