Antoine from the Sale – Wikipedia


Cover of an edition of the 1830 of Petit jehan of character depicting an imaginary portrait of the author

Antoine de la Sale O of the room (About 1388 – about 1462) was a satirical French writer.


The place of his birth is uncertain: according to some he was born in Burgundy, according to others in Turenna, according to others in Provence (probably in Arles), around 1388.

He was a natural son of Bernard de la Salle, a famous soldier of Ventura who had served many masters, including the Angevin Dukes. In 1402 Antoine entered the court of the Anjou, probably like Paggio, and in 1407 he was in Messina with Duke Luigi II, who had gone there to assert his claims on the Kingdom of Sicily. Perhaps the following years passed in the Duchy of Brabante, since he was present at two tournaments held in Brussels and Gand.

Together with other gentlemen of Brabante, whose names were preserved by him, he participated in the expedition of 1415 against the Moors, organized by Giovanni I of Portugal. In 1420 he accompanied the young Luigi III d’Angiò on another expedition to Naples, making an excursion from Montemonaco to Monte Sibilla in that year. The story of his adventures on this occasion, and their report with some skeptical comments on local legends regarding Lake Pilate and the Sibilla cave, form the most interesting chapter of The salad , The Paradise of Queen Sibilla , illustrated among other things by a map of the ascent from Montemonaco.

After this trip to Italy, from 1423 to 1434 he set himself at the service of Luigi III, Duke of Anjou, King of Sicily, who took him as secretary. Upon the death of the prince he passed to the service of Renato d’Angiò, successor of Luigi, who in 1434 appointed him the guardian of his son, Giovanni d’Angiò, Duke of Calabria, to whom he dedicated, in the years between 1438 and 1447, his The salad , a textbook containing the studies necessary for a prince. The title is undoubtedly a game of words on its name, but the salt explains it on the basis of the miscellaneous character of the book: a salad is composed “by many good herbs”. In 1439, since he had the Castle of Capua in custody, he was again in Italy together with the Duke of Calabria and his young wife, Maria di Borbone, when the place was besieged by the king of Aragon. René left Naples in 1442 and Antoine undoubtedly returned to France in the same period.

His advice was requested in tournaments that celebrated the marriage of the unfortunate Margherita d’Angiò in Nancy in 1445; In 1446, in an event similar to Saumur, he was one of the referees. The disciple of La Sale was now twenty years old, and after forty years of service at the Casato d’Angiò, the salt left him to become the guardian of the children of Luigi of Luxembourg, count of Saint-Pol, who brought him with him In Flanders. Around 1448 the salt returned to Burgundy and Count Filippo of Saint-Pol introduced him to the court of Filippo the good, Duke of Burgundy. For his new students he wrote to Châtelet-Sur-Oise, in 1451, a moral work entitled The room . Filippo il Buono had at that time given asylum, at the Court of Burgundy, at the Delfino (which would later become Louis XI) fleeing the anger of his father. The salt, which had followed its patron in Genappe in the Brabante, did not delay in entering the graces of the kindergarten, which invited him to collaborate in the One hundred news (“One hundred new short stories”), of which the fiftieth bears his name. He died around 1462.

The salt was considered, at the end of the nineteenth century, the author of one of the most famous satires in French, The fifteen jewels of Mariage , deep and mischievous satires published in the mid -fifteenth century, since his name according to some would have been deductible by an acrostic at the end of the Rouen manuscript. Some also supposed, always wrongly, that he had also been the “acteur” of the collection of licentious stories narrated by various people at the court of Filippo il Buono, entitled One hundred news . Only one of the stories is narrated under his name, but he is credited as a compiler of the entire collection, of which Louis XI was long held responsible. A complete copy of it was presented to the Duke of Burgundy in Digione in 1462. If the salt was the author, what the unanimating criticism excludes, at that time was still alive: otherwise, the last mention we have He dates back to 1461. Some critics have also attributed the farce of the Master Pathelin . We have from him the “salad” which includes the “Excursion to the Lipari Islands” and the “Queen Sibylle paradise” (The Paradise of Queen Sibilla ), the “room” e “Petit Jehan of Character” , his novel.

Petit jehan of character [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The salt was almost seventy years old when he wrote the work that made him famous, The hystoire and joke Cronicque of the little Jehan de Saintré and the young lady of the Belles-Cousines without any other name , dedicated to his ex-pupil Giovanni di Calabria. A farewell contained in the manuscript 10,057 (Nouv. Acq. Fr.) Of the Biblothèque Nationale (Paris) states that the work was completed in Châtelet on March 6, 1453 (or 1456). The salt also announces the intention, apparently never completed, to write a chivalrous novel by Paris and Vienne . The manuscript of Petit jehan of character Usually it also contains Florida and Elvide , translated by Review of Bunhamel from the Latin of Nicolas de Clamange. Brunhamel maintains that the salt had delighted in writing honorable stories since the time of his “Jeunesse Florie”, which confirms what can be reasonably deduced from the style of Petit jehan of character , that is, that its author was not a novice in the art of writing chivalric novels. The Reconvenue to Madame de Neufville , a consoling epistle that includes two stories of parental soul, was written to Vendeuil-sur-Oise around 1458; In addition, in 1459 the salt produced its treaty Former tournaments and faictz of arms and the Day and prowess day .

