aonyōbō – Wikipedia


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The face of the witch ANYOUBOU (Aoju), Da UN DIPINTO DI HYAKKI YAGYō EMAKI (Hyakki Yogyo picture scroll), 1832.

AyLYBO ( Green girl room ? ) (Also A-NYAMBō , Aou nyobou It is Onna ) [first] [2] è un Yōkai (youkai?) [3] , legendary creature of Japanese mythology evolved by the popular culture of the Heian period.

Aonyōbō as illustrated in KONJAKU GAZU ZOKU HYAKKI Dell’Antista TriyaMama, 1779.

Ao-Narbo It is a Japanese term composed of two words to the which means ” green ” and Examine “chaperone”. It is not a proper name of the yōkai , but generally refers to a young, inexperienced, low -ranking or low -ranking lady of low -ranking company who has poor court duties or serves in a noble residence. The green color [4] was attributed, in the Heian period, to the rank of Examine Dissgrazia and/or unattractive falls that could not find husband. The name à-nonna [5] It means purely “woman or green wife”.

Examine or also geisha At the trick intent on blackening their teeth, from the series ” three beautiful women to makeup “, NISHIKI-E Di Utagawa Kunisada, 1815.

L’ Ao-Narbo It is a female spirit; [6] . He wears a jūnihitoe from the Heian period, made up of many layers of fabric, completely torn and dirty on the front. Long hair holder up to the ground and has a mask on his face made of white powder, painted eyebrows and ohaguro , when it removes it, it shows a horrible face with a wrinkled and thin skin with shaved eyebrows, sometimes without eyes. He lives alone in large abandoned houses and gets beautiful. [7] He brings with him a fan and a mirror in which you look constantly. When you meet it, it is always turned or back on the shoulders, appearing as well as a beautiful slim and well dressed girl. The admirer who approaches her, seeing her reflection in the mirror, is terrified and it is then that the lady turns, ventures him and eats him with his long black teeth and his nails as strong as claws. L’ Ao-Narbo It is the spirit that represents poverty, bad luck and vanity. This creature has similarities with In-andon (Blue line lamp, laanterna blu), un altro yōkai female who feeds on the fear of people [8] .

The legend [9] He wants these spirits to have been of the ex -company ladies who aged, never advanced in degree [ten] And never married, they die alone and desperate. Being vain and ambitious even in death, they continue to wander in great abandoned residences in which they dress up for celebration, always with a mirror and fan in the hands. Seats hidden behind the traditional sweating, in the darkest of the solitudes, await their Prince Charming. The unfortunate visitor, after having died of fear in looking at them, ends up snorted by their jaws. A tragedy that repeats itself indefinitely, the woman waits in vain and the man is punctually devoured. He is considered unsuitable and the horror that the AO Examine He sees in his eyes he reminds her of his mean and painful existence. Not being able to support this humiliation systematically suppresses his victim, in a vicious circle of self -destruction [11] .
Very often this type of spirits also attacks and devours young women beautiful and refined for envy and jealousy [first] .

Dama in the mirror, from the series ” mirrors of the modern tolets “, Ukiyo-E by Utagawa Kunisada, 1823.

And yōkai from blue skin is described for the first time [twelfth] of the Waka poems of Minamoto No Sanetomo Minamoto third Shōgun of the Kamakura family in the 11th century. The genre of the demon is then indicated in the historical chronicles Azuma Kagami (吾妻鏡/東鑑, “The mirror of the East”) [13] Fine XI and in Heike Monogatari (平家物語 平家物語 平家物語 平家物語 平家物語 平家物語?, “The Taira family’s story”) of the fourteenth century. While details on the physical aspect begin to outline many HYAKUKI YAKOU EMAKI (Anthologies of Japanese mythological figures) made in the Muromachi period, where it is described as a courtesan with a black tooth, which looking in a mirror dialogue with a demon.

It is only with the illustrations of Toriyama Sekien, in KONJAKU GAZU ZOKU HYAKKI (今 昔 画 画 図続 図続 図続 図続 図続 図続 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 画 [14] , that the character is completed. In the text it is said that it is called Ao-Narbo , which is a lady of company from the Heian period and paints it in the iconographic style of the time. Sekien also tells that the spirit dwells in an ancient and desolate palace [15] .
In some texts it is also called with other names such as haguro-bettari It is shimoguchi And it has characteristics that will lose over time, as can be seen in the work Ehon Hyaku Monogatari (絵本 百物語 百物語, “The illustrated book of the hundred stories”) [16] of the Takehara Shunsenii incisor, in 1841 [17] . His representations had a great influence on Yokai Hyaku Monogatari (Youkai Hyakushi, Le Cento Storie Di DeMoni) [18] DEL FUMETTISTA MIZUKI SHIGERU [19] Made in 1979.

