Arsenio Lupin (Film) – Wikipedia


Arsenio Lupin

Romain Duris and Kristin Scott Thomas in a scene of the film

Original title Arsène Lupin
Original language French, Italian, Spanish, English
Country of Production France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom
Year 2004
Duration 125 minutes
Relationship 2.35: 1
Type adventure, yellow, detective, sentimental
Direction Jean-Paul Salomé
Subject Taken from Maurice Leblanc’s novel
Film script Jean-Paul Salomé, Laurent Vachaud
Producer Stéphane Marsil (producer), Alfred Hürmer (co-producer), Christopher Granier-Deferre (associated producer)
Executive producer Alain Peyrollaz
Production house Hugo Films, TF1 Films Productions, M6 Films, Fish Rogue Pictures, Vértigo Films, Rai Cinema, TPS Star, TF1, M6, the Île-de-France region, CNC, Procirep
Distribution in Italian 01 Distribution
Photography Pascal Ridao
Assembly Marie-Pierre Renaud
Music Debbie Wiseman
Scenography Françoise Dupertuis
Costumes Pierre-Jean Larroque
Trick Isabelle Goulliart
Interpreters and characters
Italian voice actors

Arsenio Lupin ( Arsène Lupin ) is a 2004 film directed by Jean-Paul Salomé, based on the character of the gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, protagonist of the novel The Countess of Cagliostro Written by Maurice Leblanc in 1924. In Italy it was released on November 23, 2005 directly on home video. The film ends with a dramatic situation, leaving the spectator in suspense (situation defined as a narrative cliffhangher) which however does not resolve because the film, which had a bankruptcy economic outcome, has never had a following.

Son of a skilled thief and Savate instructor, Arsenio Lupine will be started in martial art since he was a child. When the gendarmes come to arrest the father, this will reveal the truth to the son regarding his true activity and ask him to steal the series of Marie Antoinette currently kept by his uncle, the Duke de Dreux-Soubise, a distant descendant of the royal family for him . The Duke, who hosted them by virtue of the kinship between Arsenio’s mother and his wife, hunts them after his father’s escape. On the road they meet the corpse of a man who is recognized by Arsenio as the parent.

By now grown, Arsenio has become a skilled thief with the habit of seducing his victims and the pride of having never killed anyone, although he is sought for murder. While he goes to find his now old and sick mother, she confides that his father’s killer had come to visit her. While he is about to reveal the identity of man, the gendarmes arrive to arrest it for complicity in his son’s crimes, but the emotion kills her. The cousin Clarisse takes him away from the hospital by leading him to his home, hoping to make him remain incognito as a martial arts instructor of his father. After spending the night with Clarisse, Arsenio curious in his uncle’s study, discovering some strange documents and eating a conversation between him and another man. He follows them by discovering that his uncle is part of a conspiracy to restore the monarchy to France. During the meeting, men condemn a woman to death, Joséphine, accused of being a witch who thirty years earlier had tried to steal one of the three crosses in possession of the congregation. In fact, the three crosses put together would bring to the treasure of the royal family, hidden by Maria Antonietta before the revolution. During the process only a man sides on the side of the woman, Beaumagnan, unnecessarily though.
The sentence is performed by throwing the woman into the sea, but Arsenio manages to save her and door to the barn inside the property of the uncle. Upon awakening he no longer finds her and Clarisse, knowing that he spent the night with another, hunts him.

Arsenio having discovered the existence of an immense treasure, does not want to miss the opportunity and chases the uncle who left for Paris. He hid on the train he traveled on, he manages to steal the cross and sow his pursuers. The cross if exposed to heat shows the name of the church in which to find the next. During a procession in which the second cross is exposed, Arsenio manages to steal it. Chased by Beaumagnan and his uncle is rescued by Joséphine, but he loses the medallion with the portrait of Clarisse.
Since their interests coincide, Joséphine and Arsenio are alleged to find the third cross and the treasure of Marie Antoinette, also becoming lovers.

Clarisse is questioned about the medallion that Arsenio had with him. The girl says that the man must have stolen him from the sanatorium, but Beaumagnan understands that the two have had a relationship and blackmailing her threatening to say everything to her father if she does not reveal her identity. Clarisse eventually gives in.

Arsenio one night finds a message that tells him to go to an old lighthouse to find out who killed his father. There he finds Beaumagnan, who reveals to him how Joséphine was the one who killed his father years before to take possession of the series of Marie Antoinette. Joséphine, however, interrupts the discussion by saying that they are all lies. Beaumagnan keeps the two under shooting with a gun and Léonard, the accomplice of Joséphine, intrudes and a fight is born that makes Beaumagnan fall into the sea immediately after he shot Joséphine. Edited by Léonard, the group then heads in Paris.

The third cross is located at the Louvre Museum and every evening it is withdrawn by the curator to study it. Arsenio sneaks into the museum pretending to be one of the prostitutes that the curator receives every night, but he already finds him dead. He was killed by Beaumagnan who prepared everything to get the blame on him. Before the police arrive, lead him to take a tour of the museum showing him how Joséphine’s face is in almost every portrait of French history. In fact, she is nothing more than the grandson of the magician Cagliostro whose secrets has learned, managing to always remain young over time. According to Beaumagnan she is doing nothing but manipulating him for his purposes and asks him to reflect well that night and to come and look for him at his house with the other two crosses.
Arsenio returns to the very confused Joséphine boat and the woman begins to suspect that he is hiding something. Drug driver, he makes him locked up by Leonard in the boat room of the boat, but the accomplice of the woman feels bad, so he is forced to free Arsenio to get medicine. Before giving him he forces him to reveal to him where Joséphine hid the two crosses.

