Armoral of the Maison Royalon of Navarre — Wikipedia


Figure Blazing File-Evolution Coat of Arms of Navarre-2.svg Arms of Languedoc.svg Constance of Toulouse (1180 † 1260), Consort of Sanche VII, Roi de Navarre.

Gules at the Cléché Cross, emptied and potty twelve gold coins .


Fictitious weapons, allocated a posteriori in modern times. No contemporary certificate of these supposed coat of arms exists.

Coat of Arms of Margaret of Bourbon, Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Marguerite de Bourbon (1211 † 1256), consort of Thibaut I is , king of Navarre.

Two chopped ecus: that of the cups: mid-part, in 1 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, loaded with a natural emerald, and in 2 azure to the band silver rubbed shoulders with two double-pointed and countertensed gold and gold-shaped courses with lion gules accompanied by eight azure shells .

Coat of Arms of Isabella of France, Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Isabelle of France (1241 † 1271), consort of Thibaut II, ROI of Navarre.

Two chopped ecus: that of the cups: mid-part, in 1 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, loaded with a natural emerald, and in 2 azure to the band silver rubbed shoulders with two double-pointed and countertentenary teams of gold and the one strewn with golden flowers .

Coat of Arms of Blanche of Artois, Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Blanche d’Artois (1248 † 1302), Henri consort I is , king of Navarre.


That of the cups: mid-part, in 1 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, loaded in the heart of an emerald in natural, and in 2 azure with the silver band rubbed shoulders Two double potencies and countertenten from gold and the one strewn with golden flowers with gules lambel, each for three gold castles .

Coat of Arms of Margaret of Burgundy as Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Marguerite de Burgundy (1290 † 1315), consort of Louis I is , King of Navarre and France (Louis X).

Two chopped ecus: that of the cups: mid-part, in 1 sown with golden flowers and in 2 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, charged in the heart of an emerald in the emerald natural and the one bandaged with gold and azure, at the edge of gules .

Coat of Arms of Clementia of Hungary as Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Clemence of Hungary (1293 † 1302), consort of Louis I is , King of Navarre and France (Louis X).

Two chopped ecus: that of the cups: mid-part, in 1 sown with golden flowers and in 2 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, charged in the heart of an emerald in the emerald natural and fascinated gules and silver eight rooms .

Coat of Arms of Joan II and Blanche of Burgundy as Queens Consort of Navarre.svg Joan II of Burgundy (1292 † 1330), consort of Philippe II, king of Navarre and France (Philippe V).

Two chopped ecus: that of the cups: mid-part, in 1 sown with golden flowers and in 2 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, charged in the heart of an emerald in the emerald natural and azure that strewn with gold billets with the lion of the same .

Coat of Arms of Joan II and Blanche of Burgundy as Queens Consort of Navarre.svg Blanche de Burgundy (v. 1296 † 1326), Consort de Charles I is , King of Navarre and France (Charles IV).

Two chopped ecus: that of the cups: mid-part, in 1 sown with golden flowers and in 2 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, charged in the heart of an emerald in the emerald natural and azure that strewn with gold billets with the lion of the same .

Coat of Arms of Marie of Luxembourg as Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Marie Marin Luxemburg (1305 † 1324), Consort de Charles I is , King of Navarre and France (Charles IV).

Two chopped ecus: that of the cups: mid-part, in 1 sown with golden flowers and in 2 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, charged in the heart of an emerald in the emerald natural and the one, with silver and azure with a lion crawling gules, crowned, armed and tired of gold .

Coat of Arms of Jeanne d'Évreux as Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Jeanne d’Évreux (1310 † 1371), Consort de Charles I is , King of Navarre and France (Charles IV).

Two chopped ecus: that of the cups: mid-part, in 1 sown with golden flowers and in 2 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, charged in the heart of an emerald in the emerald natural and that of azure strewn with golden flowers without number with the componated band of silver and gules .

Coat of Arms of Joan of Valois, Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Jeanne de France (1343 † 1373), Consort of Charles II, Roi de Navarre.

Party, in 1 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, loaded in the heart of an emerald in nature and in 2 azure coupes sown with golden flowers with the componée tape d ‘silver and gules and azure strewn with golden flowers [ first ] .

Coat of Arms of Eleanor of Castile, Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Eleonore de Castille (1363 † 1416), Consort of Charles III, Roi de Navarre.

Party, in 1 gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, loaded in the heart of an emerald in nature and in 2 azure coupes sown with golden flowers with the componée tape d ‘Silver and gules and torn in 1 and 4, gules at the Open and Opened Golden Château and in 2 and 3 silver with the lion of armed gules, lampa and crowned with gold .

Coat of Arms of Juana Enríquez, Queen of Aragon.svg Jeanne Enríquez (1425 † 1468), consort of Jean II, king of Navarre and Aragon.

Party in 1 from gold to four pals of gules and in 2 Gules with two open gold open and openwork of azure; at the tip of silver with the armed purple lion and tired of gold [ 2 ] .

Coat of Arms of Marguerite of Angouleme, Queen Consort of Navarre.svg Marguerite de Navarre (1492 † 1549), Consort of Henri II, Roi de Navarre.

Started in I, gules with gold chains placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, loaded in the heart of an emerald in nature; in 2, counter-drained in 1 and 4 azure with three golden lilies and in 2 and 3 gules; in 3, gold in the four pals of gules; in 4, counter-scalded in 1 and 4 of gold with three pals of gules, in 2 and 3 of gold with two cows of gules, acclaimed, collected and clarines of azure, passing one on the other; In 5, azure strewn with golden flowers with the componated silver band and gules; and in 6, counter-scalded in gold necklace with four pals of gules and gules at the Golden Castle Open and openwork of azure and silver to the lion of armed gules, burst and crowned with gold; On a golden-all of the two leopard lions Gules, armed and tattered with azure, passing one on the other and in II, from azure to three flowers of golden lilies [ 3 ] .
