Asperen — Wikipedia


Aseren is a village located in the Dutch commune of West Betuwe, in the province of Gueldre. THE , the village had 3,020 inhabitants.


In Roman times, a colony called Casping is suspected of being what is now Asperen. This place is indicated on the map of Peutinger (Tabula Petingriana) as located between Tablis  (nl) (Oud-Alblas?) Et Grinnes  (nl) (Rossum) on the road to the south (so not on the Limes line) Noviomagus (Nimègue) – Lyon Washington (Katwijk aan Zee – Brittenburg). Many Roman discoveries have been made on site.

Asperen has long been a lordship. It is bordered to the west by the one of Heukelum, to the north by the linen river, to the east by the lordship of Gellicum and to the south by that of Herwijnen. The first Lord of Asperen mentioned is Jan Van Arkel (around 1170-?). Otto Van Arkel (around 1237-Vers 1283) and Otto I Van Heukelum and Asperen (around 1270-verses 1345) are also considered to be at the origin of this hereditary branch. In 1313, Otto I ensured that the Arkel Asperen House received the free seigneury in a hereditary and “immortal” of Guillaume III of Holland.

Around 1314, Asperen became, by his charter of urban privileges, a city.

In 1347, Robrecht Van Arkel died, leaving the seigneury to the Polanen family, by Dirk Van Polanen married to Elburg Van Asperen. A rhyme found in the church of Asperen recalls the memory of Dame Elburg:
Four hundred one in the year
Leed woman Elburg the first stone [ first ]
In the year a thousand four hundred one
Dame Elburg laid the first stone
The architectural style of the building and the fact that the Lady Elburg should probably be born that in 1401 indicated that the church was built about half a century later than the rhyme suggests.

Her son Otto Van Polanen married Johanna Van Voorst and Keppel. By different women, Alfarade, Belior (Belia), Elburg (Elbroch) and Cunegunda (Coenigonde), the fief was finally shared between:

  • Aernt (Arend),
  • Pieck van Beesd (1468)
  • et Rutger van den Boetzelaer (1441).

Un descendant de Beesd, Guillaume de Buren (and Néerl. Willem van Buren ), killed Van Den Boetzelaer in 1460, after which Van Buren was hanged and the part of Beesd was confiscated, so that the Van den Boetzelaer family finally obtained the other half in fief (1481 and 1484). The Van den Boetzelaer family then occupied the estate until 1795.


Whether by the Arumer Black Hope or another armed group also named Black hope (This one composed of German mercenaries and probably under the command of Johan Van Selbach and being on the way back to Germany), the city was pillaged in 1517. A large number of inhabitants lose their lives.

In 1569 the young Dirk Willems (in Nowl. Dirk Willemszoon also known by Durk , but also Willems , Willemse , William ), a notable from the city, had turned to Protestantism and had held secret meetings in his house in Asperen. With the reign of terror of the Duke of Alba, he was arrested and sentenced to be burned. However, he managed to escape from the dungeon. Skinny as he was with his captivity, he fled while walking on the ice, but one of the officers who had pursued him, much heavier, found himself going through. In a gesture of humanity, Thierry saves him but gets caught again. The mayor who was very involved in Spanish policy, kept the bailiff whose life was saved, under oath and Thierry Willemszoon was still condemned. Its fatal torture was very slow and horrible due to a strong wind pushing the flames. He thus becomes one of the best known anabaptist martyrs.

The iconoclasm struck Asperen in 1566. During the war of eighty years which followed, the city changed camp several times, which was accompanied by looting and violence. Once clearly in the hands of the Republic, better times began, except during the disastrous year (in Nowl. Disaster year ) From 1672, Asperen was again pillaged by French troops. These after staying there, burned and shaved the castle.

In 1820, the inexpensive part of the municipality of Asperen, south of the dike named New Zuiderlingedijk , was transferred to the municipality of Herwijnen to Gueldre.

The Asperen’s raid took place. A unit of the Geheime Feld Polizei of the Reichswehr searched the houses of the city in search of weapons and resistance fighters. Hundreds of men and boys were taken to Germany and employees near Krefeld. There they managed to escape the After an air raid, then they were released by American forces.

Asperen celebrated his millennium in 1983.

Until , Asperen was an independent commune. On this date, the municipality was attached to the town of Vuren, with that of Heukelum and that of Herwijnen. This new commune was renamed Linegewaal from the .

  • Léon Van Bon: Cycling runner, stage winner on the Tour de France was born there in 1972.
  • (nl) Denninger, J.C.; Asperen in old postcards , European Library (1972)
  • (nl) Waale, M.J.; The Arkelse War, 1401-1412: a political, field and economic analysis , Publisher Lost (1990), (ISBN  9065502246 ) .

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