Alitalia — Wikipedia


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The pleasure of flying « made in Italy »

Historical benchmarks
Creation date International Italian Aerolinee Créion
1957 Fusion Avec Italian airlines
2009 Refoundation
Date of disappearance Cession of activities on the evening of October 14 and replacement by Ita Airways

Alitalia , or its full name Alitalia – Italian Air Society , was the airline airline of Italy. It had been created on and was declared bankrupt . It was replaced by the ITA Airways public company.

Since July 2001, she has been part of the Skyteam Alliance and was also a member of Skyteam Cargo. Its turnover was over 5 billion euros. Its fleet included 122 devices it employed around 12,500 people. In 2015, it had transported more than 22 million passengers.

In chronic difficulty, she suffered a first attempted privatization in 2006, then was privatized in 2008 through the “Italian airline” structure, while being merged with Air One. In 2014, it was partially acquired by the Etihad company up to 49 % . In , following the refusal by internal referendum of yet another restructuring plan, the government announces that in six months Alitalia will either be sold or bankrupt, after thirty years of losses. Altalia’s bankruptcy procedure began the [ 3 ] .

If the name of the company can go back to that of Società Area Avio-Linee Italiane (Ali) created in the 1920s, under the leadership of Fiat, the current company was not created until after the Second World War, In 1946, with the support of Trans World Airlines (TWA) and British European Airways (BEA) which financed Aerolinee Italiane Internazionali and Linee Aeree Italiane (Lai), which ended up merging in September 1957.

His creation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the company Alitalia – Aerolinee Internazionali Italiane is created in Rome with fully private capital. It adopts a logo with a winged arrow. It will become operational from the With its first civilian plane, a Fiat G.12 “Alcione” tromotor, controlled by Virgilio Reinero. The first flight will leave from Turin to the capital Rome and then Catania, in Sicily.


The , the Savoia-Marchetti sm.95 “Marco Polo” made the first international flight, from Rome to Oslo with 38 Norwegian sailors on board. In , the company inaugurated its first intercontinental link with a Lancastrian, a 36 -hour flight to connect Milan, Rome, Dakar, Natal, Rio de Janeiro, San Paolo and Buenos Aires [ 4 ] .

Un convair 340 d’Alitalia

At the end of 1949, the fleet was completely renewed: four Douglas DC-4, bought at Pan Am. In 1950, the first hostesses of the air appeared. Their uniform was due to the Italian haute couture house Sorelle Fontana. THE , the state holding company on which the company depended, the IRI, imposes the merger between the companies Alitalia and Lai – Linee Aeree Italiane, the other state airline. This is how Alitalia – Linee Aeree Italiane was born, the new company then becomes the only national airline, the Italian standard -bearing airline; Its base is then located at Rome Ciampino International Airport [ 5 ] .

His development [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The year 1960 will mark the company’s assertion on the international scene with its appointment of the official carrier of the Summer Olympic Games in Rome. On this occasion, the company has its first jet planes, Douglas DC-8 and Caravelle. She moved away from her British investors in the 1960s to become a company entirely with Italian capital at the end of the decade. The company then exceeded one million passengers transported during the year. Its base is moved from Rome Ciampino airport to the new Rome Fiumicino airport, opened the [ 6 ] .

The , the company creates a subsidiary in Naples baptized Ati – Aero Trasporti Italiani, to ensure national links. In 1965, the company exceeded 3 million passengers transported. New planes enrich the fleet, the DC-9/30s on which hot meals are served. In 1967, Alitalia abandoned its historic headquarters in the Roman district of Parioli, via Maresciallo Pilsudski, and was transferred to the skyscraper [ 7 ] .

In 1969, Alitalia was the first and the only airline in Europe to have a fleet made up only of jet planes. It also adopts a new visual identity. Until now, the delivereds included the white and gray colors on the fuselage, with a headband of five sky blue and two black lines at the portholes. On the tail, is the Italian flag and the name Alitalia In capital letters is registered in the center of the fuselage, above the row of portholes. The old logo with its winged arrow is replaced by the letter A , taking the form of the tail of the plane with the colors of the Italian flag. The fuselage is now entirely white with a large green strip (in jargon cheatline ) In terms of portholes [ 8 ] .

The , the first Boeing 747, baptized “Neil Armstrong”, is put into service. It ensures the Rome-New York link. In 1973, the company put into intercontinental connections the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 tromotors. The same year, Alitalia opened connections to the Far East and dessert Tokyo [ 9 ] .

But the international deregulation of the 1970s was rough enough for the company. She missed her various attempts to diversify in tourism or through smaller companies like Aermediterranea, formed in (55% of the capital belonging to Alitalia and 45% in ATI) with seven DC-9-30 from the Alitalia fleet [ ten ] .

In 1980, Alitalia inaugurated her own flight school in Alghero, Sardinia. In 1982, Alitalia passed the 10 million passengers transported. The fleet is enriched by new McDonnell Douglas MD-80 and Airbus A300/B4 [ 11 ] .

In the 1990s, Alitalia carried more than 28 million passengers per year, but union tensions and the massive investment plan produced very disappointing results.

A McDonnell Douglas MD-11 from Alitalia

In June 1991, Altalia’s headquarters was transferred to the new “Centro Direzionale” (NCD) of the Magliana, in Rome. The fleet is still enriched with the new McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and the Airbus A321 in 1994 to develop average, mail links. The company exceeds 20 million passengers transported [ twelfth ] .

