Albert Gelin — Wikipedia


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Albert Gelin (sometimes spelled “gélin”) is a French sulpician priest, renowned exegete, born to ample and deceased on In Lyon [ first ] .

After the small seminar of Oullins then the diocesan seminar, priestly ordination for the diocese of Lyon the . Doctoral thesis in theology at the Faculty of Theology of Lyon in 1928: Jeremiah, his means of persuasion and their results . It was then that he enters the Sulpicians. License of biblical exegesis at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in 1931. Teaching on his return from Rome in 1932 to the Diocesan seminar in Lyon. He added a professor’s activity to the Faculty of Theology of Lyon from 1937, with the exception of two years under the flags during the war. His doctoral thesis and translations reveal a specialist in the Old Testament, and more particularly of the prophets. While carrying out his scientific work rigorously, he remains anxious to make the link between his work and contemporary life. “With him – it has often been said – the exegete liked to be a pedagogue, and he managed in the happiest way, the scientist became a spiritual guide, and the students who listened to the professor discovered a man ardently turned towards God and friendship always offered [ 2 ] … »

“This priest embodied the paradox of all true Christian life, in which God and man cohabited. A scientist, he was a high class researcher, known to America. A demanding professor, he did not admit academic amateurism. And yet never a man was simpler and more welcoming (…) on the day of Saint Albert 1958, some former defrocked workers priests came to wish for a happy birthday to the one whose heart was large enough to welcome them, even if he does not did not approve them. (…) We came out of his course on the psalms with the desire to enter a church to pray with the psalmist. The sense of the supernatural gave him very great independence. In the midst of general mismanagement he never might confuse the truth with the order. He showed by his life that the truth is not always on the side of the handle, whether in civic life or in the Church of God. (…) He showed that the imitation of Christ is not a copy but a communion. »»

– Journal and opinion sheet of Valais of January 13, 1962, p.21.


As an extension of his teaching to priests and seminarians, he was the successor appreciated by Joseph Chain at the Biblical Chronicle of the Review Clergy friend .

Unfortunately seriously ill, he still retouchs the text of a session on his bed Man according to the Bible that he had given the brothers of the Christian schools to make it the book of the same title. He died the .

His teaching on the “poor Yahweh” has deeply marked – among others -:

He is recognized as a master by:

However, his confidence in the historical-critical exegesis, the recommendations he receives for his participation as a translator in the Bible in Jerusalem, perhaps pushes him to misseen the importance of readings attested by traditions, even the oldest. It sometimes translates until disadvantaged these readings in the eyes of certain criticisms, and not the least. This is how Paul Claudel vigorously challenged for example his translation of ZCH 13,6 who, literally translated, a resonance of Christological prophecy [ 6 ] .

Some crumbs from his teaching [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On other Wikimedia projects:

What Fr. Albert Gelin called God’s business card: ” The Lord, the Lord, God of mercy and grace, slow to anger and full of love and fidelity (Exodus
34.6) [ 7 ]

“Man realizes himself, is accomplished, finds his truth by taking up the challenge of dialogue with God. By becoming, according to the pretty word of Albert Gelin, “a tutorial of God” [ 8 ] . »

“The study of a theme is not exactly that of a word … It is certain that the prophets have sometimes largely exploited (a theme) without always advancing the very word to which we would gladly see them hanging their comments [ 9 ] »

as an author [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Books [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The master ideas of the Old Testament Coll. ” Lectio Divina ” n O 2, Cerf, 1949. This book knew six reissues (the last is 1959).
  • Old testament problems , coll. “Roundabouts” n O 3, Emmanuel Vitte, Lyon, 1952.
  • Jeremiah , coll. “Witnesses of God”, n O  13, Cerf, 1952.
  • Yahweh’s poor , coll. “Witnesses of God”, n O 14, Cerf, 1953. This book experienced at least three re -editions.
  • Jeremiah , coll. “Biblical figures”, n O 3, The work of leaflets, Brussels, 1956.
  • The soul of Israel in the book , coll. “I know I believe” n O  65, Fayard, 1958.
  • Man according to the Bible , coll. «It was alive» n O 75, Cerf, 1959, 1968².de L’ÉPI, 1961.
  • Prayer prayer , Éditions de l’Eto, 1961.
  • Bible men and women , Horizons of catechesis, Paris, 1962.
  • The poor that God loves , coll. «It was alive» n O  41, Cerf, 1967.

Contributions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Incomplete list

