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L’ Spanish Student In 1878 [ first ] .

A tuna , Student or Rondalla is a kind of festive and carnival society, a traditional costume musical group that exists in the different regions of the Iberian peninsula, in Spain, in Portugal, in the ancient Spanish and Portuguese colonial possessions, in the Netherlands, in the Philippines or in Latin America and in the United States [ 2 ] , composed of students who sing songs accompanied with musical instruments, most often guitars.


In Catalonia, the traditional name of this kind of groups is Rondalla or Student . We call them Rondalla in the Phillippines [ 3 ] .

These student student societies are the organizations of the Faluche, the Penne, La Calotte, Ordini Goliardici (Goliardia Orders), etc.

A tuna can also be non -academic.

There are also groups of professional musicians who take the name of Tunas.

Tuna’s plural is Tunas . The member of a tuna is a recall .

The tunas are traditionally masculine. But today there are also mixed tunas and female tunas : female tunas.


We once called the tunos of Sopistas , literally sophistication [ 4 ] .

The tunas made up of former students bear the name of forty .

The notoriety of the tunas is at the origin of the birth of many orchestras amateur mandolins bearing the name of Student .

They are found in Salamanca at the beginning of XIV It is century.

At the time, these were groups made up of poor students baptized Sopistas , harvesting money by singing and making music, and also seeking to seduce the beautiful with their serenades.

SOPISTA , literally jack [ 4 ] , alludes to the soup (in Spanish: soup ) to which sopistas had to reach access thanks to the success encountered by their musical talents.

At XVII It is century, the Sopistas become tunos . This name comes from the French king of Thuns, “King of Tunis [ 6 ] », Title used by the chief of beggars within the Miracles Court in Paris.

The name of the King of Thuns is also at the origin of La Thnee , a money or cash , current French slang terms designating money.

From their origins to the present day, tunas have used popular instruments such as: Bandurria [ 7 ] , lute, guitar and tambourine, instruments which are mentioned in the Book of Good Love by Juan Ruiz (c. 1283 -c. 1350).

The repertoire is made up of popular songs.

Tuno clothes is inspired by that of Iberian students of XVI It is And XVII It is centuries [Ref. necessary] . He is called Grillo in Spanish (which means locust) or it lasts In Portuguese (which means “clothing”, in the traditional sense) and consists of a coat, doublet, Beca, shirt, socks, puffy pants or Gregüescos and shoes or boots.

  • The doublet: tight jacket which is worn on a shirt always white with a generous collar.
  • Puffy pants or Gregüescos : normally short and wide, ending in mid-time.
  • Shoes and tights.
  • The beca : in Spanish this word also means sotck exchange , because this vestimentary Beca was once a sign of obtaining a scholarship by the tuno which wore it [ 8 ] . It is a large band with an identification color of the university to which the carrier belongs. It is worn across the chest. The university seal is embroidered on Beca, which identifies the school, faculty or university to which the tuno belongs. Beca is a distinction received from tuno partners when they considered that the aspiring has reached a sufficient degree of experience to belong fully to the group.
  • An important tuno garment is the coat: long and loose, sleeveless, open in front and worn over the clothes. On this cape are displayed the badges and emblems of the cities and countries that the tuno has collected during its trips to the world. Because tutins traditionally travel a lot. He also wears multicolored ribbons, gifts received as a sign of love or friendship.
  • THE Tapes (ribbons): Long decorative ribbons of various colors which are supposed to have been offered by romantic conquests to the tuno that carries them.

Unlike the Spanish Tunos, the Portuguese Tunos wear a more standard costume: black pants, jacket, cape and shoes, white shirt and black tie. Exceptions are the it lasts Universities of Algarve (blue instead of black and with a separate hat, a nod to Henri the navigator) and Minho (which is more like the clothes of the Tunos of the different regions of Spain as described below -above).

In the Philippines the musicians do not carry particular costumes [ 3 ] .

A tradition of the tunas is that, during the group’s concert, one of its members makes its coat fly in all directions while holding it with one hand.

Another support consists in that one of the members of the group dance during the time when others play and sing.

These two types of support can for example be seen on a video of the pomegranate medicine participating in 2015 in the 7 It is International Tunas Competition Diego de Siloé [ 9 ] .

Scholarship Higher Polytechnic School of Albacete.