In 1993, Alitalia transported 38.7% of international flight passengers and was classified the third European airline after Lufthansa and British Airways [ 13 ] . In 1995, Alitalia transported one in two Italian traveler who took a plane [ 14 ] .

The , its subsidiary Avianova was baptized Alitalia Team, for the management of medium and long letters at low cost with 9 ATR-42, 4 ATR-72, 5 Fokker 70, 1 Boeing 767, 14 Airbus A321 and 7 MD-82 ( These last three types of planes being loaned by the parent company). It inaugurates its first website. In 1997, Alitalia created Alitalia Express, to develop regional transport [ 15 ] . Alitalia Team S.P.A. ended up being absorbed with Alitalia S.P.A. while Alitalia Express S.P.A. remains as a company but without having an important image autonomy.

In 1996, the CEO Domenico Cempella proposed an ambitious development plan which provided for an association with the Dutch company KLM and the opening of the new hub in Malpensa. The association with KLM leads to the creation of two co-enterprises, one for the transport of passengers, the other for freight which were to be the first step before the merger of the two companies. But in 2000, the Dutch company unilaterally broke its commitments. Alitalia will then initiate legal action with international arbitration which in 2002 sentenced the KLM company to pay compensation to Alitalia in the amount of 250 million euros. KLM will be absorbed by Air France in 2003.

First difficulties and enter Skyteam [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After an aborted marriage with KLM in 2001, Alitalia entered a descending spiral, aggravated by the reduction of the market after the , with for the 2003 fiscal year a negative operating margin, equal to -9.4% of turnover. One of the causes which caused the serious crisis that the Italian company Alitalia experienced, from the mid -1990s, is certainly the opening of the markets imposed by Europe, in particular the opening to competition from national links with The appearance of very low -cost foreign companies which should not endure loads on wages. The attacks of In New York has immediately and very significantly drop the attendance on intercontinental flights, a specialty of Alitalia which prevented him from investing to adapt his offer to the new request of the passengers [ 16 ] .

That same year, Alitalia signed a cooperation agreement with Air France and entered the alliance SkyTeam Created a year earlier, one of the main alliances between airlines whose members were Air France, Aeromexico, Delta Air Lines, Korean Air and CSA Czech Airlines. The agreement with the French national company provided for a cross participation up to 2% of the capital of each which allowed the leaders of each of the companies to be part of the board of directors on the other. Francesco Mengozzi, then CEO of Alitalia, confirmed in its functions by the Berlusconi II government, wanted to work for a merger with Air France which would have given the IRI 35% of the capital of the new group but the Italian government refused this provision [ 17 ] . This trade agreement provides in particular to develop a multi HUB system, based on airports in Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle, Milan Malpensa, Rome Fiumicino and the development of code sharing in Europe and in intercontinental flights. For flights between Italy and France, the companies operate in joint venture. There is currently [When ?] 582 weekly flights of which 30.6% are provided by Alitalia, but Cimoli recently wanted this sharing of thefts to be better balanced.

The Skyteam Director of Alitalia Boeing 767

In 2002, Alitalia put into service the new Boeing 777-200er devices replacing former Boeing 747. In January 2004, the Alitalia group had 21,294 employees including 4,418 flight assistants and a fleet of 157 more ordered devices. The capital was mainly held by the Italian State (62.4%), other shareholders such as employees had 3 (35.6%) and Air France (2%). The Alitalia group included the Alitalia company and its Alitalia Express subsidiaries (100%),
Alitalia Team (100%), Eurofly (20%) [ 18 ] .

To straighten this public society in great economic difficulty since 2003, the Italian government first designated in Giancarlo cary plates post préquégment prerevi dellu fire (chames de fres), come prieid déléngué (qui use be posts jsqu’en ). More than 5,000 layoffs have been envisaged to avoid the company’s bankruptcy (figure then reduced to only 3,500 after agreement with the unions ). Massimo Chieli, the director of human resources, detailed the recovery plan, stating that the airline would be divided into two companies: Alitalia Fly (11,700 employees) for transport itself, and Alitalia Service (9,000 employees) for ground activities. It was made, between 2005 and 2006, would be practiced in a quarter of the workforce: 1,570 job cuts for Alitalia Fly , including 450 pilots and 1,050 commercial navigation staff (PNC: hostesses and stewards) and 3,430 at Alitalia Service . A good part of this last subsidiary should be outsourced. The objective is to save around 315 million euros each year on the payroll and bring the operating costs of Alitalia to those of the equivalent European companies.

In 2005, Alitalia won the auction during the sale of the Italian air group Volare Spa which controlled the low -cost airline Airlines and the Air Europe charter company. That same year, the company very slightly reviews its visual identity with in particular a new logo and less angular scriptures [ 8 ] .

Following a Franco-Italian government seminar in January 2005, the alliance of the Air France group and Alitalia was confirmed by the two governments. “Alitalia has its problems to solve and we solve them,” said Silvio Berlusconi, and then we will head towards the integration To create a single Franco-Italian company, words confirmed by Jean-Pierre Raffarin. The managing director, Giancarlo Cimoli confirmed these remarks on the sidelines of the summit: “Once the company will have a more positive situation from an accounting point of view, it will be worth more and will go to the alliance with KLM and Air France ».

In , Air France has announced that it would participate in the capital increase scheduled for December so as not to dilute its 2% stake that it wanted to maintain.

A capital increase to straighten the finance of the company took place from November 14 to , According to the provisional results communicated by Monte Titoli S.P.A., the parts subscribed represent 1,250,160,756 out of a total of 1,257,562,072,072 shares offered, for a total value of 1,000,128,604.80 euros (99.4% of the offer).

