Apparitions of the lady of all peoples


Image of the lady of all peoples

For appearances of the Lady of all peoples According to the Catholic Church, fifty -six apparitions of the Madonna, who would have manifested themselves in Amsterdam to the seer Ida peerdeman , between 1945 and 1959.


Isje Johanna Peerdeman, called Ida, was born on August 13, 1905 in Alkmaar, in the Netherlands, the last of five children. At eight he lost his mother, who died thirty -five years old together with the last newborn son.
Her sister Gesina then took care of the three sisters and brother Piet, being the father, a merchant of fabric, often absent for work.

The first of the apparitions had by ISJE would have happened in reality on October 13, 1917 [first] , the day on which the Marian apparitions of Fátima would have ended, with the famous episode of the Solar Miracle. The seer, then twelve, reported that he had seen, while Amsterdam came back after the confession, a bright woman of exceptional beauty, who immediately identified with the Virgin Mary. He said that the “beautiful lady” smiled at her without speaking, keeping her arms slightly open. Ida, on the advice of its spiritual director, Father Frehe, did not disclose the episode, despite being repeated for two other Saturdays.

The longest apparitions, however, began only in 1945, just before the war ended, when the seer was approximately 35 years old, on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation. The Madonna would appear to Ida when this was in her house in the company of the sisters and the spiritual father, Don Frehe, and would have revealed her that she was “lady” and “mother” of all peoples [2] .

In subsequent apparitions, gradually, the Madonna would have revealed her the plan of salvation prepared by God for the world, to be realized through the mother. This is why Maria would have given her an image and a prayer.

The image depicts the mother of Christ, with the cross behind and with his feet resting on the earth’s globe, surrounded by a flock of sheep, a symbol of peoples from all over the world which, according to the message, would have found peace only turning it look at the cross. From the hands of Mary, rays of grace are radiated [3] . This image of the Madonna presents many similarities (globe under the feet, rays of light from the hands down) with that which appeared to Caterina Labouré in 1830 and in the same apparition required by Maria to be depicted on the miraculous medal.

As for prayer, the Madonna would have expressed itself in the messages [4] : with the daily recitation of the prayer “I assure you that the world will change” (29.4.1951); “This prayer is given for the conversion of the world” (31.12.1951); “Through this prayer, the lady will save the world” (10.5.1953); “You don’t know the power and importance of this prayer with God” (31.5.1955).

This is the text of the prayer, translated into eighty languages:


«Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, now sends your Spirit on earth. He lives in the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all peoples, so that they are preserved by corruption, calamities and war. That the lady of all peoples, the blessed Virgin Mary [5] , is our lawyer. Amen. (Message of 15.11.1951) [6] »

The Madonna would also have asked to send a letter to Rome, so that the Pope emanated a fifth Marian dogma, concerning the role of Mary as a cornerstone, mediator and lawyer of mankind. [7]

In the night between 18 and 19 February 1958, Madonna would announce to the seer that Pope Pius XII would die in early October of the same year. Ida’s spiritual father asked her to write down the content of that message and to keep it in a closed envelope. Pius XII actually died on 9 October in Castel Gandolfo. [8]

In the messages, Madonna would have told Ida that she had chosen Amsterdam because the city of the Eucharistic miracle of 1345. [9] Another Eucharistic miracle would also have occurred in 1429 in Alkmaar, the birthplace of the seer.

Ida Peerdeman died on June 17, 1996, at the age of ninety years.

Recognition by the Catholic Church [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On May 31, 2002 the bishop of Haarlem, Joseph Maria Punt, recognized the authenticity of the lady’s apparitions of all peoples [ten] .

On December 30, 2020 the new bishop of Haarlem, Johannes Hendriks, wrote that ” The veneration of Mary with this title is allowed “, but he added:” What can be understood as a (implicit) recognition of messages and apparitions must be avoided, since the congregation [for the doctrine of faith], in this regard, has given a negative judgment that was confirmed by Pope Paul VI [11] [twelfth] .

  1. ^ First meeting with the Madonna . are De-VROUWE.INFO . URL consulted on July 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original December 8, 2015) .
  2. ^ The first appearance . are De-VROUWE.INFO . URL consulted on July 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original on 26 October 2012) .
  3. ^ The image . are De-VROUWE.INFO . URL consulted on July 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original September 30, 2012) .
  4. ^ Messages 1945 . are De-VROUWE.INFO . URL consulted on July 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original June 6, 2012) .
  5. ^ The original text was “… that once was Maria, …”. However, the congregation for the doctrine of the faith approved the text of the prayer, with the directive to change, due to possible misunderstandings, the original clause that dictated by the Madonna “which was once Mary” replacing her with “The Blessed Virgin Mary” ( Congregation, 30 October 2006). Moreover, in the message 06.04.1952 the Madonna had specified “that once was Mary … this must remain like this. It means that many men have known Mary as Mary. But now I want in this new period, being the lady of all peoples. This is understandable to everyone. ” Then the amended text would be: “that the lady of all peoples, that once ( in the earthly world ) era ( known as ) Maria, is our lawyer. Amen. “(Maurizio Tessaro – Thiene)
  6. ^ Attribution of prayer
  7. ^ The dogma . are De-VROUWE.INFO . URL consulted on July 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original September 29, 2012) .
  8. ^ Death of Pope Pius XII . are De-VROUWE.INFO . URL consulted on July 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original March 5, 2016) .
  9. ^ From “The new daily compass”
  10. ^ Current position of the Church . are De-VROUWE.INFO . URL consulted on July 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original June 6, 2012) .
  11. ^ Clarification issued ( PDF ), are . URL consulted on April 19, 2021 .
  12. ^ An explanation and pastoral word ( PDF ), are . URL consulted on April 19, 2021 .
  • Vincenzo Mercante, I am the lady of all peoples. Cornerstone, mediator and lawyer , Editrice Ancilla, 2007
  • P. Paul M. Sigl, Ida Peerdeman – The seer of Amsterdam , 2005
  • The messages of the “lady of all peoples” , Edizioni Vocepiù, 2005
