Aurélien mirles — wikipedia


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Aurélien Miralles is a French herpetologist, phylogenetician and taxonomist, born in 1978. He is a specialist in the SCINCIDAE lizards, and is also interested in adaptation to the foucher lifestyle, a phenomenon observed recurrently in squamates (eg. members’ regression) [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . In addition, several of his research focuses on the methodological and theoretical aspects of taxonomic practice [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] , [ ten ] , [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] , as well as on the study of sensory and empathic perceptions of humans in contact with the diversity of the living [ 8 ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] .

Aurélien Miralles in 2006 defended his doctoral thesis in 2006 on the evolution and systematic of South America scints at the National Museum of Natural History, before producing several postdoctorates in the Miguel Vences laboratory, in Germany (on the scints of Madagascar), at Isyeb, CNRS and the University of Munich [ 15 ] . His authorization to direct research (HDR), supported in 2021, relates to alpha-taxonomic practice at XXI It is century [ 16 ] .

  • Maracaiba Meridensis (Miralles, Rivas & Schargel, 2005) [ 17 ]
  • VARZEA ALTAMAZONICA (Miralles, Barrio-Amoros, Rivas & Chaparro-Auza, 2006) [ 18 ]
  • Alinea Berengrae (Miralles, 2006) [ 19 ]
  • Fimbrios Smithi Ziegler, David, Miralles, Doan Van Kien & Nguyen Quang Truong, 2008 [ 20 ]
  • Maracaiba Zuliae (Miralles, Rivas Fuenmayor, Bonillo, Schargel, Barros, Garcia-Pérez & Barrio-Amoros, 2009) [ 21 ]
  • Orosaura nebulosylvestris (Miralles, Rivas Fuenmayor, Bonillo, Schargel, Barros, Garcia-Pérez & Barrio-Amoros, 2009) [ 21 ]
  • Chioninia vaillantii xanthotis Miralles, Vasconcelos, Perera, Harris, Carranza, 2011 [ 22 ]
  • Chioninia cord Santiagoensis Miralles, Vasconcelos, Perera, Harris, Carranza, 2011 [ 22 ]
  • Chioninia cord boavistensis Miralles, Vasconcelos, Perera, Harris, Carranza, 2011 [ 22 ]
  • Paracontias vermisaurus Miralles, Kölhler, Vieites & Glaw, VENCES, 2011 [ 23 ]
  • Paracontias ampijoroensis Miralles, Jono, Mori, Gandola, Eriens, Köhler, Glaw, Vlaws [ 24 ]
  • Paracontias mahamavo Miralles, Jono, Mori, Gandola, Eriens, Köhler, Glaw, Vlaws [ 24 ]
  • Madassincus arenicola Miralles, Kölhler, Glaw & Vences, 2011 [ 25 ]
  • Madascincus hidden Miralles, Kölhler, Glaw & Vennces, 2016 [ 26 ]
  • Madassincus Pyrurus Miralles, Kölhler, Glaw & Vennces, 2016 [ 26 ]
  • AmpoSus Meva MIRALLES, Rakles, Rakotomalala, Vences & Vieites, 2011 [ 27 ]
  • Brooksia brunches Crottini, Miralles, Glaw, Harris, Lima, & Vences, 2012 [ 28 ]
  • Voeltzkowia mobydick (Miralles, Anjeriniana, Hipsley, Mueller, Glaw & Vences, 2012) [ 29 ]
  • Paragehyra austini Crottini, Harris, Miralles, Glaw, Jenkins, Randrianoandro, Bauer & Vences, 2014 [ 30 ]
  • Paragehyra happiness Crottini, Harris, Miralles, Glaw, Jenkins, Randrianoandro, Bauer & Vences, 2014 [ 30 ]
  • UROPLATUS FIERA Rasovina, Ranjanirisoa, Glaw, Raselimanana, MIRALLS & VENCES, 2015 [ thirty first ]