Continuation of difficulties and privatization [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The crisis increased in 2006, with a first catastrophic semester, with the consequence of a loss of 10% of its value on the stock market in one day the . The company suffers from too small size, from the bursting of its activities on two main platforms ( hubs ), Milan-Malpensa and Rome-Fiumicino, and the eccentric situation of Italy for the transatlantic lines. It is also harshly attacked by low -cost companies – internationally, such as Ryanair which provides 13% of international links from and to Italy (against 20% for Alitalia) and on the national market, by companies like Meridiana or Air One, where its market share does not exceed 50%.

At the end of 2006, the PRODI II government decided to privatize the company, selling 30.1% (then 39.9%) of capital, which forced the buyer to exercise a takeover bid. THE , the Italian public treasury announces that only 5 candidates (out of 11) are invited to specify their offer for mid-April in terms of privatization. These buyers were:

  • AP Holding by Carlo Toto, owner of Air One;
  • M&C Management & CAPITALI SPA – CERBERUS European Investments LLC – ELQ INVESTORS LTD – LEFINALC SPA (the latter with ALCIDE LEALI);
  • MatlinPatterson Global Advisers LLC ;
  • Texas Pacific Group Europe LLP ;
  • UniCredit Banca Sevi Sec.

The call for candidates fails after eight months of delay during which all potential candidates withdrew. In , Air France initially renounces to participate in this call for tenders and the merger is no longer on the agenda. The 2001 and 2003 cooperation agreements remain in force, however. THE , the Italian Minister of Economy announces that a second phase will last 9 or 10 weeks and will end in mid-April with the evaluation of preliminary offers. The privatization contract should be concluded for mid-June. The best economic offer will not be “The first evaluation element” In order to choose the buyer. He specifies that the Italian state somehow bought an industrial plan with its qualities. The Minister recalled that Alitalia accumulated losses between 1996 and 2006 equal to 3.2 billion while the shareholders paid 4.5 billion euros. The Treasury does not exclude keeping a share but the Italian state will give in the company’s control.

Russian airline Aeroflot has expressed His wish to become a co -owner of Alitalia: this news was made public by Unicredit, one of the main financial groups in Europe with $ 1,000 billion in assets and partner of the Russian airline in the project. Aeroflot Managing Director Valeri Okoulov said that the third partner could join the Aeroflot-United Tandem. [ 19 ] . The Russian company and Unicredit withdrew from the race , for lack of reliable information.

The A new CEO is appointed to replace Mr. Libonati, Maurizio Prato which is responsible by the Ministry of Finance to continue the path to the privatization of the Company. He has the board of directors of the The company’s return to a single hub from Rome Fiumicino as well as the significant reduction in the Milan Malpensa base. The almost abandonment of the Milanese hub will earn him a legal action by the airport operator, the SEA, and a complaint of 1.25 billion compensation for prejudice. The company has been dismissed.

During the second attempted privatization, several international companies were candidates: Air France-KLM, Lufthansa, AP Holding (owner of the Air One), Aeroflot as well as a group of Italian entrepreneurs led by Antonio Baldassarre, Director General of the RAI during the Berlusconi II government.

The , the Altalia board of directors chooses Air France-KLM as a privileged interlocutor to initiate discussions concerning his acquisition of acquisition of acquisition [ 20 ] , [ 21 ] . The , Alitalia accepts the offer from Air France-KLM which provides for a public exchange offer of 100% of ALITALIA shares with the exchange of 160 ALITALIA shares for an AIR FRANCE-KLM action as well as a public purchase offer of all altalia convertible obligations. All this estimated the amount of the company at 1.7 billion euros including recapitalization up to 1 billion, 138.5 million for the purchase of ALITALIA shares, valued at 0.099 euros each and 608 million for the convertible obligations. The offer was also subject to conditions: obtaining the complete agreement of unions, the written commitment of the Italian government to maintain as the rights of the traffic of Alitalia, (NDR: Italian law obligation to maintain territorial continuity with the islands reserved for national and maritime companies with subsidies so that passengers do not pay the distance made at sea) , the signing of an agreement with the “Rome airports” service company on the levels of services necessary for the implementation of the 2008-2010 business plan, an agreement with Fintecna and Alitalia Servizi which provides for return within Alitalia of activities such as maintenance and land services, the renegotiation of certain clauses of service contracts and the withdrawal of litigation with the SEA. French requirements were to be resolved before . For the Italian company Alitalia, it was planned that it keeps its autonomy, its strictly Italian identity, its brand, its logo and its livery. A reduction plan of 2,100 employees was planned. In exchange for which, as imposed in the specifications, the Italian state would keep a participation of 1.4% of the capital of the new Franco-Italian-Hollandais group and an advisor during the first 6 years in the board of directors of The new Alitalia. The fleet would be reduced to 149 aircraft. The new group would have three bases, Amsterdam, Paris and Rome [ 22 ] .

During the electoral campaign in Italy of , Alitalia is the main economic theme [ 23 ] . The CEO Maurizio Prato resigns. This decision follows the declaration of Silvio Berlusconi [ 24 ] Who refused to guarantee that in the event of a new designation as head of government, he would have validated such conditions of sale of the national company. The Italian government, conducted by Romano Prodouss repels its decision which allows the CEO of Air France-KLM, Jean-Cyril Spinetta to announce the The withdrawal of the French offer [ 25 ] . The day after the French announcement, the Italian Council of Ministers published a decree which concedes a loan of 300 million euros to the Italian national airline to be reimbursed before the [ 26 ] , [ 27 ] .

