Alien theory — Wikipedia


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Alien Theory ( Ancient Aliens ), or Our ancestors The extraterrestrials In Quebec, is an American pseudo-scientific documentary series centered on the theory of ancient astronauts, broadcast since the on the chain History Channel .

In France, the program has been broadcast since On Discovery RMC. Since summer 2016, Alien Theory is broadcast on the French television channel RMC Story. In Quebec, it is broadcast on Historia. In French -speaking Belgium, the program is broadcast on Abxplore.

The series deals with the theory of ancient astronauts by examining old texts of several millennia: iconography of religions, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, pyramids and other megalithic sites. She wonders about the use of stones that can weigh several hundred tonnes that it would be difficult to move today. Especially since sometimes these huge blocks come from distant careers that can sometimes be located more than 1000 km (like red granite inside the pyramid of Khéops which comes from Aswan for example).

These facts are the cornerstone of the theory and the series likes to go and be interested in all these places around the world and the myths linked to it. They are presented as proof of contact between humans and beings from other planets in the past.

The series tries to demonstrate that a contact did take place on all the continents by observing the constructions and the founding myths of these cultures.

More recently, the series has sometimes been interested in the modern era with subjects such as UFOs, in particular through radar data, videos in real images and infrared from military operations confirmed by the Pentagon.

The series is based on interviews with members of the governments, soldiers or scientific experts.

Pilot (2009) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
00 00 French title unknown – carts, Gods and Beyond 8 mars 2009

Erich von Däniken, author of this series, presents in this pilot his theory on extraterrestrials. He thinks that beings from another world and having an advanced level of civilization came to earth meeting primitive humans to give them knowledge of the solar system, the concepts of engineering and mathematics and what has become the foundation of religions and cultures of humanity. Erich von Däniken claims that ancient monuments like the Nazca lines, the Pyramids of Giza and the Moai statues of Easter Island, attest to this theory.

Season 01 (2010) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
01 01 Evidence, Light on Truth – The Evidence April 20, 2010

Have extra terrestrials have given us the means to make sophisticated objects? You can read in many ancient texts the existence of incredible objects. For example Sanskrit texts dating back over 6000 years BC. AD talk about flying machines, or Egyptian hieroglyphs showing how to cut stones with precision! Not to mention many passages in the zohar speaking of machines capable of saving lives. Have all these objects be invented by man alone?

02 02 Visitors – The Visitors April 27, 2010

Did the aliens come to Earth? Between ancient beliefs and historical evidence this episode tries to unravel the mystery of a possible meeting between human beings and a civilization from elsewhere.

03 03 La Mission – The Mission May 4, 2010

Evidence demonstrating that an extraterrestrial civilization would have come to Earth are more and more numerous. Starting with the mysterious Sumerian tablets …

04 04 The meeting – Closer encounters May 18, 2010

There have been many observations of unidentified flying objects in the Middle Ages. Christophe Columbus says he saw strange lights in the sky during his first trip to America. Several works of art in the shape of a floating disc in the sky were carried out on works of art several hundred years ago. Even the President of the United States Thomas Jefferson saw strange objects! Are these testimonies of the past evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials? Were there any meetings of 3 It is kind ? This episode tells us about the black plague in the Middle Ages or the link between Noah and the flood with the Svalbard bunker keeping seeds of all plants.

05 05 The return – The Return May 25, 2010

Extraterrestrials may have contacted humans during the xx It is century.

Season 02 (2010) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
06 01 The portals of the universe – mysterious places October 28, 2010

There are “hot spots” of UFO activity on earth, such as the Bermuda triangle; The area of ​​silence in northern Mexico which is a place naturally disturbing radio signals; The gate structure in Peru, Aramu Muru, and the curious rocky formations of the Marcahuasi plateau near Lima.

07 02 Gods under influences – Gods & aliens November 4, 2010

Different civilizations distant from each other share, through their myths and religions, a common project which suggests an extraterrestrial visit. The episode also shows how these stories have interactions between man and divinity, the transfer of new knowledge and technologies, as well as the Union of human women with extraterrestrials to create half-gods, are in fact a metaphor of the creation of a new hybrid breed.

08 03 Cités engulfed – Underwater Worlds November 11, 2010

Different submarine structures and ruins spread over the whole planet may have been used by extraterrestrial creatures, such as the ruins of the temple found at the bottom of Lake Titicaca in Peru, the geometric structures of Yonaguni off the coast of the coast of Japan. Ancient Indian texts seem to describe other civilizations still submerged and non-discovered to date.

09 04 Underground worlds – Aliens underground November 18, 2010

Certain underground areas could have been used as hiding places by extraterrestrials, such as the career lost in equator where it is reported that metal tablets containing information of extraterrestrial origin have been discovered, the underground city of Drinkuyu in Turkey, the legends of the Indians ‘America who refer to creatures that live underground, the entrances to an American secret military base, the dulce base, which is said to have been built with the help of extraterrestrials in Dulce to New Mexico.

ten 05 Les mystieres you iiie rich – aliens and the third rich November 25, 2010

Nazi Germany would have made use of extraterrestrial technology to build flying machines like the Haunebu which would have triggered, in the aftermath of the Second World War, the Apollo program in the United States.

