Antonllo Antonllo Antonllo – Wikipedia


Antonio Antinoro said Antonello (Palermo, 3 August 1960) is an Italian politician and doctor.


In 2001 he applied to the Sicilian Regional Assembly and was elected with the New Sicily list with 7,438 preference votes on 40,895 list (18.19%). The leader of the New Sicily movement, Bartolo Pellegrino, will be arrested for external competition in mafia association [first] , New Sicily begins his decline and melts definitively. Antinoro adheres to the UDC, a party with which he is applying to the 2006 regional elections and is elected with 30,202 preferences, resulting the most voted politician in the history of Sicily [2] .

In the 2008 elections, it is always elected with the UDC lists both in the Senate of the Republic and to the Sicilian Regional Assembly, reporting 28,042 preference votes out of 114,901 list (24.41%). Since 30 May 2008 he held the position of regional councilor for cultural, environmental and public education in the first Lombardo councils (2008-2009). On June 19, 2008, he ceased from Senator’s mandate, halving and opting for the office of deputy to the Sicilian Regional Assembly. Being a case of incompatibility, the Senate acknowledges.

In May 2009, a crisis opens in the regional government led by Raffaele Lombardo [3] , which leads to a reshuffle in the council with the expulsion of the UDC councilors, including Antinoro [4] . In the European elections of 2009 he is a candidate in the island Italy district with the UDC list, after the renunciation of Saverio Romano is elected, therefore resigns from the Ars and opts for the European Parliament [5] . In September 2010 he voted favorably the European Union directive authorizing vivisection for stray dogs and cats [6] [7] .

In September 2010, following the birth of the fourth Sicilian government of the Lombard presidency [8] , which sees an internal crack on the return of the UDC to the council [9] , Antinoro is among those exponents who enter strong controversy with Pier Ferdinando Casini, who leave the UDC, founding the popular of Italy tomorrow (Pid) [ten] [11] , whose exponents abandon the role of opposition, for which they had been elected in the UDC, and lift in support of the parliamentary majority of the center -right of Silvio Berlusconi.

In January 2012 the popular of Italy tomorrow adhere to the Popular Site together with other acronyms and Antinoro therefore passes to this new political force.

Since 2021 he has been among the members of the management committee of the neo -constitutosis party we with Italy [twelfth] , born as a list on the occasion of the 2018 political elections in which Cantiere Popolare had participated from the beginning.

On May 14, 2009, Antinoro received a warranty notice on charges of exchange vote with mafia bosses of the San Lorenzo clan of Palermo. After a judicial affair that lasted eight years, the Sicilian politician is acquitted with a definitive sentence by the accusation of vote of political-mafia exchange [13] .


Thanks to wiretapping, they were also contested by frequentations with men of Cosa Nostra [14] . Antinoro was also accused by the collaborator of justice Michele Visit who declared that he had witnessed the delivery of a sum of money to men of Cosa Nostra of the Resuttana mandate by Antinoro [15] [16] . A supertestimone also confirmed the passage of money [17] . In December 2009 Antonino Troia was arrested, alleged intermediary between the bosses and Antinoro [18] .

In February 2010 Antinoro was indicted by the Palermo Palermo Public Prosecutor’s Office for exchange vote [19] And he asks, through his lawyers, to be judged with immediate judgment, jumping the preliminary hearing [20] . The contacts with the mafia bosses of Resuttana and Arenella were also confirmed by the repentant Manuel Pasta [21] , who accused Antinoro of having bought the votes of the mafia to get elected to the Ars [22] .

In September 2010, the exponents of Cosa Nostra Antonino Caruso, Agostino Pizzuto, Vincenzo Troia and Antonino Genova are condemned for mafia and exchange vote “in agreement” with Antinoro [23] , for which the process has not yet ended. In March 2011 the collaborators of justice Manuel Pasta and Michele Visit had confirmed the accusations before the third section of the Palermo court [24] . In November 2011, the public prosecutor, at the end of the indictment, asked for 8 years in prison for Antinoro [25] .

On 16 December 2011 the judges of the third criminal section of the Court of Palermo condemn Antinoro to two and a half years in prison, to the suspension from the electoral law for 5 years and to the compensation of 30,000 euros in favor of the Presidency of the Sicilian Region, established civil party [26] . The sentence at first instance is for a simple exchange vote, and therefore excludes the aggravating mafia by the Eurodepeutus.

In March 2013 the deputy prosecutor general asked the Court of Appeal of Palermo for the 8 -year sentence of the Eurodepieputy [27] .

On 5 July 2013 the Court of Appeal suffered the charge to the original formulation, with the aggravating circumstance of the facility of Cosa Nostra, sentenced Antinoro to six years in prison [28] .

On June 3, 2014 the sixth criminal section of the Supreme Court of Cassation, cancels the sentence of conviction and refers to the Court of Appeal for the celebration of a new trial. [29]

On April 13, 2016, the same Court of Appeal acquitted Antinoro by the crime of vote of political-mafia exchange [30] .

On March 28, 2017, rejecting the appeal presented by the PG, the Court of Cassation fulfills the former deputy with a definitive sentence.

