Arcidiocesi Di tucuman – Wikipedia


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The minor basilica of Our Lady of the Mercede in San Miguel de Tucumán.

L’ Archdiocese of Tucumán (in latino: Archdiidioecesis tucumanensis ) is a metropolitan headquarters of the Catholic Church in Argentina. In 2020 it had 1,080,260 baptized on 1,214,370 inhabitants. He is lined with the archbishop Carlos Alberto Sánchez.

The Archdiocese includes eight departments of the province of Tucumán: Burruyacu, Capital, Cruz Alta, Famaillá, Lules, Tafí Viejo, Trancas and Yerba Buena. It also includes the parish of Bella Vista in the Leales department and the parish of Tafí del Valle in the homonymous department.

Archbishop’s seat is the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, where the cathedral of Our Lady of the Incarnation are located, and the minor basilicas of Our Lady of the Mercede and Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.

The territory extends over 10,679 km² and is divided into 49 parishes.

Ecclesiastical province [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The ecclesiastical province of Tucumán, established in 1957, includes the following suffragans:

The first diocese of Tucumán was erected on May 14, 1570 with the bubble The mirrors of the church of Pope Pius V, obtaining the territory from the diocese of Santiago del Chile (today Archdiocese); The episcopal residence and the cathedral were not found, however, in Tucumán, but in Santiago del Abroad. Originally suffragan of the archdiocese of Lima, on 20 July 1609 he became part of the ecclesiastical province of the Archdiocese of La Plata or Charcas (today Archdiocese of Sucre). On November 28, 1697 the headquarters of the diocese was moved to Córdoba and the diocese still exists with the name of Archdiocese of Córdoba.

This diocese of Tucumán was erected on February 15, 1897 with the bubble On the rock chair of Pope Leo XIII, obtaining the territory from the diocese of Salta (today Archdiocese).


On March 25, 1907 and January 21, 1910, portions of its territory for the benefit of the erection of the diocese of Santiago del Forearo and the diocese of Catamarca had given portions of its territory.

Originally suffragan of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, on April 20, 1934 he became part of the ecclesiastical province of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe (today Archdiocese of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz).

On 11 February 1957 he was elevated to the rank of metropolitan archdiocese with the bubble Since adoration of Pope Pius XII.

On August 12, 1963 he sold a further portion of his territory for the benefit of the erection of the diocese of Concepción.

On November 29, 1963, with the Apostolic Letter Protection of the deiparae Pope Paul VI proclaimed the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Mercede, the main patron of the Archdiocese. [2]

On September 8, 1969 he sold another portion of his territory for the benefit of the erection of the territorial prelature of Cafayate.

The periods of vacancies not exceeding 2 years or not historically ascertained are omitted.

In 2020 the Archdiocese on a population of 1,214,370 people counted 1,080,260 baptized, corresponding to 89.0% of the total.

year population Presbyteri deacons religious parishes
baptized total % number secular regular baptized for presbyter men women
1949 610,000 659.117 92.5 136 47 89 4.485 130 485 29
1966 550,000 597.299 92.1 183 53 130 3.005 150 265 32
1970 400,000 540,000 74.1 144 55 89 2.777 102 274 40
1976 400,000 570,000 70.2 144 54 90 2.777 105 284 37
1980 593,800 657,000 90.4 128 55 seventy three 4,639 2 eighty six 226 36
1990 817,000 899,000 90.9 145 60 85 5.634 9 91 246 47
1999 856,835 969.819 88.3 135 76 59 6.346 15 75 187 forty six
2000 868.732 983.285 88.3 131 78 53 6.631 15 65 171 47
2001 879.178 996.178 88.3 137 79 58 6.417 15 72 189 forty six
2002 899,793 1.021.332 88.1 149 84 65 6.038 15 74 184 47
2003 908.224 1,030,902 88.1 153 85 68 5.936 14 91 234 45
2004 911,849 1.035.017 88.1 144 eighty six 58 6.332 14 90 172 45
2010 1.034.201 1.112,000 93.0 143 89 54 7.232 ten 74 164 47
2014 1,000.097 1.135.183 88.1 138 92 forty six 7.247 5 65 112 48
2017 1,047,912 1,178,210 88.9 128 82 forty six 8.186 4 55 125 49
2020 1,080,260 1.214.370 89.0 130 81 49 8.309 4 57 109 49
