Attentat of Monterrey of 2011 — Wikipedia


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L’ 2011 Monterrey attack took place on At the Royal Casino of Monterrey, in the Mexican state of the Nuevo León. He caused the death of at least 53 people, according to the authorities [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

This is one of the deadliest attacks against a game establishment in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon ordered a large repression campaign against drug traffickers in 2006 [ 5 ] .

The attack would have taken place around 3:50 p.m., when at least 12 armed men, according to witnesses, sprayed fuel gas (petrol), fired and thrown at least a grenade in the casino, located at the ‘Intersection of rue Jesús María González and avenue San Jeronimo [ 6 ] , [ first ] . In panic, some people were trampled during the stampede, while the emergency exits remained closed [ 7 ] . The official assessment reports 53 dead and 10 injured, most of them suffocated by toxic smoke [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] .

One day earlier, in the neighboring city of Saltillo, a center of Paris had already been the target of an attack, without however causing a victim [ ten ] . These events, to which is added a shooting in a stadium in Torreón in the state of Coahuila a week earlier, had forced to suspend a football match of the first division.

The royal casino after the attack.

The , the governor of Nuevo Léon, Rodrigo Medina de La Cruz, announces in a press conference the arrest of 5 people suspected of belonging to the Los Zetas cartel [ 11 ] :

  • Luis Carlos Carrazco Espinoza, aka « Chihuas “, 25 years.
  • Javier Alonso Martínez Morales, alias « Java “, 37 years.
  • Jonathan Jahir Reyna Gutiérrez, 18 ANS.
  • Juan Ángel Leal Flores, aka « The boxes »Or« Cash “, 20 years.
  • Julio Tadeo Berrones Ramírez, aka « Julio stripes “, 28 years old.

The , a Mexican police officer is also arrested, suspected of having participated in the attack [ twelfth ] .

Mexican president Felipe Calderon said three days of national mourning [ 13 ] . The UN, through the voice of secretary general Ban Ki-moon, also condemned the attack on August 26 [ 2 ] . Amnesty International demands an in -depth investigation of the facts and expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims and the inhabitants of the region [ 14 ] .

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Notes and references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A B and C (is) Atacan Casino Royale in Monterrey: 53 dead , Milenio, August 25, 2011
  2. a et b (fr) The UN condemns the attack in Mexico , Radio Chine International, August 27, 2011
  3. (is) Bastarons two and a half minutes to run attended to Casino Royale , Tvnotas, August 26, 2011
  4. (is) 51 dead in Casino Royale, could be more , Vanguardia, August 25, 2011
  5. (is) “Terror and Barbarie” in a Monterrey casino , BBC Mundo, August 26, 2011
  6. (is) A pregnant between victims of attack on Casino , Info 7, 26 August 2011
  7. (is) It was a no exit hell, they say tragedy witnesses in Monterrey ,, August 25, 2011
  8. (is) Suspended the rescue in the Monterrey casino due to a collapse of collapse , BBC Mundo, August 26, 2011
  9. (is) Second floor collapse from Casino Royale in Monterrey , Teledario, August 27, 2011
  10. (is) Armed Group Ataca Casino de Hank Rhon in Saltillo , Milenio, August 27, 2011
  11. (is) They show alleged responsible for the attack ,, August 29, 2011
  12. (in) Monterrey casino attack: Mexican police officer held , BBC News, September 2, 2011
  13. (is) Calderón declares national mourning for attack on Casino Royale in Monterrey , CNN México, August 26, 2011
  14. A B C D and E (is) World leaders sympathize with Monterrey , Sexenio, August 26, 2011
  15. (is) Barack Obama Tacha Cruel The attack on Casino Royale in Monterrey , Política Real, August 26, 2011
