André Apple – Wikipedia


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André Apple ,, that Apple the American , born the in Arles, deceased on In the same city, is a French politician.

Son of doctor Pierre Pomme, doctor of the Faculty of Montpellier (born in Arles around 1732, died in the same city ) [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , it is intended for the ecclesiastical state and provided with a canonicate and several profits. However, in 1783, he renounced this career and left for America. Installed in Cayenne, he founded a home there [ 4 ] And becomes director of a menagerie in the village of Ouassa, located on the edge of the Oyapock [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

At the start of the revolution, he was elected deputy to the colonial assembly, sitting in Cayenne, constituted in [ 7 ] , of which he was secretary in 1791 [ 8 ] . The , the Guyana electoral assembly, gathered in the Saint-Sauveur church, elected it to the National Convention [ 9 ] , [ ten ] .

Sitting from the , he joined the ranks of the mountain and intervenes a few times in the gallery [ 9 ] . On April 17, during the discussion on the drafting of a new declaration of human rights, he proposed the introduction of a reference to the supreme being [ 11 ] . On April 25, he was assistant to the colonial committee [ twelfth ] .

The , a decree sends him with Laurent Servière in Hérault and the neighboring departments. He thus intervenes in the Bouches-du-Rhône in October. On 18 Brumaire year II (November 12), the two men announced from Marseille their return to Paris, intervened four days later, according to the report presented by Apple in the year III [ 13 ] .

The 17 pluviôse year II ( ), he is appointed by decree representing on mission to the Côtes de Cherbourg army for the overhaul of the troops and the organization of the revolutionary government. On 30 Germinal (April 19), the Committee of Public Safety recalls it by decree with eight other representatives. However, on the 17th Floréal (May 6), he differs this recall, asking him to investigate the public spirit in Caen. Again recalled by letter from the Committee of Public Safety of 14 Messidor (July 2), he is back in Paris on 29 Messidor (July 17) [ 14 ] .


22 brumaire year III ( ), a decree sends him to the ports of Honfleur, Cherbourg, Saint-Malo, Nantes and Paimbœuf, where he acts in concert with the representatives of the western army. In Nantes on the 14th Floréal ( ), he is back in Paris ten days later [ 13 ] .

Elected at the council of five hundred in accordance with the decree of two thirds in brumaire year IV, he intervenes on several occasions to defend the interests of the colonies and attack the conduct of the agent of the Executive Directory in Cayenne [ 9 ] . After the coup d’etat of 18 fructidor year V, he made François Blain des Bouches-du-Rhône understand on the list of deported royalists [ 15 ] .

Out of the council , he was appointed on 8 Prairial (May 27) Maritime agent in Ostend, a post he occupies several years before returning to Arles, of which he became mayor in 1815 [ 16 ] and where he dies the , at the age of 86 [ 9 ] , [ 17 ] .

  • Michel Biard, Missionaries of the Republic , Paris, CTHS, 2002; Second modified and enriched edition, Paris, Vendémiaire, 2015, 478 p. (ISBN  978-2-36358-185-3 ) .
  • “André Apple” , in Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny, French parliamentary dictionary , Edgar Bourloton, 1889-1891 [Edition detail] . Tome 5, p. 14 .
  • Max Daniel, 01-2013, complete biography of André Apple: 1792, the devil was called André Apple, (ISBN  978-2-312-00692-5 ) .
  1. Franis Xavier-Vavudis Fel (You.), Universal biography, or historical dictionary of men who have made a name for themselves by their genius, their talents, their virtues, their errors or their crimes , J. Leroux, 1849, volume 6, p. 630-631 .
  2. Amédée Pichot, The last king of Arles: episode of the great Arles chronicles, including the legends of the lion, the horse and the tarastic, etc. etc., preceded by a historical essay on the city of Arles, from its origin to this day , D’Amyot, 1848, p. 79 .
  3. Bouches-du-Rhône: Departmental Encyclopedia , volume 4, 2 It is part, departmental archives of Bouches-du-Rhône, 1931, p. 384.
  4. Jacques Puiroux, Vendée, burned land: year II (1793-1794) , Éditions les 2 Encres, 2004, 250 pages, p. 225.
  5. Pierre Charles Fournier de Saint-Amant, French Guyana, its gold mines and its other wealth , 1856, 182 pages, p. 75 .
  6. Prosper kitten, Future of French Guyana , Harmois Fils & following, 1865, 76 pages, p. 61 .
  7. See, for example, Jacques Adélaïde-Merlande, The Caribbean and Guyana at the time of the Revolution and the Empire, 1789-1804 , Karthala Éditions, 1992, 222 pages, p. 190 , or Jean-François Niort, From the black code to the civil code: milestones for the history of law in Guadeloupe: perspectives compared with Martinique, Guyana and the Republic of Haiti , L’Harmattan, 2007, 318 pages, p. 269 .
  8. Anne-Marie Bruleaux, Régine Calmont, Serge Mam-Lam-Fouck, Two centuries of slavery in French Guyana, 1652-1848 , Guyanese Center for Studies and Research, L’Harmattan, 1987, p. 292 .
  9. A B C and D Adolphe Robert, Gaston Cougny, p. 14.
  10. Jacques Adelaïde-Merlande, The Caribbean and Guyana at the time of the Revolution and the Empire, 1789-1804 , Karthala Éditions, 1992, 222 pages, p. 193 .
  11. Michaël Culoma, Rousseau’s civil religion in Robespierre , L’Harmattan, 2010, 278 pages, p. 145 .
  12. Parliamentary archives from 1787 to 1860: Complete collection of legislative and political debates of French chambers , 1908, p. 304.
  13. a et b Michel Biard, p. 567.
  14. Michel Biard, p. 355 and 567.
  15. Frank revolution, or complete and impartial analysis of the instructor: followed by an alphabetical table of people and things , Girardin, 1802, volume 1, p. 351 .
  16. Christian-Bernard Hirtz, Historia atlas of the Revolution , Tallandier, 1989, 119 pages.
  17. Reprint of the old instructor: the only authentic and unaltered history of the French Revolution from the meeting of the Etates-General to the Consulate (May 1789-November 1799) , Henri Plon, printer-publisher, 1854, volume 29, p. 274 .
