Alexandre Duval (restaurateur) – Wikipedia


Jules Alexandre Duval (born the and dead the ), is a French entrepreneur and restaurateur, heir and manager of the Bouillons Duval company.


Anonymous: Le Bouillon Duval in the Champ-de-Mars park Installed for the duration of the universal exhibition of 1878.

Advertising for the soup and the Bouillon Duval (1919) sold in grocery store and manufactured in Courbevoie: we note the reference to Maggi Kub, a company with which Alexandre Duval was on trial.

Jules Alexandre Duval is the son of Anne-Ernestine Bertrand, Bouchère, and the butcher of Halles Adolphe-Baptiste Duval (1811-1870) [ 2 ] , which developed under the Second Empire the concept of the popular restaurant of the “Bouillon” type in Paris by opening a first establishment in 1854 rue de la Currency, then many others in the following years [ 3 ] . Near his first established butcher’s shop n O 15 from rue Coquillière, Adolphe-Baptiste Duval opened a second brewery, in 1856, rue Montesquieu [ 4 ] , where the waiters and waitresses with the white deck of the butchery served beef broths, a larger restaurant, of the popular table type, which offers for less than forty money (2 francs) a unique dish to the workers of the Halles and the Builders of the Colossal Haussmann Site [ 5 ] . Father Duval opened new butchers throughout Paris (for example at 31 rue Tronchet in 1859) [ 6 ] , targeting bourgeois customers, and thanks to its popular broths, created by vertical integration, a flourishing company. Father Duval was actively involved in the Paris Carnival and the Gras Beef Promenade, according to the tradition of Parisian butchers. The success is considerable: the Bouillon-Duval opened a shop during the Universal Exhibition of 1867, then even was emulated in Saint Petersburg in 1868, and the following year the company [ 7 ] Enter the Paris Stock Exchange via a bond loan [ 8 ] .

Alexandre Duval developed the concept of his father and opened several restaurants including the famous Duval broths (which earned him the ironic nickname of “Godefroi des Bouillons” [ 9 ] , by reference to Godefroy de Bouillon) and also that of “Little Marmit”, because of his habit to wear half a top, a hat called “Cronstadt” [ first ] .

During the headquarters of Paris, Alexandre Duval obtained from General Trochu the opening of the Duval broths and the possibility of serving meals at moderate prices [ 2 ] .

Around 1875, Auguste Renoir painted the portrait A waitress at the Duval restaurant [ ten ] . In 1879, Aristide Bruant wrote the words of The Bouillon Duval cashier [ 11 ] .


Every day, he went to 21 rue Saint-Fiacre, at his head office, where all the great chiefs of his houses came to the report which, in 1900, had 2,200 employees (including 75% women) [ 2 ] . “We know how much Alexandre Duval, this perfect Parisian, with his Cronstadt hat, his pea lavallière, his white gaiters, was popular in all the circles where we had fun. The income of its restaurants allowed him a well provided idleness [ twelfth ] ». During the Universal Exhibition of 1889, his company provides the restaurant service for visitors [ 2 ] .

From 1896, the Frédéric and Camille Chartier brothers, inspired by the concept of Bouillons Duval came to compete with its establishments.

On October 20, 1911, he was appointed officer of the Legion of Honor following a report from the Ministry of Commerce [ 2 ] .

In March 1919, he was at the origin of a new controversy when he ran into the “vigrain barracks”, opened by Ernest Vilgrain, responsible for supplies by the government, and recalls in the press, that the Bouillons Duval participated in the ‘general effort, and offers enough to eat for barely three francs the meal (less than before war) [ 13 ] . Last May, he became an actor for the first time in the operetta The two blind Created in French for the benefit of the arts orphanage. In the months that followed, he attacks frozen meat, imported by boat from the French colonies.

Just before his death, he opened a last broth, that of the Palais-Bourbon restaurant [ 14 ] .

His death occurred on February 15, 1922 to 23 rue Georges-Bizet following a peritonitis, gives rise to numerous necrologies in the Parisian press, which recalls its clothing elegance, its liveliness and its taste for the theater.

