Automotive construction in the United States-Wikipedia


Usines d'assemblage d'automobiles aux États-Unis en 2004

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Automobile assembly factories in the United States in 2004:

  • Circle: American company
  • Square: foreign company
  • Triangle: joint venture

The automotive construction in the United States , traditionally dominated by Big Three (General Motors (GM), Ford and Chrysler), was in 2009 on the verge of bankruptcy [ first ] . This sector has been described as “Vertebral column of American industry” par barack obama [ first ] . The important role of the automobile in American culture is explained, among other things, by the urban provision of the country, which tends to promote residential suburbs at the expense of the city center, connected by different roads to shopping centers. Other forms of passenger transport (train, bus, etc.) are, in comparison with the automobile, only marginal. Thus, in 1960, there were 74,431,800 vehicles on the roads of which was 61,671 390 passenger cars and 272,129 bus, and, in 2008, 255,917,664 vehicles including 137,079,843 private cars and 843 308 bus [ 2 ] .

The DU DURYEA MOTOR WAGON Company formalized in September 1895 was the first American company to build cars.

In 1903, France produced 30,204 cars, or 48.77% of world production, compared to 11,235 in the United States. The rare automobiles of American origin are the conception of the Duryea brothers or the Aperson brothers [ 3 ] . In the United States, there were fifty brands in 1898 and 291 in 1908.

Ford T in 1909; The automobile goes from the status of motorized carriage to a consumer product.

Quickly, the automobile is industrializing. If France can be considered a pioneer in the design of cars, it is in the United States that it takes on its full extent. The American automotive industry, like Ford and General Motors, is experiencing rapid growth [ 4 ] . Standardization, the economy of labor and the concentration of companies are all factors of this American prosperity [ 5 ] .

In 1901, an American manufacturer, the “Olds Motor Vehicle Company”, sold in three years nearly 12,500 cars of a unique model [ 6 ] . The very famous “T model T” is the first model to fully benefit from this system of “chain work” based on Taylorism, which makes it the best -selling car in the world at the time [ Note 1 ] . It is also the first real “popular car”, the idea of ​​which had already been mentioned at the beginning of the century by Dion-Bouton with its “popular” or even Jules Solomon with the cars. Consequently, the United States exceeds France in terms of vehicles produced [ 7 ] .

Between 1905 and 1924 the Haynes Automobile Company company produced more than 50,000 car cars [ 8 ] .

While in 1907, France and the United States produced approximately 25,000 cars, Great Britain only 2,500 and that two-thirds of exported cars were French, the work in the chain multiplied production. In 1914, 485,000 cars, including 250,000 Ford T, were produced in the United States against 45,000 in France, 34,000 in Great Britain and 23,000 in Germany. Some specialists consider that this dazzling progression is also explained by the American mentality, the Americans considering that work allows them to rise socially [ 9 ] . The automobile is raising more interest, especially since the success of the Ford T.

Several major American manufacturers were born in the years 1920-1930: Chrysler in 1925, Pontiac in 1926, Lasalle in 1927, Plymouth in 1928 [ ten ] .

The great scandal of American tramways, involving General Motors, the Standard Oil, Firestone draws and Phillips Petroleum Company, broke out in the 1970s, for facts dating back to the 1940s. We accused these societies to have, through a common holding company, The National City Lines, bought more than 100 electric tram systems in 45 cities [ 11 ] (including Detroit, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, St. Louis, Salt Lake City, Tulsa, Baltimore, Minneapolis, and Los Angeles, replaced by bus transport.)

In 1986, the self-industrial complex, which included manufacturing, services and construction, had one in six US employees [ twelfth ] .

Between 1990 and 2007, national production in the United States fell by 26%, to fall to 3.9 million passenger cars [ first ] . In 2000, production on American soil were 12,799,857 vehicles ( first is world rank) including 5,542,217 passenger cars ( 3 It is world rank) and 7,257,640 commercial vehicles ( first is world rank) and in 2010, the provisional statistics of the international organization of car manufacturers provide for a total production of 7,761,443 vehicles ( 3 It is world rank) including 2,731,105 personal cars ( 7 It is world rank) and 5,030,338 commercial vehicles ( first is world rank) [ 13 ] . Since the late 2000s, China has been the world’s leading car producer.

The Alena area (United States, Mexico and Canada) is the only one to have seen its production drop from 1997 to 2007. Since the arrival, in 2000, of Rick Wagoner at the head of GM, the First automakers in the United States lost in 2009, in 2009, $ 86 billion, while the title lost more than 90% of its value [ 14 ] . Wagoner resigned at the end of March 2009 at the request of the Obama administration, as part of the negotiations with the group concerning the terms of their crisis [ 15 ] .