The beca university law SAN PABLO CEU from Madrid.

The color of the Becas corresponds to the study channels [ ten ] :

  • Red: right
  • Yellow: Medicine
  • Sky blue: humanities (philosophy, letters …)
  • Cobalt blue: Sciences
  • Cobalt blue: architecture (identical to science)
  • Green: pedagogy and veterinarian
  • Orange: economy and businesses
  • Brown: engineers
  • Violet: Pharmacy
  • Violet: Psychology, and at first Old Gold
  • White: Fine Arts and Theology
  • White: technical architecture schools
  • Lead gray: information sciences
  • Purple or purple: Complete University
  • Red and white: magistracy
  • Red and black: Experts
  • Green and White: Seville agricultural techniques engineers

An abandoned tradition: the bicorn with its spoon [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

D. Ildefonso de Zabaleta, president of the Spanish Student In 1878 [ 5 ] .

Traditional student outfits generally include a characteristic hat: Faluche, Penne, cap, Stella [ 11 ] , Goliard [ twelfth ] , etc.

The Tunos also wore a particular hat: the bicornio (Bicorn), with hanging on the traditional boxwood spoon. She was not just decorative. Accustomed to traveling, the member of a student was carrying thus and was not likely to forget the utensil he used to eat his soup.

In 1878, Clairville, Parisian Goguettier member of the famous goguette of Vault , talks about this accessory in his song The Extended , composed following the arrival of the Spanish Student At the Paris Carnival that year:

Child of the old Castile,
Formerly, traveling by herd,
The student, son,
By singing a Séguédille,
Go away, having the flag
Than a spoon to her hat [ 13 ] .

The photo of a Spanish Student feminine, taken in Bahia, Brazil, in 1916, shows the twenty members of it bearing the bicorn with the spoon [ 14 ] .

The TUS are now naked heads.

There are two basic instruments. One is the guitar, the other is Pandereta (the tambourine).

Added to these the use of other instruments that give music for tutins particular sounds to the regions where they occur. Among these instruments we meet the timel of the Canary Islands and the Charango. Also used the cuatro, the bandurria, the accordion and the double bass to increase the variety of sounds.

Adverse of the University tuna standard SAN PABLO CEU from Madrid.

Reverse of the university tuna standard SAN PABLO CEU from Madrid.

Like many musical sets playing outdoors, each tuna has its standard.

Traditionally, the obverse carries the emblem of the university where the tuna is located. It is placed in the center of a plain background of the color of the university.

The reverse carries the emblem of the tuna. It is placed in the center of a plain background of the color of the tuna. This color is identical to that of the tuna Beca. For example, if it is a right tuna, the bottom is red.

On the shaft are hung on ribbons similar to those carried on their outfit by the members of the tuna whose standard is the emblem.

There is a very old rule which is supposed to be followed with this standard. He must not be in contact with the soil, except in the Holy Land [ 15 ] .

The geographic distribution of tunas historically follows the limits of the old Spanish Empire.

This is why she understands the different regions of Spain, Portugal, Latin America, the Philippines [ 3 ] and the part of the Mexican United States to the American-Mexican war of 1847-1848.

This distribution is irregular. In the different regions of Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, the tunas are very numerous. It is very difficult to find in Argentina. In Chile, Valparaíso is renowned for students to be the traditional city of tunas. In Cuba, the Invasive Student , founded in 1927, perpetuates Cuban student musical traditions [ 16 ] .

Many tunas have websites, as well as tunas competitions called contest . Thanks to the videos presented, we can see and hear these groups, soak up the joyful atmosphere of their concerts.

Originally, tunas are exclusively male. This goes hand in hand with the fact that only men have the possibility of becoming students.

Certainly, in 1916, there was a female student, created in Spanish emigration to Brazil [ 14 ] . But we don’t know any equivalent for more than 60 years [Ref. necessary] .

It is only from the early 1980s, when the doors of universities were widely opened to women, that mixed or entirely female tunas are born and begin to experience real development. This new phenomenon, linked to female emancipation, then meets the very lively reprobation of rather traditionalist and macho male tunas.

This resistance to the feminization of tunas did not prevent the number of mixed or female tunas from increasing. Among these, in 1996 was born in Saragosse the Philosophy and Letters Tuna , Mixed Tuna of Philosophy and Letters. She is the godmother of the Pau tuna.

