Auguste de Saint-Aignan-Wikipedia


The count” [ first ] Nicolas Auguste Marie Rousseau from Saint-Aignan , born in Nantes the And died in Paris the , is a French soldier, diplomat and politician.


Family and youth origins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Coming from a family of Brittany, son of Jean-Louis Rousseau de Saint-Aignan and his wife, Marie-Louise de Pontual, and brother of Louis Rousseau de Saint-Aignan, he married Augustine-Amie de Caulaincourt, daughter of the Marquis Gabriel Louis de Caulaincourt. They will be the parents of Gabriel de Saint-Aignan and the in-laws of Count Auguste Arthur Beugnot and Baron Léonce Henri Vallet de Villeneuve (Neveu de René Vallet de Villeneuve).

Auguste de Saint-Aignan entered the royal navy as a aspiring in 1784, artillery officer.

During the revolutionary period [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Damaged in 1792, arrested as a suspect, he was imprisoned for eighteen months and registered on the list of emigrants although he had not left France. He was returned to freedom after the fall of Robespierre and worked for some time in David’s workshop. He had a disciple, Jacques-Henri Bernadin de Saint-Pierre.

Under the consulate and the empire [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Under the consulate, he was forced to regain service in the army. Appointed battalion chief in 1804, he spent, the same year, at the Grand Staff General as Squadron Chef, made the 1806 campaign, attended the Battle of Jena and the siege of Magdeburg and was then in charge of several military missions. One of them was to make Napoleon known I is The strength and composition of the army that Russia directed against the Turks. He returned in time to take part in the battle of Eylau and that of Friedland, where he won the cross of the Legion of Honor.

After the peace of Tilsit, he preceded Savary in Saint Petersburg, was very well received by Tsar Alexandre I is from Russia and was only recalled at the time of the rupture with Austria. Help of Berthier camp, he was loaded, after the battles of Eckmühl and Ratisbon, to bring to the King of Bavaria, Maximilien I is , the news of the defeat of the Austrians.


Appointed, after the battle of Wagram, squire of Napoleon I is and created Baron d’Empire ( ), he accompanied the emperor to Holland in 1810 and, when the war with Russia became imminent, was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary at the court of Saxe, to King Frédéric-Auguste I is , with the mission of monitoring the actions of the small German princes. He stayed there for three years. During the Germany campaign in 1813, his house was pillaged and, after the battle of Leipzig, he was taken prisoner in Gotha by the Prussian Hussars of Major Friedrich von Hellwig (of) [ 2 ] and leads to the headquarters of the Allies. He protested against this violation of international law and, by the intervention of Metternich, which he knew, was led to Toeplitz and then to Frankfurt where the allies entrusted him with peace proposals for Napoleon. This mission failed.

He followed Napoleon to Fontainebleau and was then sent to Blois to the Empress Marie-Louise to inform him of the events, then he accompanied her to Vienna.

Under restoration [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Returning to France, he was dismissed from his grades and functions for refusing to take an oath to the catering. He then entered politics. THE , he presented himself to the deputation in the first is Electoral district of Côtes-du-Nord (Saint-Brieuc) and failed [ 3 ] , but he was elected, the same day, in the 3 It is electoral district of the same department (Guingamp), and re -elected the in the 2 It is Loire-Inférieur district (Pont-Rousseau) [ 4 ] . He took place in the opposition, voted against the new electoral law and, in March 1830, signed the address of the 221.

The elections of were not favorable to him since he failed in the Pont-Rousseau district [ 5 ] , but he returned to the Chamber of Deputies on July 3 as a deputy for the Grand Collège de la Vendée [ 6 ] .

Under the July monarchy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After taking part in the three glorious, Saint-Aignan adhered to the July Monarchy and became one of the generals of the Paris National Guard. Re -elected the both in the 5 It is Collège de la Loire-Inférieur (Chateaubriant) [ 7 ] and in the 6 It is College of the same department (Paimbœuf) [ 8 ] , he opted for the second.

At the end of 1831, he was sent as Minister Plenipotentiary of France to Switzerland to deal with the termination of capitulations and led this mission to the right. He was appointed peer of France the . If he only took part in the deliberations of the upper chamber, he arose there by his independence. The revolution of 1848 put an end to his political career.

  1. Half of the Empire, he was called “count” after his elevation at La Pairie in 1835, without having ever received this title. A similar case is with Antoine d’Argout.
  2. Friedrich Christoph Förster, Preussen’s heroes in war and peace , tome 5, Berlin, 1856, p. 279 [first]
  3. 93 votes against 175 at M. de Villeaucomte, elected
  4. 83 votes out of 155 voters and 190 registered against 72 in M. Smooth.
  5. 110 votes against 123 at M. Smooth
  6. 125 votes out of 219 voters and 233 registered
  7. 73 votes out of 79 voters and 150 registered
  8. 68 votes out of 92 voters and 152 registered against 14 to M. Janière, doctor
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