Production figures from 1899 to 2000 by manufacturers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Production of 1899-1901 1901 production 1902 production
Columbia 1500 Locomobile 1500 Locomobile 2 750
Locomobile 750 Winton 700 Oldsmobile 2 500
Winton 100 Oldsmobile 425 Rambler 1500
Packard 49 White 193 White 385
Stanley automobile 30 Autocar 140 Knox 250
Stearns 20 Knox 100 Packard 179
Knox 15 Packard 81 Stanley automobile 170
Oldsmobile 11 Stanley automobile 80 Union 60
1903 production 1904 production 1905 production
Oldsmobile 4 000 Oldsmobile 5 508 Oldsmobile 6 500
Cadillac 2 497 Cadillac 2 457 Cadillac 3 942
Ford 1 708 Rambler 2 342 Rambler 3 807
Pope-Hartford 1500 Ford 1 685 Ford 1 599
Rambler 1 350 White 710 Franklin 1 098
Winton 850 Stanley automobile 550 White 1 015
White 502 Franklin 400 REO Motor Car Company 864
Knox 500 Packard 250 Maxwell 823
1906 production 1907 production 1908 production
Ford 8 729 Ford 14 887 Ford 10 202
Cadillac 3 559 Buick 4 641 Buick 8 820
Rambler 2 765 REO Motor Car Company 3 967 Studebaker 8 132
REO Motor Car Company 2 458 Maxwell 3 785 Maxwell 4 455
Maxwell 2 161 Rambler 3 201 REO Motor Car Company 4 105
Oldsmobile 1 600 Cadillac 2 884 Rambler 3 597
White 1 534 Franklin 1 509 Cadillac 2 377
Buick 1 400 Packard 1 403 Franklin 1 895
1909 production 1910 production 1911 production
Ford 17 771 Ford 32 053 Ford 69 762
Buick 14 606 Buick 30 525 Studebaker/EMF 26 827
Maxwell 9 460 Willys-Overland 15 598 Willys-Overland 18 745
Studebaker/EMF 7 960 Studebaker/EMF 15 020 Maxwell 16 000
Cadillac 7 868 Cadillac 10 039 Buick 13 389
REO Motor Car Company 6 592 Maxwell 10 000 Cadillac 10 071
Oldsmobile 6 575 Brush 10 000 Hudson 6 486
Willys-Overland 4 907 REO Motor Car Company 6 588 Chalmers 6 250
1912 production 1913 production 1914 production
Ford 78 440 Ford 168 220 Ford 308 162
Willys-Overland 28 572 Willys-Overland 37 422 Willys-Overland 48 461
Studebaker/EMF 28 032 Studebaker 31 994 Studebaker 35 374
Buick 19 812 Buick 26 666 Buick 32 889
Cadillac 12 708 Cadillac 17 284 Maxwell 18 000
Hupmobile 7 640 Maxwell 17 000 REO Motor Car Company 13 516
REO Motor Car Company 6 342 Hupmobile 12 543 Jeffery 10 417
Oakland 5 838 REO Motor Car Company 7 647 Hupmobile 10 318
1915 production 1916 production 1917 production
Ford 501 492 Ford 734 811 Ford 622 351
Willys-Overland 91 904 Willys-Overland 140 111 Willys-Overland 130 988
Dodge 45 000 Buick 124 834 Buick 115 267
Maxwell 44 000 Dodge 71 400 Chevrolet 111 877
Buick 43 946 Chevrolet 70 701 Dodge 90 000
Studebaker 41 243 Maxwell 69 000 Maxwell 75 000
Cadillac 20 404 Studebaker 65 536 Studebaker 39 686
Saxon 19 000 Saxon 27 800 Oakland 33 171
1918 production 1919 production 1920 production
Ford 435 898 Ford 820 445 Ford 806 040
Willys-Overland 88 753 Chevrolet 129 118 Chevrolet 146 243
Chevrolet 88 717 Buick 119 310 Dodge 141 000
Buick 77 691 Dodge 106 000 Buick 115 176
Dodge 62 000 Willys-Overland 80 853 Willys-Overland 105 025
Maxwell 34 000 Oakland 52 124 Studebaker 48 831
Oakland 27 757 Maxwell 50 000 Hudson/Essex 45 937
Oldsmobile 19 169 Oldsmobile 39 042 Chandler 45 000
1921 production 1922 production 1923 production
Ford 1 275 618 Ford 1 147 028 Ford 1 831 128
Chevrolet 130 855 Dodge 152 653 Chevrolet 323 182
Buick 82 930 Chevrolet 138 932 Buick 201 572
Dodge 81 000 Buick 123 152 Willys-Overland 196 038
Studebaker 65 023 Studebaker 105 005 Durant 172 000
Willys-Overland 48 016 Willys-Overland 95 410 Dodge 151 000
Hudson/Essex 27 143 Durant 55 300 Studebaker 146 238
Nash 20 850 Maxwell/Chalmers 44 811 Hudson/Essex 88 914
1924 production 1925 production 1926 production
Ford 1 720 795 Ford 1 669 847 Ford 1 426 612
Chevrolet 264 868 Chevrolet 306 479 Chevrolet 547 724
Dodge 193 861 Hudson/Essex 269 ​​474 Buick 266 753
Willys-Overland 163 000 Willys-Overland 215 000 Dodge 265 000
Buick 160 411 Dodge 201 000 Hudson/Essex 227 508
Hudson/Essex 133 950 Buick 192 100 Willys-Overland/Whippet 182 000
Durant 111 000 Studebaker 133 104 Chrysler 135 520
Studebaker 105 387 Chrysler/Maxwell 132 343 Pontiac/Oakland 133 604
1927 production 1928 production 1929 production