The latter is also mixed, which deprives her, even today, many contacts and quantity of invitations to Contest (competition) that remained reserved for exclusively male tunas [ 17 ] .

A Spanish student gave a concert in the street in 1875 [ 18 ] .

Traditionally, tunas travel a lot. Some examples :

L’ Spanish Student , made up of 64 Spanish students, receives a triumphant welcome in Paris on Tuesday Gras March 5, 1878 [ 20 ] . Two days later, his Place de l’Opéra concert attracted a crowd of 50,000 people. The musical quality of this group is such that The voice of schools of April 4, 1878 claims that these 64 students would in fact be a Spanish troop of professional artists on tour in France and disguised as a student [ 21 ] .

The catchy music of the student of the Studiantinas, on fast tempos, assures them a great popularity in Europe [ 22 ] . What makes one of their groups, the Student Figueroa [ 23 ] , is shortly after invited to perform at the Paris Universal Exhibition which takes place first is May to October 30, 1878. It includes seven Bandurria players [ 7 ] .

In 1960, Brussels was invaded by the Spanish student tunas on the occasion of the marriage of King Baudouin of Belgium with Fabiola de Mora y Aragón who is Spanish [Ref. necessary] .

The Tunamerica University de Puerto Rico has repeatedly visited the Repablical Coïmbra student in Portugal [ 24 ] .

On the internet we can see a video showing the trip of the Ancient tuna from Granada to Japan in 2009 [ 25 ] .

In 2010, the Tuna of law (Tuna de Law) by Valladolid is invited to Issoire International Folklore Festival [ 4 ] . In 2011, she visited Russia [ 26 ] .

Medicine students occupy an important place in student tunas. Traditionally we say that to create a real tuna it must have at least. And that in this case, it is a medicine tuna.

From 1898 to 1914, the tunas participated in the Brothers , first festive and fraternal organization, neither political, nor religious, nor commercial, bringing together tens of thousands of students from around the world.

In 2006-2007, a call from Basile Pachkoff at the rebirth of the Brothers In connection with the Renaissance of the Paris Carnival is heard, in particular by tunas. Several of them show their desire to support the rebirth project of the Brothers By participating in the 2007 Paris carnival. But the material difficulties prevent the Spanish, Madrid and Medicine and Cordoba projected participations of the Spanish, Madrid and Medicine [ 27 ] , Portuguese, notably from Porto, Chilean of Valparaíso and Colombian ( Male tuna of the Juan Nepomuceno Foundation Corpas de Bogota [ 28 ] ).

Want to party in Paris went without saying for these happy musical groups, like the Cadiz Medicine Tuna . She specifies on her website that her life is characterized by the fact that she is sad, boring and very healthy, which one smokes, neither drinks, nor dredging and that above all we are very large liars.

The expansion of tunas in the Netherlands [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1964, in Eindhoven, a certain number of students at the Eindhoven Technical University found new joke for hazing: new students had to learn some songs in Spanish to serenade to a lady of the world in Eindhoven ( possibly the lady in question was M me Tri, married at the time of the director of Philips). The Serenade group was a success and in 1964 the students founded the tuna City of Light (Tuna of the City of Lumière, in reference to the importance of Philips Lighting in Eindhoven). From 1965 La Tuna City of Light was invited to Madrid regularly on the occasion of contest (competition) by Spanish tunas. In return, the City of Light began to invite Spanish tunas to Eindhoven in 1986. In 1986 their certain was the first never organized outside Spain. Since 1971, the tuna has had its own premises Aalsterweg 171 [ 29 ] .

From Eindhoven the tradition of the tuna has spread in several other universities in the Netherlands. There are currently seven tunas in this country.

Two female:

  • The tuniña to Eindhoven;
  • tuna Leiden University female in Leyde.

Three male:

  • tuna City of Light to Eindhoven;
  • tuna of the Jarrera City in Tilbourg;
  • tuna University of Maastricht in Maastricht.

Two forty :

  • Quartentuna from Holland (former students of City of Light );
  • tuna Hague veteran (former students of The Hague).

Tunas in Germany, France and Japan [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

There is a gelsenkirchen tuna in Germany organized in the Spanish community emigrated to this city [ 30 ] And in France two tunas in Pau [ thirty first ] , [ 32 ] . The “mixed” university tuna of l’Uppa ( University of Pau and the countries of the Adour ) has existed since 1972. In the 1960s, a university tuna existed within the Spanish department of the Toulouse-Le Mirail University.

