Alosa Fallax – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Alosa deceptive , commonly known as cheppia , it is an Anadromo fish of the family Clupeidae .

This species is widespread in the western Mediterranean, in the Black Sea, in the eastern Atlantic between Morocco and Norway, partly of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea; It is rare in the Marmara Sea.

Cheppia was born in the rivers and goes to the sea when it reaches the 14 cm and has 34-115 days of life. Then he returns to the Lotic environments when he is sexually matured (males at 2-9 years old, females at 4-5).

In the reproductive period the freshwater courses that lead to the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean dates back. [first]

In Italy there are some reproductive sites of election, such as white canal, lean and Taro river. [ without source ]

The body is oval, tall and compressed laterally, especially in the ventral part, and covered by flakes (see if ciceidi, ganoids or what) laxly implanted in the dermis and easily removable with manipulation. The side line is absent and on the eye there is a fat rail, thick and transparent vertical membrane that covers the front and rear part of the eye consisting of a gelatinous consistency tissue. On the operas there are obviously reflected streaks. The mouth is terminal (placed at the front end of the fish) with buccal rhyme inclined towards the top and jaw engraved in the middle part. The ventral hull is made up of bone shields bearing a thorn turned backwards, in number of 18-24 anteriorly to the ventral fins and 13-20 shields posteriorly to them. The caudal peduncle is thin and the caudal fin is biloba hollow homocerca, with a deep engravering between the two lobes. On the rear edge of the caudal peduncle, on each side, a pair of elongated flakes extends backwards above the rays of the caudal fin. The color of the body is blue gray, with rounded black stains in a row along the middle part of the sides, in number variable from four to eight, of decreasing size towards the tail. The belly is silver white. The average length of male adults is 35–40 cm , even 50 in females. The largest dimensions reported are of 60 cm for 1.5 kg. The dorsal fin measures 13–16 cm , the anal 18–22 cm .

It can live 9 years, but an individual of 12 has been found in the Severn river. To measure the ages, the rings of the flakes are counted.


The adult specimens face, as already mentioned, a dangerous rising of the river waters to reach lakes or at times river characterized by Giacciaiti where courtship and reproduction takes place. 25000-675000 eggs of 1.7-4.5 mm in holes in the gravel or sand are laid. The eggs hatch in a week and small larvae of 4-12 mm are born. The reproduction is associated with temperatures of 10-12 ° C and in hot years it begins even a month earlier. The reproduction takes place in a group even 400 km from the sea.

Cheppia has a predator diet: it feeds on eggs and fry, as well as small fish (herring, anchovies, sidelines, cepols, ghiles of the Gobius genre, lipsticks, boghe, zerri), decapodes, miserable, isopodes, ostracors, cyclopeids , Calanoids, ditteri, molluscs such as Hydrobia and anellids. Plastic residues and plants were found in the stomachs. Young people feed on invertebrates, especially the zooplankton of estuaries. Many individuals, during migration in the rivers, do not feed.

It is the subject of sporting fishing with the spinning and fly technique especially during the reproductive ascent of rivers. His defense after the sinking is very vigorous. The meats are tasty but not very appreciated because they are very rich in thorns.

Since the species is considered at risk of extinction and for this kind of community interest (habitat directive) in Emilia Romagna, sport fishing is regulated in order to protect it: in the event of a capture, the release of living fish is mandatory throughout the whole year in all the internal waters of the region. Also given that the latest areas of the fregus on the right bank of the Po river are in the province of Parma, in order to protect the frigates in all the waters of the homogeneous “B” area of ​​the province of Parma (from via Emilia to Fiume Po) from 1 April to 30 June, fishing with artificial baits (dry and submerged flies, rotating and undulating spoons, fake fish, etc.) is allowed with a single artificial bait equipped with a single hook without ardiglione or with appropriately ardiglione crushed. In the aforementioned period, the use of a single metal artificial bait of weight equal to or greater than 28 gr., Or of rubber, plastic or wood or other materials of length equal to or greater than 10 cm armed with hooks with ardiglione is also allowed .

  1. ^ Akyol & Al, Diet composition of adult Twaite Shad (Alosa fallax) in the Aegean Sea (Izmir Bay, Turkey) , in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK .
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