Chevrolet 1 001 820 Chevrolet 1 193 212 Ford 1 507 132
Ford 367 213 Ford 607 592 Chevrolet 1 328 605
Hudson/Essex 276 414 Willys-Overland/Whippet 315 000 Hudson/Essex 300 962
Buick 255 160 Hudson/Essex 282 203 Willys-Overland/Whippet 242 000
Pontiac/Oakland 188 168 Pontiac/Oakland 244 584 Pontiac/Oakland 211 054
Willys-Overland/Whippet 188 000 Buick 221 758 Buick 196 104
Chrysler 182 195 Chrysler 160 670 Dodge 124 557
Dodge 180 000 Nash 138 137 Nash 116 622
1930 production 1931 production 1932 production
Ford 1 140 710 Chevrolet 619 554 Chevrolet 313 404
Chevrolet 640 980 Ford 615 455 Ford 210 824
Buick 181 743 Buick 138 965 Plymouth 186 106
Studebaker 123 215 Studebaker 96 173 Hudson/Essex 57 550
Hudson/Essex 113 898 Pontiac 84 708 Buick 56 790
Plymouth 108 350 Plymouth 75 510 Pontiac 45 340
Dodge 90 755 Willys 65 800 Nash 30 834
Chrysler 77 881 Chrysler 65 500 Willys 27 800
1933 production 1934 production 1935 production
Chevrolet 486 261 Ford 563 921 Ford 820 253
Ford 334 969 Chevrolet 551 191 Chevrolet 548 215
Plymouth 298 557 Plymouth 321 171 Plymouth 350 884
Dodge 106 103 Dodge 95 011 Pontiac 178 770
Pontiac 90 198 Hudson/Terraplane 85 835 Dodge 158 999
Buick 46 924 Oldsmobile 79 814 Oldsmobile 126 768
Studebaker/Rockne 43 024 Pontiac 78 859 Hudson/Terraplane 101 080
Hudson/Essex 40 982 Buick 71 009 Buick 53 249
1936 production 1937 production 1938 production
Ford 930 778 Ford 942 005 Chevrolet 465 158
Chevrolet 918 278 Chevrolet 815 375 Ford 410 263
Plymouth 520 025 Plymouth 566 128 Plymouth 285 704
Dodge 263 647 Dodge 295 047 Buick 168 689
Oldsmobile 200 546 Pontiac 236 189 Dodge 114 529
Pontiac 176 270 Buick 220 346 Oldsmobile 99 951
Buick 168 596 Oldsmobile 200 886 Pontiac 97 139
Hudson/Terraplane 123 266 Packard 122 593 Packard 55 718
1939 production 1940 production 1941 production
Chevrolet 577 278 Chevrolet 764 616 Chevrolet 1 008 976
Ford 487 031 Ford 541 896 Ford 691 455
Plymouth 423 850 Plymouth 430 208 Plymouth 522 080
Buick 208 259 Buick 278 784 Buick 374 196
Dodge 186 474 Dodge 225 595 Pontiac 330 061
Pontiac 144 340 Pontiac 217 001 Oldsmobile 270 040
Oldsmobile 137 249 Oldsmobile 192 692 Dodge 215 575
Studebaker 85 834 Studebaker 107 185 Chrysler 161 704
1942 production 1946 production 1947 production
Chevrolet 254 885 Ford 468 022 Chevrolet 671 546
Ford 160 432 Chevrolet 398 028 Ford 429 674
Plymouth 152 427 Plymouth 264 660 Plymouth 382 290
Buick 92 573 Dodge 163 490 Buick 272 827
Pontiac 83 555 Buick 153 627 Dodge 243 160
Dodge 68 522 Pontiac 137 640 Pontiac 230 600
Oldsmobile 67 783 Oldsmobile 117 623 Oldsmobile 193 895
Studebaker 50 678 Nash 94 000 Studebaker 161 496
Hudson 40 661 Hudson 91 039 Chrysler 119 260
Chrysler 36 586 Mercury 86 608 Nash 101 000
Packard 33 776 Chrysler 83 310 Hudson 92 038
Nash 31 780 DeSoto 66 900 DeSoto 87 000
DeSoto 24 015 Packard 30 793 Mercury 85 383
Mercury 22 816 Cadillac 29 214 Kaiser 70 474
Cadillac 16 511 Studebaker 19 275 Frazer 68 775
Lincoln 6 547 Lincoln 16 645 Cadillac 61 926
Crosley 1 029 Crosley 4 999 Packard 51 086
Lincoln 21 460
Crosley 19 344
1948 production 1949 production 1950 production
Chevrolet 696 449 Ford 1 118 308 Chevrolet 1 498 590
Ford 430 198 Chevrolet 1 010 013 Ford 1 208 912
Plymouth 412 540 Plymouth 520 385 Plymouth 610 954
Dodge 243 340 Buick 409 138 Buick 588 439
Pontiac 235 419 Pontiac 304 819 Pontiac 446 429
Buick 213 599 Mercury 301 319 Oldsmobile 408 060
Studebaker 184 993 Oldsmobile 288 310 Dodge 341 797
Oldsmobile 172 852 Dodge 256 857 Studebaker 320 884
Chrysler 130 110 Hudson 159 100 Mercury 293 658
Hudson 117 200 Nash 135 328 Chrysler 179 299
Nash 110 000 Studebaker 129 301 Nash 171 782
DeSoto 98 890 Chrysler 124 218 DeSoto 136 203
Packard 92 251 Packard 116 955 Hudson 121 408
Kaiser 91 851 DeSoto 95 051 Cadillac 103 857
Cadillac 52 706 Cadillac 92 554 Packard 42 627
Mercury 50 268 Kaiser 79 947 Lincoln 28 190
Frazer 48 071 Lincoln 73 507 Kaiser 15 228
Crosley 26 239 Frazer 21 223 Crosley 6 792
Lincoln 7 769 Crosley 7 431 Frazer 3 700
1951 production 1952 production 1953 production
Chevrolet 1 229 986 Chevrolet 818 142 Chevrolet 1 346 475