There was a tuna in Japan, made up of Japanese students [ 33 ] .

Tunas in the United States [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

There are tunas in the United States, where many people of Spanish culture reside. For example, there are several Studiantinas in Brownsville in the state of Texas [ 2 ] .

American advertising for the Vaudeville of Henry Eugene Abbey Humpty Dumpty In 1880.

There are other Studiantinas than music groups singing while accompanied with guitars. These Studiantinas are orchestras in Plectres, non -costumed mixed amateurs, playing the mandolin.

Explaining the name of the student worn today by a number of mandolin lovers, Ugo Orlandi written in 2010 in 2010 in Plectrum, news of the Italian Mandoline Federation (Plectrum, Bulletin of the Italian Mandolinistic Federation):

The reason for this denomination comes from the desire to underline the historical origin, and probably from a most significant socio-cultural point of view: that constituted by the student university movement of the tuna … at the base of the real Explosion of the fashion of student, from the Iberian Peninsula to France, England, Italy, Germany, North America and South America, is the enormous success obtained by a group of Madrid students who, from 1879, decided to undertake a tour in America under the simple name of Spanish students [ 34 ] .

This group was that of the Student Figueroa which had occurred the year before at the Universal Exhibition in Paris. Henry Eugene Abbey, an opera Impressario, who had heard him play, had the idea of ​​incorporating him, in January 1880 to his Revue de Vaudeville, named Humpty Dumpty , under the name of Spanish Students (Spanish students). The success was lightning and the troop occurred for a year, in rooms, through all the United States [ 35 ] .

One of the first spectators of this tour, Carlo Curti, immediately understood that this music had an extraordinary potential for popularity. He had the intuition that the American public did not make the difference between these exotic instruments that were the bandurria [ 7 ] and the mandolin. This confusion was all the easier to do than the bandurria, an instrument much less known in the world than the mandolin, by its appearance and its sound is reminiscent of the latter. Which earned the Bandurria to be nicknamed the Spanish mandolin [ 36 ] .

The bandurrias were rare in New York, but there were a lot of Mandolins and Mandolinists Italian [ 22 ] . Carlo Curti constituted a set of musicians of Italian origin, who played the guitar or the mandolin, which he baptized The Original Spanish Students (Authentic Spanish students) and who performed, for several years, all over the United States [ 37 ] . Some of the members of the troop were established, over the tours, in various cities of the United States, such as Salvatore Pietro invoiced which settled in 1889 as a professor in Milwaukee in Wisconsin to teach the mandolin. He created a mandolin orchestra still active today [ 22 ] .

A consequence of tours in the United States of the troop The Original Spanish Students was the birth of the Country or Bluegrass mandolin.

L’ Estudiantina Jemmapoise in Jemmapes in 1912.

L’ Hendayaise Student in Hendaye.

Inspired by Student academics are born a large number of amateur musical sets bearing this name and playing the mandolin. For example, in France: the Estudiantina Jemmapoise in Jemmapes [ 38 ] , l’ Estudiantina of Mayenne [ 39 ] ; In the German Empire: the Société Estudiantina “Espérance” de Mulhouse , founded in 1903 [ 40 ] , etc.

In old photos, we see student, in reference to their inspirers, adopt costumes close to those of Spanish musician students.

In Paris also is created at least one Student : The student of the Paris Festival Committee , a set of violins and mandolins, being part of the Paris Festival Committee and directed by Dubo [ 41 ] . We see the queen of the Student Scroll through the great procession of mid-car in the Paris carnival. This is the case in 1911 [ 41 ] , 1912 [ 42 ] , 1913 [ 43 ] And probably also other years. The legend of the postcard showing it in 1912 simply presents it as «The astonantine» [ 42 ] .

In 1924 in Antwerp there was a student whose name in French refers to the famous Neapolitan songs: Koninklijke Estudiantina “The Neapolitan” : Estudiantina Royale “La Neapolitan [ 44 ] ».

The influence of the student also marked Smyrne, where existed at the beginning of XX It is century the mandolins orchestra of the Estudiantina Smyrniote , led by Vassílios Sidéris. In this set, better known as ta politakia , the composer Panayótis Toúndas began his learning of music.