He is buried in the Passy cemetery, ( 15 It is division).

Private life [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1872 the theatrical rupture of the passionate connection that the young Alexander Duval held with the half-world Cora Pearl-for which he had created the recipe for the « truite Cora Pearl [ 15 ] » – Said the newspapers. “Mr. Alexandre Duval, the son of the founder of the Bouillon establishments that all of Paris knows, killed himself because M lle Cora Pearl, having taken him to his last a thousand franc ticket, threw him at the door of a hotel he had bought for her … Mr. Alexandre Duval had given her a magnificent hotel on rue de Chaillot, a country house in Maisons-Laffitte, horses, a splendid house train [ 16 ] ». The case was all the more scandal that certain gazetiers eager for sensational had exaggerated the gravity of the facts by insinuating that Duval had killed himself when in reality his injury was superficial.

Married on November 12, 1879 to Marie Eugénie Henriette Chéron du Villiers (Paris 3 It is ), the couple have three three children [ 2 ] , including actor André Cheron [ 17 ] , [ 18 ] .

Alexandre Duval resided in 1900 at 6 bis rue de Presburg [ 2 ] .

The company continued under the name of “Anonymous Company of Duval establishments”, declaring after the war a capital of 750,000 francs; She made 700,000 francs of profit in 1911, and in 1931, administered by a certain M. Rabel, she posted a result of almost 2,298 million francs under profits [ 19 ] . It was still reported in Paris, in 1937, to the address of the historic headquarters, rue Saint-Fiacre [ 20 ] .

Duval Father opened 14 establishments before his death. There were nearly 250 in Paris, in the provinces and outside of metropolitan France (Algiers, Tunis), undoubtedly including franchises, and without counting the temporary broths linked to international exhibitions. Among these :

  • Bouillon Duval, rue de la Monnaie n O 21 (Palais-Royal district)
  • Bouillon Montesquieu (1854), rue Montesquieu n O 6 (Palais-Royal district) [ 21 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1878), rue du Quiere-September n O 1 (Vivienne district), near the Stock Exchange, at the corner of rue des Filles-Saint-Thomas [ 22 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1878), rue des Filles-Saint-Thomas n O 7 (Vivienne district), near the scholarship [ 22 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1878), rue Montmartre n O 143 [ 23 ] (Vivienne district), near the scholarship [ 22 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1878), boulevard de Sébastopol n O 141 (Bonne Nouvelle district), Grands boulevards [ 22 ] , at the corner of boulevard Saint-Denis, south side
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1878), boulevard Poissonnière n O 11 (Vivienne district), Grands boulevards [ 22 ] South side [ 24 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (avant 1878), boulevard Montmartre n O 21 (Vivienne district), Grands boulevards [ 22 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1878), boulevard de la Madeleine n O 27 (Madeleine district), Grands boulevards [ 22 ] , which also has the address, in 1903, the n O 10, place de la Madeleine, on the east side [ 25 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1878), rue de Turbigo n O 45 (Arts-et-Métiers district) [ 22 ] (near rue Saint-Martin) [ 25 ]
  • Bouillon Duval London (1894), on Charing Cross Road [ 26 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1900), boulevard Saint-Germain n O 170 [ 27 ] near Saint-Germain square and next to the Flore café (around 1887) which was at n O 172 with a restaurant at first is stage [ 24 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1900), avenue de l’Opéra n O 31, same number as the Universal brewery
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1900), boulevard des Capucines n O 39, south side [ 24 ] ;
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1900), at the corner of Boulevard Magenta and rue Lafayette [ 24 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1900), Place du Havre n O 12 and n O 14 (near Saint-Lazare station) [ 24 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1900), rue de Strasbourg n O 6 (near the Gare de l’Est) [ 24 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1900), at the corner of the streets of Rome and the nursery
  • Duval establishment (1901), rue de Clichy n O 84, bought and transformed into a billiard academy in 1947, then Club Montmartre [ 28 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1903), rue de Turbigo n O 3 (near central halls) [ 25 ]
  • Bouillon Duval (before 1903), Place de la République n O 17 [ 25 ]
  • Restaurant du Palais-Bourbon (1921), rue de Bourgogne (district of Invalides), in the old post office. It has a capacity of 148 places. The press reports among the many political figures present at the Paul Causeret inauguration, Adéodat Compère-Morel, Arthur Levasseur, Émile Wetterlé or even Jules Duclaux-Monteil [ 14 ] .
  • Gandon-Duval broth (?)