Ford 1 013 381 Ford 671 733 Ford 1 247 542
Plymouth 611 000 Plymouth 396 000 Plymouth 650 451
Buick 404 657 Buick 303 745 Buick 488 755
Pontiac 370 159 Pontiac 271 373 Pontiac 418 619
Mercury 310 387 Oldsmobile 213 490 Oldsmobile 334 462
Dodge 290 000 Dodge 206 000 Dodge 320 008
Oldsmobile 285 615 Mercury 172 087 Mercury 305 863
Studebaker 246 195 Studebaker 167 662 Chrysler 170 006
Nash 205 307 Nash 154 291 Studebaker 151 576
Chrysler 163 613 Cadillac 90 259 DeSoto 132 104
Kaiser 139 452 DeSoto 88 000 Nash 121 793
Hudson 131 915 Chrysler 87 470 Cadillac 109 651
Cadillac 110 340 Hudson 70 000 Packard 90 252
DeSoto 106 000 Packard 62 921 Hudson 66 143
Packard 100 713 Kaiser 32 131 Willys 42 224
Henry J 81 942 Willys 31 363 Lincoln 40 762
Lincoln 32 574 Henry J 30 585 Kaiser 27 652
Frazer 10 1414 Lincoln 27 271 Henry J 16 672
Crosley 6 614 Crosley 6 614 Metropolitan 743
(fiscal year)
1954 production 1955 production 1956 production
Ford 1 165 942 Chevrolet 1 704 667 Chevrolet 1 567 117
Chevrolet 1 143 561 Ford 1 451 157 Ford 1 408 478
Plymouth 463 148 Buick 738 814 Buick 572 024
Buick 444 609 Plymouth 705 455 Plymouth 571 634
Oldsmobile 354 001 Oldsmobile 583 179 Oldsmobile 485 458
Pontiac 287 744 Pontiac 554 090 Pontiac 405 730
Mercury 259 305 Mercury 329 808 Mercury 327 943
Dodge 154 648 Dodge 276 936 Dodge 240 686
Chrysler 105 030 Chrysler 152 777 Cadillac 154 577
Cadillac 96 680 Cadillac 140 777 Chrysler 128 322
Nash 91 121 Studebaker 116 333 DeSoto 109 442
DeSoto 76 580 DeSoto 115 485 Nash 83 420
Studebaker 68 708 Nash 96 156 Studebaker 69 593
Hudson 50 660 Packard 55 247 Lincoln 50 322
Lincoln 36 993 Hudson 45 535 Hudson 22 588
Packard 31 291 Lincoln 27 222 Clipper 18 482
Metropolitan 13 162 Imperial 11 432 Imperial 10 684
Willys 11 856 Willys 6 565 Packard 10 353
Kaiser 8 539 Metropolitan 6 096 Metropolitan 9 068
Henry J 1 123 Kaiser 1 291 Continental 2 550
1957 production 1958 production 1959 production
Ford 1 676 449 Chevrolet 1 142 460 Chevrolet 1 462 140
Chevrolet 1 505 910 Ford 987 945 Ford 1 450 953
Plymouth 726 009 Plymouth 443 799 Plymouth 458 261
Buick 405 086 Oldsmobile 294 374 Pontiac 383 320
Oldsmobile 384 390 Buick 241 892 Oldsmobile 382 865
Pontiac 334 041 Pontiac 217 303 Rambler 374 240
Dodge 287 608 Rambler 162 182 Buick 285 089
Mercury 286 163 Dodge 137 861 Dodge 156 385
Cadillac 146 841 Mercury 133 271 Mercury 150 000
DeSoto 126 514 Cadillac 121 778 Cadillac 142 272
Chrysler 122 273 Chrysler 63 681 Studebaker 126 156
Rambler 91 469 Edsel 63 110 Chrysler 69 970
Studebaker 63 101 DeSoto 49 445 DeSoto 45 734
Lincoln 41 123 Studebaker 44 759 Edsel 44 891
Imperial 37 593 Lincoln 17 134 Lincoln/Continental 26 906
Metropolitan 15 317 Imperial 16 133 Metropolitan 22 209
Nash 10 330 Metropolitan 13 128 Imperial 17 269
Packard 4 809 Continental 12 550 Checker 1 050
Hudson 4 180 Packard 2 622
Continental 462
1960 production 1961 production 1962 production
Chevrolet 1 653 168 Ford 1 338 790 Chevrolet 2 061 677
Ford 1 439 370 Chevrolet 1 318 014 Ford 1 476 031
Plymouth 483 969 Rambler 377 902 Pontiac 521 933
Rambler 458 841 Plymouth 356 257 Rambler 442 346
Pontiac 396 716 Pontiac 340 635 Oldsmobile 428 853
Dodge 367 804 Oldsmobile 317 548 Buick 399 526
Oldsmobile 347 142 Mercury 317 351 Mercury 341 366
Mercury 271 331 Buick 276 754 Plymouth 339 527
Buick 253 807 Dodge 269 ​​367 Dodge 240 484
Cadillac 142 184 Cadillac 138 379 Cadillac 160 840
Studebaker 120 465 Chrysler 96 454 Chrysler 128 921
Chrysler 77 285 Studebaker 59 713 Studebaker 89 318
DeSoto 26 081 Lincoln 25 164 Lincoln 31 061
Lincoln/Continental 24 820 Imperial 12 258 Imperial 14 337
Imperial 17 719 DeSoto 3 034 Checker 1 230
Metropolitan 13 103 Metropolitan 969 Metropolitan 420
Edsel 3 008 Checker 860
1963 production 1964 production 1965 production
Chevrolet 2 237 201 Chevrolet 2 318 619 Chevrolet 2 375 118
Ford 1 525 404 Ford 1 594 053 Ford 2 170 795
Pontiac 590 071 Pontiac 715 261 Pontiac 802 000
Plymouth 488 448 Plymouth 551 633 Plymouth 728 228
Oldsmobile 476 753 Buick 510 490 Buick 600 145
Rambler 464 126 Dodge 501 781 Oldsmobile 591 701
Buick 457 818 Oldsmobile 493 991 Dodge 489 065