The musical tradition of these student continues today, with for example, in Belgium: the Cercle Royal Des Mandolinistes Student of Mons , founded in 1912 [ 45 ] ; in France: the Albigensian student In Albi, founded in 1930, the Student D’Annecy , founded in 1904 [ forty six ] , l’ Student of Roanne [ 47 ] , founded in 1924; In Greece: the Student (he) in Néa ionía; In Italy: the ESEMBLE BERGAMO STUDENT , mixed set of mandolins and guitars, in Bergamo, etc.

L’ Bayonnaise Student , founded in the 1950s, was very well known in his city of Bayonne and far beyond. She disappeared in the 1980s at the time of the retirement of her chief and founder Alfred Darizcuren.

Among French students, in terms of festive musical practice, the vogue of the student was not taken. Influenced by the fashion of brass bands, they developed from the 1940s brass bands, called fine arts, playing on brass. This tradition is always alive.

Music composers have been inspired by the tradition of student.

This is the case, among others, of Paul Lacôme who composed the duo for equal voice Student [ 48 ] . Duo who inspired in 1883 at Émile Waldteufel his waltz Student opus 191 [ 49 ] .

This is also the case of Joaquín Rodrigo, whose first movement, Student , of Serenata concert For harp and orchestra, written in 1952, evokes a student walking in the street.

The tuna also inspired the singers. Among these, Antonio Molina, who launched in Spain in 1962 his great success Student of Madrid , words of San Julián, music by R. Freire [ 50 ] .

  1. The illustrated world , 16 mars 1878.
  2. a et b The tradition of the tunas is found in the part of the United States which belonged to Mexico before the American-Mexican war of 1847-1848. See for example the Internet page on DU students Brownsville Independent School District , Texas.
  3. A B and C Site of the University of the Philippines Rondalla (Rondalla from the University of the Philippines).
  4. A B and C Presentation of the Valladolid’s Law Tuna
  5. a et b The Spanish and American Enlightenment , 15 mars 1878, XXII It is Year, number X.
  6. Recall in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy .
  7. A B and C See a Group photo of the Barcelone science tuna In 2010 where we see alongside the guitars five bandurrias and also a violin. The bandurria is a kind of small guitar with twelve strings which is also sometimes called “Spanish mandolin”.
  8. Information given by the page Costumes website Discovering the tuna .
  9. The Granada Medicine Tuna at the VII International Tunas Contest Diego de Siloé
  10. Source : article Tuna scholarship Wikipedia in Spanish.
  11. This cap meets in Swiss students.
  12. This kind hat Robin Hood , also called felucca , be in a cap or university cap (university beret), is brought to Italy by students members of the Goliardia .
  13. Clairville, The Extended , Le Caveau, forty-fifth year , At E. Dettu, bookseller, Paris 1879, page 155. In the same volume we find page 159 another song The Extended , this one of Maurice Ordonneau, who talks about the same troop of musician students.
  14. a et b See this photographic document: Brazil. Spanish Student, formed by distinguished young ladies and directed by the music and dance teacher D. Gervasio. G. Laborda, who took part at a festival held in Bahia, in honor of Brazilian explorers. Year 1916 (Brazil. Estudiantina Española, made up of young girls distinguished and directed by the music master and dance D. Gervasio. G. Laborda, who took part in a festival organized in Bahia in honor of Brazilian explorers. Year 1916)
  15. Tuna standard information comes from the article Tuna flag Wikipedia in Spanish.
  16. Cuba Student Orchestra on one night to remember (The Estudiantina orchestra in Cuba for an unforgettable evening).
  17. Source : Diversity , page of the website of the Pau district tuna .
  18. Pierre-Léonce Imbert, Spain, splendors and miseries, artistic and picturesque journey , E. Plon editor, Paris 1875.
  19. Detail of a drawing by Tirado published on the first page, The illustrated world , first is mars 1884.
  20. Ch. Fried, Tuesday-gras in Paris , Le Petit Parisien , 7 mars 1878, first re  page, 5 It is column.
  21. The voice of schools , April 4, 1878.
  22. A B and C Leonard Wyeth, 1880 student figaro and the Mandolin Orchestra , 2008.
  23. Many authors call them The Figaro Students , but the name Student Figueroa seems the most correct.
  24. Visit to the Real Republic of Coimbra (Visit to the Royal Republic of Coimbra), in 2003.
    Visit in 2006 :
    As usual in our tuna, there is no trip to Lisbon that does not spend a night to drink some beers to the Royal Republic of Coimbra, a well -known meeting point for the Portuguese tunos.
    Translation :
    As it has become usual in our tuna, no trip to Lisbon without spending a night to take some beers to the Royal Republic of Coimbra, a known meeting point for the Portuguese tunos.