  1. ^ Trapani, the former vice -president of the Region arrested for Mafia , in The Republic , 04 April 2007. URL consulted on January 28, 2010 .
  2. ^ Form. Who is Antonello Antinoro, the recordman of preferences in Sicily , in Sicily information , May 14, 2009. URL consulted on January 28, 2010 (archived by URL Original May 21, 2009) .
  3. ^ Emanuele Lauria, The last tear of Lombardo fired five councilors , in The Republic , May 26, 2009. URL consulted on January 28, 2010 .
  4. ^ Lombardo completes the Sicilian junta. The UDC remains out , in The sun 24 hours , June 26, 2009. URL consulted on December 19, 2009 .
  5. ^ Sicily/Ars: Antinoro (UDC) chooses EU, takes over Cintola [ interrupted connection ] , in ASCA , 29 July 2009. URL consulted on August 8, 2009 .
  6. ^ Antonio Cianciullo, Vivisection, EU directive “yes to strays as guinea pigs” , in The Republic , 09 September 2010. URL consulted on September 25, 2010 .
  7. ^ Vivisection, the list of Italian signatories , in The unit , 13 September 2010. URL consulted on September 25, 2010 (archived by URL Original September 16, 2010) .
  8. ^ Massimo Lorello, Here is the new regional council was born on the axis between Pd and Finiani , in The Republic , September 21, 2010. URL consulted on September 23, 2010 .
  9. ^ Pact with Lombardo, the Democratic Party takes time , in The Republic , 20 September 2010. URL consulted on September 23, 2010 .
  10. ^ Romano: “Popular for tomorrow’s Italy is born” , in Giornale di Sicilia , September 28, 2010. URL consulted on 1 October 2010 .
  11. ^ Antinoro: network project will find support of the PID at the European Parliament [ interrupted connection ] , in Official pid site . URL consulted on 2 December 2010 .
  12. ^ Steering Committee . are We with Italy . URL consulted on December 20, 2021 .
  13. ^ Mafia, Antinoro did not buy votes from the bosses. The Cassation fulfills the former deputy , in The Republic , 28 Marzo 2017.
  14. ^ Salvo Palazzolo, Alessandra Ziniti, Votes bought and meetings with the bosses, the UDC Antinoro and Dina investigated , in The Republic , May 15, 2009. URL consulted on January 28, 2010 .
  15. ^ Exchange votes, other accusations in Antinoro , in Sicily , 20 May 2009. URL consulted on January 28, 2010 .
  16. ^ A new collaborator of justice: “Antinoro paid for a pack of votes” , in Sicily information , 20 May 2009. URL consulted on January 28, 2010 (archived by URL Original May 23, 2009) .
  17. ^ Repentant and superteste accuse Antinoro , in The Republic , May 16, 2009. URL consulted on January 28, 2010 .
  18. ^ Salvo Palazzolo, ‘From Antinoro money and placed to the bosses’ , in The Republic , 23 December 2009, p. 9 Section: Palermo. URL consulted on April 21, 2010 .
  19. ^ EOS investigation and Antinoro exchange vote (UDC) towards the process , in The Republic , February 16, 2010. URL consulted on April 21, 2010 .
  20. ^ Aaron Pettinari, EOS process: extortion and exchange vote. In trial as well as Antinoro [ interrupted connection ] , in Anti -mafia two thousand , May 4, 2010. URL consulted on November 25, 2010 .
  21. ^ The new repentant Manuel Pasta accuses the MEP Antinoro , in The Republic , 09 April 2010. URL consulted on April 9, 2010 .
  22. ^ Salvo Palazzolo, The repentant: “Antinoro bought the votes” hunt for the carabiniere by bosses , in The Republic , April 15, 2010. URL consulted on April 18, 2010 .
  23. ^ Umberto Lucentini, A vote 50 euros, it appears [ interrupted connection ] , in The espresso , 20 September 2010. URL consulted on October 2, 2010 .
  24. ^ Palermo, repentant confirm accusations on Antinoro , in Giornale di Sicilia , 26 Marzo 2011. URL consulted on March 28, 2011 .
  25. ^ Simona is the Ceck, Antinoro, for the MEP PID the prosecutor asks for 8 years conviction , in Corriere del Mezzogiorno , 11 November 2011. URL consulted on 11 November 2011 .
  26. ^ Exchange vote, Antinoro sentenced to two years. Excluding mafia aggravating circumstance , in Corriere della Sera , December 16, 2011. URL consulted on December 16, 2011 .
  27. ^ Exchange vote: PG “8 years for MEP PID Antinoro” , in Italy journalistic agency , 27 Marzo 2013. URL consulted on March 28, 2013 (archived by URL Original March 7, 2016) .
  28. ^ Riccardo lo verse, Antinoro sentenced to 6 years for exchange vote , in Giornale di Sicilia , 5 July 2013. URL consulted on 5 July 2013 .
  29. ^ Exchange vote, the Cassation cancels the sentence of Antonello Antinoro , PalermoToday, June 3, 2014. URL consulted on December 28, 2014.
  30. ^ Antinoro, “was not a mafia” prescribed electoral corruption , in Livesicilia , April 13, 2015. URL consulted on March 31, 2017 (archived by URL Original 1 April 2017) .