Dodge 446 129 Rambler 393 859 Rambler 391 366
Mercury 301 581 Mercury 298 609 Mercury 346 751
Cadillac 163 174 Cadillac 165 909 Chrysler 206 089
Chrysler 128 937 Chrysler 153 319 Cadillac 182 435
Studebaker 69 555 Studebaker 36 697 Lincoln 40 180
Lincoln 31 233 Lincoln 36 297 Studebaker 19 435
Imperial 14 121 Imperial 23 295 Imperial 18 409
Checker 1 080 Checker 960 Checker 930
Excalibur 56
Next 21
1966 production 1967 production 1968 production
Ford 2 212 415 Chevrolet 1 948 410 Chevrolet 2 139 290
Chevrolet 2 206 639 Ford 1 730 224 Ford 1 753 334
Pontiac 831 331 Pontiac 782 734 Pontiac 910 977
Plymouth 687 514 Plymouth 638 075 Plymouth 790 239
Dodge 632 658 Buick 562 507 Buick 651 823
Oldsmobile 578 385 Oldsmobile 548 390 Dodge 627 533
Buick 553 870 Dodge 465 732 Oldsmobile 562 459
Mercury 343 149 Mercury 354 923 Mercury 360 467
Rambler/AMC 341 951 Rambler/AMC 302 945 AMC/Rambler 446 781
Chrysler 264 848 Chrysler 218 742 Chrysler 264 853
Cadillac 196 685 Cadillac 200 000 Cadillac 230 003
Lincoln 54 755 Lincoln 45 667 Lincoln 46 904
Imperial 13 742 Imperial 17 620 Imperial 15 367
Studebaker 8 947 Shelby 3 225 Shelby 4 451
Shelby 2 378 Checker 950 Checker 992
Checker 1 056 Excalibur 71 Next 89
Next 98 Next 60 Excalibur 57
Excalibur 90
1969 production 1970 production 1971 production
Chevrolet 2 092 947 Ford 2 096 184 Ford 2 054 351
Ford 1 826 777 Chevrolet 1 451 305 Chevrolet 1 830 319
Pontiac 870 081 Plymouth 747 508 Plymouth 702 113
Plymouth 751 134 Pontiac 690 953 Pontiac 586 856
Buick 665 422 Buick 666 501 Oldsmobile 567 891
Oldsmobile 635 241 Oldsmobile 633 981 Dodge 551 386
Dodge 611 645 Dodge 543 019 Buick 551 188
Mercury 398 262 Mercury 324 716 Mercury 365 310
AMC/Rambler 309 000 AMC 276 000 AMC 244 758
Chrysler 260 773 Cadillac 238 744 Cadillac 188 537
Cadillac 223 237 Chrysler 180 777 Chrysler 175 118
Lincoln 61 378 Lincoln 59 127 Lincoln 62 642
Imperial 22 103 Imperial 11 822 Imperial 11 558
Shelby 3 150 Checker 397 Checker 500
Checker 760 Next 111 Next 107
Next 103 Excalibur 37
Excalibur 91
1972 production 1973 production 1974 production
Chevrolet 2 420 564 Chevrolet 2 579 509 Chevrolet 2 333 839
Ford 2 246 563 Ford 2 349 815 Ford 2 179 791
Oldsmobile 762 199 Oldsmobile 922 771 Plymouth 739 894
Plymouth 756 605 Pontiac 919 870 Oldsmobile 581 195
Pontiac 706 978 Plymouth 882 196 Pontiac 580 045
Buick 679 921 Buick 821 165 Buick 495 063
Dodge 577 870 Dodge 665 536 Dodge 477 728
Mercury 441 964 Mercury 486 470 AMC 431 798
Cadillac 267 787 AMC 392 105 Mercury 403 977
AMC 258 134 Cadillac 304 839 Cadillac 242 330
Chrysler 204 704 Chrysler 234 223 Chrysler 117 373
Lincoln 94 560 Lincoln 128 073 Lincoln 93 983
Imperial 15 804 Imperial 16 729 Imperial 14 426
Checker 850 Checker 900 Checker 900
Next 127 Excalibur 122 Next 123
Excalibur 65 Next 106 Excalibur 118
1975 production 1976 production 1977 production
Chevrolet 1 755 773 Chevrolet 2 103 862 Chevrolet 2 543 153
Ford 1 569 608 Ford 1 861 537 Ford 1 840 427
Oldsmobile 631 795 Oldsmobile 891 368 Oldsmobile 1 135 803
Pontiac 531 922 Pontiac 746 430 Pontiac 850 620
Buick 481 768 Buick 737 466 Buick 845 234
Plymouth 454 105 Plymouth 519 962 Plymouth 546 132
Mercury 404 650 Mercury 480 361 Dodge 526 254
Dodge 377 462 Dodge 430 641 Mercury 521 909
Cadillac 264 732 Cadillac 309 139 Chrysler 399 297
Chrysler 251 549 AMC 283 577 Cadillac 358 488
AMC 241 501 Chrysler 222 153 Lincoln 191 355
Lincoln 101 843 Lincoln 124 756 AMC 182 005
Imperial 8 830 Excalibur 184 Excalibur 237
Checker 450 Next 156 Next 146
Next 125
Excalibur 90
1978 production 1979 production 1980 production
Chevrolet 2 375 436 Chevrolet 2 284 749 Chevrolet 2 288 745
Ford 1 923 655 Ford 1 835 937 Ford 1 162 275
Oldsmobile 1 015 805 Oldsmobile 1 068 154 Oldsmobile 910 306
Pontiac 900 380 Pontiac 907 434 Buick 854 011
Buick 803 187 Buick 727 275 Pontiac 770 100
Mercury 635 051 Mercury 669 138 Mercury 347 711
Plymouth 501 129 Dodge 404 266 Dodge 308 638
Dodge 467 720 Cadillac 383 138 Plymouth 290 974
Chrysler 354 029 Plymouth 372 449 Cadillac 230 028
Cadillac 349 684 Chrysler 349 450 AMC 199 613