  25. Video in Japanese showing the trip of the Ancient tuna from Granada to Japan.
  26. The Valladolid Law Tuna visits Russia to offer several actions (Valladolid’s law tuna visits Russia to offer various shows), Europa Press quoted by 20 minutes , April 21, 2011.
  27. Website Córdoba Medicine Tuna
  28. Internet page of the Male tuna of the Juan Nepomuceno Foundation Corpas de Bogota .
  29. Source : History (History) , text in Dutch.
  30. Website Tuna de Gelsenkirchen.
  31. Website Pau District Tuna.
  32. Website Academic tuna of the Faculty of Letters of Pau .
  33. The Japanese tuna was listed in 2004 on the Tuna site of the Polytechnic University of Valencia And is not now.
  34. Quoted by Paolo Aresi in his article Mandolino Bergamasco to listen to (The bergame mandolin to listen to), published in Plectrum, news of the Italian Mandoline Federation (Plectrum, Bulletin of the Italian Mandolinistic Federation), quarterly, XXI It is year, September 2010, page 15, article itself extracted from The echo of Bergamo of June 10, 2010.
    Original Italy:
    The reason for this denomination is made up of the desire to underline one of the historical matrices and, probably from a socio-cultural point of view, the most significant: that constituted by the university student movement of the Tuna … at the basis of the true explosion of the mode of the Estudiantine, of the Iberian Peninsula in France, England, Italy, Germany, North and South America, is the enormous success achieved by a group of Madrid students who, starting from 1879, decided to intrapended a tour in the Americas under the simple name of Spanish Students.

  35. Death of Henry E. Abbey; The Well-Known Manager’s Long Career Closed. , The New York Times , October 18, 1896.
  36. See the page Instruments website Discovering the tuna .
  37. Jean Dickson, Mandolin Mania in Buffalo’s Italian Community, 1895 to 1918 , Journal of World Anthropology, Occasional Papers , Volume II, n ° 2, August 2006, published by the University of Buffalo.
  38. A postcard showing the Estudiantina Jemmapoise .
  39. A postcard showing the Estudiantina of Mayenne .
  40. See a postcard showing the Société Estudiantina “Espérance” de Mulhouse. Mulhouse was at the time and since 1870 a city of the German Empire. She became French again in 1918.
  41. a et b Mi-carmented program 1911 , 8 pages plus the coverage, printed on both sides, files Carnival News, Historical Library of the City of Paris . That year the Queen of the Studiantina of the Paris holidays is M lle Jeanne Renaud, her bridesmaids M them Marie Pradier and Léontine Rousseliere.
  42. a et b Photo of the Student On his tank in the procession of mid-car at the Paris carnival 1912.
  43. The mid-car, the queen of the queen’s procession paraded yesterday in Paris , The small newspaper , February 28, 1913, page 3. The Queen of the Estudiantina was in 1913 M lle Amélie Plantady and her bridesmaids M them Renée and Suzanne Perrin
  44. See a legendary photo of the Estudiantina Royal “La Neapolitaine”. In Dutch, the official language of Antwerp, the name would have been The Napolitan .
  45. Website Cercle Royal Des Mandolinistes Student of Mons .
  46. Website Student D’Annecy .
  47. Website Student of Roanne . This site indicates in particular that the first orchestra in Plectre Roannais was born in 1899. There were up to four associations of Mandolines in Roanne before 1914. The association Roannais mandolinists founded in 1924 later took the name of Student of Roanne .
  48. Listen Student , by Paul Lacôme, interpreted with orchestra by the soprano Florence Hayward and the tenor Harry Macdonough on February 14, 1905.
  49. Listen to the waltz Student by Émile Waldteufel.
  50. The song The Student of Madrid , words of San Julián, music by R. Freire: song text , Interpretation by Antonio Molina. This song was recorded by Antonio Molina for his album Usual songs (Lifelong songs).

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