Arcilesbica – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


ArciLesbica It is an association made up of lesbian women. It was born in December 1996 from the division of Arcigay and Arcilesbica into two distinct federated subjects. [first] Ad ArciLesbica Both individuals and organized groups can adhere, provided they are composed and directed by women. In 2014, the last year of which the data is available, Arcilesbica had 1 017 members. Since 2014, no data is available on the number of members or on the number of affiliated circles. [ without source ]

Since 2017, the president of Arcilesbica has been Cristina Gramolini. [2] The Arcilesbic logo represents two symbols of Venus who intertwine inside two wings that form a butterfly. The color of the logo is purple. Arcilesbica adheres to Women’s Declaration International (WDI) and Ciams Coalition for the Abolition of Mother’s Surrogate.

In its site he declares that he pursues the aim of fighting any form of prejudice and discrimination against lesbians and women in general, of claiming the recognition and full enjoyment of their civil rights, to give visibility to the lesbians on the political, cultural level and rights, promoting the affirmation and spread of culture. In particular, it aims to:

  • spread everywhere visibility, sociality, solidarity between the lesbians, to express the lesbian, individual and collective choice, in every place that denies it or that does not foresee it and launch a cultural and politics against compulsory heterosexuality and against sexism;
  • Connect the lesbian claims to the claims of other subjects fighting for emancipation, according to a general project of liberation from the domain, and promote a conscious and incisive lesbian movement, engaged in the transformation of life associated in the sign of freedom, respect, well -being , of coexistence, who knows how to dialogue and cooperate with other movements committed to changing the unfair social and sexual pact;
  • fight all forms of prejudice and discrimination towards lesbians and homosexual people ;
  • enhance the visibility of lesbians;
  • claim the recognition and full enjoyment of civil rights .

The national congress is the organ of greatest associative participation. The National Congress decides the political address of the Association.

  • Milan, 27-28 November 2021: IX National Congress “Trust in lesbian genius”
  • Bologna, 8-10 December 2017: VIII National Congress “At extreme evils, extreme lesbians”
  • Cagliari, 27-29 March 2015: VII National Congress “Lesbismo is not easy like drinking a glass of water”
  • Milan, 23-25 ​​March 2012: VI National Congress “There is now”
  • Florence, 12-14 December 2008: V National Congress “In Italy of the economic and democratic crisis we keep up the rights and culture of lesbism”
  • Rome, 16-18 December 2005: IV National Congress “Arcilesbica: a decade of politics”
  • Rome, 15-17 November 2002: III National Congress “We consolidate the choice of active autonomy of lesbians in the GLBT community and in the field of the world pacifist left”
  • Ancona, 12-14 November 1999: The National Congress “Hita and limits of three years”
  • Padua, 14-15 December 1996: the national congress “Arcilesbica” was born

Summer school of studies on lesbism and gender [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Training and comparison for lesbian women.

  • Oriented towards happiness, 2014
  • Inhuman capital: only those who deserve it can live, 2015
  • The disappearance of lesbians: the premature dissolution of the female subject, 2016
  • Women who prefer. Trajectories of feminism and lesbism, 2017
  • What happened to women? Self -determination and overflowing today, 2018
  • Mare Forza Viola, 2019
  • Different, not excluding, 2021
  • Matrilinear. Biographies of lesbians today, 2022

Arcilesbic, working for an overall political project of change, considers migrations a nodal question of the present. Migrant lesbians are increasingly present in Italy and it is therefore necessary to recognize and combat racism also within the LGBT movement, avoiding that Pinkwashing is used to put the lesbians against each other.

Arcilesbica acted as an incubator at the birth of the lesbian association without borders, the first association of migrant lesbians in Italy.


In 2014, the Pride of Milan, thanks to the collaboration of Arcilesbica and Io Group (immigration and homosexuality), saw the presence of the organized group of migrants who participated by parading at the head of the procession. [3] [4]

Since the Arcilesbic Foundation it has been criticized as an association made up exclusively of women and therefore seen as a divisive within the LGBT movement. [5] Arcilesbica has always claimed as positive that it is an organization composed and directed only by women, in line with a position of feminist autonomy.

In 2008 he supported the arrest by Digos, and the subsequent incrimination of the feminist activist Graziella Bertozzo on the stage of Bologna Pride, through a press release signed by the president Francesca Polo and Aurelio Mancuso. [6] [7] [8] [9]

Starting in 2016, it takes on gradually more critical positions against sex working and paid maternity surrogation, [ten] [11] who have placed the association in open contrast with rainbow families [twelfth] and that they earned her the accusation of alignment with the positions of the conservative right. [13] [14] The victory, at the 2017 National Congress, of the motion “to extreme evils, extreme lesbians” on that “rediscovering relationships” [15] He has induced various circles to be disappointed with Arcilesbic, not agreeing with the association’s policies, considered excessively radical. [16] [17] [18]

In 2020, following further trans-excludiating statements (terf) and many transfobic with many [19] [20] , ARCI Federation is given a request for expulsion by Arcilesbica signed by 74 associations and Arci clubs and over 3 000 people. [21] [22] In 2021 the Association started a campaign to amend the bill presented by Alessandro Zan against lesbophobia, homophobia, bifia, transphobia, misogyny and inhabitants, through letters, petitions, webinars, sockets and declarations in order to approve a law that does not contrast with women’s rights. [23] [24] [25] In May 2021 the Northern League, actively committed to preventing the approval of the Zan bill [26] [27] , invites the president of Arcilesbica in the hearing to hinder the approval of the law. [28] [29]