Lincoln 169 620 Lincoln 189 546 Chrysler 164 510
AMC 137 860 AMC 169 439 Lincoln 74 908
Excalibur 263 Excalibur 367 Next 168
Next 165 Next 142 Excalibur 93
1981 production 1982 production 1983 production
Chevrolet 1 673 093 Chevrolet 1 297 357 Chevrolet 1 175 200
Ford 950 301 Ford 748 732 Oldsmobile 916 583
Oldsmobile 873 678 Buick 739 984 Buick 808 416
Buick 856 996 Oldsmobile 702 340 Ford 783 225
Pontiac 489 436 Pontiac 541 061 Mercury 359 594
Plymouth 393 633 Mercury 328 597 Pontiac 318 478
Mercury 375 756 Plymouth 247 936 Dodge 304 464
Dodge 340 899 Dodge 241 359 Cadillac 292 814
Cadillac 240 189 Cadillac 235 584 Plymouth 273 489
AMC 137 125 Chrysler 103 310 AMC 168 726
Lincoln 69 537 Lincoln 85 313 Chrysler 159 882
Chrysler 56 726 AMC 70 898 Lincoln 101 068
Excalibur 235 Excalibur 212 After you 100
Next 200 Next 200
1984 production 1985 production 1986 production
Chevrolet 1 655 151 Chevrolet 1 418 098 Chevrolet 1 368 837
Ford 1 180 708 Oldsmobile 1 165 649 Ford 1 253 525
Oldsmobile 1 144 225 Ford 1 149 427 Oldsmobile 1 050 832
Buick 987 980 Buick 1 002 906 Buick 850 103
Pontiac 594 821 Pontiac 519 390 Pontiac 799 461
Mercury 475 381 Dodge 500 835 Dodge 450 365
Dodge 442 527 Chrysler 420 780 Mercury 399 240
Chrysler 375 853 Mercury 419 869 Chrysler 367 898
Plymouth 357 764 Plymouth 393 711 Plymouth 350 573
Cadillac 300 300 Cadillac 384 840 Cadillac 281 683
AMC 208 624 Lincoln 166 486 Lincoln 156 839
Lincoln 157 434 AMC 150 189 AMC 64 873
After you 287
1987 production 1988 production 1989 production
Chevrolet 1 384 214 Ford 1 331 489 Chevrolet 1 275 498
Ford 1 176 775 Chevrolet 1 236 316 Ford 1 234 954
Pontiac 724 289 Pontiac 680 714 Pontiac 801 600
Oldsmobile 670 880 Oldsmobile 535 015 Oldsmobile 533 818
Buick 648 689 Dodge 489 645 Buick 506 787
Dodge 501 926 Buick 458 768 Dodge 481 139
Plymouth 443 806 Plymouth 336 070 Mercury 294 899
Chrysler 360 613 Mercury 298 859 Cadillac 276 330
Mercury 315 147 Lincoln 280 659 Plymouth 268 442
Cadillac 282 582 Chrysler 278 287 Chrysler 224 097
Lincoln 109 366 Cadillac 270 844 Lincoln 215 966
AMC 36 336 After you 150 After you 350
After you 300
1990 production 1992 production
Ford 912 466 Ford 922 488
Chevrolet 785 918 Chevrolet 647 227
Pontiac 641 820 Pontiac 561 940
Oldsmobile 489 492 Buick 427 915
Buick 426 512 Lincoln/Mercury(combined) 411 090
Dodge 366 330 Oldsmobile 395 974
Cadillac 268 850 Dodge 263 539
Mercury 242 637 Cadillac 221 112
Lincoln 233 730 Saturn 212 122
Plymouth 206 289 Plymouth 135 721
Chrysler 174 266 Chrysler 123 400
1993 production 1994 production 1995 production
Ford 1 026 338 Ford 1 220 512 Ford 1 012 818
Chevrolet 692 116 Chevrolet 651 647 Chevrolet 665 955
Pontiac 559 947 Pontiac 597 137 Pontiac 574 455
Lincoln/Mercury 463 361 Buick 483 029 Buick 393 879
Buick 402 389 Oldsmobile 481 452 Oldsmobile 391 216
Oldsmobile 398 717 Lincoln/Mercury 440 838 Lincoln/Mercury 382 892
Saturn 281 479 Dodge 303 678 Dodge 331 253
Dodge 254 446 Saturn 280 363 Saturn 301 540
Cadillac 214 807 Cadillac 226 136 Cadillac 186 113
Plymouth 155 308 Plymouth 169 370 Plymouth 124 571
Chrysler 84 819 Chrysler 77 993 Chrysler 121 022
1996 production 1997 production 1998 production
Ford 1 036 048 Ford 913 440 Ford 878 405
Pontiac 541 844 Chevrolet 650 820 Chevrolet 561 218
Chevrolet 537 711 Pontiac 600 506 Pontiac 473 804
Lincoln/Mercury 389 711 Lincoln/Mercury 376 348 Lincoln/Mercury 332 403
Buick 342 538 Buick 287 655 Oldsmobile 291 064
Saturn 313 937 Oldsmobile 277 086 Saturn 243 814
Oldsmobile 300 032 Saturn 271 612 Dodge 241 619
Dodge 280 416 Dodge 241 058 Buick 212 780
Cadillac 162 249 Cadillac 169 912 Cadillac 175 089
Plymouth 185 705 Plymouth 155 563 Plymouth 143 245
Chrysler 52 071 Chrysler 44 096 Chrysler 48 739
1999 production Production 2000
Ford 918 040 Ford 965 029
Chevrolet 609 100 Pontiac 573 805
Pontiac 589 574 Chevrolet 547 294
Lincoln/Mercury 307.077 Dodge 298 042
Saturn 295 584 Lincoln/Mercury 282 292
Oldsmobile 277 782 Saturn 260 904
Dodge 267 064 Oldsmobile 237 399
Buick 216 652 Buick 209 328
Cadillac 144 599 Cadillac 158 944
Plymouth 117 645 Chrysler 80 348
Chrysler 47 124 Plymouth 54 543
Source :