11 06 The first scientists or technology at the service of time – Alien Tech December 2, 2010

The episode tells the story that the ancients had a advanced technology which had been given to them by extraterrestrial visitors, thanks to which they built various buildings such as pyramids and different archaeological sites, as well as various advanced weapons.

twelfth 07 The spirit of the angels – Angels and Aliens December 9, 2010

The episode recounts the myths of various winged humanoid creatures or “angels” which can come from the primitive vision of extraterrestrials. The episode is also an opportunity to see how these are present in various religious beliefs and if the angels are beings from distant planets.

13 08 The buildings of the strange – UNXPLAINED STRUCTURES December 16, 2010

The episode tries to find the explanation of all the mysterious primitive structures on earth: the incredible mass of Göbekli tepe in Turkey, the meticulous construction of Sacsayhuaman built by the Incas and placed at the center of Peru, the mysterious alignments of Carnac in France And the Karer Zorates in Armenia, assuming that they would be made thanks to the extraterrestrials.

14 09 Climate domination – Alien DEVASTATIONS December 23, 2010

The episode suggests that the extraterrestrials would have caused various disasters and wars to control humans. He then talks about the likely presence of extraterrestrial vessels at the time of the most famous disasters in the history of the earth.

15 ten Meeting with the unknown – Alien Contacts December 30, 2010

The episode says that extraterrestrial entities have arrived on our planet and have had an impact on the life of famous figures such as Moses or Joan of Arc. They would also give the key to the prophecies of humanity.

Season 03 (2011) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
16 01 The hidden side of the West Far – Aliens and the Old West July 28, 2011

The episode explores the different UFO stories that have occurred at the West West; Starting with the hypothesis of the UFO crash in Aurora (Texas) in 1897. He then evokes the story of several very strange Nativoamericais legends like the snake Mound, near the county of Adams in Ohio or the Incredible story of the-tonner bird that emerged from Lake Elizabeth in California.

17 02 Mythical monsters – Aliens and Monsters August 4, 2011

The episode talks about how ancient extraterrestrials have genetically manipulated man by giving birth to monsters. We trace and try to explain with the help of technology and current medicine the form of the Garuda bird in the sacred text Mahâbhârata, of the monster of Loch Ness in Scotland, the Leviathan, as well as the Greek myths of the Chimera, Lerne’s Hydra, Minotaur and Medusa which would have all been genetically modified in hybrid by extraterrestrials.

18 03 The secrets of the lost arch – Aliens and Sacred Places August 11, 2011

The episode examines how certain most sacred places of humanity were precisely contact points with extraterrestrials, citing and analyzing for example the Mount of the Temple and the Dome of the Rocher in Jerusalem, as well as the Kaaba stone In the sanctuary of Mecca which would have arrived on earth from another world. He also talks about the Ajanta site in India, the strange rock churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia as well as the ancient city of Baalbek in Lebanon which could have served as a landing track for UFOs.

19 04 The gold Rush – Aliens and the Temples Of Gold August 18, 2011

The episode claims that ancient aliens had to go down to earth with the intention of extracting gold. This explains the observations of UFOs near the cities of Eldorado, Paititi and Lake Piura in Peru, where these observations would be explained by the presence of gold, as well as the search for these materials to carry out various alchemical operations, like those of the Sorcerer School. The episode also hypothesizes the presence of incredible alchemical discoveries of foreign origins in the church of Rennes-le-Château as well as the spiral scale of the sculptures of the chapel of Rosslyn (Scotland) would represent the shape of Human DNA. This chapel would also house the Holy Grail.

20 05 Sacred rites – Aliens and Mysterious Rituals August 25, 2011

Rites and rituals around the world are supposed to connect man to another dimension. But with whom, or with what, do we communicate? And are current rituals such as festivals, corners or funerals based on man’s attempts to imitate former extraterrestrial visitors? If so, what are the ancient rituals that could find their origins in a kingdom that is not of this world?

21 06 Antiquity geniuses – Aliens and Ancient Engineers September 1, 2011

The tools and technology of old builders may have come from distant galaxies. The episode suggests that an old fortress located in the mountains in Peru was built with the help of a laser and that the temples of Vijayanâgara in India were built to exploit cosmic energy. That the monuments and statues in Egypt were carried out in an unexplained way and that there is an old sanctuary located in Malta containing an acoustic chamber which allows interplanetary communication. If these former manufacturers have used advanced technology, then we could prove that extraterrestrials visited the earth thousands of years ago.

22 07 Extreme contaminations – Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics September 8, 2011

Scientists are continuously asking questions about the strains of unidentified bacteria with mysterious origins. Do some of our most disabling scourges and certain epidemics come from the intersideral space, or even from an extraterrestrial intervention? During the black plague of the Middle Ages, people of the time reported bronze vases emitting a strange fog that can contaminate the regions affected by this plague. In 2011, the scientist of NASA Richard Hoover published proof of life in meteorites. It is therefore possible that extraterrestrials in Antiquity – as small as microbes – have shaped human history?

23 08 Forgotten worlds – Aliens and Lost Worlds September 15, 2011

Mysterious legends and dilapidated ruins would be all that remains of the lost worlds of our planet. Could there be proof of visits to former extraterrestrial visitors hidden among the objects of civilizations that have turned off? Strange sculptures suggest that the Maya of Copan city was governed by the descendants of the beings of another world. Some believe that the former Nazca has changed their bodies, and their country to report to the gods of the stars to return. Are these surprising results of missing civilizations?

