Aleksotas — Wikipedia


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Aleksotas (in Polish : Aleksota ) is one of the eleven Seniūnijos constituting the municipality of Kaunas-Ville. It is on the left bank of the Niemen.

The territory occupied by the Seniunija d’Aleksotas has developed a lot because of its proximity to Kaunas, long before its integration into the city.
But relations with the city were affected for a fairly long period by the border layout during the third sharing of Poland.
It separated, from 1795, the territories of the left bank of the Niemen, attributed to Prussia, from those of the right bank with Kaunas (then officially called Kowno ), attributed to the Russian Empire. From Prussia, Aleksotas successively passes to the Duchy of Warsaw, then to the Kingdom of Congress, but still retains the same border with the Russian Empire. It was only until the disappearance of the Kingdom of Congress in 1868, that its territory joined Kowno (Kaunas, today) in the Russian Empire. But even after the meeting of the two territories in Russia, Aleksotas retains particularities. It was attached to the Mariampol district and even retains the use of the Napoleon code and the Gregorian calendar until independence in 1918.
A joke said that the Aleksotas bridge in Kaunas/Kowno was the longest in the world and then it took twelve days to cross it. Indeed, by changing shore, we changed calendar.
Aleksotas was integrated into the city of Kaunas in 1931.

The place is cited for the first time in 1408 when Vytautas grants the city of Kaunas a right on the surrounding forests.
It is believed that on the heights of Aleksotas was a place of pagan worship, whose sacred fire was kept by the legendary Milda, daughter of Duke Daugirutis.
At XVII It is A century, the Aleksotas bridge already allowed to serve a few homes.
Aleksotas is like a suburb of Kaunas/Kowno on a plan of 1791.
In 1831, on the occasion of the insurrection of November 1830, rebels pulled the cannon on Kowno from the hills of Aleksotas.
During the 1863 insurgency, rebel forces gathered in Aleksotas, with the intention of freeing commander Antanas Mackevičius, imprisoned in Kowno, but the attack is not done.

Aleksotas owes its name to a shipyard belonging to Germans established in the locality at XVI It is century.

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Freda is one of the localities of the Seniūnija of Aleksotas.

Freda is formed from Freda-Haut, located on the hills, and Freda-Bas, located on the bank and the left slopes of the Niémen valley.
The locality owes its name to the Italian architect Giovanni Battista Frediani who is the author of the Plans of the Monastery of Pažaislis. It is in thanks for the construction of this monastery that in 1673, the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Christophe Sigismond Pacas grants him the land which will gradually take his name.

In 1795, the third sharing of Poland separated Freda from Kaunas. Freda is attached to Prussia, Kaunas to Russia, niemen making the border.
The lands are bought by Joseph Godlewski who develops the estate to centralize the administration of his land.

From 1882, a system of fortifications was built around Kaunas. The manor is occupied by a military authority, and the park is damaged by barracks. During the First World War, many buildings were damaged or destroyed. The manor becomes an orphanage, then a small horticulture school. In 1923, a botanical garden was furnished there. It gradually becomes the most important in Lithuania. Today it is up to the University of Kaunas.

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