Adolfo Rebez – Wikipedia


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Adolfo Rebez (Trieste, March 20, 1917 – Amorgos, 4 July 1941) was an Italian soldier and aviator, decorated with gold medal for military valor in memory during the Second World War.

He was born in Trieste on March 20, 1913. [first] After attending elementary schools in his hometown he moved with his family to Zara completing the cycle of secondary studies here. [2] In September 1935 he volunteered in the Aeronautical Royal as a pilot official student, obtaining the qualification of military driver on Foligno airport and the degree of latest complement to the 12th terrestrial bombing. [2] In February 1937 he left to fight in the Spanish war, assigned to legionary aviation, where he was decorated with a silver medal and two bronze to military valor. [2] Returning to Italy in October 1938, with the actual permanent passage for war merits, it was promoted to lieutenant and assigned to the 41st terrestrial bombing group equipped with the Savoy-Marchetti S.79 Sparviero. [2] After the entry into the war of the Kingdom of Italy, which took place on June 10, 1940, he was immediately engaged in combat, and on July 15 he was decorated with a third bronze medal for military valor. Promoted Captain in January 1941, he was appointed commander of the 205th Squadron stationed Arodi, in the Aegean. [2] He fell into combat on the sky of Amorgos (Cicladi), on July 4, 1941, and to honor his courage, the granting of the gold medal to military valor in memory was decreed. [first]

Medaglia d'oro al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Gold medal for military valor
A very young commander of Squadriglia, four times decorated with military valor, already promoted thanks to the war, volunteer in the Spanish War, just twenty years old faced with incomparable ardor and value the hardest ducks and the most bitter fighting in the current conflict confirmed his high qualities military and professional, participating in numerous and asperrime war actions, bombing the enemy fleet and the oil area of ​​Haifa by facing and overcoming exceptional difficulties, due to adverse weather conditions and very long navigation through vast expanses of sea and desert areas, brought to the Bahrein islands , the offense of the Italian wing. During a bold flight on the Mediterranean, accepting an Empari struggle, hit to death, made the Holocaust of his flourishing youth on the Ara of the homeland. Luminous expression of faith and warrior value of our new generations, a symbol of the highest virtues of the aviators of Italy. Sky of Amorgos (Cicladi), 11 June 1940 – 4 July 1941 . [3] »
– Royal Decree of 8 August 1942. [4]
Medaglia d'argento al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Silver medal for military valor
Volunteer on a war mission for the affirmation of the fascist ideals, during 6 months of the countryside he gave clear evidence of his warrior value, fighting with momentum and enthusiasm. In the numerous actions of the battle of Brunete, in which he participated as a 1st driver of fast bombing device, in order to fulfill the mission, he exceeded the violent reaction to contract by neglecting the serious danger constituted by the presence of the opposing hunt, and confirmed his high virtues as a fighter Airing, the high spiritual elevation and the indefectible faith for the embraced cause. Sky of Spain, May-August 1937 . »
Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Bronze medal for military valor
Volunteer on a war mission for the affirmation of the fascist ideals, he participated in numerous war actions as a crew of the bombing device, always behaving as a valiant. In a flight accident, while reporting serious injuries, he gave wonderful evidence of firmness of mind and high feeling of his duty. Sky of Spain, February-May 1937 . »
Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Bronze medal for military valor
Pilot officer already repeatedly distinguished, he participated as a crew of the fast bombing device, in numerous other war actions, still proof of indisputable value and contempt for the danger. Sky of Spain, January-September 1938 »
Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Bronze medal for military valor
Head of bombing aircraft pilot, he performed with exceptional results, offensive actions on the edge of autonomy, overcoming serious difficulties, against very important and well defended fuel deposits. Mediterranean sky, July 15, 1940 . »

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Sources [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Ruggero Bonomi, Long live death. Dell ‘”Aviation of the Third” , Rome, Air Force Editorial Office, 1941.
  • ( IN ) Chris Dunning, Combat Units of the Regia Aeronautica. Italia Air Force 1940-1943 , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988, ISBN 1-871187-01-X.
  • The departments of the Italian Air Force , Rome, Air Force Historical Office, 1977.
  • ( IN ) Marco Mattioli, Savoy-Marchetti S.79 Sparviero Bomber Units , Botley, Osprey Publishing Company, 2018.
  • Franco Pagliano, Italian aviators: 1940-1945 , Milan, Ugo Mursia Editore, 2004, ISBN 88-425-3237-1.
  • Historical Office of the Air Force, Texts of the reasons for granting gold medals to military valor , Rome, General Staff of Air Force, 1969.
  • Fabio Bianchi and Antonio Marazziti, Italian aerosiluents 1940-1945. The departments, the machines, the companies , in Military history dossier , n. 14, Parma, Ermanno Albertelli Editore, June 2014.