  • Chalarodon Steinkampi Miralles, Glaw, Ratsoavina & Vennces, 2015 [ 32 ]
  • Brachyseps Erens, Miralles, Glaw, Charou & Vencies, 2017 [ 33 ]
  • Flexiseps Erens, Miralles, Glaw, Charou & Vencies, 2017 [ 33 ]
  • Amblyrhynchus cristatus godzilla Miralles, Macleod, Rodriguez, Ibanez, Jiménez-UzCategui, Quezada, Vences & SteinFartz, 2017 [ 34 ]
  • Amblyrhynchus cristatus jeffreysi Miralles, Macleod, Rodriguez, Ibanez, Jiménez-UzCategui, Quezada, Vences & SteinFartz, 2017 [ 34 ]
  • Amblyrhynchus crested hayampi Miralles, Macleod, Rodriguez, Ibanez, Jiménez-UzCategui, Quezada, Vences & SteinFartz, 2017 [ 34 ]
  • Amblyrhynchus cristatus trillmichi Miralles, Macleod, Rodriguez, Ibanez, Jiménez-UzCategui, Quezada, Vences & SteinFartz, 2017 [ 34 ]
  • Amblyrhynchus cristatus wikelskii Miralles, Macleod, Rodriguez, Ibanez, Jiménez-UzCategui, Quezada, Vences & SteinFartz, 2017 [ 34 ]
  • Acanthodactylus tears Miralles, Geniez, Beddek, Mendez-Aranda, Brito, Leblois & Crochet, 2020 [ 35 ]
  • Acanthodactylus Montanus Miralles, Geniez, Beddek, Mendez-Aranda, Brito, Leblois & Crochet, 2020 [ 35 ]
  • Paroedura rennerae Miralles, Bruy, Crottini, Rakotoarison, Ratsoavina, Schertz, Schmidt, Köhler, Glaw, Vences, 2021 [ 36 ]
  1. Aurélien Mirror , Christy A. Hipsley , Jesse Somewhere and Marcelo Gehara « Distinct Patterns of Desynchronized Limb Regression in Malagasy Scincine Lizards (Squamata, Scincidae) », PLOS ONE , vol. ten, n O 6, , e0126074 (ISSN  1932-6203, PMID  26042667, PMCID  4456255, DOI  10.1371/journal.pone.0126074, read online , consulted the )
  2. (in) Aurélien Mirror , Teppei John , Akira Mori and Robert Gandola , A new perspective on the reduction of cephalic scientists in fossorial legless skinks (squamat, squamat,) » , Zoologica writings , vol. 45, n O 4, , p. 380–393 (ISSN  1463-6409, DOI  10.1111/zsc.12164, read online , consulted the )
  3. Aurélien Miralles, « Snakes and other lizards APODES: when the tetrapods are no longer really … », Species , , p. 18-24
  4. Jose M. Padial , Aurélien Mirror , Ignacio Of the riva you miguel Win « The integrative future of taxonomy », Frontiers in Zoology , vol. 7, , p. 16 (ISSN  1742-9994, PMID  20500846, PMCID  2890416, DOI  10.1186/1742-9994-7-16, read online , consulted the )
  5. Aurélien Mirror you miguel Win « New Metrics for Comparison of Taxonomies Reveal Striking Discrepancies among Species Delimitation Methods in Madascincus Lizards », PLOS ONE , vol. 8, n O 7, , e68242 (ISSN  1932-6203, PMID  23874561, PMCID  3710018, DOI  10.1371/journal.pone.0068242, read online , consulted the )
  6. (in) Miguel Win , Juan M. Guayasamin , Aurélien Mirror Ignacio of the Riva , To name or not to name: Criteria to promote economy of change in Linnaean classification schemes » , Zootaha , vol. 3636, n O 2, , p. 201–244 (ISSN  1175-5334, DOI  10.11646/zootaxa.3636.2.1, read online , consulted the )
  7. Aurélien Miralles, « What is a new species? », Species , , p. 50-55 (ISSN  2256-6384)
  8. a et b Aurélien Miralles, « Why do scientists collect wild animals? », The Conversation (French edition) , ( read online )
