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Arsène Maulavé , born the [ first ] And died on the night of April 9 to 10, 2022, was a CM2 teacher and French sports journalist, specializing in cycling, living in Flers in Orne.

Former student of the Alençon normal school, Arsène Maulavé was a schoolmaster. He is now retired. Cycling is the common thread of its existence: first amateur runner, then cycle tourist and sports cyclo, member of the club of “hundred passes”, he collected hikes through the mountain ranges of France: teacher winter and master of the passes in summer. When he does not pedal, he writes, correspondent of the Journal Ouest-France, for the cycling section and he also collaborates in the archive review of cycling Pedal blows Now published on the net, where he pays tribute to the heroes of the “little queen” through portraits of former Norman runners: Charly Rouxel, Gérard Saint, Philippe Durel, Jean Jourden, Gérard Macé, Raymond Martin, Pierre Michel, but Also runners, moreover, like André Dufraisse, hero of Limousin, five times world cyclo-cross champion, and seven times French champion, or Pierre Jodet, another specialist in cyclo-cross.

First poet, Arsène Maulavé published Show and cold At universal thought in 1979, he now wrote on the net and published a collection entitled Songs for them . Since 2006, he has published works concerning the history of cycling. He visited by the pen, The golden bowl of the monédières , one of the most emblematic tests of Limousin, born from the imagination of accordionist Jean Ségurel. In the process, he relates The great hours of Limousin cycling , where the author delivers a large panel of the largest races in the region and its stars. We also owe him Cycling in Normandy , Jean graczyk or “life in green” , biography of a large figure of the bicycle, the portrait of an engaging man, original Berrichon, cycling champion, but also good alive, preferring the trails of the forests to the paths of glory; he visits Mont Ventoux , the Norman cycling , return to Critériums time , an evocation of the years 1950-1960, when these trials on the circuit knew their golden age. Among them he is interested in Callac criterium . He extends this retrospective by The French Championships , in collaboration with Marcel Le Roux, speaker in Brittany.
From the history of cycling to the history of France, there is not far away, it publishes in a book : Grow in Mayenne , which evokes the daily life of his native village in the 1950s. While the world has already gone in the conquest of space, women continue to go to the washhouse, and ancestral habits coexist with new practices [ 2 ] .

In , he published a new book concerning the career of Raymond Delisle, the largest sportsman in the Manche, at the hinge of the 60s and 70s. The book, which is called Raymond Delisle or the eternal backpacker , allows you to relive the ascent to the summits of the cycling hierarchy of this runner, who knew how to dynamite the race better than anyone, at a time when the competition was however tough with the Merckx, Ocana, Thévenet, Guimard, Agostinho, Zoetemelk, To quote the main ones. It is a whole life of sportsman that we discover over the pages, in this book which is addressed both to experienced cycling as to amateurs.

  • With Alain Ségurel, The Bol d’Or des Monnedières: 50 years of bicycle and accordion , ed. La Bouinotte, 2006, (ISBN  2915484171 )
  • With Marcel Le Roux, At the time of criteria , ed. Alan Sutton, 2008, (ISBN  2849107557 )
  • The great hours of Limousin cycling , ed. La Bouinotte, 2011, (ISBN  2915729336 )
  • With Marcel Le Roux, Callac Critérium , ÉM. A. Sutton, 2010, (ISBN  2813801488 )
  • Mont Ventoux , Memory of cycling, ed. Alan Sutton, 2010, (ISBN  2813801712 )
  • Cycling in Normandy: champions of yesterday and today , ed. Alan Sutton, 2008, (ISBN  2849107395 )
  • Norman cycling, dico , ed. Alan Sutton, 2012, (ISBN  281380522X )
  • Jean graczyk or life in green , Éd.alan Sutton, 2009, (ISBN  2849109266 )
  • French road championship: the great moments , with Marcel Le Roux, ed. A. Sutton, 2009, (ISBN  2849109851 )
  • Raymond Delisle or portrait of an eternal backpacker , at Eurocibles editions, 50,570 Marigny

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The telegram , , Cycling. The history of criteria in a book
  • Jacques Augendre: Unusual Tour Abécédaire. Solar éditions 2011
  • Wilfried Wilms, Cycling bibliography: a guide to books on professional cycling , p. 232-233, ed. L’Harmattan, 2012, (ISBN  2296503039 )
  • France Bleu Cotentin, , Bob literary chronicle, Norman cycling, the Dico of Arsène Maulavé
  • West France, , Arsène Maulavé between poetry and sports memories
  • Picturesque France (History of France yesterday and today) : Mont Ventoux (article 11 316)
  • Mayenne mail : “1950s, daily coupbles”.
  • The free sleeve , Isigny-sur-Mer, “A book on Raymond Delisle”.
  • West France : Thierry Marie comments on the tour with two specialists: Arsène Maulavé and René Gautier
  • The fighter orna : Raymond Delisle, “the Lord adventurf” by Arsène Maulavé

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
