Artie Abrams — Wikipedia


Arthur “Artie” Abrams is a fictional character in the American television series Glee , interpreted by Kevin Mchale and doubled in French by Taric Mehani. It was developed by the creators of the series, Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan.


Artie appeared from the first episode, The glee effect , in which he joins the Glee Club. He was paralyzed following a car accident at his 8th birthday and has since moved to a wheelchair.

Humour [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Artie is not really one of the funniest characters but he has his humor: “I may no longer have the use of my legs, but I always have the use of my penis!” »»

Artie appeared in the first episode of Glee as a guitarist of the school, under the name of William McKinley . He uses a wheelchair, and is constantly the victim of intimidation by members of the football team at school. He is also a member of the high school jazz club, and he is later revealed that he is in the AV Club and a member of the Academic Decathlon team. During the preparations for the municipalities, the main Figgins says that there is not enough money in the budget to rent a bus for the disabled for the Glee Club. Artie has his first solo in the episode, Musical chairs , where he runs a tour in his wheelchair at Dancing With Myself . THE New Directions Make a sale of pastries, but although they have enough money to rent a bus, Artie requests that the money serves in school paying more ramps for wheelchairs. He will go out with, Tina Cohen-Chang, who stammered, and explains that he was paralyzed after a car accident when he was eight. They kiss, but Artie is injured when Tina admits that she lied to her speech disorder. He forgive him later, but he makes sexist comments on his fashion sense, demanding that she are starting to wear very female clothes if she wants to be with him. Tina faces her publicly for this behavior, and Artie apologizes; They kiss and become a couple again. In an attempt to gain a bad reputation to improve their popularity in school, Artie, Tina, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Brittany S. Piece make an improvised interpretation of U Can’t Touch This In the school library, a plan that fails when the librarian, instead of punishing them, asks them to make this choreography for his church group.

When Tina learns that Artie’s dream is to become a dancer, she asks him to execute a tap routine, despite her paralysis, but their attempt fails miserably, and Artie asks Tina to leave him alone. She later presents, with him the research on the progress of the treatment of the spinal cord, leaving hope that he could soon be able to walk again, but the orientation advisor Emma Pillsbury reminds her that the tests These treatments will take several years. Artie has just accepted that he can never be a dancer, and asks Tina to choose another dance partner, he leads the choir in an interpretation of Dream a Little Dream of Me And Tina dances with Mike Chang. Artie is dismayed when New Directions Lose to regional, but grateful to have been a member of the Glee Club, admitting that Tina was her first kiss.

Interpretation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Solo or solo with the new directions or other [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Duo/trio/quartet and + or duo/trio/quartet and + with the new directions or other [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Between the episodes Rhapsody And New York Objective , Tina Cohen-Chang leaves Artie for Mike Chang, the blame for her lack of attention to her and by credit Mike’s abs. Artie, upset, asks Finn Hudson to help him try to enter the football team, but the new coach Shannon Beiste (Dot-Marie Jones) refuses because of her physical state, she believes it was A bad joke and she fires the team. Later, Artie has a vision of the game in a football match with Finn, and when he asks the Beiste coach again, she accepts and returns to Finn and adds Artie. Artie marks in the first match in “Le Croque-Messie”. When the director of the Glee Club, Will Schuester, announces a duet competition for students in “duets of duos”, Brittany S. Piece asks Artie to sing with when her first choice Santana Lopez, refuses to sing with her. When they repeat, Artie is always sad not to go out with Tina, and Brittany offers to help her overcome her sadness by sleeping with him; Artie loses her virginity with her. Santana tells Artie that she was only with him because of her voice, he withdrew from competition and breaks with Brittany, she is turned upside down, and he realizes later, that he holds that he holds to her.


In the episode “First kisses”, Noah Puckerman helps Artie to go out with Brittany, and in “weddings”, she and artie form a couple. In “Le Miracle de Noël”, Brittany still believing in Santa Claus, desired, that remarrche; They finally found a Rewalk that can help Artie walk from time to time next to Brittany’s Christmas tree. He was later hinted that the Beiste coach bought him. In “Les Chansons d’Amours”, Artie sings “Pyt (Pretty Young Thing)” in Brittany. In the episode “Rumors”, Artie confronts Brittany on his relationship with Santana, and Brittany defends himself, saying that what they do is not adultery because it is not the same camelotte. Artie, frustrated to see that Brittany does not see how Santana destroys their relationship, told Brittany “silly”, and she fled in tears, and puts an end to their couple. Artie deeply regrets the breakup and tries to repair it in “the queen of the promo”, asking her to go to the ball while singing for her, she refuses.

Interpretation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Solo or solo with the new directions or other [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Duo/trio/quartet and + or duo/trio/quartet and + with the new directions or other [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Artie reveals in The Purple Piano Project That he and Tina Cohen-Chang are juniors. In the episode I am Unicorn , Artie is designated director of the musical who will be in place in the school, West Side Story. In the episode The First Time , when the musical is implemented, we find anxious and unsure of himself, but when the casting thanks him, he regains self -confidence. During the Christmas holidays, the regional television manager of Lima asks the New Directions to shoot a television program devoted to Christmas and Artie is appointed to be the director. Later, we learn that he has the crush on Sugar Motta, but he is not the only one because Rory Flanagan is also in love with the beautiful and managed to make her crack first.

Later, he supported Quinn Fabray while giving him a dose of realism after his accident, a friendship was born between the two, in relation to their common point.

Interpretation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Solo or solo with the new directions or other [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Duo/trio/quartet and + or duo/trio/quartet and + with the new directions or other [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Control (Janet Jackson) With Quinn Fabray, Blaine Anderson and the New Departments
  • Man in the Mirror (Michael Jackson) With Blaine Anderson, Mike Chang, Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman and the New Directions
  • Bad (Michael Jackson) – With Santana Lopez, Blaine Anderson and the New Departments and the Warblers
  • Scream (Michael Jackson ft. Janet Jackson) – With Mike Chang
  • Fly / I Believe I Can Fly (Nicki Minaj Feat Rihanna / R.Kelly) – With Rachel Berry, Blaine Anderson, Santana Lopez and the New Departments
  • I’m Still Standing (Elton John) – With Quinn Fabray
  • Up,Up,Up (Givers) – With Quinn Fabray
  • My Love is Your Love (Whitney Houston) – With Mercedes Jones, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson and the New Departments