24 09 Supreme weapons – Aliens and Deadly Weapons September 22, 2011

Wrought iron swords in fire, powder having the power to tear human flesh and rockets capable of destroying whole cities. Throughout history, technological progress has led to the development of more and more powerful weapons more deadly than the previous ones. But were these deadly weapons the product of human innovation or were they created with the help of someone else, for example extraterrestrials?

25 ten The source of evil – Aliens and Evil Places September 28, 2011

For thousands of years there have been places around the world considered dangerous for humans. Maybe these places are the key to a connection with another world? On the black mountain in Australia, local myths speak of God serpent and in this place hikers disappear. Each year, hundreds of people are attracted to Aokigahara, a dark forest at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan to commit suicide. What are the causes that define these places as places of evil? There may be evidence that past extraterrestrial activity has led to the creation of negative energy in these places that have become harmful to our land?

26 11 The founding fathers of America – Aliens and the Founding Fathers October 5, 2011

What is the meaning of secret messages found throughout Washington DC? Maybe the founding fathers knew something about ancient foreigners that the general public does not know? And if so, could this this knowledge be incorporated into the symbols, architecture and in the documents of the founders of the United States of America?

27 twelfth Devil’s cults – Aliens and Deadly Cults October 12, 2011

Mass suicides, human sacrifices, throughout history … Some people have claimed to know another world, and led their supporters to commit horrible acts of violence. Are they illuminated? Are they crazy? Or maybe they hear voices in their heads … voice of extraterrestrial origins? And if so, simply poorly perceived? In addition, can there be extraterrestrials with sinister intentions?

28 13 Coded secrets – Aliens and the Secret Code October 19, 2011

And if megalithic monuments were linked together by electromagnetic energy … of prehistoric vestiges built over large distances in a straight line … Schooling calculations at the mathematical level for the construction of sculpted monuments for more than 5000 years. Have these spectacular buildings of Antiquity been made by the human being alone or is their conceptions in relation to an interconnection with the visitors of another world?

29 14 The survivors – Aliens and the Undead October 26, 2011

Zombies come out of their graves … vampires sucking blood damned for eternity … and the man trapped in a struggle for life and death, between heaven and hell. For millennia, humanity has told stories of meetings with strange soulless creatures. These beliefs are only artificial objects where there could be extraterrestrial origins during meetings with the living dead?

30 15 Divine power – Aliens Gods and Heroes November 16, 2011

Superhuman force … supernatural powers … and the incredible ability to fly. Throughout history, humanity has told incredible stories of the gods with extraordinary powers. But these are only fabrications, or could they be based on real facts? These myths really existed, as the theorists of the ancient astronauts believe it. And this can help explain the lasting popularity of gods, titans and other so-called “superheroes”?

thirty first 16 To the origins of man – Aliens and the Creation of Man November 23, 2011

Why are humans so different from all other species on earth? Have we evolved from monkeys or is our intelligence the result of contact with a source from another world? Unexplained progress in human evolution could be the work of interstellar beings.

Season 04 (2012) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
32 01 The Maya conspiracy – The Mayan Conspiracy February 17, 2012

What if the ancient Mayans had received their knowledge of mathematics and astronomy by extraterrestrials? The episode talks about the advanced engineering of their cities, the use of metal tools and the wheel. The episode also talks about their knowledge of celestial events (such as changes in poles) thousands of years before the start of culture, and a complex writing system, understood only by Mayan leaders and clerics between them. We see there selected objects such as the cover of the sarcophagus of K’inich Janaab ‘Pakal I of Palenque, which is, it is said to be a representation of a pilot of a rocket. We see the Olmec heads as well as the South American feathered snake (Kukulkan God) represented elsewhere in the world like the Chinese Nāga and Dragon.

33 02 Apocalypse prophecies [ first ] The Doomsday Prophecies February 17, 2012

Mayan civilization had in -depth knowledge in mathematics and timing. Theories explain why the Mayans would have anti-dated their 5125-year-old calendar or 3114 BC (more than 3000 years before the start of their civilization) which could end on December 21, 2012. The Tortuguero Monument Six and a Comalcalco of mud bricks suggest the return of a god of the Bolon Yokte stars. We talk about the myths of Popol Vuh creation, Chilam Balam manuscripts and Tikal monuments (which is suggested that it has been built to imitate the Pleiades).

34 03 Roswell [ 2 ] The Greys February 24, 2012

Petit-gris, extraterrestrial beings characterized as having pale gray skin and large round heads with large black eyes, would have removed many humans to make them medical experiments. We also talk about Roswell’s incident. The episode also proposes that gray may have contacted human cultures in a distant past, such as Hopi Indians or Sumerians and that these events have been kept in various ancient writings, sculptures and rock paintings.

35 04 The anger of the earth – Aliens and Mega-Disasters 2 mars 2012

Various ancient civilizations were destroyed by natural disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes or floods. Beings from another world may have played a role in these catastrophic events.