Meanwhile, the police are looking for Arsenio for the curator’s murder. The news also comes to Clarisse and his father who has just arrived in Paris. She feels bad and while she is visited it turns out that she has been pregnant.


Arsenio bursts into the bank where Joséphine hid the crosses and in the safety box also finds the series of Marie Antoinette that he had stolen from his father as a child.
Obtained the crosses goes to Beaumagnan, who however has just been lured by a prostitute.
As he climbs into the apartment without being seen, he witnesses the hypnosis of Beaumagnan by the woman, who proves to be Joséphine. According to his orders he will have to steal the cross just heard a keyword at the party that will be given to the home of the Duke de Dreux-Soubise.

Arsenio then takes the identity of a Russian prince and pretends to be an attack at Clarisse expenses to enter his sympathies, remedying an invitation to the party.
Arriving at the building he immediately tells Beaumagnan the key word. Hypnosis has an effect and the man goes where the cross is kept, then patiently waiting for orders, while Arsenio dances with Clarisse pretending to be a perfect pretender. When Joséphine also arrives, he makes the Clarisse necklace appear for a few moments by attracting his attention and his uncle, then he gets with the girl on the stairs making the necklace disappear without her noticing anything. Chased by his father, Clarisse does not understand which series he talks about and Arsenio disappears reaching Beaumagnan. Still under the effect of hypnosis reveals that his father has never been killed, but rather it was he who killed the accomplice and put his ring on his finger to make his traces disappear, and then undergo a facial surgery intervention Becoming … Beaumagnan! It was he who gave Joséphine’s necklace, given that at the time he was in love with it. As soon as he understood that his father is a murderer, Arsenio on the moment refuses to accept him and goes away by taking the cross away. He meets Joséphine who disfigures him and tries to get the better of him, but without success. Meanwhile, Clarisse is reached by Bonnetot who has obtained permission from his father to marry her to take her back from the scandal, and attacks her. Arsenio reaches her and saves her, revealing her true identity and telling her to reach him at his refuge. The alarm has now been given, Arsenio manages to escape but not Joséphine, who is captured.

The next day Clarisse is sent by Arsenio saying that if he does not deliver the three crosses Joséphine will be killed. But she implores him to take her away because she is pregnant with her son. Arsenio refuses because he does not want his son to have a thief as a father and a murderer as a grandfather. After Clarisa went angry, Arsenio returns to meditate on the crosses and discovers that they can be combined to form the major bear.
The next day he brings the crosses to the appointment but remains the victim of the attack dynamite hatched by Joséphine and Leonard. Saved by them, they leave leaving Beaumagnan injured and all the customers of the dead bar, including the Duke and Bonnetot.
I take care of him on his boat, Joséphine tries to take drugs and hypnotize him, however Arsenio knows the trick and only pretends to be in his power. Meanwhile, he discovers that Clarisse is a prisoner on the boat: Joséphine is jealous of her and the son he carries on his womb because he cannot procreate.

The night Arsenio accompanies Docile Joséphine to the alleged place of the treasure and is reached by Beaumagnan. While both are convinced that he is without will, he drops a grate that locks them. He is quickly reached by his accomplices who gave the police alarm and delivered the evidence of their crimes to the authorities. The two are arrested while Arsenio quickly goes to the boat because Joséphine hid a bomb there. He reaches time, he manages to escape with Clarisse while Leonard sacrifices himself to make them flee. Meanwhile, Beaumagnan is freed as part of the French secret services and Joséphine imprisoned.
Shortly afterwards at the morgue where the corpse of the Duke hosted, Arsenio discovers that the man had a glass eye with hidden the page of a book, which allows him to decipher the enigma and find the treasure. This is hidden in the cliff in front of the place where years before Beaumagnan had pretended his death. Reached the cave and opened it with one of the crosses, Arsenio is reached by the father who tries to kill him, but during the struggle on the cliff the man the man falls and dies. Joséphine manages to escape from prison.

Several months later Arsenio lives with Clarisse and brings one shot after the other together with his gang. After a night of work he returns home and finds the servitude and Clarisse killed. It was Joséphine who hatched the attack to kidnap her son, even if, when she has the opportunity to kill Arsenio, hesitates and leaves. Destroyed by the loss Arsenio a new identity is created and it starts again with the life reckless as a thief, but alone.
Several years later, in 1913, while she is in the company of a young woman they met a delegation that came to welcome Francesco Giuseppe I. From afar Arsenio, however, he sees Joséphine in the company of a boy who seems his son. He has a briefcase in his hand and is bringing it close to the delegation. Arsenio reaches him and takes it away. At the moment the boy resists, then turns and goes away, allowing Arsenio to launch the briefcase into the air and foil the dynamite attack. Joséphine is worried, but understands that Arsenio is alive, while he disappears between the crowd.
