archidiocèse of your goa et today — Wikipedia


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L’ Archdiocese of Goa and Daman is an ecclesiastical district of the Roman Catholic Church in India. First diocese created (1533) in the Far East, it only extends over the state of Goa and the territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (old Portuguese possessions), all located by the sea and neighbors of Gujarat.

The diocese is erected the as sufficient of the Archdiocese of Funchal by Pope Clément VII. He then extends from the Cape of Bonne Hope, in Africa, China and Japan.

From 1557 the diocese was detached from Lisbon and became a metropolitan archdiocese with its first sufficient dioceses in Cochin (in Kerala in India) and Malacca (Malaysia). Asian missions developing quickly, other dioceses are created that are sufficient from Goa: Macao (China) in 1576, ōita (Japan) in 1588 [ first ] , Crap [ 2 ] a 1600 a mylapore [ 3 ] (India) in 1606, Nankin and Beijing (China) in 1690, Mozambique (East Africa) in 1612, and Daman [ 2 ] (Inside) EN 1886.

In 1572, the pope recognized the archdiocese of Goa as “primatial seat of the Orient”, his holder bearing the title of Archbishop-Primate of the Orient .

At XIX It is Century, in 1857, Goa lost all its suffragents in eastern India (China and Japan) but other dioceses were created which are attached to it, among others in Africa. With the erection of the Catholic hierarchy in the British Indies in 1886 by Léon XIII, Goa being under the control of Portugal (and governed by the ‘Padroado’ system) it loses a lot of its influence. In compensation, Léon XIII grants Goa’s Honorific Title of Goa Patriarch of East India .


Since 1928, the diocese has been known as Goa and Daman. Cranganore being deleted, the archbishop of Goa also holds a cranganore.

In 1961, Indian troops invaded Goa and put an end to Portuguese domination. The territory is annexed by India. The last Patriarch-Archbishop of Portuguese nationality leaves Goa. An apostolic administrator takes his place.

The situation was regularized in 1978. The administrator is made Archbishop and Patriarch to honor East Indies.

On November 25, 2006, Pope Benoit XVI transfers the Sindhudurg Sindhudurg’s suffranging diocese, created the previous year under the authority of the Metropolis of Bombay.

Statistics and evolution of Catholicism in the archdiocese [ 4 ]
year baptized population totale percentage of Christians priests including secular Regular baptized by priest deacons religious religious parishes
1970 259 660 655 700 39.6 732 608 124 354 189 627 148
1980 424 500 1 106 850 38.4 648 460 188 655 232 764 158
1990 385 076 1 852 000 20.8 582 404 178 661 366 744 160
1999 451 220 1 442 913 31.3 608 361 247 742 450 951 166
2000 453 450 1 445 915 31.4 609 365 244 744 423 955 162
2001 458 450 1 446 219 31.7 615 370 245 745 507 944 163
2002 450 130 1 502 057 30.0 619 371 248 727 450 941 162
2003 449 818 1 665 994 27.0 612 364 248 734 424 888 165
2004 454 926 1 685 335 27.0 608 382 226 748 386 849 165
2006 627 400 1 763 598 35.6 630 377 253 995 436 870 166
two thousand and thirteen 640 616 1 818 000 35.2 449 252 701 913 455 965 167
  • It is Francisco de Melo (1533)
  • Is João Afonso de Albuquerque (1539 – 1553)
  • Archevêque Gaspar de Leão Pereira (1560 – 1567)
  • Archbishop Jorge Temudo, Dominican (1568 – 1571)
  • Archevêque Gaspar de Leão Pereira (1574 – 1576.08.15)
  • Archevêque Henrique de Távora and Brito, Dominicain (1578 – 1581)
  • Archevêque João Vicente da Fonseca, Dominicain (1582 – 1587)
  • Mateus de Medina archbishop (1588 – 1592)
  • Archbishop Aleixo de Menezes (1595 – 1609)
  • Archevêque Cristóvão de Sá and Lisbon (1613 – 1622)
  • Archevêque Sebastião de San Pedro, Augustinien (1625 – 1629)
  • Archbishop Manuel Teles de Brito, Dominican (1633 – 1633)
  • Archbishop Francisco Dos Mártires, Franciscan (1636 – 1652)
  • Archevêque Cristóvão da Silveira (1671 – 1673)
  • Archevêque António Brandão (1675 – 1678)
  • Archbishop Alberto da Silva, Augustinian (1675 – 1679)
  • Archbishop Manuel de Sousa e Menezes (1681 – 1684)
  • Archevêque Agostinho da Annunciation (1691 – 1713)
  • Archevêque Sebastião de Andrade Pessanha (1716 – 1720)
  • Archbishop Inácio de Santa Teresa, Augustinian (1721 – 1740)
  • Archevêque Eugénio de Trigueiros, Augustinien (1740 – 1741)
  • Archevêque Lourenço de Santa Maria and Melo (1742 – 1752)
  • Archevêque António Taveira da Neiva Brum and Silveira (1750 – 1773)
  • Archevêque Francisco da Assumpção and Brito, Augustinien (1773 – 1783)
  • Archbishop Manuel de Santa Catarina, Carme (1783 – 1812)
  • Archbishop Manuel de Santo Galdino, Franciscan (1812 – 1831)
  • Archbishop José Maria da Silva Torres (1844 – 1849)
  • Archevêque João Crisóstomo de Amorim Pessoa (1861 – 1874)
  • Archevêque Aires of Ornelas and Vasconcelos (1874 – 1880)
  • Patriarche-Archevêque António Sebastião Valente (1881-1908)
  • Patriarch-Archbishop Matheus de Oliveira Xavier (1909-1928)
  • Patriarche Matheus de Oliveira Xavier (May 1, 1928 – 1929)
  • Patriarche-Archevêque Teotonio Emanuele Ribeira Vieira de Castro (1929-1940)
  • Patriarch-Archbishop José Vieira Alvernaz (1953-1975)
  • Patriarch-Archbishop and Cardinal José Da Costa Nunes (1940-1953)
  • Patriarch -Archbishop Jose Vieira de Alvernaz (1953 – 1961, † 1975)
  • Apostolic administrator (bishop) Francisco Xavier da Piedade Rebello (1966 – 1972)
  • Apostolic administrator (1972 – 1978) then Patriarch -Archbishop Raul Nicolau Gonsalves (1978 – 2004)
  • Patriarche-Archeveche Filipe Neri Ferrão ( -)