36 05 Connection with NASA – The NASA Connection 9 mars 2012

Different reports of former NASA scientists and with astronauts, as well as secret American government files suggest that the space agency has been in contact with extraterrestrials both in the recent and older past. They also propagate several pure and simple lies, such as Doctor Farouk El-Baz not only chooses Apollo landing sites, but also the dates and times of these landings. This episode also talks about the life of Wernher von Braun.

37 06 The Légende de Puma Punku – Mystery of Puma punk 16 mars 2012

The ruins of Puma Punku, located in Bolivia and 14,000 years old, are the heritage of an ancient civilization having built monuments with blocks of sophisticated stone, finely sculpted and which are perfectly overcome that this site does not have been built and inhabited by humans, but by extraterrestrials with advanced technology.

38 07 The Yeti – Aliens and Bigfoot 23 mars 2012

Bigfoot, a creature described as half-man/sinewood is hunted down in the forests distant from the high mountains around the world and suggests that the creature can have links with an extraterrestrial species that could have visited the earth. It is also suggested that legends of supernatural giants such as Goliath in the Bible or Nephilim hybrid or even the Sumerian Enkidu are stories telling the interaction of humans with these extraterrestrial creatures.

39 08 De Vinci: the secret conspiracy – The Da Vinci Conspiracy April 7, 2012

There are incredible inventions in advance on their time, paintings containing hidden messages and sophisticated robots drawn more than five centuries ago … for all these creations Léonard de Vinci is considered a genius. Could some people have come to have a secret connection with Léonardo da Vinci as well as other inventors of his time?

40 09 Time travelers – The Time Travelers April 28, 2012

Some extraterrestrial meetings could be the result of our descendants who would travel over time. It is a question of a Nazi Time Voyager Machine named The bell , very advanced astronomical knowledge of anasazi and Sumerians, time traveling in the Bible and other ancient texts, and finally current knowledge that could open the door to time trip.

41 ten The mystery of the Stegosaur – Aliens and the dinosaurs May 4, 2012

Man and dinosaurs could have coexist in ancient times, the human cultures of the past having been aware of prehistoric animals well before the study of paleontology. We examine a sculpture found in the temple of Angkor Wat which can be a representation of a stegosaur. We look at the thousands of ICA stones in Peru which depict alleged interactions between humans and dinosaurs and then fossils of dinosaurs of the Valley State Park which can simultaneously contain fingerprints of dinosaurs and human imprints. It is also suggested the idea that the dinosaurs have been destroyed, and not by an impact of asteroid, but by an extermination caused by extraterrestrials so that humans can become the dominant species on earth.

Season 05 (2012-2013) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
42 01 The pyramids: mysteries structures – Secrets of the Pyramids December 21, 2012

Researchers discuss the old pyramidal structures such as those of Bosnia, Egypt, Russia or in all of Meso-America.

43 02 Strange concealations – Aliens and Covers-Ups December 28, 2012

The researchers discuss how extraterrestrials would have hidden the evidence of their visits.

44 03 Original energy – Alien Power Plants January 4, 2013

A thesis defends that the pyramids and obelisks in Egypt were in fact power plants creating original energy using quartz. We are talking about Nicola Tesla’s studies on stationary waves.

45 04 Orion: the ultimate border – Destination Orion January 11, 2013

Researchers speculate on the reasons why ancient civilizations are focused on the Orion constellation.

forty six 05 Einstein or extraterrestrial engineering – The Einstein Factor January 18, 2013

Albert Einstein, Socrates, Leonard de Vinci, Nikola Tesla and Srinivasa Ramanujan may have been in contact with extraterrestrials.

47 06 The secret of the tombs – Secrets of the Tombs January 25, 2013

Archaeologists have discovered all over the world very old burials and mystical writings of a great similarity … How is such a resemblance between each tomb of each culture possible? THE design Was these graves transmitted by extraterrestrials?

48 07 Prophets and prophecies – Prophets and Prophecies February 8, 2013

Divine commandments have changed the course of history and the prophets of Antiquity who received them and transmitted are they messengers of God or have knowledge coming from more mysterious sources like extra-terrestrial beings? Can we find proof of it in various places or religious writings? The episode tells us about the life of the prophets Moses or Élie, Buddha or even Joseph Smith and his vision of the Angel Moroni. We also go to Persepolis where Zoroaster “met” a magical being named Ahura Mazda; In Delphi to tell the story of the Pythia where finally in Salon-de-Provence to approach the life and the famous quatrains of Nostradamus.

49 08 Nazca the truth – Beyond Nazca February 15, 2013

The Nazca archaeological site: hundreds of giant lines, some in the form of animals, geometric patterns and even a representative an extraterrestrial, extend for miles throughout a Peruvian desert and only observable by distance by plane. Scientists are divided on the question: who built them, and why? Some researchers think of the possibility of the presence of extraterrestrials in the realization of the Nazca site and that these massive brands on the ground have an extraterrestrial connection and that the former inhabitants of the region may have created these gigantic figures in homage to the gods who visited them. Especially on one of the largest nitrate deposits in the world (a key ingredient in fuel for rockets and weapons!). Nazca could have been an area of ​​operation of a mining of advanced extraterrestrial beings in a distant past!

50 09 Strange kidnappings – Strange Abductions February 22, 2013

There are many cases of extraterrestrials around the world.