The Italian government and the company entrust a consulting mission to the intestsa Sanpaolo bank to define the procedure to follow to relaunch the privatization of the Alitalia company again. Strong rumors suggested that the best solution would be to place the company under judicial administration, within the framework of the Marzano law, and to merge Alitalia with Air One. The bank’s mission expired at the end of August.

The , the plan of the bank named Phoenix is debated during the Altalia board of directors. The project plans to create a new company which would take up the assets of the current with a reduction of 3,250 jobs. The new company would have as a shareholder AP holding of the Carlo Toto group which controls Air One. At the end of August, the Altalia board of directors filed a request for placement in payment of payment from the Rome court. The company is then put under judicial administration and Augusto Fantozzi is appointed commissioner.

On the evening of Monday , the new company Cai-Complement Aerea Italiana, directed by Roberto Colanno, sent a fantozzi commissioner for a purchase offer in Alitalia. In view of the favorable opinion of unions but the refusal of pilots and flight assistants obliges the CAI to withdraw its purchase offer [ 28 ] . The . The strongly indebted company, including to pay for its fuel, obtains the signing of an industrial restructuring plan which would carry the staff of the new company, baptized Italian airline (CAI) and managed by Roberto Colaninno to 12,500 employees instead of 19,000 that Alitalia counted. These 12,500 are broken down into 1,550 pilots, 3,300 hostesses and stewards and 7,650 technicians. THE , the Fantozzi Commissioner publishes a new call for candidates for the acquisition of Alitalia, but no candidacy is registered. THE , all stakeholders, employee unions and pilots sign an agreement that would allow the company CAI to resume the management of the company from the [ 29 ] , [ 30 ] .

According to a investigation by the Italian economic daily The sun 24 hours published on , an Alitalia action listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, was worth 10 euros in 2001 but only 1.57 euros in 2006 [ 17 ] .

According to the economic daily The sun 24 hours of , the Air France-KLM group would, after multiple twists and turns, in fine , the air partner chosen by CAI, by taking a 20% stake in the new Italian company (around 200 million euros). The new Alitalia, merged with Air One by Carlo Toto, will have a capital of 1.1 billion euros, funded by the MEDIOBANCA business bank. But the same day, Silvio Berlusconi, just after a German-Italian summit, seems to give his preference to an alliance with Lufthansa: one of his spokespersons specifies just after it is the CAI and not the government that negotiates this possible alliance [ thirty first ] .

The , Augusto Fantozzi formally accepts the CAI offer: the latter will pay 100 million euros in cash, 327 million euros being the provisional supplement to pay within six months (and partly, at 24 months) and 625 million will be mortgage debts. This will represent 936 million for Altalia alone, 57 million euros for Alitalia Servizi, 6 million for Alitalia Airport, 20 for Alitalia Express and 33 for the Volare group. The end date of operations for Alitalia Spa was provided for in : from the , all costs should have been borne by the company chaired by Roberto Colaninno. All take -off and landing rights (and all traffic) with the exception of freight are provided in this acquisition, including 93 aircraft (evaluated 625 million) of which 64 for which Alitalia is the owner (even if some are mortgaged) and 29 in operational leasing. The freight activity will be sold aside as well as certain additional activities, evaluated between 500 and 700 million euros.

The , the company CAI signs, with the company AP Holding, the acquisition of airline airlines, EAS (European Avia Service) and Air One Technic. After also buying the Alitalia company, the whole will give birth to the new Italian national airline [ 32 ] . The A located Agusso Access with the Achat Des Action D’Chiitalia – Airpling holiday Pour a Montant of 1.052 Milliar of Euros [ 33 ] , [ 34 ] . The contract provides that Altalia employees are rehired.

The , The Republic And the other Italian daily newspapers announce with certainty an Air France purchase up to 300 million euros, then brought to 323 million euros per , which will make it the main shareholder of the new company up to 25% [ 35 ] . It will have 3 representatives on the board of directors and two on the executive committee. Beginning , the managing director of Altalia, Rocco Sabelli announced that he wanted the two groups to merge, but the shareholders oppose it for the moment [ 36 ] .

The , Alitalia led high -level talks on a possible merger with Air France, which already has a quarter of the capital of the Italian airline, the daily Il Messaggero reported on Saturday. “Altalia’s mission in Paris for a wedding with Air France” , titled the newspaper, explaining that Altalia officials met the owner of the Air France-KLM group in Paris, Jean-Cyril Spinetta on Friday. Gaetano Micciche, head of the investment branch of the intestsa Sanpaolo bank, who contributed to the development of the 2008 agreement which saved Alitalia from an imminent bankruptcy, participated in these interviews, according to the newspaper.

Reprise par Etihad Airways [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The McDonnell Douglas MD-82, introduced in the 1980s and whose last copy was removed in 2014

The , the European Commission gives its green light for entry to the capital of Etihad Airways, Compagnie d’Abu Dhabi, 49%. This operation allows the company refinancing after several years of losses [ 37 ] .

In , the company sets up codes with China Southern Airlines and Virgin Australia [ 38 ] , [ 39 ] .

