Antoine Dieu – Wikipedia


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Antoine God is a painter, designer and table merchant, born in Paris around 1662 and died in Paris [ first ] .

Antoine Dieu is the son of Édouard Dieu († 1703), master engraver in Paris, and Marie Petit-Jean. He is the brother of John God (around 1658-1714), John the Baptist God, Graveurs, Étienne Dieu (1676-), and Marianne God [ 2 ] .

Student of Charles Le Brun [ 3 ] , Antoine God obtained a first prize from Rome in painting in 1686, on the theme Entrance to Noah, his family and animals in the ark (gone).

He stayed in Rome at the Villa Medici from 1686 to 1691 [ 4 ] .

Thoody hopeless, Le Petit-Châtelet and Le Petit-Pont, 1717 , reconstruction of 1885.
The Petit-Pont is seen on the downstream side from the Neuf market quay. The brand of Large monarch was located at the northern end (left), upstream side.

On February 6, 1698 Antoine Dieu married in Paris Marie Lefebvre, widow – with two minor children – of Jean de la Porte († 1697), master painter and table merchant. She is the daughter of Toussaint Lefebvre, master painter and merchant in a gentle size, established on the Petit-Pont, next to the Petit Châtelet, and Léonarde de Vic, his wife. In 1683, Marie Lefebvre was established with her first husband near the Paternal House on the Petit-Pont in a house “Joining the Hôtel Dieu” , to the sign of Large monarch to which the couple had joined, in 1692, the adjoining shop, at the sign of Soleil d’or [ 5 ] .

From his marriage, Antoine Dieu took over the two shops of the Petit-Pont brought by his wife, the 7th and 8th on the upstream side, and now leads a double career as a painter and merchant until 1718, year during From which Antoine de la Porte (born in 1693), son of Marie Lefebvre’s first bed reached his majority. That same year, God sells the commodity fund and the house of Large monarch To the young Edme François Gersaint, 24 -year -old engraver [ 6 ] , rule and liquid the succession of Jean de la Porte and retire definitively from trade to devote himself to drawing and painting. Fifteen days after their installation, Gersaint and his wife lose their accommodation and their shop in the spectacular fire which ravages all the houses of the Petit-Pont in the night of April 27 to 28, 1718. Six months later, they settled on The Notre-Dame bridge while retaining the brand of Large monarch [ 5 ] .

Antoine Dieu remains in 1718 in the island of the Palais (of the city), parish of Sainte-Geneviève-du-Miracle-des-Arch, rue du Marché-Palu, in the extension of Petit-Pont.

It is received on at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture with the reception piece Hercules Delivering Hesione [ 7 ] . He is appointed assistant to professors of the academy .

Virtuoso designer, Antoine Dieu produces colored and well -composed painted works, with many characters.
But its production is not yet well established, in the absence of a reasoned catalog of the artist.

All of his known works have 120 drawings and a dozen paintings.

