Auguste Nayel – Wikipedia


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Auguste François Joseph Nayel born the in Lorient (Morbihan) and died in the same city the is a French sculptor.

He is also a drawing teacher and was the first curator of the Lorient museum and co-founder of the Lorient Society of Fine Arts.

Auguste Nayel began in 1859 in the naval sculpture workshops under the direction of M. Meslin, ou mélin [ first ] . He pursues his studies in Angers under the direction of Jules Dauban, of which he is considered one of the most brilliant students [ 2 ] .

During the Franco-German war of 1870, he served as an officer of the Mobile National Guard at the headquarters of Paris [ 2 ] .

After the war, he set himself in Lorient and produced many works [ 2 ] .


In 1872 he created a private drawing course which was closed in 1877 [ 3 ] .

Auguste Nayel begins at the 1875 show [ first ] .

From November 1881 [ 3 ] , he became the director of municipal drawing courses, wood sculpture and modeling. He was appointed drawing teacher at the Lycée de Lorient in 1882 [ 4 ] . He is co-founder of the Lorient Society of Fine Arts [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

He receives the academic fins and is an officer of public education [ 4 ] .

The Lorient museum is officially created by a deliberation of the municipal council and is installed on the first floor of the butter hall, Place Saint-Louis [ 3 ] .

In 1887, Auguste Nayel was appointed first curator of the museum [ 3 ] .

The Public drawing course led by him since November 1881 is also located in the butter hall. There is a close link between the drawing class and the museum, because at XIX It is century, museums were commonly considered as educational instruments. The creation of the Lorient museum thus corresponds to a desire to instruct the population and to make aesthetic references available to artists [ 3 ] .

Charles Oge succeeded Auguste Nayel in 1907 as a curator of the museum. It is under its responsibility that the museum is transferred from the butter hall to the Dousdebès room in the New Town district.

His works are related to the regional inspiration sculpture at the end of the XIX It is century and offer documentary interest by the accuracy of costumes: Two old Bretons , Marie , Potato harvest … So many terracotta pieces destroyed during the Second World War [Ref. necessary] [ 6 ] .

The materials he likes are wood, terracotta, marble or bronze [ 2 ] .

The Neptune fountain In Lorient (1876), a missing work, view of an artist from a photograph.
  • Neptune fountain , 1876, high granite high. Auguste Nayel realizes this monumental fountain on the plans of the architect Stephen Gallot. Located in Lorient at the corner of the streets of Morbihan (current rue Maréchal Foch) and Paul Bert [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , it will be dismantled following the bombings of the Second World War and its materials sold after the war [ 9 ] . The basin is today in a private property in Lorient [ ten ] , [ 11 ] .
  • Joseph Charil , 1882, parish priest of Lorient, marble bust adorning his funeral monument in the Carnel de Lorient cemetery.
  • Marie’s bust , 1882, formerly exposed to Lorient Museum [Which ?] , undoubtedly executed in honor of the work of Brizeux [ 4 ] .
  • Monument to Louis Bodélio , 1898, Lorient. In 1897, the municipality of Lorient launched a subscription to erect a monument in honor of the doctor who marked Lorient life during cholera epidemics in 1832, 1834 and 1848. A bronze bust, erected on a granite pedestal, is produced by Nayel and melted by Barbedian. The monument was installed in the Bodélio garden located on the old Kerentrech fair field. It was requisitioned and melted in 1941. A plaster replica of the bust is kept at the Center Hospitalier de Bretagne Sud [ 11 ] .
  • Monument to Brizeux , 1908, medallion adorning the blue granite stele of the Kerlo bridge in Arzano inaugurated in [ 4 ] , [ twelfth ] is the last work of Nayel who, treasurer of the committee of the fiftieth anniversary of the poet’s death, particularly appreciated Brizeux [ 2 ] .
  • The tales of the vigil , attribution [ 13 ] .
  • Scaër wrestler , statuette, Brest Fine Arts Museum [ first ] .
  • Lyrical attribute , adorning the pedestal of Monument to Victor Massé D’Antonin Thank you to Lorient [ 4 ] .
  • Bust of Élodie La Villette [ 2 ] .
  • Young Yannic bust [ 2 ] .
  • Primel et nola , cut inspired by the work of Auguste Brizeux [ 2 ] .
  • Colossal virgin de Chenillé-Changé (Maine-et-Loire) [ 2 ] .
  • Breton poacher [ 2 ] .
  • Shrimp fishery [ 2 ] .
  • Sailors [ 2 ] .

A street in Lorient bears his name.

  1. A B and C Bénézit dictionary of 1999.
  2. A b c d e f g h i j k and l Article Morbihan Nouvelliste , .
  3. A B C D and E Lucile Fontaine, For a history of the city of Lorient .
  4. a b c d e and f The Morbihan Nouvelliste , .
  5. Article West France , .
  6. The origins of the museum » , on (consulted the ) .
  7. “Neptune fountain” , otice on .
  8. Ancient postcards tell us about Lorient: Place du Morbihan and rue Voisines, p. 49-51. There are several photographs of La Fontaine in the book.
  9. Description of the Neptune fountain on the site .
  10. Lorient of yesteryear, p. 16-17. Photograph of the fountain.
  11. a et b Site of the city of Lorient .
  12. West-shield , .
  13. Sales site consulted on .
  14. West France , .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Dead of M. Nayel », The Morbihan Nouvelliste , ( read online ) .
  • The funeral of M. Nayel », The Morbihan Nouvelliste , ( read online ) .
  • André Leclère and Lucette Leclère, Old postcards tell us about Lorient , vol. 6: Place du Morbihan and neighboring streets , Lorient, ed. Author’s account, , 68 p. (ISBN  2-9505821-6-8 And 978-2-9505821-6-4 ) .
  • Bénézit dictionary, Dictionary of painters, sculptors, designers and engravers , vol. X, ENDS. Havend, , 958 p. (ISBN  978-2-7000-3010-5 ) , p. 125 .
  • Lucile Fontaine, For a history of the city of Lorient: the Musée de la Compagnie des Indes (1966-2008) , Rennes, ed. Sciences Po Rennes – Political and Society section, , 164 p. ( read online ) , p. 11-14 .
  • Patrick Bollet ( pref. Norbert Métairie, mayor of Lorient), Lorient, his illustrious men , Le Faouët, Liv’éditions, coll. “Memoir of the Lorient country”, , 384 p. (ISBN  2-84497-071-0 And 978-2-84497-071-8-8 ) , p. 319-324 .
  • Charlotte Viart (text) and Cartophile club of Morbihan (iconography), Lorient of yesteryear: through the old postcard , Paris, HC Éditions, , 128 p. (ISBN  978-2-35720040-1 , ISSN  1770-3255 ) .

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