Anisoptera – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


The Anisotteri ( Anisoptera de Sélys Longchamps, 1854 ) I am a subordine of insects belonging to the Order of Odonati. [first]

Sympetrum sanguineum – side view.
Sympetrum sanguineum – front view.

The term anisoptera means ” different wings “, as opposed to the Zygoptera, unlike which, they have the wider and more developed front wings than the rear ones. This makes anisotori much more skilled in the flight.
The distinctive element between the two groupings is made up of the wings: unlike the zygotteri, the resting anisoters always keep wings lying horizontally with respect to the body, except for an specimen of the genre Cordulephya .

The smallest note of the Odonati belongs to the anisopteri ( Nannophya pygmaea , Eastern Asia) with 20 mm of wing opening.

The garment has a spheroidal structure, composite eyes are very prominent and unlike the zygotteri can also touch the internal side.

The abdomen is generally more robust and can have a triangular section or be depressed.
In many species the females possess the terminal appendices normally present in all males of both groupings. Instead, the presence of a strong developer developed, present only in some genres, is missing.

In the nymphs of the anisotteri the external trachee are replaced by rectal gills, and just as for adults they have a slightly more robust constitution.

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They generally feed on mosquitoes, flies, mosrins and other dictates that capture in mid -air using their quick flight.


Alcune Libellule, debt attackers , do not wander in the air but capture the prey by making the mail from fixed points (branches, leaves, etc.) and then capturing them as soon as they invade their visual field. Some species of attackers are the Crocothemis erythraea , the Leucorrhinia caudalis , the tribellula with four spots ( Libellula Quadrimaculato ), the Depressed Libellula , the Sympetrum striolatum , the blood red simpetro ( Sympetrum sanguineum ) and the Sympetrum flaveolum .

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Only a few anisotteri lay eggs in plant fabrics, but some species lay eggs in the mud or sand of the seabed. The majority of the specimens of Anisacti still tends to disperse eggs in the water, helping itself with rhythmic movements of the abdomen that is immersed and withdrawn from the aquatic surface. All females, except those of the genre Sympetric , are abandoned by the male immediately after mating. If the male, on the other hand, accompanies the partner until the time of the laying of the eggs prefers to hold it not by the neck or head but for the protorance.
The larval cycle is longer than that of the zygotteri and can go up to 5-6 years.

Their ideal habitat is near lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and generally marshy and swampy areas; Although, thanks to the more developed wing apparatus, they can also leave several kilometers.

The grouping is one of the three Sottoardi, together with Zygoptera and Anisozygoptera, in which the order of the Odonata is divided.

It includes the following superfamous and families: [first]

A 2003 phylogenetic study identified anisozygoptera as a paraphiletic grouping; According to these analyzes, the living species present in the “Anisozygoptera” grouping should be classified into the infoophlebiopteral influence to be merged, together with the anisoptera (also downgraded to the infra order of infrared), in the subordine Epiprocta. [2] .

Some species [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • ( IN ) Tillyard, R.J., The Biology of Dragonflies . Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1917.
  • ( IN ) Sidney W. Dunkle, Dragonflies through binoculars , 2000, Oxford University Press; ISBN 0-19-511268-7
  • ( IN ) Aguilar, J.D ‘, Dommangent, J-L. E Prechac, R.; A field guide to the Dradonflies of Britain, Europe, and North Africa . Collins, 1986
  • ( IN ) Askew, R.R., 1988, The dragonflies of Europe , Harley Books, Colchester.
