Arturo López Wilshaw — Wikipedia


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Arturo José López Willshaw (Valparaíso, -Neuilly-sur-Seine, ) is a patron, a rich Chilean collector, and a personality of the Parisian post-war world.

Arturo López Willshah, southermmme [ first ] , is the son of Arturo Lopez Perez, a Chilean industrialist who made a fortune in the Guano trade, and his first wife, Sara Willshaw.

He married his cousin Patricia López Huici (1912–2010) [ 2 ] , although openly homosexual [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

López Willshaw settles in France during the interwar period and becomes an important character at all Paris [ first ] . At the time, he was attached to the Chile’s Embassy [ 5 ] .

Rich esthete, it brings together a very beautiful collection of works of art, including a famous collection of goldsmithery partially dispersed by Sotheby’s Monaco, in 1992 [ 6 ] .


It is also a patron making important donations to the castles of Versailles and Rambouillet [ first ] (notably from the shelling cottage to the park).

This millionaire shares his life between the Lambert Hotel on Île Saint-Louis, where his companion Alexis de Rédé, the Rodocanachi hotel in Neuilly-sur-Seine (12, rue du Center [ 7 ] , designed by the Greek heir Paul Rodocanachi from 1899) where he settled in 1928 and gave sumptuous parties [ 8 ] , and his yacht Seagull , these last two being arranged by the interior architect Georges Geffroy [ 9 ] . The mansion was bought in 1971 by the municipality, which created a museum and a library there, while the Park of the Property is Loti.

He also lives in the castle of Vosves in Seine-et-Marne.

Roger Peyrefitte said of him: “[This] little Chilean pretentious, was the king of Guano, thanks to the islands he owned on the coasts of Chile. He loved the pomp. He had a magnificent mansion in Neuilly. If he threw the money by the windows, he chose his windows: he helped a lot to restore the Palace of Versailles and responded to the solicitations of his tireless conservative, Gérald Van Der Kemp […]. We all knew that he was homosexual. It was even said that he had married for love for his wife’s brother […]. Van der Kemp wanted to show his gratitude to the patron, making a mass say in his memory, in the royal chapel of Versailles, an initiative which seemed bold to some. At the end of the mass, someone says, “It’s still funny that there was a mass in Versailles for a Jew.” So another turns around and launches: “Do not insult a dead man!” “Jew” was therefore in his mind an insulting term. We cannot pronounce a more unhappy and difier word ” [ ten ] .

He died the , leaving his companion for twenty years, Alexis Rosenberg, Baron de Rédé, part of his fortune and his collection [ 3 ] and was buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery.

Alexandre Iacovleff made the portrait of Arturo López Willshaw in 1923 [ first ] . It is sold for 713 250 Books (809,959 euros) by Sotheby’s, London, the .

  1. A B C and D (in) Catalogue, n O 32 , Vente L08116, Sotheby’s, 24 November 2008 read online (page consulted on May 8, 2011)
  2. (of) Patricia López Willshaw death announcement , January 14, 2010 in Kitzbühel
  3. a et b (in) Unsigned, Exquisite Legacy of Baron from Redé , The New York Times, 11 mars 2005, read online (page consulted on May 8, 2011)
  4. (in) Obituaries, Network baron , The Telegraph, 10 juillet 2004, read online (page consulted on May 8, 2011)
  5. (fr) Blog You are what you read’ , Raymond Massaro conference
  6. (fr) Catalogue, Important goldsmithery from the Arturo Lopez-Willshaw collection , Sotheby’s Monaco SA, June 20, 1992
  7. The worldly writer and columnist Philippe Jullian is the author of 14, rue du Center Neuilly sur Seine , Monaco, Private Jaspard, Polus and Cie, 1961, which is a description of this residence. Each of the 300 copies was nominative, pulled in 2 colors on Auvergne paper, and intended for a friend of Lopez-Willshaw.
  8. Armelle Héliot, “The big post-war balls: well-ordered munificence and charity” , Le Figaro , July 29-30, 2017, p. 19.
  9. Dominique Paulvé, “interior beauty”, Vanity Fair N ° 53, December 2017, pages 148-153.
  10. Secret , Albin Michel, tome 1, 1977, p. 42-43 .

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