Alphons III (roi d’aargon) — wikipedia


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Alphonse  III it the franc or The Liberal (in Catalan Alfons the frank or The liberal ), born the in Valence and dead the to Barcelon [ first ] , is the son of Pierre  III d’Aragon . He is king of Aragon and count of Ribagorce under the name of Alphonse  III , Count of Barcelone, of Gérone, of Besalú et de Pallars Jussà Sous le name of Alphonse  II , king of Valence under the name of Alphonse  I is from 1285 to 1291.

Alphonse  III of Aragon is the first child of Pierre  III (1240-1285), king of Aragon, count of Barcelona and king of Valence and his wife (married in Montpellier the ) Constance of Hohenstaufen (1248-1302), daughter of Manfred  I is Sicily and her first wife Beatrice de Savoie [ 2 ] . His brothers and sisters are:

  • Jacques  I is d’Aragon ( , Valence – , Barcelona), who succeeds his father in 1285 as king of Sicily, and his brother Alphonse in 1291 as king of Aragon. He is buried at the Saint-François de Barcelona church, his burial being later translated to the monastery of Santa Cruz, province of Tarragona) [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] ;
  • Sainte Élisabeth d’Aragon (January 4, 1271, Zaragoza – July 4, 1336, Estremos), Queen of Portugal by her marriage to Denis  I is from Portugal (wedding by proxy ). Buried in Coimbra [ 2 ] ;
  • Frédéric II Sicily (1272 – ), died near Pamplona. Appointed viceroy of Sicily by his brother Alphonse in 1291 when the latter became king of Aragon; recognized as Federigo I is , king of Sicily, by the general parliament in Catania the , crowned the [ 2 ] ;
  • Yolande d’Aragon (1273 – , Termini). Duchess of Calabre by his marriage in 1297 with Robert de Naples, future Robert I is . Buried in Marseille in the church of the minor brothers [ 2 ] ;
  • Aragon stone (~ 1275 – , Tordehumos) [ 2 ] .

King Peter III Also has three children by her first mistress María Nicolau:

  • Jacques d’Aragon (died after ) [ 2 ] ;
  • Jean d’Aragon [ 2 ] ;
  • Béatrice d’Aragon, wife Ramón de Cardona († apr. 1340) Lord of Torá [ 2 ] .

He also has four children by his second mistress Inés Zapata:

  • Fernand d’Aragon, lord of Albarracín [ 2 ] ;
  • Pierre d’Aragon, wife in Portugal Constanza Mendez Pelita de Silva [ 2 ] ;
  • Sancho of Aragon († 1341), Châtelain d’Amposta [ 2 ] ;
  • Thérèse d’Aragon. Wife García Romeu III , threads of García Romeu II and his first wife, then Artal de Alagón, lord of Sástago y Pina; Finally Pierre López de Oteiza [ 2 ] .

Alphonse  III Aragon is born the in Valence. He died the to Barcelon [ first ] .


He succeeds his father Pierre  III , dead the , like king of Aragon and Valence, and count of Barcelona [ 2 ] .

He continued his father’s campaign in the Balearic Islands to punish his uncle, the king of Mallorca Jacques  II , because of the latter’s support from the French with regard to Sicily. He took over the cities of Mallorca and Ibiza in 1286 and took Menorca on the Moors in . But diplomatic tensions with France and the Pope wrapped, so that he must finally abandon his support for his brother at Tarascon In order to raise the sanctions against itself [ 2 ] .

The “Aragonese Union” of local nobles having invaded Valence and put an embargo on royal income, it is forced to sign in 1287 the “privileges of the Union”, which grant the aristocracy the right of insurrection to abuse of the sovereign. By this same text, the king loses the initiative of the summons of Polite [ 2 ] .

He died the to Barcelon [ first ] at the age of 25, and was buried in the Franciscan monastery (monastery of the minor brothers) in Barcelona [ 2 ] .

In 1286, year noted by Mattaner, Édouard I is from England Sends a certain Jean d’Agrilli to Barcelona to negotiate the marriage of his daughter alienor of England (1269-1298) by his first wife the Infante Éléonore de Castille (1241-1290), with Alphonse III . Mattaner also notes that the engagement is later the same year. A marriage contract, for the same, date of . Marriage by proxy (Alphonse III being absent) takes place at Westminster Abbey the . Marriage is not consumed, Alphonse III dying . The (day after his death), Édouard I is of England emits a charter confirming the marriage. Aliénor remarried in 1293 with Henri  III , bar count [ 2 ] .

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Sources and bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (shift) Armand of Fluvary ( pref. Josep M. Salrach), The primitive counties and viscounts of Catalonia: chronology of counts and viscounts , Barcelone, Enciclopèdia Catalana, coll. “University Library” ( n O 11), , 238 p. (ISBN  84-7739-076-2 ) , p. thirty first .
  • (shift) Jaume Overqués and callicon and Mercè Morales i Montoya , Tales, Kings, Countesses and Queens of Catalonia , Barcelone, Editorial Base, coll. “Historical Base” ( n O 75), , 272 p. (ISBN  978-84-15267-24-9 ) , p. 102-108 .

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