Alain Roussel – Wikipedia


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Alain Roussel , born in Boulogne-sur-Mer the , is a French writer and poet.

He became interested in esotericism very early in all his aspects, reading Olivet Fabre jumble, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Swedenborg, Eliphas Lévi, Denys l’Areopagite, Fulcanelli, René Guénon and Les Grands Oriental texts (Tch’an Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, Taoism). He discovered poetry, in verse and in prose, around the age of seventeen, becoming over time an insatiable reader of Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Lautréamont, Breton, Artaud, Daumal, Leiris, Michaux, Paz, Duprey , de Chazal, Pessoa, Juarroz, Munier, Bonnefoy.

This author is part of a double approach. On the one hand, he writes tight poetic proses, bordering on silence, trying to say in a few words the presence, the absence, the expectation, prowling around the unnashing, of the inexpressible (these books are Published by Letters Vives and at Cadex editions) [ first ] , [ 2 ] . On the other hand, he writes stories where he can give free rein to his imagination, to his humor, to his insolence, without losing the quest for meaning which is essential to all his approach. Witness his collection of news May darkness be! , a kind of tribute to Nodier, Nerval, Gautier, Hoffmann or Meyrink.

In addition, in 2008 he published an essay on words, from the phonetic cabal and a very personal interpretation of the form of letters, The privacy of words [ 3 ] , reissued in an increased version under the title The secret life of words and things In 2019.

  1. “Among the poets revealed in recent years and who, without expressly claiming surrealism, have with him little relationships, would they be challenged […] it seemed to me [that Alain Roussel] was very dependent on the This conviction of the surrealists that poetry can and must “change life”, even if that is what it doubts. », José Pierre, The surrealist universe , Somogy, 1983, p.
  2. “After many years of writing, close passion with language, wonder in its breast, it happens, as in any other love, that the effervescence is crumbling. The emotion is transformed, the distance is created. Intense fusion succeeds the critical distance which makes it strange to its own words and to oneself ”, Nelly Carnet about Person’s voice , In The literary and poetic monthly N ° 343, September 2006
  3. About The privacy of words , Jean-Claude Lebrun writes ( Humanity , July 3, 2008): “This book […] can be read as a free peregrination, commanded only by the principles of pleasure and astonishment. But always from an intimate, completely learned knowledge, language and its history. The linguist’s knowledge combines in this case with the freedom of the poet. »»
  • The poem after the sinking , P.-J. Oswald, 1977
  • Retropoehs , Inactuality of the storm, 1978
  • Aluminum adventures , Inactuality of the storm, 1979
  • The text impossible , Inactuality of the storm, 1980
  • The time of a train , P. Vandrepote, 1983
  • The letter to the little black man , Plasma, 1984
  • Rite for dawn , Tournefeuille, 1989; Rééd. Letters Vives, 1998
  • Anonymous legend , Letters Vives, 1990
  • There will always be headlight guards , Poiein, 1992
  • Identity fragments , Letters Vives, 1995
  • The ordinary, metaphysics , Cadex, 1996
  • The door handle , Cadex, 1999
  • Indian sleeping pill , Wigwam, 1999
  • No comment (with Christian Hibon), La Clef d’Argent, 2000
  • The eye of the double , Letters Vives, 2001
  • They , Cadex, 2003
  • Person’s voice , Letters Vives, 2006
  • Aliena’s story , Letters Vives, 2007
  • The privacy of words , The difference, 2008
  • May darkness be! , La Clef d’Argent, 2010
  • The Guardian of Travel , Conviction pieces, 2010
  • Equinoxian path , Apogeée editions , 2012
  • Small manual of good manners in a single lesson , Le Cadran Ligné, 2012
  • So I go by the maze of days , Editions Les Place-said, 2013
  • The monkey’s labyrinth , Apogeée editions , 2014
  • The Boudoir of the Language , illustrations by Georges-Henri Morin, Pierre Mainard, 2015
  • A suspicion of presence , The line , 2015
  • The Book of Obvious , with inks by Georges-Henri Morin, Éditions des Deux Corps, 2016
  • LA PHRASE ERRANTE , REALGAR Editions , 2017
  • The secret life of words and things , Maurice Nadeau, 2019
  • With Christian Hibon, No comment , Pierre Mainard editions, 2021
