Anna Cabbers Broads – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.

Anna Cabras Brundo at the age of 16 with the plaster bust depicting the grandfather

Anna Cabras Brundo (Cagliari, 26 November 1919 – 26 May 2008) was an Italian sculptor and painter of the twentieth century. He made numerous portraits and busts of well -known characters from the Sardinian and Italian cultural and political sphere.

Anna Cabras Brundo was born in Cagliari in 1919 to Erminio Brundo and Marta Garbati. From an early age he has always shown a particular predisposition for drawing and mathematics. Self -taught, at the age of 16 he had already created his first sculpture depicting his grandfather Domenico Garbati, subsequently his self -portrait as well as several master’s designs.

In 1936 he attended the study of the sculptor Francesco Ciusa who immediately noticed the qualities of the young artist, appreciating their innate perspective skills, the instinctive knowledge of human anatomy and dexterity in the drawing.

So abandoned the course after only two months on the advice of the same Ciusa who believed he had nothing to teach them, Brundo continues to work and draw following only his instinct and not the fashions of the time. Sensitive and authentic portraitist manages with ease and success to grasp not only physical appearance, but the essence and soul of the model.

Anna Cabras Brundo with the bust of the President of the Republic Francesco Cossiga made of 1988

In December 1942 Mario Cabras married, from which the four children, Sandro, Paolo, Elisabetta and Carla were born in 1943 to 1948. In these years immediately following the Second World War he mainly devoted himself to the family, without forgetting his art using his children as models.

In 1958, at the age of 39 he participated in his first collective exhibition together with the group of artists called “Studio 58” and transactional, but soon he detaches himself for diversity of views and objectives. Also in 1958, caused by a colleague who contested her to know how to make only “faces”, he made a naked woman of natural size for the first time even without having a model available.

Gesso self -portrait by Anna Cabras Brundo

Among the works performed for public bodies, the bust of the painter-crisal Melis Marini for the Cagliari University of Cagliari made in 1952 is reported; In 1957, the bust of the founder Guido Costa was ordered for the Amsicora stadium; For the Municipality of Cagliari the mayors Giuseppe Brotzu, Gavino Dessì Delperi, Luigi Crespellani; the province of Cagliariaperto his works and the bust of Emilio Lussu; The Cambosu Institute commissions the Madonna di Bonaria in a natural size; For the seminar of Cagliari he creates the bust of Pope Paul VI; For the episcopium the bust of Pope John Paul II; For the Citadel of Museums the bust of Giuseppe Peretti.


In addition, he made bas -reliefs for the San Luca church in the red margin, in 1977 he made the Via Crucis for the Sanctuary of Sant’Ignazio da Laconi in Cagliari and at the age of 72 for the crypt of the Cagliari church of San Lucifer a remarkable bas -relief depicting The Saint and the ancient Church.

He experiences other subjects such as landscape, dead nature, flowers and nude studies. The latter are made at the “Pietro Vannucci” Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia where he participated in the figurative art courses for a period of 15 years starting from 1974.

Her dowry definitively abandons her towards the age of eighty years.

He died in May 2008 at the age of 88.

  • Luigi Spano, Biographical dictionary of Cagliari , Tea chat chag4
  • Nicola Valle, People and characters. Narrators, poets, artists, musicians, Ed. Of the magazine “Il Confagno”, Cagliari 1987
  • Franca Sini, The “Who is it?” of Sardinian women , Even, Sassari 2000
  • Marta Cincotti, Anna Cabras Brundo. Portrait of the artist , October 2014. in Antas n.3
  • People and characters in the gallery of works by Anna Cabras Brundo , catalog of the exhibition edited by Marta Cincotti, Exmà, Cagliari April – May 2014
  • Marta Cincotti, Simone always, Not just muses. Female art , exhibition catalog, ex island, Cagliari October – November 2019
