andatu (vela) – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.

The different gaits. The black arrow at the top represents the direction of origin of the wind:
0. bow in the wind
1. Bolina:
– 1a: narrow boline
– 1b e 1c Long bolina
2. Traverse
3. Lasco
4. and 5. Gran Lasco
6. poppa

They define themselves gait The different ways of making a sailing boat assumes compared to the direction of the wind.

The propulsion in sailing boats is produced, in a similar way to the portion of a wing, by the difference in pressure generated by the wind on the two “faces” of the sail. The different direction of the wind compared to the longitudinal axis of the boat forces the boat conductors to change the adjustment of the sails to better exploit the thrust of the wind on the sails.

To indicate the direction of the wind compared to the longitudinal axis of the boat, a conventional system has developed that divides the corner between the bow and the stern of the boat (corresponding to 180 °) in 16 fourth Each correspondent therefore at 11 ° 15 ‘. The wind management is conventionally indicated in fourth , which provide an indication immediately understandable to the handication of the boat and to the sailors of the adjustments to be made on the sails.

first. boline For wind that comes between six and four quarters from the bow.
It can also be distinguished between:

  • narrow boline (40 – 45 degrees in the real wind)
  • Long bolina (45 – 55 degrees in the real wind)

The limits of the boline pace are dependent on the type of boat. The checkered sail boats, less suitable for tracing the wind are found in the boline pace with a wind with six -quarter bow, while the auric sails or sail sails are found in the boline pace with four -quarter bow winds.

2. sideways also called amidships For the wind perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the boat. (90 degrees in the real wind).

3. lansco (O wide wind , more archaic), when the wind blows on the side to the boat, with a corner compared to it that can vary from Great long , four quarters from the stern, al long , six fourth from the stern, (100 – 130 degrees in the real wind) up to the wind amidships O travele When the wind pushes perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of the boat.


4. and 5. Gran Lasco (O a good arm ) O to the garden , for the wind that comes a fourth up to two quarters from the stern. (140 – 170 degrees in the real wind)

6. in the stern also called in the wheel , for the parallel wind to the longitudinal plane of the boat, that is, coming from the poppieri quadrants. In this pace the boat proceeds in the same direction as the wind (or almost). This pace is extremely dangerous as a rapid change of wind direction can tear without notice.

The gaits are also summarily divided into:

  • Tight O bordeggio or burning gaits , the boline gaits in which the boat goes up the wind.
  • Carriers , the stern and lasses in which the boat is pushed by the wind.

This classification is normally used since the navigation conditions, the type of sail and the behavior of the boat compared to the wind and the wave motion vary in a decisive way in the two conditions.

  • bow in the wind , in this case the boat does not govern or governs badly with the abbivium that is gradually running out, the sails do not bring and the boat does not advance. It is not a pace, but a technique that is often used in the regatta to take the “stops in the wind” or to gain time in case you are in advance on the starting line.