Wedding of Louis de France, Duke of Burgundy and Marie-Adelaïde de Savoie, December 7, 1697
  • nd – Abigaïl offering presents to David (allocated to), Museum of the Louvre Department of graphic arts [ 8 ]
  • nd – Dalila delivering Samson to the Philistines (allocated to), Museum of the Louvre Department of graphic arts [ 9 ]
  • nd – The brass snake (allocated to), Museum of the Louvre Department of graphic arts [ ten ]
  • nd – Submission of a people to a Roman emperor (allocated to), Museum of the Louvre Department of graphic arts [ 11 ]
  • nd – Esther before insurance (allocated to), Museum of Fine Arts of Rouen [ twelfth ]
  • nd – Father Ambroise of Jesus , engraved by Nicols Pitita II, Nancy Museum of Fine Arts [ 13 ]
  • nd – Assumption of the Virgin , Louvre Museum Department of graphic arts [ 14 ]
  • nd – Battle between the Romans and the Carthaginians , Louvre Museum Department of Paintings [ 15 ]
  • nd – Departure from Jacob for Mesopotamia , Museum of Archeology and Natural Sciences of Troyes [ 16 ]
  • nd – Jesus brought before Pilate , Louvre Museum Department of graphic arts [ 17 ]
  • nd – Jesus in the midst of doctors , Louvre Museum Department of graphic arts [ 18 ]
  • nd – Jesus presented to the people , Louvre Museum Department of graphic arts [ 19 ]
  • nd – Minerva and Muses on Mount Helicon , Louvre Museum Department of graphic arts [ 20 ]
  • nd – Psyche worn in Olympus , Louvre Museum Department of graphic arts [ 21 ]
  • nd – Virgin of consolation , Museum of Fine Arts in Rennes [ 22 ]
  • nd – Pan and syrinx (allocated to), Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes [ 23 ]
  • nd – The death of Saint François-Xavier , Nancy Museum of Fine Arts [ 24 ]
  • Around 1700 – Young girl playing bones , National Museum of Châteaux de Versailles and Trianon [ 25 ]
  • 1715 – Marriage of Louis de France, Duke of Burgundy, and Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie, , National Museum of Châteaux de Versailles and Trianon [ 26 ]
  • 1715 – Birth of Louis de France, Duke of Burgundy, , National Museum of Châteaux de Versailles and Trianon [ 27 ]
  • 1718 – Allegory of the Duke of Orleans, regent of the kingdom , National Museum of Châteaux de Versailles and Trianon [ 28 ]
  • n.d – Esther and Assuerus , pen, black ink and ink wash from China, 18.3 x 25.4 cm [ 29 ] . Paris, Fine Arts [ 30 ] .
  1. Anatole de Montaiglon, Minutes of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture 1648-1793 , t. V 1726-1744, Paris, Charavay Frères Libraires, ( read online ) , p. 24
  2. Jal 1872, p. 497
  3. (in) God, Antoine » , on
  4. (fr) residents at the Villa Medici » , on
  5. a et b Guillaume Glorieux, At the Gersaint brand: Edme-François Gersaint, art dealer on the Notre-Dame bridge (1694-1750), p. 40-47 ( on line ).
  6. Convention between Antoine Dieu, master painter, living on the small bridge, parish of Sainte-Geneviève-du-Miracle-des-Arch and Marie Rigault …, tutor of Edme-François Gersaint, engraver aged 24 years old … In: Mireille Rambaud, Documents of the Central Mitantier concerning the history of art, 1700-1750 , Paris, SEVPEN, 1964
  7. Adolphe Saint Vincent Duvivier, Philippe de Chennevières, Eugène Daudet and Anatole de Montaiglon, ” Subjects of the reception pieces of the members of the old painting academy, sculpture and engraving 1648 to 1793 according to the registers of this academy with the indication of the current location of a certain number of these works », French art archives , t. 2, delivery of July 15, 1853, 1852-1853, p. 367 ( read online )
  8. Notice n O 50350211975 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  9. Notice n O 50350211974 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  10. Notice n O 50350211976 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  11. Notice n O 50350211977 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  12. Notice n O 00000058007 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  13. Notice n O 05120006211 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  14. Notice n O 50350231015 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  15. Notice n O  000PE001042 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  16. Notice n O  000PE032262 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  17. Notice n O 50350211973 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  18. Notice n O 50350211972 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  19. Notice n O 50350211971 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  20. Notice n O 50350013035 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  21. Notice n O 50350211970 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  22. Notice n O  000DE016757 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  23. (fr) Collections Guide » , on
  24. Notice n O 0510015960 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  25. Notice n O  000PE013004 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  26. Notice n O  000PE005314 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  27. Notice n O  000PE005313 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  28. Notice n O  000PE011576 , Joconde base, French Ministry of Culture
  29. Esther and Assuerus » , on Cat’zArts
  30. Emmanuelle Users Role (Dir.), Sharing drawing , Fine arts of Paris Éditions, (ISBN  978-2-84056-347-1 ) , p. 92

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Auguste Jal, “God (Édouard, Antoine, Jean and Jean-Baptiste)” , In Critical dictionary of biography and history: errata and supplement for all historical dictionaries according to authentic documents unpublished , Paris, Henri Plon printer-editor, , 2 It is ed. ( read online ) , p. 497
  • Martin Eidelberg ( trad.  Jeanne Bouniort), «  “God invents, Watteau Pinxit”. New lighting on an old relationship », Art review , n O 115, , p. 25-29 ( read online )
  • Emmanuel Pééort, Dictionary of painters, sculptors, designers and engravers , tome 4, Gründ, 1999.
  • Marianne Paunet, Antoine God , Paris, Galerie de Bayser, coll. “French drawing notebooks n O 20 », , 80 p. (ISBN  978-2-90567220-9 ) .

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