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Bachotage is, according to some pedagogues, a consequence of the form taken by examining knowledge in Western countries.

The bachotage (From “Bachot”, a school slang word designating the baccalaureate, by allusion to the work of preparation for the tests of this examination) consists in revising its courses intensively to retain a maximum of results during a few days of revision. It is a common practice among students before taking their exams. Pedagogues disapprove of tank, because learning large amounts of information in limited time is not favorable to the acquisition of definitive knowledge (cf. semantic memory [ first ] ).

In Western Europe, swinging is the characteristic activity of the “week of revisions”, a period of interruption of the courses preceding the tests. But swinging can be practiced until the night preceding an examination: in Japan, this behavior even has a name: Ichiyazuke (一 夜 漬け, いちやづけ).

There are boxes in most countries: these paid institutions are very important to instill in their students, whatever their level, the entire program in the space of a year.

Pressure to school excellence in Western societies is now translated into a drilling practice from an early age [ 2 ] .


The Briton H.E. Gorst estimated that “As long as education is synonymous with large -scale switching, it will be condemned to produce only mediocrity” [ 3 ] . The French historian M. Bloch even saw it as a perversion of the place granted in France to the competitions to the grandes écoles, and one of the causes of the school system sclerosis [ 4 ] .

Considered a sterile practice, the switching remains commonplace among high school students and students. The school pressure combined with incentives to flourish in extra-curricular activities and to exercise union or associative responsibilities often ends in a diligent practice of “per-heart”. Forced by the calendar, the student is reduced to having to appropriate a considerable sum of knowledge within too short: thus, it is a poor organization of time which is at the origin of the last minute revisions [Quote required] . Several organizational techniques or personal development programs exist to avoid this kind of situation: as the baccalaureate approaches, the media are echoing each year [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

For examiners and teachers from all eras, discourage bachotage and promote study methods more favorable to productive learning has long been a challenge. A study conducted in 2007 by a psychologist from the University of Florida du Sud, Doug Rohrer, concluded that the last minute revisions reduce the amount of information retained and can constitute an obstacle to long -term learning [ 7 ] . Other research carried out on heart learning or forced memorization has shown that the primacy given to the memory of understanding decreases the amount of information that [ 8 ] .

Group revisions are favorable to the exercise of students’ critical thinking.

Dissuriating high school students and students from revising at the last moment, and making them prefer a better -adjusted study technique remains one of the essential concerns of teachers, and a significant market for all parascultural professionals. The frenzied study with the sole purpose of “going” to the exam is a scourge of school and university education, which also weighs on the students whose it increases the stress failure. To fight this practice, it would be necessary to develop in students of healthy study practices and encourage them to practice them very early in the school curriculum.

Indeed, according to W.G. Sommer, the students adapted from the high school to the stress of the Bachotage, of which they make a weapon for the exams: “Many students openly adapt to this system , while maintaining a trying ritual that decomposes in five stages: calculated procrastination, preparatory anxiety, paroxysmal switching, revisions until the last moment, and a secret triumph, at the very least internalized. These followers find it difficult to share with others their effective academic survival formula » [ 9 ] .

Active pedagogy and critical mind are two methods that promote the practice of current exchanges, the constitution of working groups and personal reflection. If one and the other have been opposed to the Bachotage and by Coeur as a means of learning and retaining courses, the fact remains that swinging is the product of pedantry and traditional examination methods prevailing in Western societies (what about Japan or China?).

  1. Cramming reduces long-term retention ,
  2. Stop assessments that normalize learning by Maryline Baumard, Le, April 3, 2012.
  3. as long as education is synonymous with cramming on an organized plan, it will continue to produce mediocrity ; the Aprèr H.E. Goor, The Curse of Education , p. 5.
  4. Marc Bloch ( pref.  Stanley Hoffmann), The strange defeat , Gallimard, coll. “Folio History”, 1946 (posthumous) ( rompr. 1990) (ISBN  9782070325696 , read online ) , “VI. On teaching reform ”
  5. How to succeed in his latest Bac revisions? . L’Express, n ° Du May 26, 2011.
  6. Cf. (in) David B. Ellis And Doug Toft , Becoming A Master Student , Houghton Mifflin Company, ( rompr. 10 (2011)), 400 p. (ISBN  0-61820-678-7 , read online ) , « 6. Tests » , p.  179 : How to Cram (Even Though You Shouldn’t) .
  7. According to (in) Doug Rohrer, Harold Pashler, Increasing Retention Without Increasing Study Time » , Current Directions in Psychological Science , vol. 16, n O 4, ( read online ) .
  8. According to (in) Allen, Laura, Cramming: Not A Long-Term Study Strategy » , Psychological Science , ( read online ) .
  9. According to (in) W.G. Sommer, Procrastination and cramming: how adept students ace the system » , Journal of American College Health , vol. 39, n O 1, , p. 5-10 . Many students outwardly adapt to this system, however, engage in an intense and private ritual that comprises five aspects: calculated procrastination, preparatory anxiety, climactic cramming, nick-of-time deadline-making, and a secret, if often uncelebrated, victory. These adept students often find it difficult to admit others into their efficient program of academic survival .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Marc Bloch « On teaching reform », Political Notebooks , ( read online )
  • Henri Bouasse , Bachot and Bachotage: study on teaching in France , Montlauzeur, , 266 p.
  • H. E. GORST, The Curse of Education . London: Grant Richards, 1901
  • W. G. Sommer, “Procrastination and cramming: how adept students ace the system.” Journal of American College Health. 39 (1). 1990.

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