Amaranthe Roulliet — Free


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Amaranthe Rouillet , neither Nicolas Pierre Amaranthe Roulliet the to verosuvers and death on In Garches, is a French landscape painter and lithographer.

Amaranthe Roulliet is the son of a Lyon merchant, owner of the Castle of Terreau.

Student of the fine arts of Lyon from 1822 to 1831, he exhibited in 1835 in Valenciennes, at the Lyon Salon from 1836, as well as at the Paris Salon, nine times from 1831 to 1842 and even six times in thirty-eight years, until 1880 [ first ] .


In 1838, he proposed, in Lyon, a process to reproduce exactly the landscapes, by moderating the marking points to the charcoal on a gauze screen, and by postponing, by pressure, these marks on paper [ 2 ] . It is, with very few changes, the screen bearing a veil that Alberti promoted to XV It is century to define the perspective [ 3 ] . Rouillet received an official award for his “invention”, but the latter, who does not dispense with knowing how to draw, had little success, and could in any case survive that of photography, which is contemporary to him.

In the following years, he published drawing manuals, with boards to copy, and using his process or not. He ends up his life in a certain ease, living in his old age with his son Antony, lawyer and publicist, then in a chalet he has in Buzenval [ 4 ] .

Publications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Drawing principles , 1857
  • New drawing principles , 1863
  • The jaquotot of fans of Sèvres paintings, or elementary abbreviated of porcelain painting, containing 12 models of various genres painted on porcelain, drawn on stone
  • The Géricault of the Workshops, or, elementary abbreviated of drawing for the study of horses: containing 20 plates of progressive principles for the use of students
  • The Isabey of the amateur of the fine arts, or elementary abbreviation of the art of painting watercolor and miniature , 1836
  • The Girodet of Colleges, or elementary abbreviated of drawing , 1836
  • First drawing elements , 1835
  • Le Bonington, first studies of the designer of monuments and ruins … According to the drawings of Bonington and Boys
  • New principles of drawing, head division and academic principles , Paris: Susse, 1863.
  1. Bellier de la Chavignerie, General dictionary of the artists of the French School .
  2. Lyon », Art in the provinces , , p. 208 ( read online ) ; Richard Cortambert « Science in art », Fine arts , Paris,‎ , p. 15-16 ( lire en ligne) . Madame Cavé, Le dessin sans maître, Paris, , p.8 Describe the process and specifies that the equipment was on sale in Paris.
  3. Avigdor Arikha , Painting and gaze , Paris, Hermann, , p. 11-12 “About the veil d’Oberti » .
  4. Judgment of the dispute about the will , 1890.

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jean François Noël, Shadow and light: Memoirs of a bourgeois of Dombes (Presentation and notes by Denis Jeanson; Ill. Of Amaranthe Roulliet), Tours, D. Jeanson, 1988
  • Élisabeth Hardouin-Fugier, Étienne Grafe, Lyon painting at XIX It is century , Editions of the Amateur, 1995
  • The salons found: shine of artistic life in northern France, 1815-1848 , vol. 2, 1993
  • Richard Cortambert « Science in art: New drawing principles , par amaranthe roulliet », Fine arts. New Review , ( read online )

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
