Apricale – Wikipedia


Apricale – Stemma

Apricale – Veduta
Apricale – View

Panorama of apricale

State Italia Italy
Region Liguria
Province Imperia
Mayor Silvano Pisano (Apricale civic list for all) from 16-5-2011 (3rd mandate from 4-10-2021)
Date of institution 1861
Coordinate 43°52′49.92″N 7 ° 39′37.74 ″ and / 43.880533 ° N 7.660483 ° e 43,880533; 7.660483 ( Apricale )
Altitude 273 m s.l.m.
Surface 19,94 km²
Inhabitants 616 [first] (May 31-2022)
Density 30,89 Ab./km2
Neighboring municipalities Bajardo, Castel Vittorio, Dolceacqua, Isolabona, Perinaldo, Pigna, Rocchetta Nervina, Sanremo
More information
Code. mail 18035
Prefix 0184
Jet lag UTC+1
Istat code 008002
Cadastral code A338
Targa IN THE
Cl. seismic zone 3 (low seismicity) [2]
Cl. climatic zone d, 2 015 gg [3]
Inhabitants name apricalesi
Patron Sant’Antonio Abate
Holiday September 8th
Mappa di localizzazione: Italia



Apricale – Mappa
Apricale – Map

Position of the municipality of Apricale in the province of Imperia

Institutional site

Apricale ( Abry O To fight in Ligurian, Bligal in the local variant [4] ) is an Italian municipality of 616 inhabitants [first] of the province of Imperia in Liguria.

The medieval village is located in the hinterland of Bordighera, in the Valle del Torrente shit, tributary of the nervous, 13 km from the coast of the Riviera di Ponente. Monte Bignone is visible in the background (1,299 m.).

Among the peaks of the municipal area, Monte Gouta (1315 m), Mount Alto (1266 m), Monte Cerchiai (1256 m), Mount Campi (702 m), Mount Semoigo (614 m), Mount Foa ( 611 m), Mount Cianela (585 m), Monte Osaggio (541 m) and Monte Curti (516 m).

Historical [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Map of the same French department (1805) with Apricale in the canton of Dolceacqua

The origin of the village would seem to go back to the Bronze Age, thanks to the finds of sepulchral dive in Pian del Re (in the local dialect Cian Deu Re ); Other finds [5] they would go up a first attendance of the territory to the pre-Roman period. Officially the village was founded around the tenth century by the accounts from Ventimiglia [5] and the latter erected the Castle of the lizard in this century [5] where he will then develop and expand the Apriclese village. The first written attestation dates back to 1092 [5] – with the name of Aurigallus – while at 1210 a form of municipal organization is attested, straight from local consuls.


From the thirteenth century the first purchases of lands and rights began by some Genoese nobles [5] , mostly as a redemption for the debts contracted by the Conti di Ventimiglia towards Genoa. In particular, to 1272 [5] The occupation of Apricale and the local Castle by a Tale Gianella lawyer with the help of the local Guelph faction and the support of the Grimaldi family is mentioned in the historic annals; The following year the Ghibelline faction managed, however, to resume control of the Apriclese territory and to return it to the Ventimigliese addictions [5] . It was the same accounts of Ventimiglia, in 1267 [5] , to grant new statutes and chapters to the community of Apricale considered, the latter, among the oldest in Liguria [5] .

Al 1287 [5] The purchase of the fiefdom by Oberto Doria – already lord of Dolceacqua since 1270 dates back [5] – which established the administrative union of Apricale with Isolabona [5] Inside the Marquisate of Dolceacqua [5] ; This union with the Isolese community forgiven until 1573 [5] . At 1524 the passage of the Marquisate Dolceacquese dates back to the Duchy of Savoy [5] .

With the annexation of the countryside of Nice to the First French Republic, in 1793 [5] , Apricale he became part of the Canton of Perinaldo [5] (District of Menton), then Di Monaco in the French Department of the Maritime Alps [5] [6] .

In 1805 [5] Apricale remained in the canton of Dolceacqua (which replaced Perinaldo as the capital), but passed to the new Sanremo district [5] , of the same department, extended to the east by annexation of a part of the Ligurian Republic [7] .

At the fall of the first French empire, in 1815, he returned to the Kingdom of Sardinia [5] , as established by the Congress of Vienna, and subsequently in the Kingdom of Italy, since 1861 [5] . The Municipality of Apricale was subjected to the III Mandamento di Dolceacqua of the Sanremo district of the province of Nice [5] (then Province of Porto Maurizio after the sale to France of the Nice territory).