  • Since 2017: Cristina Gramolini
  • From 2015 to 2017: Roberta Vannucci
  • From 2012 to 2015: Paola Brandolini
  • From 2005 to 2012: Francesca Polo
  • From 2002 to 2005: Cristina Gramolini
  • From 1996 to 2002: Titti De Simone
  • Arcilesbica milan zami
  • Arcilesbica Novara the island that is there
  • ARCIRSBICA Trentino-Altoadige The other Venus
  • Arcilesbica Modena
  • Arcilesbica Ferrara
  • Arcilesbica Libera Bergamo
  • Arcilesbica Pisa-Livorno
  • Arcilesbica Florence [ without source ]
  1. ^ Towanda! – April 1997 . are . URL consulted on 6 December 2020 (archived by URL Original July 19, 2012) .
  2. ^ Arcilesbica – Contacts . are . URL consulted on August 17, 2017 ( filed on August 17, 2017) .
  3. ^ Saturday Milan Pride also with migrants are URL visited on 11 June 2022
  4. ^ Anna Polo, Milan Pride 2014: LGBT reality and migrants together, April 14, 2014 on URL visited on 11 June 2022
  5. ^ Valeria Santostefano, Voices of lesbian women in Arcigay: between 1989 and 1996 are URL consulted on June 10, 2022
  6. ^ How did the Pride of Bologna end? . are , 4 July 2008. URL consulted on May 25, 2021 ( filed on May 26, 2021) .
  7. ^ Graziella Bertozzo, Open letter from Graziella Bertozzo . are , July 14, 2008. URL consulted on May 25, 2021 .
  8. ^ Article on facts Pride and arrest Graziella Bertozzo . are , 20 November 2008. URL consulted on May 26, 2021 ( filed on May 26, 2021) .
  9. ^ Friendly fire is likely to burn the Zan DDL? . are , 2 July 2008. URL consulted on May 25, 2021 ( filed on May 26, 2021) .
  10. ^ The no to the surrogate motherhood of lesbians divides the gay movement . are . URL consulted on August 17, 2017 ( filed on June 12, 2017) .
  11. ^ Trans women, Purpora Marcasciano: «From Arcilesbic positions of the stencil closure as on GPA and prostitution . are gaynews.t . URL consulted on September 19, 2019 ( filed 1 October 2019) .
  12. ^ Arcobaleno families and the whole LGBT movement condemn the shock phrase of Arcilesbica . are . URL consulted on September 19, 2019 ( filed 1 October 2019) .
  13. ^ Gay Pride, if Arcilesbica uses words similar to Forza Nuova . are . URL consulted on September 19, 2019 ( filed 1 October 2019) .
  14. ^ Milan. The majority split on gay dads. While Arcilesbica allies with Catholics and right . are . URL consulted on September 19, 2019 (archived by URL Original on May 2, 2019) .
  15. ^ Arcilesbica, what do the two documents opposed to the congress say? . are gaynews.t . URL consulted on September 19, 2019 ( filed 1 October 2019) .
  16. ^ Also Rome Spring Arcilesbic: Lesbian difference was born Rome . are . URL consulted on September 19, 2019 ( filed on September 25, 2019) .
  17. ^ Arcilesbica loses other pieces: lesbichexxbergamo is born . are . URL consulted on September 19, 2019 ( filed 1 October 2019) .
  18. ^ Naples announces its disaffoliation from Arcilesbic: the APS the tides is born . are gaynews.t . URL consulted on September 19, 2019 ( filed 1 October 2019) .
  19. ^ “Arcilesbica violates the Arci Statute with transfobic positions”, online petition to expel it . are . URL consulted on July 7, 2020 ( filed on June 20, 2020) .
  20. ^ To say what gender sex and identity are two different things does not mean being transfobic . are . URL consulted on July 7, 2020 ( filed on 6 July 2020) .
  21. ^ Arcilesbica does not respect the Arci Statute: we ask the Arci Federation to intervene . are . URL consulted on January 30, 2021 ( filed June 4, 2020) .
  22. ^ “Arcilesbic outside the ARCI”, the collection of signatures for the expulsion from the Federation . are . URL consulted on January 30, 2021 ( filed June 4, 2020) .
  23. ^ Homophobia, Arcilesbic: “Ddl Zan contains errors, must be amended and then approved” are URL consulted on 06/06/2022
  24. ^ Giovanna Casadio, Zan against homophobia reads: criticism on the left, the counter-manifesto is born . are , April 14, 2021. URL consulted on April 14, 2021 ( filed April 14, 2021) .
  25. ^ Andrea Rubera, Friendly fire is likely to burn the Zan DDL? . are , 1st May 2021. URL consulted on May 25, 2021 ( filed on May 25, 2021) .
  26. ^ The center -right has made a new attempt to obstruct the Zan DDL . are , 19 May 2021. URL consulted on May 26, 2021 ( filed on May 26, 2021) .
  27. ^ Andrea Rubera, Compasse on DDL against homophobia, the league move with new text . are , May 4, 2021. URL consulted on May 25, 2021 ( filed on May 26, 2021) .
  28. ^ Homophobia: in the Senate Commission 170 auditions . are , 25 May 2021. URL consulted on May 25, 2021 ( filed on May 25, 2021) .
  29. ^ The League is 170 auditions to stop the Zan bill. And among those to listen to there is also platinette . are , 25 May 2021. URL consulted on May 25, 2021 ( filed on May 25, 2021) .
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