  • (in) James M. Flamsang and The Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Cars of the Sensational ’70s : A Decade of Changing Tastes and New Directions , Lincolnwood, Publications International, Inc., , 416 p. (ISBN  978-0-7853-2980-0 , OCLC  45494805 , LCCN 2001269019 )
  • (in) Consumer Guide, Cars of the Sizzling ’60s : A Decade of Great Rides and Good Vibrations , Lincolnwood, Publications International, Inc., , 416 p. (ISBN  978-0-7853-4487-2 , LCCN 97067074)
  • (in) Consumer Guide, Cars of the Fabulous ’50s : A Decade of High Style and Good Times , Lincolnwood, Publications International, Inc., , 416 p. (ISBN  978-0-7853-4375-2 )
  • (in) Consumer Guide, Cars of the Classic ’30s : A Decade of Elegant Design , Lincolnwood, Publications International, Inc., , 384 p. (ISBN  978-0-7853-9873-8 , LCCN 2004102739)

Sale of vehicles in the United States since 1975.

The American market has recovered after being touched by the 2008 crisis.

American automotive market, in millions of vehicles [ 16 ]
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
16.1 13.2 10.4 13.6 12.8 14.5

It was in 2012 the second world car market behind China (15.5 million units in 2012).

Sales of Big Three in comparison with foreign groups [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The headquarters of General Motors in Detroit

The place of Big Three On the American market, however, continues to drop in proportion to foreign firms (notably Japanese groups, including Toyota), which are increasingly produced on site (17 factories employing 65,000 employees) [ first ] . If they produced 296,000 vehicles in the United States in 1985, this figure rose to 3.3 million in 2007 [ first ] . 63% of Japanese cars sold in the United States were produced on site in 2007 [ first ] , in particular in the States of Black Belt in the Southeast (Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Carolines of the South and the North, Georgia, etc. [ first ] ). These southeast states in 2007 represent 15% of American production in 2007 [ first ] .

Market share of the main players on the American market [ 17 ] , [ 16 ]
Manufacturer 2012 First half of 2010 2007
Drapeau des États-Unis UNITED STATES General Motors 17.9% 18.9% 23.5%
Drapeau des États-Unis UNITED STATES Ford 15.5% 17.2% 15.6%
Drapeau du Japon Japan Toyota 14.4% 14.9% 15.9%
Drapeau des États-Unis UNITED STATES Chrysler 11.4% 9.2% 12.6%
Drapeau du Japon Japan Honda’s motobike 9.8% 10.4% 9.4%
Drapeau de la Corée du Sud South Korea Hyundai 8.7% 7.5% 4.7%
Drapeau du Japon Japan Nissan 7.9% 7.7% 6.5%
Drapeau de l'Allemagne Germany Volkswagen 4.0%

So, if the Big Three represented 65% of sales in American territory in 2000, they only represent 46.5% in December 2008 [ first ] and 44.8% in 2012. At the same time, in Japanese groups represent in 2008 45% of sales and European groups 9% [ first ] . Volkswagen exceeded in 2012 its 1970 record and 570,000 sales of ladybugs.

