Astichello (Fiume) – Wikipedia


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L’ Astichello (in Veneto Astegheło ) is a river in the province of Vicenza, which flows mainly in the countries of Dueville and Cavazzale, a hamlet of Monticello Conte Otto, to flow into the Bacchiglione at Ponte Pusterla in the city of Vicenza.

In the past centuries, many aspects of Vicenza economic, artistic and cultural life have found their expression and synthesis in this river environment. In addition to being used as an important waterway, several factories arose along the banks of the river to enjoy the driving force of the water and many patrician villas were built.

Astichello and the depression of the same name (area between the Bacchiglione and Astichello rivers)

Until the whole of the 11th century, the Asico torrent flowed in the current bed of the Estichello when the Vicenza, to reduce the danger of the recurrent full [2] They deviated the course north of Montecchio Precalcino and conveyed the course towards the Tesina, letting only a part of the waters arrived in Vicenza, that is, the astichello that continued to flow in the old riverbed.

In the 19th and twentieth centuries, its waters supplied the Roi Canapysess of Cavazzale.

Giacomo Zanella’s poetry [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1878 the poet Giacomo Zanella, driven by the desire for careful solitude and peace to be able to forget, in contact with the much loved nature, the travails of the “dependence cuttlefish”, had a villa built in Cavazzale, on the banks of the Ostichello, And there he spent his last few years, going occasionally in the city to find friends.

In recent years he knew how to give the best of his spirit and art, because he knew how to simply transcribe the sensations that the minute things of nature awakened him and the sonnets, collected under the name of the Astichello , are undoubtedly among his best things.

It is a river of resurgence that was born physically from the union of numerous resurgence channels in Dueville, in Pilastroni. Its course begins north of Passo di Riva and Montecchio Precalcino to continue skirting the homonymous street, the motorway exit and reaching the Pilastroni locality. The roggette that come together, many of which were born from Risorgive, all come from the Duevillese territory, mainly from Vivaro.


The river then flowing along the border between Cavazzale and Poleggia arrives in Vicenza; Here the Park of the Estichello first crosses the San Bortolo hospital and then scroll through the Querini Park and pour its waters shortly after in the Bacchiglione river.

Its length is about 16 km.

  1. ^ List of waterways from the regional hydrographic network ( PDF ), are Extraordinary three -year plan of hydrogeological defense interventions , Veneto region. URL consulted on December 15, 2014 .
  2. ^ According to Sottani, 2012, pp. 142-143 , this intervention was made necessary by natural hydrological events that occurred in the first half of the century, when Leograph, Timonchio and Orolo would come out of their riverbeds by swallowing the Asian, with ruinous effects for the city
  • Mario Bardin, The murmur of the wave: dialogues on Giacomo Zanella’s Estichello , two thousand and thirteen
  • Giambattista Giaolli, Vicenza in its road toponymy , Vicenza, school typ. San Gaetano, 1955.
  • Stefano Guglielmi, Landscape and literature in Giacomo Zanella. Preliminary study for an Estichello ecomuseum , Vicenza, Veneta editor, 2013
  • Mariano illiterate and others, Astichello and surroundings: the hydraulic force for work: the life, history and art of the community of Cavazzale along the banks of the river loved by the poet Giacomo Zanella , Vicenza, Veneta editor, 2007
  • Galliano Rosset (text and maps) and Danilo Pellegrin (photographs), Astichello and surroundings: the villas of the Estichello , Vicenza, Veneta editor, 2009.
  • Luigo Salogo, Astichello: journey along the river and its landscape , Vicenza, Veneta editor, 2011
  • Natalino Sottani, Ancient Vicenza hydrography. History, evidence, hypotheses , Vicenza, Olympic Academy, 2012.
  • Giacomo Zanella, Astichello , Vicenza, Veneta editor, 2013
