Alle Eddy Greer – Wikipédia


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Allen Eddy Greer is an Australian herpetologist.

After studying at the Harvard University of Comparative Zoology Museum, he graduated in 1973.
In 1974-1975, he worked at the University of California in Berkeley. Since then, he has been working at Australian Museum [ first ] .

He is a specialist in the herpetofauna of Oceania and the Scincidae family.

  • Acontias wittichii Broadley & Greer, 1969
  • Afroablepharus Greer, 1974
  • Amphiglossus crashes Andreone & GREER, 2002
  • Amphiglossus spilostichus Andreone & GREER, 2002
  • Amphiglossus stylus Andreone & GREER, 2002
  • Amphiglossus tanysoma Andreone & GREER, 2002
  • Anomalopus brevicollis Greer & Cogger, 1985
  • Amolopoffix Greer & Cogger, 1985
  • Anomalopus mackayi Greer & Cogger, 1985
  • Anomalopus swansoni Greer & Cogger, 1985
  • Calyptotis lepidorostrum Greer, 1983
  • Calyptotis ruficauda Greer, 1983
  • Calyptotis temporary Greer, 1983
  • Calyptotis thorntonensis Greer, 1983
  • Clelia Clelia Groomei Greer, 1965
  • Coeranoscincus Greer & Cogger, 1985
  • Dibamus seramensis Greer, 1985
  • Dibamus smithi Greer, 1985
  • and anointed Taylori Greer, 1985
  • Eremiacinscus Greer, 1979
  • Eremiascincus timorensis (Greer, 1990)
  • Eulamprus Frerei Greer, 1992
  • Eulamprus sokosoma Greer, 1992
  • Tragedy Greer & Simon, 1982
  • Fotiant Greer & Simon, 1982
  • Geomyersia Greer & Parker, 1968
  • Geomyersia coggeri Greer, 1982
  • Geomyersia glabra Greer & Parker, 1968
  • Glaphyromorphus cracens (Greer, 1985)
  • Glaphyromorphus fuscicaudis (Greer, 1979)
  • HAACGRERIUS MIOPUS (Greer & Haacke, 1982)
  • Janetaescincus Greer, 1970
  • Lampropholis far Greer, 1997
  • Lankacus Greer, 1991
  • Lankascincus deraniyagalae Greer, 1991
  • Lankascincus Gansi Greer, 1991
  • Lankacus Taylori Greer, 1991
  • Leptoseps Greer, 1997
  • Lerista Ameles Greer, 1979
  • Lerista carpentariae Greer, 1983
  • Lista cinerea Greer, McDonald & Lawrie, 1983
  • Lerista Storri Greer, McDonald & Lawrie, 1983
  • Lerist vitted Greer, McDonald & Lawrie, 1983
  • Lobel Greer, 1974
  • Alpine loblia Greer, Allison & Cogger, 2005
  • Lobulia Ice Greer, Allison & Cogger, 2005
  • Lobulia stellaris Greer, Allison & Cogger, 2005
  • Lobul Subalpina Greer, Allison & Cogger, 2005
  • Madascincus dwarf (Andreone & GREER, 2002)
  • Mellery Koshlandae Greer, 1991
  • MANY SADLIERI Greer, 1991
  • Mochlus brevicaudis (Greer, Grandison & Barbault, 1985)
  • Morethia Storri Greer, 1980
  • Ophioscincus cooloolensis Greer & Cogger, 1985
  • Pamelaescincus Greer, 1970
  • Papuascincus Allison & Greer, 1986
  • Paracontias Hafa Andreone & GREER, 2002
  • Paracontias thin Andreone & GREER, 2002
  • PacoContias Taungoo Andreone & GREER, 2002
  • Parvoscincus Ferner, Brown & Greer, 1997
  • Parvoscincus sisoni Ferner, Brown & Greer, 1997
  • Phoboscincus Greer, 1974
  • Prasinohaema Greer, 1974
  • Proablepharus naranjicaudus Greer, Fisher & Horner, 2004
  • Pseudadia baudia (Greer, 1982)
  • Pseudoacontias naming Andreone & GREER, 2002
  • Saproscincus tetradactylus (Greer & Kluge, 1980)
  • Sphenomorphus anotus Greer, 1973
  • Sphenomorphus brunneus Greer & Parker, 1974
  • Sphenomorphus cinereus Greer & Parker, 1974
  • Sphenomorphus crashing Greer & Parker, 1967
  • Sphenomorphus fuscolineatus Greer & Shea, 2004
  • Sphenomorphus leptofasciatus Greer & Parker, 1974
  • Sphenomorphus microtympanus Greer, 1973
  • Sphenomorphus tanneri Greer & Parker, 1967
  • Sphenomorphus transverse Greer & Parker, 1971
  • Tribolonotus pseudoponceleti Greer & Parker, 1968
  1. Beolens, Watkins & Grayson, 2009 : The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, p. 1-296