Auto assembly factories in North America in 1980 and 2010 [ 18 ]
North America Usines des Big Three
in 1980
Usines des Big Three
in 2010
Factories from other manufacturers
in 1980
Factories from other manufacturers
in 2010
Total in 1980 Total in 2010
UNITED STATES 55 24 first 18 56 42
Canada ten 5 0 5 ten ten
Mexico 4 7 2 3 6 ten
Total 69 36 3 26 72 62
This table includes three factories that closed their doors (the Ford factories of Saint Paul (Minnesota) on December 16, 2011 [ 19 ] and St. Thomas (Ontario) the [ 20 ] , as well as the GM factory in Shreveport in August 2012) and two factories that opened in 2011 (VW in Chattanooga and Toyota in Blue Springs in the county of Union (Mississippi)). The table also includes the GM factory of Spring Hill (Tennessee), which after having its assembly activity stopped between 2009 and 2011 was in 2015 the largest in this company in America [ 21 ] .

The 2008 crisis and Big Three [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Following the 2008 economic crisis, General Motors puts an end to its marks Pontiac, Saturn and Hummer and only retains the Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac brands on the American market [ 22 ] . Likewise, Ford ends his Mercury brand to keep only Ford and Lincoln [ 23 ] . Fiat goes up 58.5% to the capital of Chrysler in 2012 and 100% on January 14, 2014. Chrysler is integrated into Fiat Auto Spa which will be renowned FCA – Fiat Chrysler Automobiles [ 24 ] .

Economic importance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Selon le Center for Automotive Research, les Big Three In 2009 represent three million direct and indirect jobs in the United States, more than $ 150 billion in wages and social contributions, and 60.1 billion dollars in tax revenue for the State [ first ] . Ten states (including California, Texas, New York or Florida) would concentrate 2/3 of the three million jobs threatened by the crisis in this sector [ first ] .

Half of the automotive jobs are in the ” Manufacturing Belt “(Having become” Rust Belt Since the deindustrialisation of the Northeast REAGAN years (Michigan, Ohio, Indiana), where 80% of the factories of large American manufacturers are also located [ first ] . Japanese manufacturers have nevertheless established themselves in the Southeast, a zone whose production now represents 15% at the national level [ first ] . Salaries are lower, the rate of unionization lower, and omnipresent tax dumping [ first ] . The strong presence of the United Auto Workers (UAW), founded in 1935, had indeed enabled salaries raised in the Manufacturing Belt [ first ] .

Moreover, the Big Three directly ensure the social coverage (health and retirement) of two million employees or retirees [ first ] .

Despite the aid granted to the financial sector following the subprime crisis, the Republicans have repeatedly rejected assistance plans for Big Three [ first ] , [ 25 ] . An exceptional loan, of $ 13.4 billion, was however granted by George W. Bush in December 2008, levied from the rescue of the banking system (the Paulson plan) [ first ] , [ 26 ] . In addition, the Department of Energy has put $ 25 billion in a program to develop electric vehicles, and should receive 2 billion more in the context of support for American manufacturers [ 27 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Between 1908 and 1927, the Ford T was sold at 15,465,868 copies, before being beaten by the Volkswagen Beetle in 1972.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r and s Laurent Carroué, The heart of the American automobile has stopped beating , The diplomatic world , February 2009
  2. (in) Table 1-11: Number of U.S. Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels, and Other Conveyances » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) , Research and Innovative Technology Administration (consulted the )
  3. (fr) S. Bellu (1998), the awakening of an industry, p. 18
  4. (fr) D. Puiboube (2000), A century of automobile in France , p. 28
  5. (fr) S. Bell (1998), The American model , p. 70
  6. (fr) St. Beautiful (1998), the essor of the power attecity, p. 34
  7. (fr) S. Bell (1998), the beautiful ousy, p. 36
  8. (in) « Haynes, Elwood » , In Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology ( read online ) , p. 572
  9. (fr) S. Bell (1998), the beautiful ousy, p. 37
  10. (fr) S. Bellu (1998), the American model, p. 71
  11. Columbus and Transportation Facilities , Oklahoma State University
  13. (in) 2010 Production Statistics – International Organization of Automobile Manufacturers (OICA)
  14. Amandine ngoan-ta, Goldly retreat for the ex-CEO of GM , Le Figaro , 30 mars 2009
  15. (in) U.S. Lays Down Terms for Auto Bailout – Sheryl Gay Steelberg It Bill Vlasic, The New York Times , 30 mars 2009
  16. a et b The Detroit salon celebrates sustainable rebound in the American automotive market » , on ,
  17. The GENERAL MOTORS grant, a high -risk operation Les Échos, August 20, 2010 (see infographics )
  18. (in) Thomas kright it jim rubenstein, Configuration of the North American and European auto industries – a comparison of trends » , (consulted the ) .
  19. Gita Sitaramiah « At Ford’s St. Paul plant, it’s quitting time », Pioneer Press , Saint Paul, ( read online )
  20. A last day at the Ford factory in St.thomas » , on Radio-channel , (consulted the ) .
  21. (in) Melissa Burden, GM to begin taking applications to work at Spring Hill » , on The Detroit News , (consulted the ) .
  22. Hummer: without buyer, the GM division closes its doors for good » , on ,
  23. Mercury will no longer be sold in the fourth quarter Le Figaro , June 2, 2010
  24. Fiat shares jump on Chrysler merger deal , Agnieszka Flak, Reuters, 2 Janvier 2014
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  26. Automobile: the White House unlocks $ 17 billion Le Figaro , December 19, 2008
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