However an analysis of his assessment published by the Republic the (“Alitalia, the accounts in the beaten crushed between large and low cost”, E. Livini, p. 22 ) finds that despite all the restructuring in ten years his situation is still in red (199 million euros in 2015, probably more than double in 2016, while the two worst years of the company have those of 2013 and 2014 with almost 600 losses). In 2007, the company transported 26,606,000 passengers, it only transported 22,090,000 in 2015. On the Rome-Milan line alone, the company went from 2,419 million passengers to 1.363 in 2015, especially due to High -speed train competition. The company only has 122 aircraft (instead of 186) and offers only 16% of its flight places at the intercontinental, rate lower than that of the main European companies and even less than the 17% of Lufthansa but which has her the fivefold of Italian flights.

Rejection of the recovery plan by employees [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , Alitalia announces the abolition of 2,500 jobs, in a context of restructuring its debt [ 40 ] (END , the debt amounts to 3 billion euros [ 41 ] ).
The plan is rejected mainly by employees in [ 42 ] . The board of directors gathered the Decides to activate an administrative safeguard procedure, preparing a takeover or liquidation. Shareholders are summoned to an extraordinary general meeting provided for the [ 43 ] .

Despite the situation, the company decides to maintain its flight plans. In detail, 67% of the 6,816 employees rejected the social plan negotiated between the company and the unions. He provided 1,700 job cuts and a drop in salary of 8%. The Italian daily La Stampa hypothesizes a sale of the shares held by Etihad Airways in Lufthansa [ 43 ] .

In , the company is put under supervision by the government [ 44 ] .

The , the Italian company of ferrovia railways dello Stato Italiane, the Atlantia group, which belongs to the Benetton family, and the American company Delta announced to take up ALITALIA together. The state will continue to have an absolute majority in the company [ 45 ] . The new industrial plan would provide a reduction in the fleet from 117 to 102 by 2023, and a social plan including the abolition of 740 jobs out of 12,500 [ 44 ] .

Re-nationalization and end of Alitalia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , the Minister of Industry, Stefano Patuanenelli announces that the Italian government will take in June the total control of Alitalia, which the coronavirus crisis has prompted bankruptcy.

Alitalia has accumulated losses of 11.4 billion euros between 2000 and 2020 and had to be placed under the supervision of the public administration in 2017. Since that date, the State has sought buyers in vain.

Italia air transport [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , the Italian government announces that the company is replaced by Ita: Italia trasporto aereo [ forty six ] .

After obtaining authorization from the European Union, the Italian government created Ita Airways to resume Altalia’s activity. The latter ceases her activity And the new company begins its operations the next day [ 47 ] , [ 48 ] .

In [ 49 ] : (*Skyteam members)

Evolution of the fleet between 2004 and 2013 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Airbus A319-100 of the Alitalia company.

EI-DSL, one of Alitalia’s Airbus A320-200.

Airbus A321-100 of the ALITALIA company.

At , it included 193 aircraft, including 23 long-haul and 170 short and medium-haul. In 2005, she only held 184 aircraft, including 129 which belonged to her. It includes Boeing 777 and 767, McDonnell Douglas MD-80, Airbus 319, 320 and 321, Embraer and ATR. At the end of 2005, she appeared to be mortgaged at her 129 planes in order to obtain a credit line from an American financial institution.

At , its fleet consists in 172 (+ 5 of the Volage group) Aircraft, 147 short and medium-haul and 25 long-haul. For intercontinental flights, Alitalia employs 10 B-777-200 and 10 B-767-300 in their “Extended Range” version and 5 Cargos MD-11. On interior flights and other roads, Alitalia uses 11 A -320, 23 A -321, 12 A -319, 71 MD-80, 10 ERJ-145 and 6 ERJ-170 as well as 10 ATR-72 turboprop.

The fleet should be reduced to approximately 145 units at , when the new company is launched, the QUIT . In January 2009, it therefore included 148 aircraft, including 10 Boeing 777-200 ER, 2 Airbus 330, 6 Boeing 767-300ER, 23 Airbus 321, 38 Airbus 320 (11 Alitalia delivered, 2 Voalare Web delivered and 25 Air One) , 12 Airbus 319, 23 MD80-82, 18 Boeing 737, 10 Bombardier CRJ 900 and 6 Embraer 170.

The Altalia group fleet, at (including Air One and Vlareweb aircraft) was 150 aircraft [ 52 ] :

  • 85 aircraft Alitalia (2 A330, 6 B767, 10 B777, 12 A319-112, 11 A320-214, 23 A321-112, 23 MD-80)
  • 6 aircraft Alitalia Express (6 E170-100ST)
  • 2 aircraft Fly (2 A320-214)
  • 47 aircraft Air One (2 a330-202, 26 a320-216, 4 b737-300, 14 b737-400 et 1 rj-70 and Dublease )
  • 10 aircraft Air One Cityliner (10 CRJ900ER)

In 2009 , 9 Airbus A320 came into service, especially on the Linate-Fiumicino route. In 2013, Alitalia will have 90 A320 and 12 A330 [ 56 ] .

At , his fleet was 157 planes: 18 long-courrier , 123 medium haul and 16 regional :

  • 113 aircraft Alitalia (2 A330-200, 6 B767-300, 10 B777-200, 12 A319, 37 A320-21X, 23 A321, 23 MD-80)
  • 6 aircraft Alitalia Express (6 E170)
  • 2 aircraft Fly (2 A320-214)
  • 26 aircraft Air One (9 a320-216, 3 b737-300, 14 b737-400)
  • 10 aircraft Air One Cityliner (10 CRJ900)

At , his fleet is 147 planes: 20 long-courrier , 111 medium haul and 16 regional :

  • 125 aircraft Alitalia (4 A330-200, 6 B767-300, 10 B777-200, 12 A319, 52 A320-21X, 23 A321, 18 MD-80)
  • 6 aircraft Alitalia Express (6 E170)
  • 1 aircraft Fly (1 A320-214)
  • 5 aircraft Air One (3 A320-216, 2 A320-214)
  • 10 aircraft Air One Cityliner (10 CRJ900)

The 25 and , the last flights of the B767 and the MD82 were carried out respectively with Alitalia. The company will now benefit from less maintenance cost, thanks to less types and a more modern generation of its fleet.