51 ten The case called von Daniken – The von Daniken Legacy April 5, 2013

Erich von Däniken had a theory of ancient astronauts. Some see him as a hero, others as a heretic. We see him in his conferences, we hear the testimonies of many of his fervent defenders. We visit the pyramid called El Castillo in Mexico.

52 11 Viking gods – The Viking Gods April 12,2013

From the year 1000 on their drakkars, the Vikings traveled on all the northern oceans, even to America (500 years before Christopher Columbus). Their mythologies were made up of nine worlds on which different magic beings lived like gods, elves or giants. Fear and/or revered, the Viking gods were showing up on fire trolleys and had incredible magical powers that made men tremble. Odin and his crows capable of talking to the gods, Thor and his strange magic belt or even Freyr with a wonderful magic boat offered by the giant Loki. Would these mysterious gods have an extraterrestrial origin or do they come out of our imagination?

53 twelfth Monoliths – The Monoliths April 19, 2013

Men have built gigantic heads on Easter island, a large part of which is buried in the earth, menhirs in particular in Stonehenge, obelisks in Egypt. We found huge stones of stones in the shape of spheres in Bosnia. Why have they raised these colossal monuments? Do they form a network dictated and in connection with the extraterrestrials?

Season 06 (2013) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
54 01 The number three – The Power of Three September 30, 2013

The three jewels of Buddhism, the Christian Trinity, the triad has always had great importance in religions. Will the secrets of the universe be revealed by studying the figure three?

55 02 Crystal skulls – The Crystal Skulls October 7, 2013

Crystal skulls are a global phenomenon that has continued to tickle the imagination.

56 03 The influence of anunnaki – The Anunnaki Connection October 14, 2014

The story of Summer: Mesopotamia, its cuneiform writing and the Iraq war in 2003 and looting executed on this occasion.

57 04 The magic of the gods – Magic of the Gods October, 21th 2013

What if Merlin and his magic revealed an extraterrestrial nature?

58 05 Satan’s conspiracy – The Satan Conspiracy October 28, 2013

Satan and the world concept of the figure of the devil.

59 06 Secret strategies – Alien Operations November 1, 2013

Many cultures evoke divine figures bringing medical knowledge to humanity: is it possible that these gods were extraterrestrials?

60 07 Emperors, kings and pharaohs – Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs November 8, 2013

Centennial dynasties with many riches, could these heads of yesteryear have been in contact with extraterrestrial forces? Rites from the royal family of England, to the worship of Osiris and Isis in Egypt with Ramses II considering themselves as the incarnation of Horus. Huángdì says the Yellow Emperor in China and his supernatural abilities, of Emperor Jinmu in Japan with his three gifts from the sun and in India from Rāma and his blue skin.

sixty one 08 Mysterious relics – Mysterious Relics November 15, 2013

Could old civilizations venerate all kinds of relics: could these mysterious objects really give access to divine power? Pieces of wood having composed the cross of Christ, in the Holy Suaire of Milan, to the black stone of the Kaaba.

62 09 Islands: between paradise and mysteries – Aliens and Forbidden Islands November 29, 2013

On some remote islands, the question of extraterrestrial visits.

63 ten The powers of the Ark of Alliance – Aliens and The Lost Ark December 6, 2013

And if the Ark of Alliance revealed a very advanced technology.

sixty four 11 Mountains: Foyers of the gods – Aliens and Mysterious Mountains December 13, 2013

There would be a link between certain terrestrial mountains (Mont Olympe, etc.) and the extraterrestrials.

Season 07 (2014) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
65 01 Celestial gateway – Aliens and Stargates January 24, 2014

There would be doors opening towards other dimensions and a cave that would be the door of underworld … Is it possible that these doors overlooking other universes really exist on earth? Do these famous “doors to the stars” represent the link with extraterrestrial civilizations?

66 02 USA: United States of Aliens Aliens in America January 31, 2014

Do history books tell us the whole truth about the past of America? Remains found around this continent and mysterious legends circulating there proof that this continent was in direct contact with the extraterrestrials?

sixty seven 03 The children of the stars – The Star Children February 7, 2014

The head of the child of the stars (in) , the people of stars and children with black eyes.

68 04 Hide to better reign – Treasures of the Gods February 14, 2014

There are many mythical treasures such as the seal of Solomon, the treasure of Moctezuma II and the Omphalos hidden around the world. Rennes-le-Château, Kanab’s site in Utah and the famous B-chamber of Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple could also receive precious objects.

69 05 The fantasy of Mars – Aliens and the Red Planet February 21, 2014

The red planet has always fascinated human beings. Is it for its color or for its proximity to the earth? Or is it due to a possible connection with extraterrestrials?

70 06 Shamans: Time wizards – The Shamans February 28, 2014

Shamans can control nature, access other dimensions and communicate with beings that can be extraterrestrial … For centuries, the spiritual leaders known as shamans have advised, protect and heal their peoples. Are their ceremonies only simple traditions developed or are these supernatural rites? Do these mystical healers have the evidence of an extraterrestrial intervention?

71 07 Insects: the beyond miniature – Aliens and Insects 7 mars 2014

In a multitude of cultures on earth, insects are venerated, adored, feared, even deified, like the beetles placed in Egyptian mummies and men-fourth. But at the start, are these semi-animal and mid-god creatures of extraterrestrial origin?