  9. (in) Aurélien Mirror , Teddy Ruy , Katherine Wolcott and Mark D. hoax , Repositories for Taxonomic Data: Where We Are and What is Missing » , Systematic Biology , (DOI  10.1093/sysbio/syaa026, read online , consulted the )
  10. (in) Jacques Ducasse , Visotheary Spoiled , Guillaume Lecointre and Aurélien Mirror , LIMES: a tool for comparing species partition » , Bioinformatics , vol. 36, n O 7, , p. 2282–2283 (ISSN  1367-4803, DOI  10.1093/bioinformatics/btz911, read online , consulted the )
  11. (in) Aurélien Mirror , Jacques Ducasse , Sophie Bubble and Tomas Flouri , SPART: A versatile and standardized data exchange format for species partition information » , Molecular Ecology Resources , vol.  n/a, n O  n/a,‎ (ISSN  1755-0998, DOI  10.1111/1755-0998.13470, read online , consulted the )
  12. Miguel Win , Aurélien Mirror , Sophie Bubble and Jacques Ducasse « iTaxoTools 0.1: Kickstarting a specimen-based software toolkit for taxonomists », Megataxa , vol. 6, n O 2, (ISSN  2703-3090And 2703-3082, DOI  10.11646/megataxa.6.2.1, read online , consulted the )
  13. (in) Aurélien Mirror , Michel Raymond and Guillaume Lecointre , Empathy and compassion toward other species decrease with evolutionary divergence time » , Scientific Reports , vol. 9, n O 1, , p. 1–8 (ISSN  2045-2322, PMID  31862944, PMCID  PMC6925286, DOI  10.1038/s41598-019-56006-9, read online , consulted the )
  14. (in) Aurelien Mirror , Marine Grandgeoge and Michel Raymond , Self-perceived empathic abilities of people with autism towards living beings mostly differs for humans. » , Scientific Reports , (DOI  10.1038/s41598-022-10353-2, read online , consulted the )
  15. (in) Wikinews interviews Aurélien Miralles about Sirenoscincus mobydick species discovery » , (consulted the )
  16. Aurélien Mirror « Alpha-taxonomy at XXIeA century: inventory the living in the digital age and the 6th extinction. », National Museum of Natural History (Memory) , ( read online , consulted the )
  17. Miralles, Rivas & Schargel, 2005: A New Species of spectacle (SQUAMATA, SCINCIDAE) from the Venezuean Andes . Zootaha, n O 895, p. 1-11
  18. Miralles, Barrio-Amoros, Rivas & Chaparro-Auza, 2006: Speciation in the “Varzea” Flooded Forest: A New Masima (SQUAMATA, SCINCIDAE) From Western Amazonia . Zootaha, n O 1188, p. 1-22
  19. Miralles, 2006: A NEW SPECIES OF SEEING (Reppia, Squamata, Sciidae) From the Caribbean Island of San Andrés, with a new Interpretation of Nuchal Scales: A character of Taxonomic Importance of Taxomic Import . Herpetological Journal, vol. 16, n O first, p. 1-7
  20. Ziegler, David, Miralles, Van Kien & Truong, 2008: A new species of the snake genus Fimbrios from Phong Nha—Ke Bang National Park, Truong Son, central Vietnam (Squamata: Xenodermatidae). Zootaha, n O 1729, p. 37–48
  21. a et b Miralles, Rivas, Bonillo, Schargel, Barros, García-Perez & Barrio-Amorós, 2009: Molecular systematics of Caribbean skinks of the genus Mabuya (Reptilia, Scincidae), with descriptions of two new species from Venezuela . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 156, n O 3, p. 598-616 ( Full Text ).