At a time when the traditions of the cavalry were quickly disappearing, Petit jehan of character It outlines the figure of an “ideal knight” and suggests its rules of conduct in various circumstances. When Petit Jehan, thirteen years of age, is persuaded by the Dame des Belles-Cousines to accept it as his lady, it gives him systematic instructions on religion, courtesy, cavalry and the arts of success. She makes his career materially advance, until Saintré becomes an accomplished knight, the fame of whose prowess it spreads throughout Europe. This section of the chivalrous novel, apparently of didactic intentions, is in harmony with the other “edifying” works of the author. But in the second part the virtuous lady falls victim to a vulgar intrigue with the Dame Abbé. One of the commentators of La Sale, Joseph Neve, is ingeniously claims that the last section simply wants to show how the hero, after having passed through the other degrees of education, finally learns from experience to arm himself against the owner. However, the book can be considered a satire of all courteous love theory, made through the simple method of sealing an ideal case with a repulsive conclusion. The opinion that the ending in style mabling Of a chivalrous novel that began in an idyllic way, it was due to the corrupt influences of the court in exile of the dolphin is not acceptable, since the last page was written when the prince arrived in Brabante in 1456. It is an anticlerical satire is unlikely; The seducer profession is not necessarily taken from this point of view. The language of the book is not defaced by roughness of any kind but, if the brutal ending is the expression of the writer’s real intentions, it is not difficult to accept the latter as the author of the Fifteen Joyes of Mariage and of One hundred news . Both are masterpieces of their kind and show a dramatic power and a mastery of dialogue well higher than those of the Little Jehan . The circumstances of the Duke of Calabria, to whom the chivalric novel was dedicated, make some light on the work: his wife, Maria di Borbone, was one of the “Belles-Cousines” who competed for the favors of Jacquet or Jacques de Lalaing in Book of the facts of Jacques Lalaing which constitutes the main source of Petit Jehan’s first deeds.

The incongruists of the purposes of La Sale are evident in its construction method. The hero is not imaginary: Jehan de Saintre flourished in the war of the hundred years, was taken prisoner after the battle of Poitiers together with Jean I Le Maingre (Boucicaut senior ) and was employed in the negotiations of the Brétigny Treaty. Jean Froissart mentioned him as “Le Meilleur et Le Plus Vaillant Chevalier de France”. (“The best and most valiant knight of France”). His companies, as they are narrated in the novel, are however based on those of Jacques de Lalaing (about 1422-1453), who grew to the Court of Burgundy and became a knight so famous as to arouse the rivalry of the “Belles-Cousines”, Maria di Borbone and Maria of Clèves, Duchess of Orléans. Lalaing companies are told by more than one reporter, but Gustave Raynaud thinks that the Book of the facts of Jacques de Lalaing , published as a work by Georges Chastellain, of which textual parallels can be found in Little Jehan , should also be attributed to La Sale, who in that case considered two reports on the same hero, one historian and the other of fantasy. To complicate things, for Petit Jehan’s latest companies he drew inspiration from Books of the facts of Jean Boucicaut , which tell the story of Boucicaut Junior (Jean II le Maingre). The atmosphere of the book does not resume the rough realities of the English wars in which the royal Saintre participated, but that of the courts that the salt knew well.

The fifteen jewels of Mariage [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The title de The fifteen jewels of Mariage it is, with a profanity typical of time, based on a popular litany, The fifteen joys of Notre Dame , and each chapter ends with a liturgical refrain that expresses the miseries of marriage. The evidence that the salt is the author of this work were made by E. Gossart ( Belgian bibliophile , 1871, pp. 83–7), which cites from the didactic treatise The room A song paraphrased by the Treaty of San Girolamo against Gioviniano which contains the main elements of the satire. Gaston Paris ( Paris Review , December 1897) expressed the opinion that to find something similar to the mischievous perspicacity with which the salt senses the most intimate details of the marital life and the painful accuracy of the description, it is necessary to go up to Balzac. The theme itself was quite common in the Middle Ages in France, but the dialogue in Fifteen Joyes It is unusually natural and vivid. Each of the fifteen cartoons is perfect in its kind; There are no redundancies. The typical verbosity of the novel is replaced by the methods of the writers of mabling .

One hundred news [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In One hundred news The Italian novel is naturalized in France. The Ibro is modeled on the Decameron by Boccaccio, and owes something to Facetiae Latin of the contemporary intellectual Poggio Bracciolini; But the stories are rarely taken from elsewhere, and in cases where the News They have an Italian novel homologous they seem independent variants. In many cases the general immorality of the concept is associated with the grossness of the details, but ninety -eighth history tells what seems to be a genuine tragedy, and is of a totally different nature from the others short stories . It is another version of the history of the already mentioned Florida and Elvide .

Editions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The best editions of the undoubted and alleged works of La Sale are: Petit Jehan de Saintre A care of J. M. GUGARD (1843); The hundred news A Cura di Thomas Wright (Elzeverian Library, 1858); The fifteen jewels of Mariage PIA Pierre Jannet’s Care (Bibl. Elzev., 1857). The salad Prints were given more than once during the 16th century. The room It has never been printed; For its contents see E. Gossart in Belgian bibliophile (1871, pp. 77 and Segg.). See also the aforementioned authorities and Joseph Neve, Antoine de la Salle, his life and his works … Followed by the reconstruction of Madame de Fresne … and fragments and inevitable documents (1903), who claims that The fifteen jewels not One hundred news they must be repudiated by the works of La Sale; Pietro Toldo, Contribution to the study of the French novel of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (1895), and a review of it by Gaston Paris in Journal of scholars (May 1895); L. Stern, Versuch Liber Antoine de la Salle , in Archive for the study of newer languages , vol. xlvi.; e G. Raynaud, A new manuscript of little Jehan de Saintre , in Romania Vol. 31.