72 08 All aliens? – Alien Breeders 14 mars 2014

The human species could have been genetically manipulated by extraterrestrials.

Season 08 (2014) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
seventy three 01 Transports alien – Alien Transports June 13, 2014 Special episode. No French version.

Modern transport may have been influenced by extraterrestrials.

74 02 Mysterious structures – Mysterious Structures June 20, 2014 Special episode. No French version.

The monoliths would be the work of the extraterrestrials.

75 03 Strange devices – Mysterious Devices June 27, 2014 Special episode. No French version.

Mysterious objects could be extraterrestrial or have been influenced by them.

76 04 The faces of the gods – Faces of the Gods July 25, 2014 Special episode. No French version.

The angels and giants of ancient stories could be proof of extraterrestrial visits.

77 05 The Reptilians – The Reptilians July 25, 2014

Reptilian creatures are often mentioned in science fiction works. Being legends are found on each continent since time immemorial. Could all these legends be true and would the peoples of the past have been in contact with reptilian beings from space?

78 06 The technological era – The Tesla Experiment August 1, 2014

Do the many geniuses having advanced humanity, such as Nicolas Tesla, did they have contacts with extraterrestrials to obtain such knowledge?

79 07 Millennium revelation – The God Particle August 8, 2014

The Higgs boson nicknamed “the particle of God” is this subatomic particle which gives its mass to matter and which could well lift the veil on the origins of man. Some ancient religions claim that the secret of origins has been transmitted to them by beings from another world …

80 08 Strange meetings – Alien Encounters August 15, 2014

The extraterrestrials could be the cause of the significant events of our history and would have control over our destiny.

81 09 Aliens and super -humans – Aliens and Superheroes August 22, 2014

What if the legends of overpowered beings of antiquity and current superheroes were linked and the sign of meetings with extraterrestrials in a distant past?

Season 09 (2014-2015) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
82 01 Secret caves – Forbidden Caves October 31, 2014

Caves were able to serve as contact portals with extraterrestrials, becoming an inspiration for various mythological traditions.

83 02 The mysteries of the Sphinx – Mysteries of the Sphinx November 7, 2014

The Sphinx could represent a foreign being who came to Earth some 10,000 years ago.

84 03 Under extraterrestrial surveillance – Aliens Among Us November 14, 2014

The evolution of our technology would not be in our own fact and we would be monitored by foreign entities.

85 04 The strength of geniuses – The Genius Factor November 21, 2014

Several great scientists in history could have been influenced by extraterrestrial sources.

eighty six 05 Mummies secrets – Secrets of the Mummies November 28, 2014

The global use of mummification would be proof that the extraterrestrials have visited the land in the past.

eighty seven 06 Resurrection – Alien Resurrections December 5, 2014

The incredible stories of resurrections of the dead would be proof that the extraterrestrials visited the earth in a distant past.

88 07 Hidden messages – Alien Messages December 19, 2014

Some strange and enigmatic messages could help us unravel the mysteries of the universe and contact extraterrestrial beings.

89 08 The flood – The Great Flood December 26, 2014

The extraterrestrials could be responsible for the flood reported in the Bible.

90 09 Influences – Aliens and the Civil War April 10, 2015

Extraterrestrials would have influenced the American civil war.

91 ten Hidden pyramids – Hidden Pyramids April 17, 2015
92 11 The missing – The Vanishings April 24, 2015

Extraterrestrials would have transported people to other planets, explaining mysterious disappearances in history.

93 twelfth Timeline – The Alien Agenda 1r May 2015

Beings would have influenced human history for thousands of years, explaining the Tower of Babel, the destruction of Lanka in Hindu mythology, Mohenjo-Daro and the Library of Alexandria, the allegations on the extraterrestrials of Paul Hellyer, The Annunaki and the supposed Advanced and Secret Technology of the Nazis.

Season 10 (2015) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
ninety four 01 The extraterrestrials before our era – Aliens B.C. July 24, 2015

An extraterrestrial civilization would have inhabited the earth in a distant past.

95 02 NASA’s secrets – NASA’s Secret Agenda July 31, 2015

The rockets developed by NASA and Wernher von Braun may have extraterrestrial origins.

96 03 Aliens & robots – Aliens and Robots August 7, 2015

Antiquity civilizations would have used sophisticated robots.

97 04 The forces of evil – Dark Forces August 14, 2015

Grigori Rasputin, the SS and Aleister Crowley would be in connivance with entities of another world.

98 05 Extraterrestrial evolution – The Alien Evolution August 21, 2015

Prehistoric remains would show many extraterrestrial species that would have inhabited the earth.

99 06 The other planet earth – The Other Earth August 28, 2015

Man could quickly find life on other planets, colonize them. But our planet could then also be coveted by extraterrestrials. It is about the exoplanet Kepler-452 b.

100 07 Depth creatures – Creatures of the Deep September 4, 2015

Legendary aquatic monsters like Kappa, field and kraken could be exotic creatures that come from underwater worm holes leading to other dimensions.

101 08 Circles from heaven – Circles from the Sky September 18, 2015

Culture circles would be extraterrestrial messages.

