Antoine Jacques Louis Jourdan – Wikipedia


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Antoine Jacques Louis JOURDAN ( in Paris – In Paris) is a French doctor, lexicographer and translator.

Jourdan studied medicine when he was, in 1807, called for armies as an under-aid surgeon. Spent, the following year, help major at 72 It is Online, he went through the same grade in Val-de-Grâce, in 1811 and, shortly after, at the ambulances of the imperial guard. He made, in this double quality, a large part of the wars of the Empire. Returned to civilian life by the dismissal of the Grande Army, after the events of 1813, Jourdan returned to Paris, was received a doctor in 1819, and consecrated the rest of his life to science; He became a member of the Academy of Medicine [ first ] . Laborious translator, he sought an independent position in his pen and mainly reflected a large number of German -speaking works. Knight of the Legion of Honor .

Translated from German [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Translated from Italian [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Translated with Latin [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Translated from English [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Medico-surgical inflammation treaty , the John Thomson (1827, 1 vol. In-8 °): Google Books and by François Gabriel Boisseau.
  • Complete treaty of venereal diseases , Méquignon-Marvis, Paris, 1826, 2 vol, in-8 °: vol. 1 , vol. 2 , work in which these two ideas which since has been reproduced and data as new opinions dominate:
1 ° That syphilis is neither an importation of America nor a new disease;
2 ° That not only is mercury not the only remedy against venereal diseases, but that the abuse has been made of it again has become the source of an infinity of accidents.
  1. Deputy member residing from June 3, 1823 to January 20, 1835 and full member from January 20, 1835 to January 2, 1848.