From 1973 to 30 April 2011 he was part of the Intemelia Mountain Community.

The statutes [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Scorcio of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, in the heart of the historic center Apriclese.

For the medieval Apriclese community, the historic municipal statutes of 1267 were important for the medieval community [5] , considered the oldest in Liguria, who regularized the life of the inhabitants of the village with very specific rules. Every aspect is meticulously contemplated, by the regularization of the main economic activities, to the payment of taxes and taxes, to the penalties for the most serious crimes.
Precisely on the theme of justice they applied several and sometimes trucid punitive regulations, from the burial of the murderer (still alive) with the victim, to the beheading of adulterers to the amputation of a foot or hand for cattle thieves. The theft had to be prevented by the two country guards – forced to sleep every day in summer and two nights in winter at night in the fields – and obliged themselves to compensation materials following the failure to arrest the alleged thieves after eight days from the theft .

The statutes also included the judgment of God : the prosecutor of damage or thefts to third parties could be declared innocent if he managed to walk – for a short stretch – with a hot iron in his hand without burning himself [8] .

Symbols [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

“Shield with sailing ship, surrounded by oak and olive branches”

( Heraldic description of the coat of arms [9] )

The presence of a sailing ship in the municipal coat of arms, somewhat curious for a medieval village perched inland, is explained with the historic collaboration between the town and the shipyards of the coast; In fact, the timber for the construction of the ships of the Fleet of the Republic of Genoa came from the woods of Apricale.

The parish church of the purification of the Virgin Mary of Apricale

Religious architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Castle of the lizard
  • Parish Church of the purification of the Virgin Mary. The church, erected around the twelfth century, has been reworked and enlarged several times. In 1760 a restoration transformed the baroque building. The neo -Romanesque facade was redone in 1935. The church bell tower was obtained by the ancient square tower of the nearby Castle of the lizard in whose top a bicycle facing upwards was set. The singular and curious installation is nothing more than a contemporary artistic work from 2000 by Sergio Bianco: The strength of non -gravity .
  • Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, located at the foot of the town, houses frescoes dating back to the fifteenth century.
  • Church of Sant’Antonio. Dating back to the thirteenth century it was built near the local cemetery on the remains of an ancient temple of the Romanesque period.
  • Oratory of San Bartolomeo to whom a wooden polyptych from 1544 is kept inside.
  • Ruins of the church of San Pietro in Ento, the first parish church of the territory and dating back to the 11th or twelfth centuries.
  • Chapel of San Vincenzo Ferrer. Dating back to the 16th century, but revised in Baroque forms, it is located along the provincial road for Perinaldo about a kilometer from the center of Apricale. The statue of the saint retains in a niche of the facade.
  • Chapel of San Martino. Perhaps already ancient Romanesque Pieve the first information on the chapel date back to the 16th century. It preserves traces of sixteenth -century frescoes in the absence catin.
  • Chapel of San Rocco. Built along the mule track for Pigna, in the northern area of ​​the Borgo Apricalese, is mentioned in a testamentary act of 1576.
  • Chapel of Moudena, located along the mule track for the Moudena region.

Military architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Shin of the historic center

Demographic evolution [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Inhabitants surveyed [ten]

Foreign ethnic groups and minorities [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

According to Istat data at 31 December 2019, foreign citizens residing in Apricale are 114 [11] .

Life quality [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On 29 May and 4 July 2002 the Municipality of Apricale obtained the certification of its environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 standards and an OHSAS 18001 certificate for safety [twelfth] .

The Municipality is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy [13] and awarded the orange flag from the Italian Touring Club [14] .

The Giovanni Martini case

Until recent times, the hypothesis of the Apricalese origins of Giovanni Martini has been supported, known for being the only survivor of the Custer column at the battle of Little Bighorn, starting a sort of contest of the Natali with the Municipality of Salerno of Sala Consilina. The “dispute” definitively resolved on September 18, 2010 when new official investigations, specifically the discovery of the birth deed, identified the famous trumpeter John Martin in the figure of Giovanni Crisostomo Martino, born in the Salese city on January 28, 1852 .

In the center of the town, along a narrow medieval via, the Municipal Library is located, while inside the local Castello Apricalese there is the museum of the history of Apricale which preserves historical documents and finds including the famous Apricalese Statutes of 1267 .

Events [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Each year photographic, sculptural and pictorial exhibitions are organized inside the Castle of the lizard. The in front of the square, the heart of the Borgo Apricalese, is the scene of various local events such as the New Oil Feast, the Festa della Spring, the Valentine’s Day in February and the Pansarola Festival (sweet pancakes) on the second Sunday of September.