In , the operational fleet has 139 aircraft, thus distributed:

  • 10 Boeing 777-200ER, with 293 passengers
  • 12 Airbus A330-200, from 230 to 283 passengers
  • 18 Airbus A321, 200 passengers
  • 48 Airbus A320, 165 passengers
  • 22 Airbus A319, 165 passengers
  • 5 Embraer 190, 100 passengers
  • 15 Embraer 175, 88 passengers
  • 9 Airbus A320 in Air One Delivered smart carrier , 165-180 passengers

Orders and options (in 2015) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Great alitalia [ 57 ] , [ 58 ] :

  • Airbus A350-841XWB: 12 ​​commands firm by Aircraft Purchase Fleet [ 59 ] for Alitalia;
  • Airbus A330-202: 13 Farm commands by Aircraft Purchase Fleet [ 59 ] for Alitalia (10 already delivered and 3 planes to be delivered);
  • Airbus A319-111: 10 commands firm by Aircraft Purchase Fleet [ 59 ] For Alitalia (8 already delivered and 2 planes to be delivered);
  • Airbus A320-216: 33 commands firm by Aircraft Purchase Fleet [ 59 ] For Alitalia (31 already delivered and 2 aircraft to be delivered).

Great Alitalia Cityliner [ 60 ] :

Classes and cabins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Magnifica – Business Class : Business class on intercontinental destinations with long -haul planes.
  • Business Class Medium Haul : Business class on short and medium-haired international flights.
  • Premium Economy Class : Premium economy class on intercontinental destinations with long -haul planes.
  • Economy Class : economy class on all flights [ sixty one ] .

Alitalia – Italian airlines (1947-2009) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At The company was created Alitalia Servizi S.P.A., a 100% altalia subsidiary. This creation is the first concrete action of the group’s new organization to reach its 2005-2008 industrial plan.

  • Alitalia Express S.P.A. (100%subsidiary): airline that has become CAI-FIRST with six planes in (Alitalia Team was merged with Alitalia in 2002). School capital: € 23,400,000.
  • Atitech S.P.A. (100%subsidiary): handling and repair. Share capital: 32 039 941.56 € € .
  • Alitalia Airport S.P.A. (51%subsidiary): ground assistance. Share capital: 7,650,000 € € including the 3/ ten It is poured.
  • GA 2000 Travel Service LTD (100%): sale of tickets and related services.
  • Global Executive Travel Selections Inc. (subsidiary 100%): sale of related tickets and services.
  • Aviofin S.P.A. (100%subsidiary): purchase and management in air transport. 516 460 € € .
  • Alinsurance S.R.L. (Aviofin S.P.A. 88 %, Alitalia 6 %, Aerporti in Rome S.P.A. 6 %): Assurances. 104 € € .
  • Alitalia Maintenance Systems S.P.A. (shareholders: Alitalia 60%, Lufthansa Technik A.G. 40%): handling, revision and repair. € 10,120,000.
  • Sisam – Italian Society of Aerial Services Mediterranean S.p.A. (en liquidation): services. 1 548 000 € € .
  • Alitalia Servizi S.P.A. (51%subsidiary, FintecNA 49%): This company must exercise all support and airline assistance activities. € 120,000.
  • Volare Group (Volare Airlines and Air Europe): 100%subsidiary, which has become Cai-Second, with 2 aircraft in .

Alitalia – Italian airline (2009 -Aujourd’hui) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Italian airline (in Italian Italian airline , often abridged in QUIT ) is a joint stock company, with a capital of 1.1 billion euros, chaired by Roberto Colaninno. Created in the summer of 2008 and supported in particular by Mediobanca and Intestsa Sanpaolo, it brings together entrepreneurs wishing to take up the useful assets of Alitalia, in strong economic and financial crisis. Its activities which also bring together the flights operated by Air One, should have started at , but the transfer was postponed to , date on which the operations of the new company began [ 62 ] .

This company has taken in fine Altalia’s name .

In , Air France buys 25% (for 323 million euros), making it the main shareholder, with three members on the board of directors and two on the executive committee [ 63 ] .

Since 2012, the company has been in great difficulty and negotiations have been underway in early 2014 with the company Etihad Airways.

Cai group
Corporate Data
  • Name : Alitalia – Italian airline S.p.A.
  • The head office : Piazza Almerico da Schio, Pal. RPU – 00054 Fiumicino (RM)
  • Tax ID code And VAT number : 02500880121
  • Economic administrative repertoire Rome : 1225709
  • Capital social : 668.355.344,00 I.V.
Board of directors

It is made up of 19 members, 3 of which are appointed by Air France-KLM [ sixty four ] :

  • Premedient du Consuring Administration: Robert Colaninno;
  • Managing Director: Gabriele del Torchio;
  • Conseil of Administration: Roberto Colaninno (Président), Gabriele del Torchio (Directeur), Salvatore Mancuso (Vice-Président), Angelo Massimo Riva, Gaetano Miccichè, Carlo Toto, Fausto Marchionni, Francesco Bellavista Caltagirone, Marco Tronchetti Provera, Corrado Fratini, Cosimo Carbonelli d’Angelo, Achille D’Avanzo, Ernesto Monti, Maurizio Traglio, Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Peter Frans Hartman, Bruno Matheu, Antonio Orsero, Antonino Turicchi.
Executive Committee