102 09 The extraterrestrial wars – The Alien Wars October 2, 2015

There are many competing extraterrestrial races visiting the land and conflict with each other for thousands of years. According to theorists, there is evidence that these wars actually took place on earth in a distant past.

103 ten Prohibited areas – The Forbidden Zones October 9, 2015

The idea that beings from space has visited us in the past would be censored today. Knowledge of extraterrestrial visits could be discovered in prohibited and protected places.

Season 11 (2016) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
104 01 The Pyramids of Antarctica – Pyramids of Antarctica May 4, 2016
105 02 Destination Mars – Destination Mars May 13, 2016
106 03 The new human – The Next Humans May 20, 2016
107 04 New discoveries – The New Evidence May 27, 2016
108 05 Visionaries – The Visionaries June 10, 2016
109 06 Cosmic egg decoding – Decoding the Cosmic Egg June 17, 2016
110 07 The Guardians of Knowledge – The Wisdom Keepers June 24, 2016
111 08 The Council of Nine – The Mysterious Nine July 8, 2016
112 09 The celestial empire – The Hidden Empire July 15, 2016
113 ten Prototypes – The Prototypes July 22, 2016
114 11 The moon: a space station – Space Station Moon July 29, 2016
115 twelfth Russian secret files – Russia’s Secret Files August 12, 2016
116 13 Beyond Roswell – Beyond Roswell August 19, 2016
117 14 Contacted – The Returned August 26, 2016
118 15 Shiva the destructive – Shiva the Destroyer September 2, 2016

Season 12 (2017) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
119 01 Extraterrestrial hunters – The Alien Hunters April 28, 2017
120 02 Forged by the gods – Forged by the Gods May 5, 2017
121 03 The mystery of Rudloe Manor – The Mystery of Rudloe Manor May 12, 2017
122 04 Extraterrestrial architects – The Alien Architects May 19, 2017
123 05 The curse of the pharaohs – The Pharaohs’ Curse May 26, 2017
124 06 The Wars of Science – The Science Wars June 2, 2017
125 07 The city of the gods – City of the Gods June 9, 2017
126 08 The extraterrestrial frequency – The Alien Frequency June 16, 2017
127 09 The Majestic Twelve operation – The Majestic Twelve July 7, 2017
128 ten Akashic archives – The Akashic Record July 14, 2017
129 11 The voice of the gods – Voices of the Gods July 21, 2017
130 twelfth The animal agenda – The Animal Agenda July 28, 2017
131 13 Replicators – The Replicants August 4, 2017
132 14 A stone vessel A Spaceship Made of Stone August 11, 2017
133 15 Extraterrestrial discs – The Alien Disks September 8, 2017
134 16 Back to Göbekli Tepe – Return to Göbekli Tepe September 15, 2017

Season 13 (2018-2019) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
135 01 The UFO Conspiracy April 27, 2018
136 02 Da Vinci’s Forbidden Codes May 4, 2018
137 03 The Alien Protocols May 11, 2018
138 04 Earth’s Black Holes May 18, 2018
139 05 The Desert Codes May 25, 2018
140 06 Area 52 first is June 2018
141 07 Earth Station Egypt July 20, 2018
142 08 Island of the Giants July 27, 2018
143 09 The Taken August 3, 2018
144 ten The Sentinels August 10, 2018
145 11 Russia Declassified August 17, 2018
146 twelfth They Came from the Sky August 24, 2018
147 13 The Artificial Human August 31, 2018
148 14 The Alien Phenomenon January 4, 2019
149 15 Return to Mars January 7, 2019

Season 14 (2019) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
150 01 Extraterrestrial activity in Antarctica Return to Antarctica May 31, 2019
151 02 The mystery of the Guardian Badlands The Badland’s Guardian June 7, 2019
152 03 The discovery of element 115 Element 115 June 14, 2019
153 04 The Sirius B Star The Star Gods of Sirius June 21, 2019
154 05 The mystery of underwater creatures They Came from the Sea June 28, 2019
155 06 The secrets mayas Secrets of the Maya July 5, 2019
156 07 The traces of Celtic mythology The Druid Connection July 19, 2019
157 08 Reptilian entities The Reptilian Agenda July 26, 2019
158 09 The origin of epidemics The Alien Infection August 2, 2019
159 ten Hybrid project Project Hybrid August 9, 2019
160 11 Paranormal activity The trans-dimensional August 16, 2019
161 twelfth The Fire Islands Islands of Fire August 23, 2019
162 13 The Constellation Code The Constellation Code August 30, 2019
163 14 Nuclear secrets The Nuclear Agenda September 6, 2019
164 15 The mysterious mountain The Alien Mountain October 4, 2019
165 16 Unexploited capacities The Alien Brain October 11, 2019
166 17 The mystery of Stonehenge The Secrets of Stonehenge October 18, 2019
167 18 The food of the gods Food of the Gods first is November 2019
168 19 Human hieroglyphs Human Hieroglyphs November 8, 2019
169 20 Zone 51: government secret The Storming of Area 51 November 15, 2019
170 21 A well -kept secret Countdown to Disclosure November 22, 2019
171 22 The secrets of exoplanets Secrets of the Exoplanets November 29, 2019

