Alessandro Romani (military) – Wikipedia


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Alessandro Romani (Rome, 18 July 1974 – Farah, 17 September 2010) was an Italian soldier, an incursor captain in the 9th assault regiment “with Moschin”.

He began his military career in January 1995 when he was admitted to the 158th course official students of complement to the military school of infantry and cavalry of Cesano (Rome). Frame among the aspiring paratroopers, after five months of the course he is assigned to the “Folgore” paratrooper brigade. He obtained the military patent in Pisa in September 1995 and subsequently the first appointment service begins in Livorno at the 187th Regiment, the Tarquinia Battalion. At the “Vannucci” barracks, the young second lieutenant from Roman remains three years. Effective at the V Compagnia Pipistrelli, Alessandro matures experience and professionalism by participating in various international missions (Bosnia, Albania).

Distinctive of the Task Force 45 in Afghanistan operations

After the leave, Romani takes little time to return to the army by landing as a pupil Marshal at the School of the Viterbo non -commissioned officers in 1998, having won the competition for the 1st course [first] . From the beginning, asked to enter the special forces and with the degree of Marshal, in March 2001, was sent to the 186th “Folgore” Paratrooper Regiment of Siena and framed in the 13th “Condor” parachutist company of the V Battalion “El Alamein” waiting of the course 80b (Currently Corso O.B.O.S. , acronym of Basic operator special operations ).

It remains in Siena for about 10 months before landing on the 9th “parachuticist” with Moschin “assault regiment where, in 2003, he obtained the qualification of Paratrooper incursor .

Take part in several missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. He became latest in 2006 by participating and winning the annual competition for RS officers. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in 2008 for the seniority of service.

Element of the Task Force 45, unit made up of Italian special forces located in Afghanistan, on September 17, 2010, together with the operational detachment of which it is part, is helped in the Bakwah area, the province of Herat, to capture the Afghan terrorists identified by an UAV Predator as they place a bomb under the bridge of a road.

Wounded at one shoulder in the firing clash, he dies a few hours after the hospital Role 2 by Farah for cardiovascular arrest due to the injuries sustained. It is promoted to the degree of captain to honor his memory.


It is the thirtieth Italian victim in Afghanistan since the beginning of the mission in 2004.

In 2019 the remains were moved to the “Dial of Medals” of the Verano cemetery, in Rome. [2]

Rome, Villa Torlonia: olive tree of the hills of Jerusalem planted in memory of Captain Romani

On 29 July 2011 by decree of the President of the Republic, he was awarded the Gold medal at the value of the army in memory , with the following motivation:

Medaglia d'oro al valore dell'Esercito (alla memoria) - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Gold medal at the value of the army (in memory)
Authority and military rescuer, with his unity, intervened, in an attempt to capture insurgents intent on positioning an explosive device on the edge of a road. By demonstrating the absence of courage and the sum, during the action, he scientically exposed his life to manifest risk to contrast the hostile reaction. Seriously injured, in the last moments of life he preceded the duty to his own safety, taking care of the successful outcome of the mission and the health conditions of his men. Gorgeous figure of officer who, with his own extreme sacrifice, gave prestige to the army in the international context. Farah (Afghanistan), 17 September 2010 »
– (Farah (Afghanistan), September 17, 2010) [3]

On December 23, 2010 by decree of the President of the Republic was awarded the Honor’s Cross to memory, with the following motivation:

Croce d'Onore alle vittime di atti di terrorismo o di atti ostili impegnate in operazioni militari e civili all'estero - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Cross of honor to the victims of acts of terrorism or hostile acts engaged in military and civil operations abroad
Young officer of the ninth ° ° storage regiment “with Moschin”, animated by extraordinary moral and professional qualities, corroborated by a great experience in the specific sector, commanded in peace mission in the Afghan theater, he did his utmost, with rare expertise and extreme effectiveness , in the fulfillment of their duties. On September 17, 2010, engaged in an operation aimed at the capture of hostile elements, previously identified in the act of concealing a rudimentary explosive device, he hired with them, together with his unity, a violent fire conflict. Gradually affected by the chest, she pervades following the injuries sustained, immolating one’s life. Clear example of attachment to the service and very high sense of duty driven to the extreme sacrifice. Bakwa (Afghanistan), September 17, 2010 »
– (Farah (Afghanistan), September 17, 2010) [4]

In honor of Alessandro Romani, the Rome section of the A.N.P.D’I (National Association of Paratroopers of Italy) has entitled a parachuting course, held by paratrooper instructors dismissed by the Folgore paratrooper brigade, carrying out the scheduled and implemented program by the c.a.par. (Parachutist Training Center) of Pisa. The CXLIII Corso “Cap. Par. Inc. Alessandro Romani” was led to completion, with the achievement by the participants of the military qualification patent to the launch with parachute, in December 2010.
In addition, the 52nd Forward Air Controller course (F.A.C.), held at the Scuola di Aerocoperation in Guidonia (Rome) and the Decimomannu (CA) airport in October 2010, was named after Alessandro’s memory.

  • Courses Archive ANPD’I ROME – CXLIII Corso [first]
