Ain plain industrial park – Wikipedia


The Ain Plaine Industrial Park is an area of ​​economic activity (or industrial park) dedicated to industrial companies located in the southwest of the French department of Ain, in the natural region of the Plaine de l’Ain.


Built from 1975 in an area hitherto rural and agricultural, and developed parallel to the neighboring Bugey nuclear power plant, it took off in the 1990s until constituting one of the main employment centers in the department of Ain, favored by the proximity of the Lyon metropolis and communication axes and major correspondence platform such as the A42 motorway, the South-East LGV and Lyon-Saint-Exupéry airport.

In 2022, the park included nearly 200 companies, for 8,200 jobs [ first ] , [ 2 ] . It is managed by a mixed union made up of several communities and public establishments.

Localisation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The activity area that extends over more than 300 ha [ 3 ] is located in the territory of several municipalities in Ain, mainly Saint-Vulbas, Sainte-Julie and Blyes, and in a marginal manner, Chazey-sur-Ain. The town of Lagnieu also borders the grip of the park. The average park altitude is 210 m .

The park is in the southwest part of the Ain department, in the natural region to which the Ain gives the name of Plaine de l’Ain. The industrial zone is very close to the Rhône river, which as close as possible is only around 800 meters to the east, in the Saint-Vulbas sector, and which marks the limit with the neighboring department of Isère .

The park is around 35 km northeast of Lyon, and 40 km south of Bourg-en-Bresse. It is positioned in the center of a diamond whose points are formed of the three small cities of Lagnieu (6 km to the northeast), Meximieux (8 km to the northwest), Pont-de-Chéruy (11 km to the southwest) and Montalieu-Vercieu (10 km At the South-East).


The main road axis is the D124? which crosses the grip of the park from west to east, leading on one side to Saint-Jean-de-Niost, Meximieux and the A42, towards Lyon, and on the other, to the D20 (Lagnieu-Pont axis -De-Chéruy) which she meets in Saint-Vulbas. Other road axes serve the park: the D62A de Blyes in Lagnieu, the D84 from the Park to Saint-Maurice-de-Gourdans and the D77 from Saint-Vulbas to Leyment by Sainte-Julie.

Context [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The park site is already occupied during the ages of bronze and iron, as evidenced by excavations made in Saint-Vulbas [ 4 ] . Two aviation grounds were also used in the sector, from the 1910s in Loyettes, and during the Second World War in Lagnieu [ a 1 ] .

In the 1960s and 1970s, the plain was characterized by agriculture based on breeding and cultivation of cereals. The land, alluvial and misty, are deemed particularly ungrateful because they are stony [ a 2 ] .

Genesis [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Bugey nuclear power plant under construction.

View of the power station (left) and the industrial park (right).

The creation of the business park is part of the construction context of the Bugey nuclear power plant, the first UNGG type reactor, is built from 1965. This site generates significant population growth in the municipalities of the sector [ a 3 ] . To supervise the development of the Lyon agglomeration, and in reaction to the disaster of the Feyzin refinery, the organization of development study of the metropolitan area (OREAM) plans to create a new city of 300 000 inhabitants between Meximieux and Leyment, and an industrial area in Loyettes, intended, among other things, to remove industrial activities in Lyon [ 5 ] . A highway project following a north-south axis is also envisaged. The project was adopted in 1971, but the installation of the refinery, although supported by local elected officials [ 6 ] , and the foundation of the city-new are never carried out.

Until then almost nonexistent, the toponym “Plaine de l’Ain” was imagined in 1972 to designate the coveted territory [ a 4 ] . First appointed deferred development zone then divided into concerted development zones, the territory benefits from the involvement of Guy de la Verpillière, mayor of Lagnieu and parliamentary, who agrees several councilors of the sector and allows the trip of the project to Its initial site, at the level of the Ain-Rhône confluence, towards the north, between Blyes and Saint-Vulbas [ a 5 ] . From February 1973, the development of the project was under the aegis of an inter -municipal district of 31 municipalities and a mixed developer union, including communities from Ain, Rhône and Isère, and in particular Supported by the mayor of Lyon Francisque Collomb, from Bugey [ a 6 ] . The negotiations between the defense group of owners and operators of the Plaine de l’Ain on the one hand, and the Department of Department and the Department of the Equipment of the Department, lead to the sale of little fertile agricultural land [ a 7 ] .

Questioned during the fortieth anniversary of the project in 2016, the deputy Charles de la Verpillière, son of Guy de La Verpillière, recalls that one of the motivations presiding over the creation of the park resided in the anticipation of the closure of the nuclear center of the nuclear center of Bugey and the creation of “substitution jobs” [ 7 ] .

Launch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Delayed, the site started at the end of 1975. A new route, the D124, including a new bridge crossing the Ain Cours Deviated in Blyes, was created in 1977 between Saint-Vulbas and the A42 motorway, including the Lyon-Chazey section However, in 1983 only opens [ a 8 ] ; Consequently, the D124 led for several years in the open field [ a 9 ] . A railway branch is created from Leyment, from the Lyon line in Geneva, to the Bugey power station, via the grip of the industrial zone. From 1975, plantations were made to give the area the appearance of a “park”, and create green cuts compared to the villages.