Season 15 (2020) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
172 01 The mysterious lost city of Nan Madol The Mystery of Nan Madol January 25, 2020
173 02 Roswell’s relics The Relics of Roswell first is February 2020
174 03 Chile: The Eldorado of the Sternaturel Destination Chile February 8, 2020
175 04 The Real Men in Black February 15, 2020
176 05 Builders of the Old World The Mystery of the Stone Giants February 22, 2020
177 06 The world before The World Before Time February 29, 2020
178 07 The origins of humanity They Came from The Pleiades 7 mars 2020
179 08 The time machine The Immortality Machine 14 mars 2020
180 09 The mystery of metamorphosis The Shapeshifters 21 mars 2020
181 ten The Ranch of the strange The Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch 28 mars 2020
182 11 The study of UFOs The Ultimate Guide to UFOs April 11, 2020
183 twelfth Presidential connections Aliens and the Presidents April 18, 2020

Season 16 (2020-2021) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
184 01 Divine figure The Divine Number November 13, 2020
185 02 The kingdom of the gods The Lost Kingdom November 20, 2020
186 03 Cryptic symbol The Galactic Keyhole December 4, 2020
187 04 Mediterranean giants Giants of the Mediterranean December 11, 2020
188 05 The prohibited Bible The Forbidden Bible December 18, 2020
189 06 The theory of ancient astronauts William Shatner Meets Ancient Aliens February 12, 2021
190 07 Unidentified objects Impossible Artifacts February 19, 2021
191 08 Cosmos travelers The Space Travellers February 26, 2021
192 09 The pioneers of ufology The UFO Pioneers 5 mars 2021
193 ten The harmonic code The Harmonic Code 12 mars 2021

Season 17 (2021) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
194 01 The secrets of the Incas The Lost City of Peru August 6, 2021
195 02 The top 10 most mysterious sites Top Ten Mysterious Sites August 13, 2021
196 03 The top 10 prohibited discoveries Top Ten Alien Cover-Ups August 20, 2021
197 04 The mystery of Mount Shasta The Mystery of Mount Shasta September 17, 2021
198 05 Human experimentation The Human Experiment September 24, 2021
199 06 The top 10 extraterrestrial meetings Top Ten Alien Encounters first is October 2021
200 07 The top 10 extraterrestrial artefacts Top Ten Alien Artifacts October 8, 2021

Season 18 (2022) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

# Title First broadcast
01 The Disclosure Event January 7, 2022
02 Mystery of the Standing Stones January 14, 2022
03 Beneath the Sacred Temples January 21, 2022
04 The World on Alert January 28, 2022
05 Recovering the Ark of the Covenant February 11, 2022
06 Secrets of the Star Ancestors February 18, 2022
07 Secrets of the Star Ancestors February 25, 2022
08 The Shadow People 4 mars 2022
09 Decoding the Dragon Gods 11 mars 2022
ten The Time Benders 18 mars 2022
11 Ancient Aliens on Location: Incredible Structures July 8, 2022
twelfth Ancient Aliens on Location: Extraordinary Encounters July 15, 2022
13 Ancient Aliens on Location: Decoding the Alien Glyphs July 22, 2022
14 Ancient Aliens on Location: The UFO Investigations July 29, 2022
15 Ancient Aliens on Location: Mysterious Artifacts August 5, 2022
16 Ancient Aliens on Location: Evidence of Alien Life August 12, 2022
17 The Shining Ones August 19, 2022
18 Journey to Immortality August 26, 2022
19 Secrets of Inner Earth September 9, 2022
20 Return of the Egyptian Gods September 16, 2022
  • Philip Coppens, author and journalist
  • Erich von Däniken
  • Aidan Dodson, Egyptologist
  • William Henry, Author the The light of Sion
  • David not
  • Rick Ross, director of the Ross Institute for the study of cults
  • Covington Scott Littleton
  • Zeanhian sitain
  • Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, supporter of the idea that former astronauts have interacted with ancient civilizations
  • Robert Bauval
  • William brramey, Author’s desk Gods of paradise
  • Michael D. Coogan, professor at the Harward Divinity seminar
  • PETER FIBAGS, Automatic the The Machine of Eternity
  • Patrick Flaganan, Author the The power of the pyramids
  • Sara Seager, astronomer

Confrontation with scientific theories [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At no time does the series confront its hypotheses with those of theories developed by the scientific community of historians or archaeologists who worked on the same elements and having led to radically different conclusions. On the other hand, the theory of ancient astronauts has never been seriously considered a scientific theory by historians or archaeologists.

A website, Ancient Aliens Debunked (in English), offers a refutation of the theories exhibited in the television series, in particular that of the old astronauts highlighted by people like Erich von Däniken and Zacharia Sitchin [ 3 ] .

A co -producer of the show said that the facts were still arranged to stick to the theme of the show [ 4 ] .

Media repercussions and the spectacle world [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In June 2011, in an interview given for the magazine Rolling Stone , singer Katy Perry said that she had become “obsessed” by this series [ 5 ] [Ref. necessary] . Actress Megan Fox, in March 2012, pointed out that she loved the series Ancient Aliens .

In France on Saturday evening, this series allows RMC Discovery to have an excellent audience and to be on Saturday evening the first channel in Audience in France in new HD broadcast channels. [Ref. necessary]

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