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Julien was standing, Duval establishments , Paris, Calman-Lévy, 1882.

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Notes and references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Léon-Paul Fargue, “Alexandre Duval called” little marmit “”, in: Paris-Soir , Paris, August 9, 1937, p. 5 On Retronews .
  2. a b c d e f and g Léonore base notice , National Archives of France.
  3. Kilien Stengel, Entertaining and curious story of gastronomy , Gracher, 2013, p. 216
  4. The spectator , Dijon, September 23, 1856, p. 3 On Retronews .
  5. In 1866, he was already reported in the Parisian press the existence of several dupal broths, in: General manual of primary education , Paris, May 12, 1866, p. 14-15 On Retronews .
  6. The Tintamarre , Paris, April 3, 1859, p. 6 On Retronews .
  7. Founded on December 28, 1867 on behalf of the “Anonymous Company of Duval establishments”, sitting 5 rue de Rome, and with a capital of 3.5 million francs – The universal monitor , Paris, January 22, 1868, p. 4 .
  8. The small newspaper , Paris, January 21, 1869, p. first On Retronews .
  9. Eric Mension-Rigau, Prince’s friend: Unpublished newspaper of Alfred de Gramont (1892-1915) , Fayard, 2011
  10. Auguste Renoir, A waitress at the Duval restaurant , That. 1875, oil on canvas, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, inv. 61.101.14 (see the notice A Waitress at Duval’s Restaurant on line (in) ).
  11. (BNF  45666690 ) .
  12. André Becq de Fouquières, My Paris and its Parisians . Vol. 1, Paris, Previous Pierre, 1953, p. 117
  13. A. Duval, «Le menu Vilgrain», In: The newspaper , Paris, March 23, 1919, p. 2 On Retronews .
  14. a et b The Palais Bourbon is modernizing: the restaurant of the deputies was inaugurated yesterday In In the morning: last night telegrams You May 20, 1921, p. first (see on line on the site BNF)
  15. André Castelot, History at the table: if the kitchen was told to me , Plon-Perrin, 1979
  16. Thomas Grimm, Unhealthy loves , article published in The small newspaper of December 21, 1872 ( on line ).
  17. The intransigent , Paris, February 3, 1938, p. 8 .
  18. [ Archives des Yvelines, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, birth certificate year 1880, n ° 221, view 41/65.
  19. Duval establishments, in: Financial information , Paris, March 6, 1931, p. 4 on line .
  20. Financial information , Paris, June 10, 1937, p. 5 on line .
  21. L’Illustration, universal newspaper of January 27, 1855, p. 51 ( on line ).
  22. a b c d e f g and h Adolphe Joanne, Paris illustrated in 1878 , Paris, Hachette, 1878, p.  XLII ( on line ).
  23. Immovable
  24. a b c d e and f Karl baedeker, Paris and its surroundings: traveler manual , BAEDEKER, 1900 pp. 15-18 .
  25. A B C and D Karl baedeker, Paris and its surroundings: traveler manual , Baedeker, 1903 pp. 15-19 .
  26. Launch of a channel called “Duval Restaurants for London Ltd” , The Deposit Journal , January 31, 1894, p. 3 .
  27. In a corner building (1880) which also has as a address on 17, rue Saint-Benoît. In 2017, the ground floor was occupied by a fashion store ( on line ).
  28. This century was one year old », Old and historical photographs of the place on the site of Club Montmartre .

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