The beginnings of the activity zone, marked by the two oil shocks, are difficult: several companies plan to settle there before choosing other locations elsewhere in France [ 8 ] . Chaired by Guy de la Verpillière, the mixed union validated at the beginning of 1975 the installation of a first company, the European company of refractory products, a subsidiary of Saint-Gobain which has already exploited the glassware of Lagnieu since the 1920s, but this project is aborting at the last moment. It is ultimately an incineration company of industrial products, Plafora, which constitutes the first active site of the Plaine de l’Ain; The unit is inaugurated by Anne-Aymone Giscard d’Estaing the , not without creating tensions linked to the pile up of barrels and the pollution of the water table which is quickly noted [ a 10 ] . Plafora is sold to the Trédi group soon after, and the factory was modernized in the 1980s. The park was promoted by the Agency for the Economic Development of the Lyon region (Aderly).

In 1987, there were 24 companies, including several nuclear subcontractors and logistical companies, such as Gefco, and heavy industry did not develop; The taxes deducted from the operation of the Bugey nuclear power plant, however [ 9 ] .

“Within [of the General Council], some elected officials again wonder about this ghost vessel of the regional industry, powered by nuclear and sailing according to the changing currents of the economy. »»

The world , May 7, 1987.

At the same time, in a context of environmental awareness, the development of the nuclear power plant and the installation of Plafora/Trédi arouse the mobilization of environmental activists [ a 11 ] . A “vigilance committee of the plain of Ain” was founded in 1986; He obtained the recalibration of the pierdi enlargement project.

Development [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The commissioning of Totalgaz sites in 1983 and to raise (Sun and CIF brands) in 1984, and the opening of the A42 generated the satisfaction of the authorities [ a 12 ] . The mixed union also negotiates the free of the motorway portion for users between Balan and Meximieux, in the name of accessibility to the industrial park [ a 13 ] . In 1988, the mixed union fully resulted in the management of the area, after the concession granted until then to the equipment company of the Ain Department. The same year, a new Saint-Gobain project failed, for the benefit of an establishment in Salaise-sur-Sanne, supported by the Minister and former CEO of the company Roger Fauroux [ a 14 ] .

In the 1990s, the park authorities presented the proximity of Switzerland as an asset for the development of the activity area [ ten ] , [ a 15 ] . In 1995, the Ain plain district became an intercommunal union with a multiple vocation, before taking the form of a community of communes in 2002, called a community of communes of the Plaine de l’Ain. The development of the park continued in the 1990s, especially around logistics professions, favored by the proximity of the new Satolas TGV station. At the request of several companies, training in BTS mechanisms and industrial automatisms opens at the Lycée de la Plaine de l’Ain d’Ambérieu-en-Bugey [ a 16 ] .

In 2001, the explosion of the AZF factory in Toulouse revived the debates concerning the too large proximity between the chemical companies in the south of the Lyon agglomeration and the residential districts: the newspaper The world evokes the possibility of moving certain factories in the plain of Ain [ 11 ] .

In 2022, two bus lines were set up at the initiative of the community of communes, connecting Ambérieu respectively via Lagnieu and Meximieux to the park [ twelfth ] .

Governance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The governance of the mixed union includes the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the community of communes of the Plaine de l’Ain, the Department of Ain and the Metropolis of Lyon [ 2 ] . Its director from 2022 is Émilie Brot-Viounnikoff [ 13 ] . Jean Chabry (2008-2015), Charles de la Verpillière (2015-2017) [ 14 ] and Jean-Louis Guyader (since 2017) are the successive presidents [ 15 ] .

Companies installed [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Among the 188 companies installed, seven have workforce greater than 200 people: Veepee (642), Plastic Omnium (442), Carrefour (383), K-Line (347), Orano dismantling and services (256), astr’in transport & Logistics (300), GXO Logistics (219) [ first ] .

  • C. Demaizière, M.-C. Meillerand, S. Lacour, Plain desires. History of the Ain Plaine Industrial Park , 2004.
Other references
  1. a et b Business directory » , on (consulted the ) .
  2. a et b Pascal Ducros, How the PIPA industrial park intends to build its future » , on , (consulted the ) .
  3. Some key figures » , on Official website of the Ain plain (consulted the ) .
  4. Plaine de l’Ain industrial park, Lot 9 in Saint-Vulbas (Ain) » , on Inrap , (consulted the ) .
  5. Jacques de Bullin, A regional metropolis with three faces: Lyon-Saint-Étienne-Grenoble » , on The world , (consulted the ) .
  6. In the Ain several mayors are favorable to the installation of the refinery in the industrial zone of Loyettes. » , on The world , (consulted the ) .
  7. Report from France 3 Rhône-Alpes, .
  8. Dominique Mégard, The setbacks of the plain of the Ain Jourisures of Jobs » , on The world , (consulted the ) .
  9. Ghost vessel of the regional economy » , on The world , (consulted the ) .
  10. Jacques-André Marie, The Ain Plaine Activity Park is focusing on Switzerland » , on The echoes , (consulted the ) .
  11. So. L., Can we “turn the page” of risk factories located in the heart of cities? » , on The world , (consulted the ) .
  12. Lucas Lallemand, Plaine de l’Ain – Two bus lines will serve Pipa on Monday! » , on Ain’s voice , (consulted the ) .
  13. [Press release] Ain: Émilie Brot, the new director of the mixed union of the Plaine de l’Ain industrial park » , on The New Factory , (consulted the ) .
  14. Charles de la Verpillière, new president of the PIPA mixed union » , on , (consulted the ) .
  15. F.L.S., Plaine de l’Ain: Jean-Louis Guyader at the head of the industrial park » , on Progress , (consulted the ) .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Corinne Demaizière, Marie-Clotilde Meillearrand and Sophie Lacour, Plaine desires: History of the Ain Plaine Industrial Park , Lyon, volumes of stories, (ISBN  9782951971714 ) Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article.

Related article [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
