andrea rgoni – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Andrea Rigoni (Milan, February 15, 1960) is an Italian politician, chartered accountant and legal auditor.

Graduated in Economics and Commerce, chartered accountant and legal auditor. Enrolled in the Order of Publicist Journalists of Tuscany since 1985. He was director of the magazine “Policy of social presence”.

He enrolled very young from Christian democracy.

In 1984 he joined the National Directorate of the Youth Movement of the Christian Democracy, National Manager of the Department of Massa and Coordinator of Gio’1 in Bergamo in 1985 and of Gio’bat in 1986.

In the political elections of 1987, he is nominated by the Christian Democracy, at the altitude of young people, at the age of 27, on the list for the Chamber of Deputies of the Collegio XV (Massa Carrara, Pisa, Livorno and Lucca).

Adheres to the Italian People’s Party.

In 1994 he was elected municipal secretary of the city of Massa, of the Italian People’s Party.


In 1996 he was elected provincial secretary of Massa Carrara of the Italian People’s Party, confirmed in the 2000 congress.

In 1998 he was elected a member of the National Directorate of the Italian People’s Party.

In 2000 he was elected president of the Italian People’s Party of the Tuscany Region.

He adheres to Margherita-Democracy and Freedom.

Elected in the national direction of Margherita-DL.

In 2001 he was elected senator of the Republic in the XIV legislature in the olive tree ranks by winning the 8 Tuscan College (Massa-Carrara- Versilia) with 43.7%: he was the group leader of Margherita -Dl-olive in the 3rd Commission Permanent (foreign and emigration), member of the parliamentary commission of investigation into the causes of the concealment of the files relating to Nazi -Fascist crimes (so -called “Wardrobe of shame”), secretary of the Italian parliamentary delegation to the Council of Europe and effective component of the Italian delegation of the western European Union (UEO).

In 2006 he was elected deputy to the Chamber of Deputies in the Olive States in the Tuscan XII district: in the XV legislature he was elected a member of the 3rd Permanent Commission Foreign and Community Affairs, he was elected president of the Italian delegation to the Council of Europe and the actual member of the Italian parliamentary delegation of the western European Union (UEO).

In September 2006 in Strasbourg he was elected vice president of the Council of Europe assembly.

He adheres to the Democratic Party of Veltroni.

In 2008 the secretary of the Massa Carrara party was elected, confirmed in the 2010 congress. In 2008 he was elected in the national direction of the Democratic Party.

In 2008 he was confirmed again in the ranks of the Democratic Party in Circumscription XII Tuscany, in the XVI Legislature: he is a member of the 3rd Permanent Commission Foreign Affairs and Community and of the 4th Permanent Defense Commission and was elected vice president of the Italian parliamentary delegation to the Council of Europe and appointed actual component of the Italian parliamentary delegation of the western European Union (UEO).

It is confirmed in the national direction of the Democratic Party with Bersani Secretary.

At the end of the legislature, he participated in the primaries for parliamentary candidates of the Democratic Party and wins them with 5,466 preferences (79.11%); The excellent result achieved allows him to be re -elected in the ranks of the Democratic Party in the political elections of 2013 in the Tuscan Circumscription XII: in the XVII legislature he is a member of the 3rd Permanent Commission Foreign and Community Affairs and is re -elected actual component of the Italian parliamentary delegation to the European Council.