L’ Ao-Narbo Designed by Shunsenzai in 1841, with the name of haguro-bettari (Tooth black bumps), UKIYO-E.

The character of the bad Ariake no kata (有明 の の) [20] series SHURIKEN SENTAI NINNINGER , the character of Badonna dei Power Rangers Ninja Steel And also the lady, the final boss, of Little Nightmeres are based on the figure of the Ao-Narbo .

  1. ^ a b ( IN ) AO Examine , in . URL consulted on March 27, 2021 .
  2. ^ ( IN ) Aonyobo (young woman who serves a high-ranked person) (青女房) , in . URL consulted on March 27, 2021 .
  3. ^ Shigeru Mizuki, Encyclopedia of Japanese spirits , Kappalab, 2014.
  4. ^ Maria Teresa Orsi, The ten colors of elegance: essays of Japanese studies, volumes 4 , edited by Matilde Mastrangelo, Andrea Maurizi, Aracne Editrice S.r.l., 2013, p. 660, ISBN 88-548-5856-0,, 9788854888565.
  5. ^ Shigeru Mizuki, A-NYAMBō [ interrupted connection ] . are , TUMBLR. URL consulted on March 29, 2021 .
  6. ^ ( IN ) Art Station , . URL consulted on March 30, 2021 .
  7. ^ ( IN ) To Nyōbō , in . URL consulted on March 27, 2021 .
  8. ^ Paolo Napolitano, La DMA Blu , in K-Ble Junble . URL consulted on March 30, 2021 .
  9. ^ ( IN ) AO Examine , in . URL consulted on March 29, 2021 .
  10. ^ ( IN ) A.P.George, Enlightenment of Women and Social Change, , in North Book Center, New Delhi, India , 2005, p. 105.
  11. ^ Valmorbida Erika, Phenomenology of autolesionism , in Ca ‘Ca’ Foscali, Venice , 2015.
  12. ^ ( And KOICHI YUMOTO, “Koseki Yokai Taikan” (“Enciclopedia DEGLI YOSAI PIU ‘ANTICHI”), Pai International, 2013, ISBN 978-4-7562-4 337-9.
  13. ^ ( IN ) Louis-Frédéric, Japan Encyclopedia , Traduzione Di Kath Roth, Harvard University Press, UK, 2002, p. 1102, ISBN 0-674-00770-0, (: 978067407703).
  14. ^ ( And SEKIEN TORIYAMA, “GAZU HYAKKI YAGYō Zen Gashū” , ISBN 978-4-04-405101-3.
  15. ^ ( And NATSUHIKO KYOGOKU; Katsumi Tada, “Yokai Zukan” (Illustrazioni Di Creature Mostruose, Kokusho Kankokai, 2000, ISBN 978-36-04 187-6.
  16. ^ ( IN ) Ehon Hyaku Monogatari Picture Book Hyakushi, FSC-GR-780.587.1-5 , in , The World of Japanese Illustrated Books. URL consulted on March 29, 2021 .
  17. ^ ( And ) Natsuhiko kyogoku; katsumi tada, “yokai zukan” (Illustrazioni Di Creature Mostruose), Kokusho Kankokai, 2000, ISBN 978-4-336-0 4187-6, ..
  18. ^ ( IN ) Yokï , Cornélius Illustration Book, 2017, p. 80.
  19. ^ ( IN ) Mizuki, shigeru, Graphic World of Japanese Phantoms , Kokusho kankokai, 1985, ISBN 978-4-06-202381-8, (4-06-202381-4).
  20. ^ ( And ) SHURIKEN SENTAI NINNINGER , in , TV Asahi. URL consulted on March 29, 2021 .
  • Franco Pavesi, A world in the mirror. Journey to the nineteenth century. , in Edizioni Santa Caterina, Pavia , 2017, P. 122, ISBN 978-888-98-96120-32-3.
  • ( IN ) Toriyama is real, Japandemonium Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopeas of Toriyama Sekien , translation by Hiroko Yoda, International Standard Book, USA, 2017.
  • ( FR ) Yokai: Liste des DES YOKAI, BAKENEKO, Raiju, Amanojaku, Hannya, Amefurikozo, HOKO, ABURA-SUMASHI, ABURA-SUMASHI, ABURA-AKAGO , in General Books LLC , Group books, 2010, p. 86, ISBN 978-1-153-61028-5.
  • ( IN ) Mulhern, Chieko Irie, Heroic with Grace: Legendary Women of Japan , Westport CT, Greenwood Press, 1994, ISBN 978-0-313-25486-4.
  • ( IN ) Lebra, such Sugiyama, Above the Clouds: Status Culture of the Modern Japanese Nobility , in Berkeley: University of California Press , 1995, ISBN 0-520-07602-8.