Since 1990, every summer, the narrow streets of the medieval village host the itinerant theater review … and the stars are looking at , of the Teatro della Tosse. Every August actors, directors and workers of the Genoese theater move or stage a show with always new stations, seen from about 1200 spectators in the evening [15] . The tradition, which began by Tonino Conte and Emanuele Luzzati, continues today with Emanuele Conte and Amedeo Romeo.

Since 2014, the Borgo is home to the “Apricale Tango” event, which in the first week of January recalls numerous Argentine tango fans with events, dancing evenings and shows.

The municipal area is made up of the capital and the Exclave of the Gouta Gola for a territorial surface of 19.94 km².

It borders in the north with the municipalities of Pigna and Castel Vittorio, to the south with Perinaldo, to the west with Isolabona and Dolceacqua, east with Bajardo and Sanremo.

It is mainly based on agriculture and tourism. In this village olive oil is produced, of Taggiasca origin, and from viticulture the Rossese grape wine.

Roads [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The territory of Apricale is mainly crossed by the provincial road 62 which allows the connection with Isolabona, to the west, and Perinalo to the south; Another road artery is the provincial 63 for Bajardo.

City Hall
Period Mayor Match Load Note
June 2, 1985 May 19, 1990 Roberto Pizzio Christian democracy Mayor
12 June 1990 April 24, 1995 Roberto Pizzio Independent Mayor
April 24, 1995 June 14, 1999 Roberto Pizzio civic list Mayor
June 14, 1999 June 14, 2004 Roberto Pizzio civic list Mayor
June 14, 2004 June 8, 2009 Giuseppe Mario Lanteri civic list Mayor
June 8, 2009 August 31, 2010 Roberto Pizzio Live in Apricale
(civic list)
Mayor [16]
August 31, 2010 May 16, 2011 Francesco Piano Comm. straord. [17]
May 16, 2011 June 5, 2016 Silvano Pisano Apricale for everyone
(civic list)
June 5, 2016 4 October 2021 Silvano Pisano Apricale for everyone
(civic list)
4 October 2021 in charge Silvano Pisano Apricale for everyone
(civic list)

Other administrative information [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Position of the Municipality of Apricale in the Union of Municipalities of the Valleys Nervia and Roja

Apricale is part of the Union of Municipalities of the Valleys Nervia and Roja.

  1. ^ a b Monthly demographic budget year 2022 (temporary data) . are demo.istat.it , State.
  2. ^ Seismic classification ( XLS ), are rischi.protezionecivile.gov.it .
  3. ^ Table of the degrees/day of the Italian municipalities grouped by region and province ( PDF ), in Law August 26, 1993, n. 412 , attached a , National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, 1 March 2011, p. 151. URL consulted on April 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original 1 January 2017) .
  4. ^ The dialect toponym is mentioned in the book-Dictionary of the Professor Gaetano Frisoni, Proper names of the city, villages and villages of the Liguria of the Genoese-Italian and Italian-Genovese dictionary , Genoa, new Genoese publisher, 1910-2002.
  5. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l m n O p q r s t in in In x Source from the Unified Information System for Artistic Superintendencies . are siusa.archivi.beniculturi.it . URL consulted on October 3, 2017 .
  6. ^ Alain Otho, “The ancient divisions of the Alpes-Maritimes (2)”, Bulletin of the Alpes-Maritimes Genealogical Association , 23, 09/2013
  7. ^ Decree of 15 messidor year XIII, Bulletin of laws vol. 37, p. 84
  8. ^ Source from the book of Enzo Bernardini, Stone villages. Journey to the hinterland of the Riviera dei Fiori , San Mauro (To), Tipografia Stige, 2002.
  9. ^ Apricale . are Araldicacivica.it . URL consulted on November 6, 2011 .
  10. ^ Statistics I.Stat State URL consulted on 28-12-2012 .
  11. ^ Foreign citizens residing according to Istat data of 31-12-2019 . are demo.istat.it . URL consulted on April 3, 2021 .
  12. ^ Source from the website of Municipality of Apricale – Certifications Filed On March 24, 2009 in the Internet Archive.
  13. ^ Source from the website de The most beautiful villages in Italy
  14. ^ Source from the website of Touring Club Italiano
  15. ^ Apricale: 1,200 spectators in the evening for the show of the Teatro della Tosse at the Castle
  16. ^ After the resignation of seven directors, the junta falls due to the lack of the legal number
  17. ^ Appointed by decree of the President of the Republic of 9 September 2010 and published in the Official Gazette no. 224 of 24 September 2010