It is made up of 9 members, 2 of which are appointed by Air France-KLM [ 65 ] :

  • Roberto Colaninno, Gabriele del Torchio, Angelo Massimo Riva, Gaetano Miccichè, Carlo Toto, Ernesto Monti, Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Bruno Matheu, Antonio Turicchi.
Supervisory Board

It is made up of 8 members, 3 of which are substitute [ 66 ] :

  • John Barbie (forenture), Giorgio Silva (Homen), Eugenio Graziani (helpor), Alessandi Viisi (help), Euidio Graziani (Suditude), eugeniu liken auditure).

The actions of the company are thus distributed [ sixty seven ] :

25% of the company is owned by Air France-KLM (category B shares)
75% of the company is owned by a shareholder consortium ( Italian airline S.p.A. ) (Category A shares)
  • 25,00 % – Air France-KLM Drapeau de la France
  • 10.6% – Fire Spa (Riva Group)
  • 8.9% – Intesa Sanpaolo
  • 8.9% – Atlantic (Groupe Benetton)
  • 7.1% – Immsi spa (Roberto Colaninno)
  • 5.3% – Toto Costruzioni spa (Groupe Toto)
  • 5.3% – Th sa Lussemburg (Groupe Angelucci) Drapeau du Luxembourg
  • 4.4% – SAI Fondiaria (Groupe Ligresti)
  • 3.8% – Luxembourg Equinocse Fondo (Salvatore Mancuso) Drapeau du Luxembourg
  • 3,1 % – G & C Holding (famille Carbonelli D’Angelo)
  • 2.7% – Solid Holding (Achille d’Avanzo)
  • 1.8% – Financial march water (Groupe Caltagirone)
  • 1.8% – Financial participations and investments (Groupe Gavio)
  • 1.8% – Pirelli (Marco Tronchetti Provera)
  • 1.8% – GFMC SRL (Orsera family)
  • 1.3% – October 2008 srl (Groupe Intesa Sanpaolo)
  • 1.3% – Vitrociset (Edoarda Crociani)
  • 1.3% – Aura Holding (Traglio family)
  • 1.4% – Macca Srl (Famille Maccagnani)
  • 0.9% – Marcegaglia Spa
  • 0.9% – Loris Fontana & c. (Fontana group [Which ?] )
  • 0.9% – 12 Portfolio capital (Business Bank, Intek Group)

Figures [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Key figures Exercise 2002 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Passenger traffic

  • passengers transported: 22.205 million
  • Passengers-KM: 30.02 billion
  • Average occupancy rate: 70.8%

Freight and mail traffic

  • Tonnes-Km: 1.378 Milliard
  • Filling rate: 67.1%

Financial data (millions of euros)

  • turnover: 4,748 (-10% compared to 2001)-this CA exceeds 5,000,000,000 € € in 2004.
  • Operating result: -118.5
  • Result before exceptional elements and taxes: -260.5
  • Result (profit): 93.1
  • Investments: 1,101