  22. A B and C Miralles, Vasconcelos, Perera, Harris & Carranza, 2010: An integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Cape Verdean Skinks (SQUAMATA, SCIDAE) . Zoologica written vol. 40, n O first, p. 16-44
  23. Miralles, Köhler, Vieites, Glaw & Vencies, 2011: Hypotheses on rostral shield evolution in fossorial lizards derived from the phylogenetic position of a new species of Paracontias (Squamata, Scincidae) . Organisms Diversity & Evolution, vol. 11, p. 135-150
  24. a et b (in) Aurélien Mirror , Teppei John , Akira Mori and Robert Gandola , A new perspective on the reduction of cephalic scientists in fossorial legless skinks (squamat, squamat,) » , Zoologica writings , , n/a–n/a (ISSN  1463-6409, DOI  10.1111/zsc.12164, read online , consulted the )
  25. Miralles, Köhler, Glaw & Vencies, 2011: A molecular phylogeny of the “Madascincus polleni species complex”, with description of a new species of scincid lizard from the coastal dune area of northern Madagascar. Zootaha, n O 2876, p. 1–16
  26. a et b (in) Aurélien Mirror , Jörn Köhler , Frank Rain you miguel Win , Species delimitation methods put into taxonomic practice: two new Madascincus species formerly allocated to historical species names (Squamata, Scincidae) » , Zoosystematics and Evolution , vol. 92, n O 2, , p. 257–275 (ISSN  1860-0743, DOI  10.3897/zse.92.9945, read online , consulted the )
  27. MIRALLES, Rakles, Rakotomalala, Vences & Vieites, 2011: A new large and colorful skink of the genus Amphiglossus from Madagascar revealed by morphology and multilocus molecular study . Zootaha, n O 2918, p. 47–67
  28. Crottini, Miralles, Glaw, Harris, Lima & Vences, 2012: Description of a new pygmy chameleon (Chamaeleonidae: Brookesia) from central Madagascar. Zootaha, n O 3490, p. 63–74
  29. Miralles, Anjeriniaina, Hipsley, Müller, Glaw & Vences, 2012 : Variations on a bauplan: description of a new Malagasy “mermaid skink” with flipper-like forelimbs only (Scincidae, Sirenoscincus Sakata & Hikida, 2003) . Zoosystema, vol. 34 n O 4, p. 701-719 ( Full Text ) [PDF]
  30. a et b Crottini, Harris, Miralles, Glaw, Jenkins, Randrianoandro, Bauer & Vences, 2014: Morphology and molecules reveal two new species of the porly study gecko genus
    Paragehyra (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Madagascar . Organisms Diversity & Evolution, vol. 15, p. 175–198.
  31. (in) Randolvovina, a new leaf-tailed Gecko of the Uroplatus Ebenaui Group (Squamata: GEKKonidae) from Madagascar’s Central Eastern Rainforests » , Zootaha , n O 4006, (ISSN  1175-5326 )
  32. Miralles,
    Aurelien; Glaw, Frank; Ratsoavina, fanomezana; Vences, Miguel (2015).
    “A Likely Microendemic New Species of Terrestrial Iguana, Genus Chalen , from Madagascar”. Zootaha 3946 (2). DOI: 10.11646 / Zootaha.3946.2.3.
  33. a et b Jesse Somewhere , Aurélien Mirror , Frank Rain and Lars W. Chatrou « Extended molecular phylogenetics and revised systematics of Malagasy scincine lizards », Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution , vol. 107, , p. 466–472 (DOI  10.1016/j.ympev.2016.12.008, read online , consulted the )
  34. A B C D and E Aurélien Mirror , Amy Macleod , Ariel Rodríguez et Alejandro Ibáñez « Shedding light on the Imps of Darkness: an integrative taxonomic revision of the Galápagos marine iguanas (genus Amblyrhynchus) », Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , (DOI  10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx007, read online , consulted the )
  35. a et b (in) Aurélien Mirror , Philippe Genial , Meant Beddek et Daniel Mendez Aranda , Morphology and multilocus phylogeny of the Spiny-footed Lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus ) complex reveal two new mountain species from the Moroccan Atlas » , Zootaha , vol. 4747, n O 2, , p. 302–326 (ISSN  1175-5334, DOI  10.11646/zootaxa.4747.2.4, read online , consulted the )
  36. (in) Aurélien Mirror , Teddy Ruy , Angelica Crotters Et Andolalao Rakotoarison , Completing a taxonomic puzzle: integrative review of geckos of the Paroedura bastardi species complex (Squamata, Gekkonidae) » , Vertebrate Zoology , vol. 71, , p. 27–48 (ISSN  2625-8498, DOI  10.3897/vz.71.e59495, read online , consulted the )