  • “The transition from polygamy to monogamy” in Podechard mixtures , Faculty of Theology of Lyon, Lyon, 1945, p.135-146.
  • “The universalist idea in the Bible” in the review Teaching teams , 2 It is trim. 1949-1950, p.12-17.
  • “How the people of Israel read the Old Testament” in The Old Testament and Christians , coll. ” Met “, n O  36, Cerf, 1951.
  • Biographical presentation of Joseph Chaine, at the start of his posthumous book The Book of Genesis Coll. ” Lectio Divina ” n O  3, Cerf, 1951.
  • “Jerusalem in the purpose of God”, the Spiritual life , (n°369 ? &) n O 372, , p.353-366.
  • “The four readings of PS 22”, in the review Bible and Christian life , n O 1, Abbey of Maredsous, 1953, p. 31-39 .
  • “The expectation of God in the Old Testament”, Light and Life n O 9, 1953, 9-22.
  • “Yahweh and Yahweh Days”, Light and Life n O 11, 1953, 39-52.
  • Contribution to Psyche and human soul , Collection “Convergences”, SPES, 1953.
  • Avant for Emmanuel Podchard, The Psalter. II, Psalms 76-100 and 110 / Literal translation, historical explanation and critical notes , coll. “Library of the Catholic Faculty of Theology of Lyon” n O  6, Lyon, 1954.
  • with Gilles Gourbillon and Joseph Pierron, co -author of Before the new exodus … , coll. “Gospel” n O 20, Catholic League of the Gospel, Paris 1955.
  • “Community aspects and personnel of salvation and sin according to writing” in Common life , coll. “Today’s problems” n O  7, Cerf, 1956.
  • “Fidelity of God, fidelity to God according to at the”, in the review Bible and Christian life n°15 ,1956.
  • “The priesthood of Christ according to the epistle to the Hebrews” in: Studies on the sacrament of order Coll. “Law of prayer» n O 22, Liturgical Pastoral Center, Cerf, 1957.
  • “The holiness of man according to the at”, in the review Bible and Christian life n°19 ,1957.
  • “The biblical origins of the idea of ​​martyrdom” in The Redeemer , coll. “Light and life” n O  36, Lyon, 1958.
  • “Posterior prophetic books” III It is Part of the important Introduction to the Bible under the dir. by A. Robert and A. Feuillet, Desclée et Cie, 1957-1959, volume 1, p. 465-582 .
  • “Hope in the Old Testament” in Hope , coll. “Light and life” n O  41, Lyon, 1959.
  • ” The vocation. Biblical study ”, in the journal The friend of the clergy , 1959, p.167-164.
  • “Happy the poor” and “the Messiah of God” in: Big biblical themes , Éditions du Feu Nouveau, 1959.
  • “The question of biblical” rereading “within a living tradition”, in J. Coppens, A. Descamps, E. Massaux (dir.), Community page, Miscellanea Biblical Congress international Catholic Biblica. Vol.1, Coll. “Bibliotheca ephemeridum theological Lovaniensium” n ° 12, coédition of Lecoffre, Gabalda and Duculot, 1959; p. 203-215 .
  • “The priesthood in the old alliance”, in Priestly tradition, studies on the priesthood , coll. “Library of the Catholic Faculty of Theology of Lyon” n O 7, Le Puy, 1959, p. 27-60 .
  • Contribution to: Sin theology , “Theology library”. Series II, c. VII, Desclée, 1960.
  • “Medicine in the Bible” (1957); “Messianism”; “Millennarism” (1957); “Hosea” (1960) in the Dictionary of the Bible Supplement , Letouzey & Ané, Paris.
  • Contribution to: (in) Led albert; Small J.; Benoit Pierre; Boismard mariel-ugly (Claude); Mollt donatien; Wheaton Anthony, Son and Saviour : The divinity of Jesus Christ in the Sciptures , Londres Cassell Publishers Ltd : Geoffrey Chapman, 1960.

a translator [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For the Holy Bible of L. Pirot-A.Clamer:

  • Josué (1949)
  • Apocalypse (1938)

For the Bible of Jerusalem (“The Holy Bible, translated into French under the direction of the Biblical School of Jerusalem”):

  • Aggée, Zacharie, Malachie (in a single flight), 1948, 1951².
  • Books of Esdras and Nehemiah (in a single flight.)
  • Jeremiah; Lamentations; Baruch’s book (in a single flight), 1951
  1. Genealogical statement on Geneanet
  2. Anonymous warning at the head of A. Gelin, Man according to the Bible , coll. «It was alive» n O 75, éd. With 1968, p. 7 .
  3. Gustavo Gutierrez .
  4. Maurice Combe On the site of the Diocese Museum of Lyon.
  5. IT and Bible, Maredsous .
  6. Edit the Bible at the French biblical and archaeological school in Jerusalem p.10. This point is not noted in the critical review of theft. Aggreaved, Zacharie, Malachie by Father Jean Daniélou in the Review Studies 259 (1948) p.407-408. While he underlines, after having highlighted the qualities of the current translation of the Bible of Jerusalem , some of its limits (annotations do not give way to “the study of religious vocabulary and the main biblical categories” on the one hand and to the “rapprochement between the two wills” on the other hand), it exempts them Father Gelin.
  7. Jean Tribut “Christian de Chergé, a theology of hope” in Bulletin semi -annual of the crossroads of the church in rural mars 2010 n O 33 .
  8. Bruno Chenu, “In the service of truth – dialogue, conversion, communion” to Bayard editions .
  9. “Fidelity of God, fidelity to God according to at the”, in the review Bible and Christian life n°15 ,1956, p.38.
  • To meet God. Albert Gelin memorial , coll. “Library of the Catholic Faculty of Theology of Lyon” n O 8, X. Mappus, Le Puy, 1961
  • Lyon diocese museum
  • “Gelin, Albert” in Gérard Reynal (dir.) Dictionary of theologians and Christian theology , Bayard Éditions / Centurion, Paris, 1998, p. 180-181 . (ISBN  222735528X )
  • Biographical notice in François Laplanche, The crisis of origin – the science of gospels and history in the XX It is century , Albin Michel, 2006, p. 623-624 .