Key figures 1994 – 2010 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Key figures 1994-2010 (Source: AEA and annual reports)
Year passengers
notes destinations
(Italy, Europe,
beyond Europe)
at 12/31/12
1994 14 536.0 26 962.3 39 148.8 68.9 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) NC
1995 20 897.7 31 952.8 45 697.7 69.9 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE)
1996 23 137.9 34 556.2 50 136.8 68.9 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 110 (22 + 42 + 46) 158
1997 24 551.6 35 992.3 50 171.4 71.7 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 116 (22 + 45 + 49) 144
1998 24 178.4 35 561.0 51 611.3 68.9 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 122 (23 + 52 + 47) 148
1999 24 177.8 36 690.0 54 437.0 67.4 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 141 (23 + 67 + 51) 155 20 770
2000 25 590.5 40 618.2 56 550.3 71.8 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 110 (24 + 58 + 28) 158 23 478
2001 24 514.2 36 124.3 50 953.9 70.9 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 116 (24 + 56 + 36) 168 22 948
2002 21 860.7 29 617.6 41 694.7 71.0 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 129 (25 + 68 + 36) 177 22 536
2003 22 244.7 31 254.2 43 564.5 71.7 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 82 (23 + 33 + 26) 195 22 200
2004 21 988.4 34 366.3 48 181.3 71.3 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 94 (22 + 44 + 28) 190 20 575
2005 24 041.8 37 245.0 50 411.7 71.9 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 182 11 174 [ 68 ]
2006 24 089.9 37 736.3 51 283.6 73.6 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 186 11 430
5 812.5 3 381.6 5 900.5 57.3 Air One (AP) 39 NC
2007 24 426.7 38 078.7 51 166.9 74.4 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE)
7 092.8 4 080.6 7 105.5 57.4 Air One (AP)
2008 18 048.0 29 205.5 42 629.3 68.5 Alitalia L.A.I. (THE) 69 (22 + 25 + 22) 172
7 404.1 4 229.2 7 245.7 58.4 Air One (AP) 42 (22 + 18 + 2) 56
2009 21 218.4 28 417.9 43 355.4 65.5 Alitalia C.A.I. (AZ+XM+VE+AP+CT) 73 (24 + 36 + 13) 157
17 663.9 24 793.6 34,960.8 70.9 Alitalia C.A.I. (AZ+XM+VE+CT) 83 (28 + 41 + 14) 154
  1. Copyright . “Alitalia. Accessed June 15, 2010.
  2. a et b (it) The Alitalia board approves the 2009 budget project » , on VareseNews (consulted the )
  3. Alitalia Starts Bankruptcy Proceedings After Turnaround Fails », , ( read online , consulted the )
  4. Alitalia – La Cronistoria – 1946-1948 » (consulted the )
  5. Alitalia – La Cronistoria – 1949-1957 » (consulted the )
  6. Alitalia – La Cronistoria – 1960-1961 » (consulted the )
  7. Alitalia – La Cronistoria – 1964-1967 » (consulted the )
  8. a et b Alitalia, the true story of the new company logo Journalism , June 8, 2015.
  9. Alitalia – La Cronistoria – 1969-1973 » (consulted the )
  10. Worls Airlines Directory, Flight International 2 avril 1983 p. 868
  11. Alitalia – La Cronistoria – 1980-1984 » (consulted the )
  12. Alitalia – La Cronistoria – 1991-1994 » (consulted the )
  13. Alitalia: an Italian privatization of Roberto De Blasi, Claudio Gnesutt.
  14. .
  15. Alitalia – La Cronistoria – 1996-1997 » (consulted the )
  16. .
  17. a et b Source: Republic: Eugenio Scalfari’s comment of 14 September 2008 .
  18. FLIGHT INTERNATIONAL 16-22 MARCH 2004 (pag 83)
  19. A source close to the Russian airline said it was Air France, a source that has never been confirmed.
  20. Alitalia – 21/12/2007 Determinations of the Board of Directors .
  21. Press release on the Ministry website
  22. “Alitalia, Air France: the unions conditioned offer:” With your shoulders to the wall ” , from Corriere della Sera, March 16, 2008.
  23. Angelo Panebianco, Pasticci with wings , in “Corriere della Sera”, March 25, 2008.
  24. [first] , from La Repubblica.
  25. “Air France gives up Alitalia” , in “Corriere della Sera”, April 21, 2008.
  26. “Alitalia: from the loan government of 300 million, Prodi:” Too many interference on Air France “” , from Corriere della Sera, 22 April 2008.
  27. “Alitalia, the bridge loan will strengthen the assets” , alone 24 hours, 22 May 2008.
  28. The Corriere della Sera , electronic version, of September 18, 2008.
  29. Corriere della Sera : Alitalia, CAI presents the binding offer
  30. The newspaper : Alitalia, CAI towards binding offer
  31. The Republic , Internet edition of November 18, 2008.
  32. Alitalia, signed the agreement with Cai Colaninno: “Partner choice in January” –
  33. Alitalia sold to CAI for 1.05 billion – Corriere della Sera
  34. CAI buys the assets of Alitalia “Milan and Rome on the same level” – Economy –
  35. Air France-KLM becomes a minority shareholder of Alitalia , Air France-KLM group, January 12, 2009.
  36. Alitalia: Towards a merger with Air France? », Le Figaro , ( read online ) .
  37. New factory – The European Commission gives its green light » , on , (consulted the )
  38. Alitalia strengthens Tehran, sharing with China Southern Airlines » (consulted the )
  39. Alitalia extends its network to Australia » (consulted the )
  40. Alitalia removes 2,500 positions, one fifth of its workforce , Jean-Claude Bourbon, La Croix, March 17, 2017
  41. Alitalia’s debt amounted to 3 billion euros at the end of February » , on Purse ,
  42. Alitalia at the edge of the abyss after the rejection of the recovery plan , Claude Fouquet, Les Échos, April 25, 2017
  43. a et b AFP, Alitalia: administration procedure, shareholders summoned Thursday » , on , (consulted the )
  44. a et b The Benetton and Delta Airlines family come to the aid of Alitalia », The world , ( read online , consulted the )
  45. Aerial: Alitalia company has finally left business » , on Tourist echo , (consulted the )
  46. Le Figaro with Reuters , Italy will nationalize the Alitalia airline in June » , on The , (consulted the )
  47. The new Alitalia will be called Ita Airways » , on Zonebourse ,
  48. Aviation: «Hi Alitalia, good morning ita»! », The cross , (ISSN  0242-6056 , read online , consulted the )
  49. Code-Sharing Agreements – Code-Sharing Agreements – Alitalia » , on (consulted the )
  50. Alitalia and Virgin Australia always share more » (consulted the )
  52. a et b Alitalia Fleet And Alitalia transfer program
  54. Alitalia Flotte | Airfleets aviation » , on (consulted the )
  55. (it) The fleet is always smaller. In 2019 farewell to five planes » , on The sun 24 hours (consulted the )
  57. Air One acquires A350 and A330 » , (consulted the )
  58. Airbus: Orders & Deliveries » , (consulted the )
  59. A B C and D Aircraft Purchase Fleet is an Irish leasing company held by Carlo Toto, who has taken over the air one, who will rent these planes in Alitalia ( Web link) .
  61. Discover the Alitalia on -board services
  62. The world of December 2, 2008.
  63. The Parisian , notably.
  64. Board of Directors – Alitalia (May 16, 2013)
  65. Executive Committee – Alitalia (May 16, 2013)
  66. Board of Statutory Auditors – Alitalia (May 16, 2013)
  67. Shareholders – Alitalia (May 16, 2013)
  68. Evolution compared to 2004 is explained by the deconstation of Alitalia Servizi Group impacting 8,400 jobs.

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